Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday Drive

I got the hard drive in and have spent most of the weekend reloading software, and updating Windows and other programs. This is the most tiring part of the whole thing. So much to reload and all you can really do is sit and wait and reboot and start over on the next one.

Pain has been very bad for a week now, gradually becoming worse each day that came around. Today was no different. I didn't go to church but I slept in and got a shower in hot water. I'd dearly love a sauna or hot tub. I think the hot tub would be best because moist heat is better for this kind of pain. The hot shower helped a bit but I'm still creaky in the legs and the shoulders are just a huge ache. This is nuts, you know. There is no reason for this! I hate it and I don't understand it. I've done nothing to cause it and I think that is what is the most frustrating.

Oh, don't mind me. I'm just tired. I have to go now. I am going to church. I hope you all have a great start to the week.

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