Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Staking Territory

I've driven a stake in the ground. I came home tonight and I am so tired. The whole week I've been working hard to get a bit ahead at work in preparation for my vacation. When I get off, I have had to go get Mike because his tub was being resurfaced and he couldn't bathe in his new apartment. Takes an extra 15 minutes, then I have to take him home in a few hours and then pick Jerry up at 9 p.m. We only have one car, remember.

Last night the weather was so bad they closed the "expressway" (an oxymoron here) and it took me nearly an hour to get home on the side streets. I learned something though that will help me next time but I digress.

Tonight, I had to go get Mike for him to sell blood to pay his rent but he had to go back home without doing it because he lost his cell phone and went into a small panic. We found it in the road where he got out to check his mail! So I had an hour or running after work. But he also found there is a plasma bank about three block from his house on the same street! Another bonus.

When I got home, I put a message on my voice mail. It says the standard "leave a message" stuff but I added at the end "If you are calling between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. those hours are now scheduled for my personal time and I will not accept calls or answer the phone during those hours. Please leave your name and number and I will call you back after 8 or you can call me back after 8 o'clock. Thank you."

So, we'll see how that works. I made my other son and his wife angry with me . . . again. Every time they don't get their way the get mad but suddenly, I'm ok with it. Means I don't get pestered every 15 minutes! I'm done with their Christmas. I gave them $25 each because they were hitting me up for money again and I was financially strapped this week.She called me at work to ask for it then she hung up on me when I said I didn't have it. Do you know that the only people I've ever hung up on were cursing at me? I have never been so rude in my life as to hang up on someone. I might not like what is being said but I am so thankful for a parent who taught me good manners. I started not to but I called her back and she didn't answer the phone so I left a message saying she was the rudest person I'd ever known, particularly in light of how well she was treated by this family. My son calls and starts chewing me out but with the first word I hung up on him. Well, I figured at this point they should know how that felt. He didn't like it and called back but I let it go to voice mail this time. He left a nasty message I think but I simply deleted it when I heard his voice. When I got home I took the money I'd saved for their presents and sent it to them via my husband. Merry Christmas! I've had it. I'm tired of being treated like this. I don't need anyone to pay my way!

So, the evening is mine!!! Humph, and here I sit. Actually, I've been using this time in the evenings to study and pray for an hour while Jerry is working. And the rest of the time, I think I'll be working on two novels.

I'll be back again soon. Hope you are all having a great evening. I think I am!

Saturday, December 13, 2008


I'm working on a section of Mist and Winter! I'm crazy. I'm tired. My whole day was blown by my kids.

Mike moved out and he wasn't the problem. I had about 40 phone calls all day long. Mostly from the other kids! It was insane. Then, I'd agreed to keep Sarah but since my whole day was shot, I kind of resented it. Oh, I'm not going into it all here. No sense in it now. I am on my way to bed. I just wanted to let you who are reading the two above works to know what to expect.

Thanks, Jilly for your comments. They are incentives to keep going. I really want the story arc completed so I can start editing it.

Eyes closing on their own. Nite!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Thinking and Thinking

I just been thinking. Hard. I'm thinking I want me a laptop. I'm wondering, too. I'm wondering if I should try and find me a good used one for now. I don't really have any money to spend on me but I really want to get one that I can carry with me and write. I spend my lunch hour reading mostly but I've decided if I could get a laptop I could spend it writing. I also want to be able to leave the house and go somewhere that no one would bother me. The library is one block from where I work. I could spend a couple of hours there in the study rooms they have writing.

I borrowed the office laptop when I went to the conference. It is a Gateway that is about five years old but it was really nice. Some keyboards are not very comfortable but this one was ok. But the end of the conference I'd decided I wouldn't mind a laptop.

I've been looking around the ads but at the moment, $500 looks like a small fortune. I have this nice new computer at home and I use it all the time. Jerry is at work often when I get home but one of the kids is apt to pop in unexpectedly. I've wished several times that I could just stay away from the house for a few hours. Since I love my being at home that's strange.

Anyway, I don't know where to start looking for used ones and not sure what I'd have to spend. I couldn't t be sure that it would be any good either, I guess. So maybe it isn't a good idea.

Your input is welcome.

I am going to bed I think. I'm tired. Got to go get Jerry from work first. Have a warm evening. It is cold here.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Rain and Other Calamities

My sister in Florida went to the hospital last night with chest pains. Her BP was 249 over something. I can never remember the bottom number! I was so stunned at the top one I forgot. She didn't have a heart attack but they kept her. Some of you may be on her contact list. She's Roselynn. They said she had too much stress in her life. Those of you who have read her blog know about the foster kids? Well, she also handles problems with our mother. I'd rather have five foster children. 'Nuff said.

My mother, as you know, is also in the hospital. The same one, in fact. She had surgery today on her shoulder and they removed the metal they had put in months ago. Roselyn said they had to because her body was rejecting it.

My uncle in Georgia fell last night an had to go to the ER. He got very ill at a dinner they attended and when he throws up he faints. He fainted in the parking lot and smacked his head. He just had cataract surgery last week so she was worried but he didn't injure that. Just his face and pride, I'm thinking. They had to call an ambulance for him and he was sent home around 3 a.m.

It isn't raining but it is colder than a well diggers ankles. I'm tired and just want some chocolate. Think I'll go get hot cocoa.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Another Prayer Request

Keep my mother in your prayers today. She is in the hospital after a fall and has contracted a staph infection. I'm 12 hours away and my younger sister is taking care of things down there.

You might pray for her, too. Our family is crazy and she doesn't really have any help there since our other sister lives here where I live. I should qualify that. The boys are crazy in my family.

You know, the infection is serious but I'm more concerned for her soul than anything else. I was praying last night for her but all I could pray about was her spiritual state. There is a long personal story here but because of the involvement of six other people, I can't go into it. Let's just say that when you live your life your way, at the end of the day, your way may not have been the right way. So pray for her.

In other news, my shoulder is really hurting today and so are my legs. Could be the weather. The shoulder hurts from the curve of my neck straight down my back to the left of my spine to just where my bra stars. I'm sure that's a muscle but the name escapes me for the moment. I'm getting a headache as a result of that. Oh well, nothing last forever, I guess. I have too many doctor appointments coming up to take off for another cervical block.l I'm really nervous about them anyway but I did feel wonderful for nearly a whole month.

So, pray for me, too.

I gotta run. Work is calling. Wonder if I could just hang up?

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

What a Crazy World!

I have discovered Pod-cast! Really. I've decided I want an iPod, something I have not, until now, found a logical use for. But I've been listening to a audio pod-cast on my computer at home and work. It is a fiction program much like an old radio show. Well, I downloaded iTunes so I could just download it and listen while doing other things.

What I discovered is that there are a lot of free pod-cast that are really good! I can learn any language I want! I can brush up on my two year college Spanish! For Free! There are several of actual old radio shows. I like listening to these at work. Relieves the monotony of some jobs.I could listen in my car if I had a way.... {smile}. So, thus is born my reevaluation of the iPod.

I don't listen to the radio at all in the car. We.. maybe once in awhile the Christian station or the oldies station but usually not. I do frequently listen to gospel CD's. And imagine when I discovered you can get pod-cast of Christian programs.

I was just browsing, minding my own business. There were some that looked interesting. Most are not of my faith but there were some I thought might be good, like a Bible reading every day. Or maybe the XXX Church? WHAT! XXX CHURCH! I went to the information page. Yep. XXX CHURCH! A Christian Porn pod-cast!


My second reaction: OH MY GOD! I can't believe that!

My third reaction: I gotta blog this!

Come on! CHRISTIAN PORN! Lord have mercy the world is filled with people absolutely devoid of any brain at all. They are walking around with their heads filled with pus and absolutely no idea of how stupid they really are! I do not usually blast anyone here but there are some forms of idiocy that simply can't be ignored. They boggle the normal mind, astound the intelligent, and shock the sane.

Fourth reaction: DID I READ THAT CORRECTLY??? I don't know what sicko even imagined that there was such a thing. What cesspool did they come out of?

For those who do not know... pornography can't, by its very nature be Christian! It is anathema to Biblical principals as stated in the ONLY authorized Christian text - THE BIBLE. Obviously, the moron who started this pod-cast didn't read the directions. Someone give them a bottle of Ipecac and tell them it's koo-laid! Clean that sewer out!

I am SO offended by this and there is not a darn thing I can do. Welcome to America! No wonder God plans to blow the whole place up!

Oh yes He does. Revelations is pretty clear on that.

Whew! I think I got it all out but I'm still not sure! I may be back. Sorry, folks. . . . . . . . no, I'm not. People need to say something... LOUDLY!

Rain, Rain, Rain

And snow on the way. I suspect. It has rained for the last two days and my guess is that we will have ice next. We may even get a white Christmas if this continues!

Hope all of you are doing well. I'm still caught up in other things and my posts are BORING! Nothing really riveting to post about unless it is the weather. I saw on Jilly's blog that it was raining in England, too. Doesn't it always? Seems like it rains a lot there. I wonder if it is like Seattle here? I'll have to look at the Latitude and Longitude to see how it compares.

They say it always rains in Seattle too. One of my favorite songs growing up was a sung by Sammi Smith and called "Seattle". "The bluest skies you've ever seen are in Seattle and the hills the greenest green, in Seattle." It made me want to go to Seattle!

Boy am I reaching!

I gotta get back to work. I just returned from lunch and had appointment all morning. Maybe catch up later.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Finding the Center

Alice sent me this this morning and I really enjoyed it. I hope you will, too.

It is a powerpoint presentation and you will need a viewer on your computer. For those of you who don't have a Powerpoint viewer, you can get a free PowerPoint viewer from Microsoft here: Just select PowerPoint Viewer 2003 and follow the prompts to download. Then, select the attachment and it will open in the viewer.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

A List of Updates

My word count is still rising as I am trying to get as much of this novel down by midnight as possible. I am really going to finish one!! Really. I know the whole story and it is just a wild ride. I really want to sit down and do the edit in December.

I seem to be coming down with the sniffles.

I'm dreaming like crazy. I was almost tired this morning when I got up from the crazy dream I was having. Every since they did that cervical block I've been having vivid dreams that I can remember when I get up. As I mentioned before, I haven't done that in years.

I posted another chapter to the blog. Remember, after tonight, the blog closes to those of you with links. Let me know if you are still interested in reading to the end. I should be done with the basic story in a week or so. After that, it is closed until the final edit takes place. I can say there will be some changes in the final draft. I already am considering what these are.

My son will be laid off after Christmas. Please say a prayer for him to find another job soon. He has a wife and baby. They have housing assistance with utilities paid so they won't have to move back in but they still have to eat and buy baby things.

It is raining here and snow is expected tomorrow. We'll see. Unless we dip sharply below the freezing point tonight, I don't think it will stick as the ground has not frozen but it could get messy. I wouldn't mind a white Christmas since I'll be home that week and the kids will be here most of the time.

Hope you have all had a wonderful weekend. I'm really so ecstatic about my book I can't shut up. I will thought.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Still Rising

As most of you know, I've reached the goal of NaNoWriMo. However, the word count is still going up. I have until the 30th to log in additional word count. Currently it stands at 51,321.

I'm getting the most recent chapters on the blog too. I have chapter 16 almost sorted out and someone is reading because the hit counter is moving up. There is still a large gap between 16 and the end chapter. The end chapters present a problem because they aren't numbered yet and they are only partially complete. I know the final scene but haven't written that part.

However, I will post them, in some form so the truly curious can see where it is intended to go. I can't stress enough that this is a FIRST draft and the final draft may look nothing like this. But I think the overall story is a good one. So, I feel good about it. I wasn't sure when I started it if I would.

I can finish with a smile and enjoy my weekend.

At the Inn

An 18th-century vagabond in England, exhausted and famished, came to a roadside inn with a sign reading, "George and the Dragon." He knocked.

The innkeeper's wife stuck her head out a window. "Could ye spare some victuals?" he asked.

The woman glanced at his shabby, dirty clothes. "No!" she shouted.

"Could I have a pint of ale?"

"No!" she shouted.

"Could I at least sleep in your stable?"

"No!" she shouted again.

The vagabond said, "Might I please..."

"What now?" the woman screeched, not allowing him to finish.

"D'ye suppose," he asked, "that I might have a word with George?"

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Celebration Time

Finally, the 50,000 mark had been surpassed and I have my purple bar and my award certificate. I am so glad to be done with that stress! I finished around midnight last night. Finally, the bones of the novel is assembled and waiting to be fleshed out.

By finished, I only mean I met the minimum requirements. I am still working on it and adding to the word count. I have posted another chapter to the blog for those reading it. Jilly has left encouraging comments. And ask a good question. Can you take a shower here in the States if the power it off. Yes you can and a hot one if you have a gas hot water heater. But if you have an electric heater, once the hot water in the tank is used up, you won't get a hot shower until the power comes back on. It is the only reason I've kept a gas water heater this long. I had a gas stove for years but finally got an electric one. We've had power outages where we could cook and bathe, two of the most critical life requirements. Since we've had the electric stove we have had an outage once and could bathe but couldn't cook.

Anyway, I'll be posting all the scaffolding on the blog but remember as of the thirtieth I will be closing it to those I put on the email list. This is to protect the work. If you aren't done reading by then, just PM me and be sure I have a good address for you. That will give you an additional 30 days. It isn't really that long.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Dixie Girl's Place - A House of Worship

I posted this last year about this time, in honor of the holiday. It is a tongue in cheek bit of truth. So, I'm posting it again. Think about it carefully.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Tired Hands

I am so tired! My hands are just worn out. Folk, I only need 11,189 words to finish the word count. That is clearly manageable by Wednesday. Please God! {praying hands here}

I'm still working on the end chapters. They're good, I think. I'm on the edge of my seat!

I am also starving. I've had nothing since lunch and I want a cheeseburger in the worst way! Jerry will be home shortly and if I can convince him to go to Sonic, I'll have one.

You have all been scarce lately. I'm missed reading posts but I suppose unlike me, you all have lives outside of Multiply.

Of course, the only reason I'm on her so much lately is because I am chained to the desk for NaNo. I have to take a mental break here and there. I am actually considering a television show but I know if I do, I'm done for the night.

So, back to the mines for me. Keep cheering. It gives me momentum!

Dixie, In the Study, With the Keyboard

What a Saturday. I've gotten nothing done except banking stuff. I'm going to sit down soon and try writing but I've really at a point today where I just feel kind of like doing nothing. I won't of course. I have to much to do.

Anyone know a sure fire way to get rid of mice? I keep getting them and I just hate it. I don't know what I can do. I've done traps and they work fine but it seems the stream is unending.

I am going to bomb the house for bugs this weekend and then try and attack the next vermin. I have never had problems until last year and it is just so frustrating. I don't know what caused it or what to do to really stop it. I can't really afford extermination services but it may come to that. I have got to send Jerry under the house to see if he can find where they are coming in. There has to be a hole somewhere.

Off now to work on 50K!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

What's The Good Word?

Over 35,000 of them. I'm actually typing the ending so I don't flub it. Once I get that done, I am going back and fill in the space between chapter 14 and the ending I'm writing. Makes sense to write what I've been give in case I lose it.You wouldn't believe how fast this stuff is coming at me. It is unreal. I love it when it is like this but I have to tell you it is also frustrating. Every interruption known to man happens when the muse is demanding my whole attention. The voices in your head are all clamoring to be heard and you are typing or writing as fast as you can and someone walks in. The voices scream "GET OUT!" but no one hears them but me. They keep telling their story and I'm trying to write it and listen to the real world. I've been here for four hours writing with no interruptions. My husband comes in and sits down and I actually had to tell him last night to leave! He does try and understand but I don't know if you can really, if you don't write like this. This is only once a year for 30 days. You'd think that as of the third year they'd get it.It's the problem I have writing at all. Everyone walks in and demands something. Well, tonight, I'm finished and going to bed. I feel very good about the word count. Tonight in four hours I wrote 3482 words. Since the 16ht I have written 14,486 words. THat is just amazing! The first 10 days of NaNo I did right at 15,000 words. I done nearly the same number of words in half the time. Whoa!I'll be back at it tomorrow. I'd love to have this done by Saturday night. I probably won't but I'd like it. Then, I could use the rest of the time to fill in some gaps. Ah well, I'll be happy to finish by the 30 with the required count!

A Little Gun History Lesson

My friend Alice will absolutely adore this post. It came in my email today and I quite agree with it. The facts can be checked if you are a dissenter. My experience is that those who want elimination of guns in the hands of citizens truly believe the criminals won't have them either and the world will be a safe place. That's hogwash.

Guns will never disappear. Maybe citizen owned guns will but not all the rest. The gun industry doesn't care who has guns. They prefer legal guns. They will keep making them and selling them to anyone who will buy them, whether the buyer is honest or dishonest. They don't card for integrity. And money is the number one cause of blindness in illegal trades such as gun running. Criminals don't usually buy their arsenals at Wal-mart or the local gun store. They have illegal sources to buy them in bulk form or they steal them.

So, this little lesson shows that kind of pacifist thinking for the foolhardiness it is.

In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control.From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.


In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.


Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated


China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.


Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.


Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.


Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million 'educated' people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.


Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century because of gun control: 56 million.


It has now been 12 months since gun owners in Australia were forced by new law to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed by their own government, a program costing Australian taxpayers more than $500 million dollars. The first year results are now in:

Australia-wide, homicides are up 3.2 percent

Australia-wide, assaults are up 8.6 percent

Australia-wide, armed robberies are up 44 percent (yes, 44 percent)!

In the state of Victoria alone, homicides with firearms are now up 300 percent. Note that while the law-abiding citizens turned them in, the criminals did not, and criminals still possess their guns!

It will never happen here? I bet the Aussies said that too! While figures over the previous 25 years showed a steady decrease in armed robbery with firearms, this has changed drastically upward in the past 12 months, since criminals now are guaranteed that their prey is unarmed.

There has also been a dramatic increase in break-ins and assaults of the ELDERLY. Australian politicians are at a loss to explain how public safety has decreased, after such monumental effort and expense was expended in successfully ridding Australian society of guns. The Australian experience and the other historical facts above prove it.

You won't see this data on the US evening news, or hear politicians disseminating this information. Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property and, yes, gun-control laws adversely affect only the law-abiding citizens.

Take note my fellow Americans, before it's too late! The next time someone talks in favor of gun control, please remind him of this history lesson.

With Guns...........We Are "Citizens". Without Them........We Are "Subjects".

During W.W.II the Japanese decided not to invade America because they knew most Americans were ARMED!

Note: Admiral Yamamoto who crafted the attack on Pearl Harbor had attended Harvard U 1919-1921 & was Naval Attaché to the U. S. 1925-28. Most of our Navy was destroyed at Pearl Harbor & our Army had been deprived of funding & was ill prepared to defend the country.

It was reported that when asked why Japan did not follow up the Pearl Harbor attack with an invasion of the U. S. Mainland, his reply was that he had lived in the U. S. & knew that almost all households had guns.

If you value your freedom, Please spread this anti-gun control message to all your friends!

It is not the guns in the hands of honest, law abiding citizens that cause the problems.

An End in Sight

I got a comment from Alice on one of my last post, The Roar of Wind when I asked her if she had read The End of Winter. She responded:

No! I'm afraid to get into it and then have no ending....I hate this "cliff hanger" stuff...

NOOOOOOOOOOO DON'T KILL EVERYBODY IN MIST! That's a good tale, one you should attempt to have published! But gee whiz ma...when can I get more of the story? lolololol"

Well, as a comfort, I want to let her know I'm not killing everyone in Mist. Far from it. And I am finishing it. I've learned something from this NaNo as with previous ones. HOW TO END A STORY! I just have to sit down and write it through in 30 days! LOL.

The End of Winter has an ending. I am working on it now. I have about 9 days to finish it. I am going to do it. For once, I have an ending that is so clear and I am having more trouble keeping up with my thought than I am in getting them. It is uncanny but actually, when I think about it, it is exactly what used to happen to me when I wrote before I started having all this pain stuff. Anyway, THE END is in sight for this year's NaNo novel. Has it been 30 days already? And for you Alice, THE END will be coming for Mist. I hope by December 30! When NaNo is done, I will try and shoot for that date.

I'm nuts of course but I'll try it. {sigh} Really, seriously deranged.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Roar of Wind

The sound you are hearing is the sound of the wind as it roars past me in my wake. It is deafening. I am really clocking some words, folks. I am almost to 30,000 since the woes of a few days ago.On the 15th I was just over 20,000 and today, I am only 1353 short of the goal for today of 30,006. For the 16th, 17th, and 18th I have a total word count of 7892. Remember the daily quota is 1667.

That tells you the story is happening now. And I know the ending. Came to me last night when my head hit my pillow. I tell you, it is so strange how it works sometimes. I was really cranking it out and knew I was heading in the right direction but had NO idea at midnight how this story would end. When the bedroom light went out moments later and I closed my eyes, the characters simply played it out for me as I lay there and watched. I was almost crying at one point because it was perfect! I can't wait to get it all down. And tonight I've been writing like a fiend.

The first several chapters may stink but these last ones, well, they are so much better that I feel terrific! Don't get me wrong. This is like building a house. What I have here is a the framing for the whole story.

God, I love this stuff! Purple bar, here I come! God willing and the computer don't die.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Home Again

You can see I'm back no and getting things decorated for the holidays... at least here on Multiply. The house not so much.

Still have a bit of a stomach problem but it seems to be getting better. I posted a video blog post today so you'll have to watch that boring piece of stuff to find out detail of the my trip. Maybe I'll do it again but not sure what I'd talk about.

Update on My Weekend

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Out of Town

The day has arrived. I will be out of town until Saturday so I won't be reading or writing on the blog. I am, however, the proud borrower of a laptop. I am going to be working on NaNo in my spare time and I have an informational flyer for landlords that I want to do to mail to my landlords. This has to do with my job. I felt it only right if I was using the laptop.

So, everyone have a great weekend. See later!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wednesday Showers

Last day to work this week. I leave tomorrow around noon for my conference. I am quite looking forward to that! I need the break physically and spiritually.I updated my word count here this morning. For those on the edge of their seat to find out, here is the latest:

I am about ready to shoot the computer, so it is an appropriate graphic! I feel as if I am rambling and writing garbage. This is normal, by the way. No matter what you write it always feels like it is junk. Then, later, when you go back and read it later, you think, "Gee, this IS junk. . . mostly. . . except for . . . well, that part right there. And maybe, um, this part here. That's actually pretty good. Did I write that?"

So help me, it's true.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


I reposted the entire nano novel thus far on the blog yesterday. I was really doing well. But then, as often happens with creative works, something changed. Last night, I suddenly had to change the point of view! Yes!!! I was writing happily in the first person when suddenly, the character pushed me to a corner, smacked me around, and shouted, "THIRD PERSON YOU NINNY!"

So, now I've had to go back and change the view point for all four chapters. Actually, I think it was the right decision. Aside from being assaulted by your main character, the story feels better, like it is going to move in a different direction now and I don't feel it is so sluggish. Doesn't mean it is very good but at least I am getting the words down.

The change has put me behind a bit in the word count. I missed writing last night completely. I kept Sarah and was up until 1:30 when I had to take her home. She won't stay all night with me anymore so, from now on they will have to be prepared to get in before bedtime. I can't do those late nights anymore. This morning I had quite a bit of pain, not in the neck so much, and I've been tired all day. Nothing but laundry done and working on the POV in the novel. Now, I'm down to writing again and at present, I have a bowl of soup in the microwave. I suddenly want cold weather food. Maybe chili tomorrow?

I've put on some music. Cinema Classics. Themes from movies like Dr. Zhivago, Godfather, Romeo and Juliet, Gone with the Wind to name the most famous ones. There are several others but I'm bored with that now so on to the next topic. LOL!

I went to a write-in meeting tonight with four other NaNo'ers. All younger than me. Two were rather interesting. The other two, I don't really have anything in common with them. One of them is just a rather nice young girl. But I got rather annoyed at the other because she kept making these negative comments that were so rude. One about my being from the South and how education here was inferior (she's from Chicago), about how much she hated kids. She's a teacher!!? Perhaps teachers like that are the problem? Anyway, she was rather nice initially until she became so negative. I just don't like negative people. It was rather uncomfortable.

The two people I actually liked were a young man with four kids and an older woman, not as old as me who was doing all her writing in long hand. She had children too. It is hard to do this with children. Doug, the guy, was feeling a bit dejected because he didn't have a very big word count but he has four children under age 12 and is in the process of buying a house and moving in the next couple of weeks. There's a holiday here too! I really wanted to stress to him that the important thing is just to write. It is nice to get the word count but it is really just about writing. I've lost one year and won one year. It was great to win. But just pushing myself to the limit is so great. And I've learned important things from both events.

Well, enough of that for now. Just wanted to share what was going on at the moment.Hope you all have a great weekend. I'm going for the soup now and then back to the novel!

Friday, November 7, 2008

The Story of The Smoking Pen Bar and Grill - A NaNo Hang-out

My son saw my word count last night and said, "Mom, what can you possibly have to say?" I laughed but told him he was a fine one to be asking that. Here is a guy who talks non-stop on the phone day and night!

I realized it is a valid question. I've been asked similar questions. What do you do? Why do you like it? What's all the excitement about? What kind of people do this? So, I decided to give you a glimpse of NaNo from my perspective and a peek into some of the fun.

About 100,000 people do it from what I gather. Why? As a writer, it is so much fun to immerse yourself in what you love to do. There are professionals and non-professionals, published and not published. Some of us just love to write and express ourselves. And there is a lot to do. In some locations they have meet and great parties where participants get acquainted. There are write-ins where people in your area get together in a local area and spend the evening writing together.

Then, there are the forums. They're like little on-line clubs for all ages. Some are divided up according to the type of novel you want to write, some are based on age, some on subject matter, plot problems, technique, general questions, family issues etc. You can participate in any forum you want regardless of who you are, how old your are and what your writing. They do tend to fall along age lines but in the 50+ forum we have several in the 40+ age group. The forums are support groups when you get blocked, when life is a problem, when you need advice from the technical to the personal. These are other people, doing the same thing you are who have the same problems you're having. And they all want to help you succeed.

So, I really enjoy some forums during NaNo. You can't stay in them long after Nov 1 because you won't be writing much if you do. Explaining a fun forums doesn't do it justice so, to give you a taste of what a fun forum looks like I've attached a link. The link below is to The Smoking Pen Bar and Grill. It is a virtual bar and grill where NaNo writers hang out and well, you'll have to read it understand. This forum began in September! Remember this forum and every thing in it is created by the participants. No one knows what the next person is going to write. I'm Dixiegirl so you'll recognize my posts.

Link To the Smoking Pen Bar and Grill

Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Fifth

That's where I am. A fifth of the way to the goal. Here, ladies and gentlemen is the count before midnight tonight. I'm tired and on my way to bed.

A Recount

I'm pretty pleased with the way this is going. I'm on target with the numbers so that is really good. Last night I met a new character that I think I might like. He's a bit rough around the edges but we'll see if he softens up. I have yet to post anymore to the blogger site but I will in the next day or so you you can take a peek if you like. Just give me until Friday! The conference next week is going to really crunch me on time. We shall soldier on, anyway.I think I will probably close it no later than Monday. I do this only because of copyright issues and the fact that published on a blog equals published and can affect a sale.... should I have the good fortune to get such a thing. Good heavens! That's be super. Actually, I think the previous two year's work is better. Alice thinks Mist is good. I'm going to be trying to get way ahead on the word count so I can get some work done on that, too. If I don't she might be coming to visit me. Did I tell you Alice is a die hard gun advocate? LOL! Not to worry. She likes me.Back to work now. Just wanted to post the numbers for those keeping score.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

In My Humble Opinion

I was going to answer a comment on the last post but decided that it was so long it should be blog post.

I was disappointed about the election but not depressed.I'm a conservative but I also know in whom I have my hope. So, it was not a surprise to me that Obama won. I didn't even watch the returns on television. I was working on NaNo.

I saw this coming long before I even knew who would be the candidate. I always go back to historical records of such elections. Review terms when a party held office for 8 years. You will find that the trend is that the election following the 8 year rule will be won by the opposing party regardless of who runs. FDR being the only exception, and they fixed that.

People get bored and frustrated because the President is not as powerful as they thought he was when elected. So, they vote for a new superman. Unfortunately, the President can't do anything the Congress doesn't want him/her to do. If the Congress that is is elected during the presidential election happens to be predominately the same party as the new President, then he has more power and that alliance makes him appear as a savior.

But any President that doesn't have majority support of Congress will be ineffective in getting his agenda through. You've just seen the last 4 years of that kind of government. Now, you will see 4 years of increased taxes and liberal policies that benefit those in office. Never fails. This president will have a majority in both houses. Just wait. It is going to cost us bundles more than anyone dreamed. If you thought the 700 billion couldn't be any worse, wait 24 months.

The good news it that it usually only takes 4 years for this kind of winner to screw up. Mid-term congressional elections will tell the tale. If this guy doesn't deliver on his "change" promises in two years, and if the public doesn't perceive that he is "help" them, at the mid-term elections he's going to lose some of the support he has in the Congress. People will change their senators and congressmen.

If his changes result in a negative impact to those who have the money in this country, he'll lose that support faster than the Titanic sank. Money equals power in every government, I don't care what he says. Money controls every country. Lots of money and a glittering generalization called "change" won this election, not race. Read the press on how much was spent. Obama could not win with black voters alone. He had to have vast numbers of whites and other minorities.

So, by the end of four years, if he still hasn't delivered, he'll be out of there. Americans only vote for superheros that are successful and if they have enough money to sway voters it is in their best interest to deliver on promises.

Just my humble opinion.

Americans Have Spoken

The American people have spoken.

I will render unto Caesar the things that belong to Caesar.


But I will not diminish giving to God the things that belong to God.


America has given me many things.

Freedom of religion.

Freedom of speech.

The opportunity to live in (middle of the road) lifestyle.







I will continue to love my neighbor as a Christian should.

I will continue to reach to the black man to be my brother. BUT I’M GONNA REACH TO THE RED MAN TOO.

I will not allow my mind to be distracted from my purpose.



As generations and centuries of Christians have gone on before,

some lived quiet peaceable lives,

others tortured daily until finally ravished in death.

Still the standard is before us. And we must remind ourselves daily;

we are Christians before we are Americans.




Phil Wagoner, Assistant Pastor

Haven Pentecostal Church,

Henderson, KY

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Memorable Halloweens

We don't do Halloween anymore but I thought I'd share two of the most memorable ones with my readers.

Here is the first most memorable Halloween.

The boys loved Halloween as children but after my 12 year old son was attacked with a baseball bat by a candy bandit one year we called it quits. Fortunately, he was not hurt severely. David, 12, and Mike 16, were riding their bikes, around our quiet neighborhood. Mike was acting as caregiver since he was old enough and knew dozens of people in the four street area. They stopped at a house and Mike was chatting and Dave rode off and was waiting at the stop sign at the end of the street for Mike when a car of young adults, two males and two females, pulled up. One male demanded out the window that David give him his candy. He had quite a lot by this time. David refused and the guy got out with an aluminum bat. He swung it at him. David lay down over the handlebars and the bat glanced off his back and missed his head. He then rode madly away. The criminals did, too, when the neighbor and Mike ran over. The neighbor called the police and Mike gave chase. The cops caught the girls, one a minor, in the car not far away but the male had disappeared.

They caught him several weeks later. The wife of the detective working the case worked in the neighboring town as hightschool teacher. Someone was going around the school bragging about what had happened. They questioned her and got the name. The guy was arrested.

Incidentally, his mother somehow got my phone number contacted me (she was prohibited by law from doing that) to plead with us not to press charges and send her "baby" to jail. He was a "good boy" and just made a mistake.I wasn't rude to her because I could imagine what she was going through but I was furious that she'd think me stupid enough to feel sorry for him! I informed her that my son was a good boy too and that if her son had managed to get a direct hit, my son would likely have been dead or brain injured. The guy was sent to jail for two years.

The second memorable Halloween was after this. Dave no longer went around to places but he still really enjoyed dressing up so he would dress up and hand out candy to other children who did come around. I live on a dead end street and it is very dark down here so after dark, people don't usually walk down, particularly children. In the 20 years we've lived here, I don't think we've had more than 20 people in all that time on a halloween evening.

Oddly enough, about four years there were more than usual around dusk. David dressed up in black sweats and put on a glow in the dark ski mask, and held a rubber machete. He sat very still in a lawn chair beneath our motion sensor light. As the adults and kids walked up the light would pop on and David would just up and yell. They'd all run like mad but then laugh their heads off. And no, he did not do this when there were very small children. He would take the mask off to show them it was just a game. The mail was very late that day because our normal carrier was off and it was just dark when the fill-in guy came by. This carrier looked a little like Fabio, with his long blond hair and he had a beard.

My sister and I were sitting in a chair in the living room where we could see all the antics. When the mail carrier came up the light came on and my son jumped up waving his machete and yelling. The postman must have jumped two feet in the air, screamed like a girl and ran around the corner of the house where he proceeded to double over and laugh uproariously. I could see him through another window and he about died laughing and so did we.

We all went out, still laughing, and apologized but he was fine with it. When our usual carrier returned the next week, I told him about it. He knew exactly who I was talking about when I mentioned the Fabio resemblance! He couldn't wait to get back and spread the story around to the other carriers.

So, that's my worst and best Halloween stories. We did not take Sarah out last night. She stayed with me while Mom and Dad went to a Harvest Party with their church. We came home and played a bit and then both took a short nap. When she woke up she was wide awake.

Jerry got off work and we both played with her until after 1 a.m. when her mom and dad got home. She loves playing chase. Jerry was in the living room and I was in the study. She would come running into the study to me and say, "He's gone get you." Meaning Pawpaw was after her. Then, she'd squeal and climb almost on top of my shoulders. He'd come tickle her and then go back. She'd run down there and do it all over again.

Well, I'm cleaning house today and have Sarah again for about two hours. So, I will be off now. Everyone have a great weekend. This has been one of the best weeks I've had in a while! Keep praying for me! It must be working.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Have a ball at the Testicle Festival

This just goes to show you that there is something for everyone. I think that now, I've heard everything.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

We Interrupt this Day for a Special Announcement

Neck is 100% BETTER!

Last night I went and bought some OTC reading glasses the strength I needed for the computer. I had planned to get my prescription and just get some with my bifocal but I decided that if they didn't work, I'd be out $100 at least. So, I went to Wal-mart and bought reading glasses that I could exchange if they didn't work. I used them an in 2 hours I could tell that it was helping the lingering pain in my neck. Today I took them to work and it worked like a charm. I still have mild discomfort but for the most part, I feel better than I have felt in a year!

Praise the Lord, Thank you, Jesus, and AMEN!

Now, I just hope I don't ever need that shot again. This was NOT fun.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Federal Reserve Bank?

I was unaware of this information. It is NOT taught in our schools. Anyone ever hear this?

Updating Things

I've been adding a couple of things. Went and found some of my favorite oldies and put them on. And I added a link to the Breast Cancer site where you can click and help underprivileged women get free mammograms. I added a video of Sarah. I now have sound and want to record her singing. Hey, I may add one of me when I don't look like a slob!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Count Down Begin

Four days until NaNoWriMo begins. I am feeling sunk before I begin. But I am feeling better!

Tomorrow I am taking care of me. I have people creating diversions so I can have a day alone. Fingers crossed!

Cervical Cancer Vaccine: 'dangers Mean More Research Is Needed'


See, I'm not the only idiot out there.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sunday Smiles

Neck is ALL better. Still a slight twinge if I move a certain way or if stay in an awkward position too long, but I'm a quick study.

I am uploading a video made last night. I got a new web cam with sound so I was trying it out with Sarah. Not very good but she's just so darn cute. Also, took some new pic of me with it to see how it works. Here's one of me in my caftan with my hair all up... usually is. It has gotten below my waist! Have to do a photo of that sometime. LOL! What a nest.

I am also getting ready to go to church. We are going to David's church tonight to watch them do a drama. I'd rather go to mine but they asked us to come so we could watch Sarah and see them in the program. His mother-in-law is riding with us unless she changes her mind.

Tomorrow is work again and I hope it is a better day than Friday. I was miserable Friday with pain and didn't get much accomplished. I do have Tuesday off and that will be nice. It is my birthday, #52! Whew! Did I already blog this?

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Saturday's Business

I've been cleaning. A little at a time because my neck is still painful. I really thought I'd have to go to the hospital around midnight last night. The pain was just terrible. I finally took a muscle relaxant around 1 a.m. and went to sleep. I slept until 10:45 today.

I must say it is a bit better. Still can't really do any lifting and pulling much but I've been cleaning the house and have to stop to recover a bit. Nothing really heavy but sweeping and moping are decidedly less fun than usual.

I am going to go out to buy groceries and maybe get a bite to eat. I also think I may take half the muscle relaxant early this evening so I can rest better.

I've been working on characters for my NaNoWriMo beginning on the 1st. Remember, 30 days, 50,000 words? I did it last year and the year before. This year, I don't know if I'll win again. I have several hitches. My pain often means I can't think well enough to write. BUt from the 13-15 I will be out of town for a ladies conference in Illinois and then there is thanksgiving.

So, several bumps in the road to the NaNoWriMo finish line. Still, I want to try. I posted my banner here last week with my title and you all said it was nice and you'd want to read it. That was encouraging but actually, no real story to go with it. . . yet, just a couple of nebulous characters trying to take shape.

I'm off for now but if I feel well enough later, I'll stop back in. I am sorry for not getting to everyone's blog lately. I hope to catch up soon.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Ouch! Again

Yes, my neck hurts! Really hurts. Of course, four stainless steel needles inserted into the facet joints of you spine could hurt. . . a little. . . or a lot.

Yep, a lot. I've been miserable all day. Tonight, I just ache all across my shoulders and up my neck. The usual pain is there, not as great but this new pain is really terrible. And no meds for it.

I should have stayed home from work. Moving my head up and down is not fun either. So, I'm typing with my eyes closed so I won't do that. It isn't helping.

I'm also sitting her starved for a cheeseburger but I, in my agonized wisdom, decided to let Jerry keep the car for work tonight and I have no way to go, even if I had any money! Well, I have money but my debit card is lost so I can't get it out in the middle of the night.

So, off I go. I have to lie down. I'm just miserable.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pain in the Neck

It would appear that the treatment has worked very well. Oddly enough, I don't, at the moment, have pain anywhere except in my shoulder. I've slept most of the day and was fine until I got up and started doing some things. So, I've sat back down to dash off this note and then, I think will find something to do that doesn't require using the shoulder and neck.

What he did?

He stuck four needles in the left side of my neck and injected two medicines in it. One a pain medicine and the other a steroid. They gave me a medicine in my iv to relax me too. That helped. My bp went up to 170 over something I didn't catch and that's when they got me the shot. I had taken my bp medicine so obviously I was stressed.

Let me say this is not something you do for recreational purposes. It hurts but the med in the iv helped a lot. But it was quick. I was out by 10 a.m.. Came home and went to bed and slept until 2 p.m. Probably needed the sleep most of all. I just hope I sleep tonight. I am going to take one of my happy pills to see if that will help me. But I bet I am up at the crack of dawn. I am NOT a morning person so it won't be nice.

Not sure yet if I will be able to go to work. The neck is a bit stiff and sore and only the morning will tell. I am going now to take a nap... boy did I get old.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Vermillion Rules!: Monday Giveaway-Earth Expressions

Well, mayby a free pendant. I found a website that has a giveaway going on for necklace pendants. They are so pretty! You ought to visit just to browse, even if you don't enter to win. But enter anyway just to see if you do. LOL!

No Free Lunches?

Well, mayby a free pendant. I found a website that has a giveaway going on for necklace pendants. They are so pretty! You ought to visit just to browse, even if you don't enter to win. But enter anyway just to see if you do. LOL!

Here's the link

Sunday, October 19, 2008

What Makes a Day Good?

When you have the answer, let me know. Most of the week, I felt pretty good but by yesterday, I was running down and today, I'm just plain tired and I have been in my chair all day. It's the thought processes that are the most noticeable. I can't think very well. I have this huge cotton ball in my head and nothing helps.

Lots of neck pain too but probably the computer causing that. I have to get some computer glasses. I am calling my eye doctor to pick up the prescription this week. I am going to a one hour place and get glasses for computer use only. I think that will help a bit as I am just straining. I try and enlarge the fonts but it is just annoying because most pages aren't designed for large fonts.

Anyway, I'm going to church tonight. Didn't go this morning. I'm fresh out of ideas at the moment for a good post and as I hate doing these dreadful whine posts, I'm off.

I hope everyone is doing all right and you have had a great weekend. Tomorrow is Monday and I really hate Mondays.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Cause of Death

I don't think I have told you all this and I should have mentioned it sooner. My friend got the autopsy results back on her son this past week. They think he had pneumonia. Yes. Fluid in the lungs. No indication that he'd been sick or anything. No other problems found other than an enlarged heart.

I know it doesn't make it easier but I am glad that it was something they had no way of knowing.I think in the end, it will make them deal with it better. She told me her husband still was feeling as if it was his fault because of the heart. I guess that is inevitable.

Just thought I'd let you know.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Tentative Start

Everyone is getting banners for their novels on NaNo and I am envious. Not because I can't get one, but because I haven't a clue what I am going to write about. Well, I just found a picture I liked on my computer and decided to play with it just to figure out how to make myself a banner. In doing so, I may have come up with an idea for my novel. Amazing even me.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Bad Eyesight

Arthur is 90 years old. He's played golf every day since his retirement 25 years ago.

One day he arrives home looking downcast.

"That's it," he tells his wife. "I'm giving up golf. My eyesight has gotten so bad that once I've hit the ball, I can't see where it went."

His wife sympathizes and makes him a cup of tea. As they sit down, she says, "Why don't you take my brother with you and give it one more try."

"That's no good," sighs Arthur. "Your brother's a hundred
and three. He can't help."

"He may be a hundred and three," says the wife, "but his eyesight is perfect."

So the next day, Arthur heads off to the golf course with
his brother-in-law. He tees up, takes an almighty swing, and squints down the fairway.

He turns to the brother-in-law. "Did you see the ball?"

"Of course I did!" replies the brother-in-law. "I have
perfect eyesight."

"Where did it go?" asks Arthur.

"I don't remember."

The Gift of Women

This was a thought for the day that one of my co-workers forwarded to us. Most of us are women in my office, except for the director and two inspectors but I know they will appreciate this, too.

'Whatever you give a woman, she's going to multiply it. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her.'

So - if you give her crap, you will receive more shit than any one human being can handle.....

I almost fell off my chair laughing. Please know that I don't use that word in the last sentence but I fully agree with the sentiment.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Stimulating Commentary

I was going to respond to a comment on the previous blog by my friend Maeve. She always shares a good point of view and usually results in me rethinking about my point of view. I've clarified and maybe repeated myself but here are the results.

Maeve wrote:

If I remember correctly, the vaccine is encouraged for young women to protect them against 3 forms of the human papillomavirus virus or HPV that has been linked to cause cervical cancer. Now if this is causing problems then yes it needs to be stopped, but I don't see anywhere in their advertisements where it is "MANDATORY".

There are certain vaccines that need to be given. Chicken pox happens to be one if a person has gone through their life somehow without getting chicken pox. For an adult that disease can be deadly. There are many diseases that are there that if we can prevent a body from getting it then it means the person has a better quality of life.

Majority of vaccines though are not mandatory. Heck I got a Hepatitis B vaccine while a lifeguard to ensure that a preventive measure against any possibility as I was doing my work as a lifeguard to not risk getting it. This though was my choice and due to my job at the time it was felt to be a good precaution. It was not mandatory for my profession but I was told it might be a good idea. This though happens to be basically on the subject of vaccines and immunization a topic that you and I are going to differ on strongly.

My response to this is as follows:

I understand what you are saying. And I'm o.k. that we differ. I'm all about knowledge. This is about informing people of the risk, which I don't think has been done aggressively enough.

You are right about vaccines for highly contagious disease that are easily passed from person to person. We need to have those, and we do. And they ARE mandatory for children to go to school. In many states, you can't enroll a child until they have all their shots. That's mandatory vaccination. Even most day care facilities will no longer allow a child to attend until you provide a shot list. Sarah had to actually get shots before she could go to a day care. So, mandatory vaccines are here. But these are childhood diseases that are highly contagious and can cause serious epidemics.

As a side note, there are some who say there is a connection between child vaccinations and the increase in autism in this country. This disorder begins around 3-4 years of age. The increase in cases has been rapid, and began after the increase in vaccinations began in the late 50's and early 60's. So, the connections appears obvious and you can find articles and people who believe there is a direct correlation. This is unproven but still questionable. The latest reports are that they can't find a reason for the increase in autism. Hmmm.

However, HPV vaccine is for a virus that is spread by unsafe sexual practices. It is a sexually transmitted disease. It can be avoided the same way we avoid typhoid, ecoli, and staph -- cleanliness. If a woman wants to have unprotected sex with 35 people, she can expect to pick up the germs of more than 500 people. That is assuming each of her partners had 10 other partners. That is the number was released when the aids epidemic began and people were told to consider when having sex with someone. I always felt it excessive but they are the experts. So disease is highly probable. BUT -- HPV is a very avoidable disease and is only contagious from a specific source.

The cancer this virus causes is not contagious. Merck touts this cancer as as a result of the HPV that results from unsafe sexual practices. Some women, a vast number, will never, ever get this disease, no matter how many partners they have. In fact, the research I read said the body usually fights off HPV disease.

My research also indicated that the federal government is being pressured by Merck to make this vaccine mandatory. We have several vaccines that are already mandatory for children to go to school. They are for diseases that are easily passed from one person to the other.

Catching the virus is a gamble the participants take of their own free will. The cancer is the payoff some will get from the gamble. So, I oppose drug companies forcing citizens who make better choices to take a drug that will result in even worse disease that can't be cured with a vaccine. I oppose the taxpayer having to pay for the results of someone's promiscuity. I oppose drug companies manipulating legislation that takes the right to choose away. How is enforced vaccination different from an enforced ban on abortion? Or China's enforced abortion laws? It isn't.

I oppose abortion and I oppose legislation to force me to take a medicine that I don't want or that may make me sicker. The person who takes the risk had a choice. Why can't I?

If a woman wants the vaccine, go for it. But Merck should publish, loudly, the effects this vaccine can have. Not some fast talk shoved in over smiling faces and stuff I have to read while you are warning me. Publish loudly, that it is a choice. People cry about a woman's right to choose but from where I sit, it only applies to those who want other people to pay for their bad choices. I resent that. Publish, loudly, how this disease is spread and prevented. And don't use taxpayer dollars to pay for the shots for those who say they can't pay.

So, guess who the maker of Vioxx was? Yes, Merck. "FDA analysts estimated that Vioxx caused between 88,000 and 139,000 heart attacks, 30 to 40 percent of which were probably fatal, in the five years the drug was on the market." That little fiasco has cost them billions and they are still setting aside money to pay for the litigation.

"Merck has reserved $970 million to pay for its Vioxx-related legal expenses through 2007, and have set aside $4.85bn for legal claims from US citizens. Patients who claim to have suffered as a result of taking Vioxx in countries outside the US are campaigning for this to be extended." Wikipedia article.

Could Gardasil be their saviour? Could the high cost of this medicine be their way to pay for Vioxx? Do they often rush drugs out and tout them as 100% effective without revealing evidence to the contrary? If the Fed makes this vaccine mandatory, will taxpayers have to share the cost of any litigation? Why yes, you will.... Uncle Sam can be sued as a result of any deaths or other serious injury that results from a mandatory vaccine. Find and read what Vioxx has cost Merck and tell me they are purely interested in protecting innocent young girls. I don't buy it.

Sorry. My drug company soap box! You should read Michael Crichton novel "Next". The novel itself is not as good as most of his books but the information he shares in his Bibliography on how much control these companies have over our genetic codes is frightening. Their power with our government is the second most frightening. Third most frightening is how much stuff Critchton knows!

Thanks, Maeve for a stimulating comment! I always like it when someone does that!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

American Association for Health Freedom - Update On Merck

Some time ago, I posted a blog about the vaccine, Gardasil, that is supposed to prevent cervical cancer. Obviously, I do not agree with enforced vaccines and particularly one that is unneeded. This is one more example of big drug companies getting help from the Federal Government to increase their profits by forcing citizens to take a medicine that is unproven and unnecessary.

The side effects from this drug are devastating and the public is not being given enough information. We are simply bombarded with smiling women ion essence saying "get the shot" and you can have safe sex. This is deceptive. Over 9,000 reports of severe side effects reported since 2006. Maybe that sounds like a minimum number to you. Is it YOUR daughter? YOUR wife? An excerpt has this to say about the side effects.

"As of July, the federal government's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System has received over 9,700 reports of problems since the vaccine's introduction in 2006. These include paralysis, seizures, and miscarriage. Twenty deaths have been reported although the government has not acknowledged a link yet."

You can read complete article here. Link

Sunday, October 5, 2008

50,000 Word in 30 Days

It is that time of year again. I am gearing up for the NaNoWriMo. I am totally bummed. I have NO CLUE! Do you have any idea how frustrating it is to be going into this thing with no clue? I've done it once and it was terrible. 50,000 words folks and not a single idea. 2006 I did it that way and got behind from the beginning. Last year, in June I had a clue and I planned.

O.k. deep breath.

You know, the pain doesn't help. I can't focus a lot of the time so I know that is the problem. I sort of drift around. And I need to cut my time in other places to devote to the project.

50,000 words in 30 days! Every year it strikes terror in to the staunches heart and sends shivers of excitement up ever participating spine. It is daunting and overwhelming but the most fun you've ever had. Unless you'd rather be on a beach in Tahiti. You could carry a laptop.

Anyway, you shall be hearing more of this for the next two months. I know I have other writing projects going that are withering on the vine. Alice is my conscience in that area. Actually, I am working there but right now it has reached another knotty place and I'm checking the map.

Anyone willing to participate in the madness join me. Here is the link to sign up.



Saturday, October 4, 2008

Dream or Nightmare

This morning I was dreaming I was in the most excruciating pain. My shoulder was as hard as a rock and I was writhing. My son was going to try and rub it to make it stop but when he touched it I screamed. Then, I woke up.

You guessed it. In the worst pain. My shoulder, from neck to rotor cuff is just so painful. It feels as if someone hit me with a hammer. For a little bit my back hurt but that has eased off.

Actually, the week has not been too painful except for a migraine I've had for four days. The meds for that have kept it manageable but not eliminated it. I had that as well but I suspect the shoulder is the culprit. Usually when one hurts the other is aggravated.

I have been very depressed this week. My friend's son died on Monday and it was just so terribly sad. I think my week reflected this. I was depressed a lot. I went to the viewing on Thursday and then the funeral on Friday. The wife was just a wreck as expected. I felt so very sorry for her. She cried and cried. She'd go stand beside the coffin and weep, then, she'd sit in a chair nearby for a few minutes and then get up again and lean over the coffin and weep. It was terrible.

Twenty-nine year-olds should not die in their sleep. I will be glad when they all know what happened. People feel there should have been a sign to tell them something was wrong. The coroner make the comment to his father that it could have been his heart. The father has a very serious heart condition and he is feeling guilty because his son may have inherited the condition and they didn't know. Then, my friend is worried that this could take a fatal toll on her husband. It is just such a terrible burden on top of his death. I think when the results is in, they will find some peace. I truly feel it was the fall he had a few weeks before. I think something was missed in the ER and it slowly killed him.

Well, my bills are calling me so I must go. I hope you all have a good weekend. If I get a chance and my pain levels off I will drop back in.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Friend and Co-Worker's Son Passes

I would appreciate it if you could all pray for a friend of mine. Carolyn is a woman I work with who is also my good friend. She called me this morning at 7:30 a.m. to tell me they had just found her son dead. Her husband has a very serious heart problem and this was their youngest child and only son. Obviously, she is upset over her son but I know she is terrified of her husband going into cardiac arrest.

Jeremy was 28 or 29, just my oldest son's age. They do not know what happened. His wife tried to wake him for work and he was cold and blue. They have one child and she has two from before the marriage. He'd been taking Loritabs for a back problem and was to have back surgery but the coroner said it could have been his heart. They won't know until they do an autopsy.

This is so said. This boy had Attention Deficit Disorder and learning problems in school and had worked at a restaurant for years. This last year he landed a really good job where they really liked him and were giving him extensive training for the job. He was doing really well. His mother was so proud of him. Please keep them in your prayers this week.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday Social

I'm about to go to church but decided to check out some of your blogs and leave a note. My aunt and uncle came up for a visit late yesterday afternoon. They were visiting Branson, Missouri with friends and since I am kind of on the way home to Atlanta, Georgia for them, they came in for the weekend.

They only get to come up about once a year but I don't know how much longer. They are in their 70's and in really good health but my uncle's back is really bothering him this morning. He has a back case of sciatica this morning and can't go with us. I hardly ever have a way or the money to go there. It also gives them time to see Sarah, their great niece.

The weather is lovely here. The nights are in the 50's and the days in the 80's but we've actually had a breeze so it hasn't been too hot.

They always stay in a hotel because I don't have any extra beds. I hate it but it means I spend less time cleaning and more visiting with them. This is my mother's sister and she lived at home with us until I was 9 years old. She was like a big sister and after I grew up, she was more like a mother to me. They are really wonderful people and I am always so happy when I get to see them.

Well, I an off for the morning. I will check in as time permits. They will be here through Monday and I took Monday off to spend with them. Everyone have a great weekend remaining and a wonder start to you week.

I know, Alice, it is time for more Mist. I'm working on it but I've been stalled for a few days.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Welcome Wagon

I've added a new contact this past week. Please run over and welcome my youngest sister, Roselynn.


She has begun to set up her page. I don't know how much I'll hear from her but looks like she's making a start. Might take her a bit. She is a foster mom, who this past year when I visited in May had five foster children, a son in Iraq and a daughter in high-school. So, I'd say busy is her name. She is married to the my most favorite person and most wonderful brother-in-law in the whole world. Everyone should have one like him.

I'm glad you joined me, Roselynn!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

More Answered Prayers

I suppose since I share lots of bad news around here that I should share some good news once in awhile. Let me first thank all of you who have prayed for us. This has been a difficult week of ups and downs.

Mike's girl friend found today that she is not pregnant. I think they were as relieved as I am.

Mike got a job. Please, please, please keep Mike in your prayers about this job. He has such a hard time keeping one. Either they don't like him (he doesn't read social ques very well and unwittingly makes comments that come off as annoying) or he can't do the work because of one of the disabilities he has (poor comprehension, deaf in one ear, visual and auditory learner). This is a dispatch job with a transportation company and I think he can do it if the hearing doesn't interfere too much. He's deaf in his left ear only so I am praying that it won't present a problem. Just pray that God will help him learn and do what the job requires.

He is supposed to get an apartment in about a month so this income will help him getting set up. I am hoping it will be a turning point for him. He needs a job for many reason, not just survival. He needs some successes for a change. His whole life has been a series of failures and it has been so difficult to watch the bright, sunny, energetic little boy everyone adored develop into a frustrated young man who feels like it was a mistake to be born. I've run out of options and solutions with Mike. If this doesn't work, I don't know what will happen to him.

I do believe these are answered prayers. I don't think any of it is an accident. I have only one hope and that is in the Lord. Despite disappointments and heartache, amidst storms and sieges, buffeted by winds of confusion and fear there is only one who shelters me and holds me close until the storm is past and the clouds are gone. I tell you truthfully, this week I have turned my face into His chest and let Him shelter me.

I'm going to bed, folks. I'm exhausted and weary.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wednesday Laugh Line - Las Vegas Churches

O.k., I think we all need a good laugh. I've decided to call it my Wednesday Laugh Line to get us through the end of the week.

This may come as a surprise to those not living in Las Vegas, but it is a very spiritual city, with more Catholic churches than casinos!

Not surprisingly, some worshipers at Sunday services will give casino chips rather than cash when the donation tray is passed.

Since they get chips from many different casinos, the churches have devised a method of turning the chips into cash.

They send all their collected chips to a nearby Franciscan monastery, where the patient and detail-oriented men sort and count the chips. The chips are then taken to the casinos
of origin and cashed in.

This is done by the chip monks.

You didn't even see it coming, did you?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Where Can I Buy an Umbrella?

I'm serious. I need one. Better yet, how about an ark?

I found out last night that my oldest son's girl friend is pregnant. Under normal conditions I might be happy, not thrilled, but happy with the news. I do not live under normal conditions.

This girl is 22 and has a 5 year old, a 3 year old, and an 18 month old. She is basically homeless, living in her brother's house, sharing a bed with her mother and two children. She has no place to go. She does have a job but how long do you think she will be able to work? I suspect the brother will boot her when he hears she is pregnant. My understand is the family is angry because she divorced her husband, who just happened to leave her with three children and is not paying child support. My son is stupid and unemployed. He is the one with learning disabilities and so perhaps bad judgment is a better choice of words. At any rate, I can't move these people into my house, even if I had room.

You know, I don't know what to say here. I'm just really frustrated and angry with Mike. We have taught both these boys how to behave and they have loved doing everything we said was wrong. If they were the ones who had to deal with the messes, it might not be so bad but they simply leave the mess for us to deal with, just like they did at children. No, as children, I'd have beat the crap out of them if they didn't clean up their messes. Perhaps spanking are the cause of all this?

Admittedly, they both had choices and chose badly. Unfortunately, even the innocent are punished by the bad choices of others. I've told Mike he has to take care of this girl if she can't work, and her kids. He is not dealing well with this whole thing. I don't think this girl realized that he has emotional and mental disabilities but I don't know how she could not. Some people want to be loved so badly, they'll take anything they can get and often this is the results.

Anyway, Mike has an interview this morning at a Speedy Lube. He can do this kind of work. I am asking you faithful friends to once again put this on your prayer list today. He had an apartment picked out and would have been moving next month to his own place. Now, I have no idea what will happen. But he needs this job badly. And he needs help to keep it.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Never On A Monday

You know the song is really Never on a Sunday but seeing as how that was yesterday, I felt the title was more appropriate. And it isn't about kissing either.

I went to the "new" doctor today. Dr. Rupert, pain management specialist. He was very nice. Said we are not going to use the "F" word at all because insurance companies don't like it. I have neuropathic pain. LOL! Fancy word for the gremlin that torments me.

I said, "Well, according to most people fibromyalgia doesn't exist and is all in my head anyway. "

He said, "Exactly. So my diagnosis is neuropathic pain."

He is prescribing Lyrica. I am so afraid of new medications. Everyone of them have such awful side effects that I am just terrified. I tend ot be allergic to a lot of things but never know until I take it. Please say a pray for me in this regard. He said there some people retain water. Hah! Just what I need. . . more weight!

I got my computer fixed and I think it is running ok now. Still lots of stuff to load but I can do that a little at a time.

I am re-reading a book that I read a long time ago. I think I want to do a review on it when I am done. I am not sure but I think I am getting more out of it this time than I did then, or at least it is giving me some insights I missed the first time. Anyway, I will try and post a review about it later on. I'm about halfway through.

I wanted to tell you all how much I appreciate all your prayers and words of comfort and encouragement. I am a long way from home and I've come to realize that I value my online friends so much because often, you are the only people I talk to and when things are bad, you rush to bolster me up. You have all filled a need in my life by sharing your lives, even if it is in writing. Thank you so much for making room for me.

Oh, by the way, Jerry got the job. He started on Saturday! He was so happy to be able to go to church on Sunday. Thank you for your good thoughts and prayers. God is so very good and so are you all!

I hope you all have a good week. I will catch you later.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday Drive

I got the hard drive in and have spent most of the weekend reloading software, and updating Windows and other programs. This is the most tiring part of the whole thing. So much to reload and all you can really do is sit and wait and reboot and start over on the next one.

Pain has been very bad for a week now, gradually becoming worse each day that came around. Today was no different. I didn't go to church but I slept in and got a shower in hot water. I'd dearly love a sauna or hot tub. I think the hot tub would be best because moist heat is better for this kind of pain. The hot shower helped a bit but I'm still creaky in the legs and the shoulders are just a huge ache. This is nuts, you know. There is no reason for this! I hate it and I don't understand it. I've done nothing to cause it and I think that is what is the most frustrating.

Oh, don't mind me. I'm just tired. I have to go now. I am going to church. I hope you all have a great start to the week.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Saturday Chore

I will be off line after this for most of the day. I am doing the final back up of some files and the replacing the hard drive. It is taking so long because they want me to send this drive back. It occurred to me on Thursday night that I might want to be sure and have all personal stuff wiped from this drive. It is still bootable and it has all my photos and writing and bank information and even passwords. So, I spent Thursday night trying to clear things off.

For those who don't know, just deleting doesn't get rid of anything. It's still out there for someone to find. To totally delete everything, you'd have to reformat with specific command to completely erase the drive or you have to use a program specifically designed for this purpose. Fortunately, Spy Bot Search and Destroy has a feature called Secure Shredder. I used it and it even has a drop down that will allow you to clear out your temp files and cache and cookies. No, that little feature in tools doesn't do it completely either. Lots of stuff is stored on you system after you think it is gone. So, that's what I've been doing and so I'm behind schedule a bit.

Woke up again today to intense pain from my neck to the soles of my feet. I can't really tell you what it is like but here are a couple of analogies. I feel as a board is bolted to my back and that 500 lbs gorrilla is sitting on it or the refrigerator. I can barely move when I first get up and my legs don't want to work. I took a 800 mg muscle relaxant and a Doxepin (an antidepressant used to treat pain) and slept like a rock. I've been up about 20 minutes and the pressure is not as great but there is stiffness in my neck and shoulders and I can't turn my head very well. My lower back is stiff and hurts and my legs just feel as if the muscles are torn, particularly that right one.My feet are very unhappy with my weight, too. When I walk, I totter just like a very old woman. As for my hands, stiff and achy.

I have no idea what is causing this.

Yes, I'm taking all kinds of meds for it.

No, they don't work very well.

I have no idea how one can tolerate this kind of pain. I have days when I feel that the limit my not far off.

I so want to have a day with no pain and I can enjoy the day.