Thursday, November 20, 2008

What's The Good Word?

Over 35,000 of them. I'm actually typing the ending so I don't flub it. Once I get that done, I am going back and fill in the space between chapter 14 and the ending I'm writing. Makes sense to write what I've been give in case I lose it.You wouldn't believe how fast this stuff is coming at me. It is unreal. I love it when it is like this but I have to tell you it is also frustrating. Every interruption known to man happens when the muse is demanding my whole attention. The voices in your head are all clamoring to be heard and you are typing or writing as fast as you can and someone walks in. The voices scream "GET OUT!" but no one hears them but me. They keep telling their story and I'm trying to write it and listen to the real world. I've been here for four hours writing with no interruptions. My husband comes in and sits down and I actually had to tell him last night to leave! He does try and understand but I don't know if you can really, if you don't write like this. This is only once a year for 30 days. You'd think that as of the third year they'd get it.It's the problem I have writing at all. Everyone walks in and demands something. Well, tonight, I'm finished and going to bed. I feel very good about the word count. Tonight in four hours I wrote 3482 words. Since the 16ht I have written 14,486 words. THat is just amazing! The first 10 days of NaNo I did right at 15,000 words. I done nearly the same number of words in half the time. Whoa!I'll be back at it tomorrow. I'd love to have this done by Saturday night. I probably won't but I'd like it. Then, I could use the rest of the time to fill in some gaps. Ah well, I'll be happy to finish by the 30 with the required count!

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