Thursday, September 25, 2008

More Answered Prayers

I suppose since I share lots of bad news around here that I should share some good news once in awhile. Let me first thank all of you who have prayed for us. This has been a difficult week of ups and downs.

Mike's girl friend found today that she is not pregnant. I think they were as relieved as I am.

Mike got a job. Please, please, please keep Mike in your prayers about this job. He has such a hard time keeping one. Either they don't like him (he doesn't read social ques very well and unwittingly makes comments that come off as annoying) or he can't do the work because of one of the disabilities he has (poor comprehension, deaf in one ear, visual and auditory learner). This is a dispatch job with a transportation company and I think he can do it if the hearing doesn't interfere too much. He's deaf in his left ear only so I am praying that it won't present a problem. Just pray that God will help him learn and do what the job requires.

He is supposed to get an apartment in about a month so this income will help him getting set up. I am hoping it will be a turning point for him. He needs a job for many reason, not just survival. He needs some successes for a change. His whole life has been a series of failures and it has been so difficult to watch the bright, sunny, energetic little boy everyone adored develop into a frustrated young man who feels like it was a mistake to be born. I've run out of options and solutions with Mike. If this doesn't work, I don't know what will happen to him.

I do believe these are answered prayers. I don't think any of it is an accident. I have only one hope and that is in the Lord. Despite disappointments and heartache, amidst storms and sieges, buffeted by winds of confusion and fear there is only one who shelters me and holds me close until the storm is past and the clouds are gone. I tell you truthfully, this week I have turned my face into His chest and let Him shelter me.

I'm going to bed, folks. I'm exhausted and weary.

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