Saturday, November 22, 2008

Dixie, In the Study, With the Keyboard

What a Saturday. I've gotten nothing done except banking stuff. I'm going to sit down soon and try writing but I've really at a point today where I just feel kind of like doing nothing. I won't of course. I have to much to do.

Anyone know a sure fire way to get rid of mice? I keep getting them and I just hate it. I don't know what I can do. I've done traps and they work fine but it seems the stream is unending.

I am going to bomb the house for bugs this weekend and then try and attack the next vermin. I have never had problems until last year and it is just so frustrating. I don't know what caused it or what to do to really stop it. I can't really afford extermination services but it may come to that. I have got to send Jerry under the house to see if he can find where they are coming in. There has to be a hole somewhere.

Off now to work on 50K!

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