Friday, July 11, 2008

New Friends and Old Bugs

I added a new contact today. Susan's Site. As most of you know, I am VERY picky about my adds. I've got several posts that go into great detail. So, I don't usually add on the first meeting but her first post simply stunned me. It was so touching and so real that I just added her on the spur of the moment! I encourage you all to drop by and read it. And welcome her to Multiply. She's a newby all the way around and is just learning how things work.

Welcome to my site, Susan. I look forward to getting to know you.

On a darker note, I've caught an old bug. I've been sick all day with some kind of stomach bug. I wish that when someone is sick they'd stay home from work or at least sterilize the restroom. I got sick at work today and couldn't leave but what annoyed me was I was told one of the girls had this stomach virus and came to work with it for two days. If I had known she had it, I would NOT have used the restroom she was using, which happens to be right outside my office!

We have two staff restrooms and the nearest to me is just a tiny, maybe 4x4, single toilet and sink on the end of the building. I used to be almost the only one who ever used it but gradually, a lot of the staff walk down to use it. Probably for the privacy when they have a problem. That means if any of them had a bug, I am 10 times as likely to get it. It tics me off no end. There is nothing I can do about it but I don't have to like it. But please, for heaven sake, sanitize your hands, stay out of my office, don't touch my pens or anything on my desk, and use Lysol!

I knew yesterday when I went in there someone was not well. I had to leave and go get air sanitizer. However, I suspect as soon as I touched the door knob I was done for. Had I know it, I'd never have used it.

This is gross and I apologize but my stomach has hurt all day and I feel terrible. It is the weekend and I will probably spend it on the sofa. She's probably over it in time for the weekend!

I hope you all have a good one. Again, sorry for the disgusting half of this. Don't forget to say hi to Susan!

Proud Airman

One day, at the dry-cleaning shop of a local air force base,
I overheard a young airman describe in great detail how he
wanted his uniform cleaned and pressed.

When he finished, the counter clerk asked, "Are you getting
an award, or do you have an important military function to

"Nothing like that," the airman said. "I'm going home on
leave, and my little brother is taking me to his
second-grade class for show-and-tell."

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Midnight Approach

The witching hour approaches. I am not going to stay up until then but I wanted to stop and drop a line or two in before hitting the sheets. I am still having that pain in my legs. Most of this night has been spent in a chair with my feet up, watching television. Most of you who have read my blog for a while now, know I don't watch a lot of television. It didn't help. I can't stand pressure on my calves. It hurts.

Arkangel mentioned in the comments that some people are prone to clots. That is true. However, my doctor did a check of my circulation because I complained of this pain before. So, I don't think it is that. I do think it is either part of the fibromyalgia or a pinched nerve. The fact that I can't lie on either side for very long without severe pain in my legs makes me think it is a pinched nerve. On my back, the pain is lessened.

So, I've dilly dallied long enough and it is now nearly midnight. Hope you all have a great remaining week and a wonderful weekend. May cool breezes and sunny days reign in your world.

Laugh A Minute

Every weekday, I get an email from the GCFL j(Good Clean Funnies List) with a new joke. Sometimes I have heard it before and sometimes, not. Sometims the joke is funny, sometimes it is not. This one was hysterical to me for some reason.

Captain Can't Swim

I worked in the biology department at Buffalo State College
in New York. The Great Lakes Laboratory, also stationed at
the college, employed a licensed boat captain to man its
research vessel. It was common knowledge that the captain
couldn't swim. When newcomers learned of this, they would
approach him about it.

"Is it true?" one of them asked incredulously. "You, a boat
captain, can't swim?"

"No, I can't," he replied. "Can pilots fly?"

A Little Laughter

I think I'll start a joke tag box! Sometimes I just need a good laugh and once in awhile I find something I want to share. Rather than forward it, I'll just put it in a tag box.

Here's the christening joke for my new tag box

My therapist told me that the way to achieve true inner
peace is to finish what I start.

So far today, I have finished two bags of chips and a
chocolate cake.

I feel better already.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Under the Weather

A difficult thing to do at the moment. The weather is pretty rotten. Rain all evening with a bit of thunder and lightening. I like storms but all weekend, I've been having rotten pain, too. I did some yard work Saturday and I have paid dearly for it. My arms and hands hurt and my leg has really been terribly painful for several days.

The arms and hands are because I used the electric hedge clippers. It always makes my arms and hands sore but not as sore as I'd be if I had to use the old fashioned ones. Just as I was working on the very last hedge, I cut my electric cord in two and had to go get another one. Yes, with the clippers. No, I didn't get a shock. The body of the clippers is high density plastic. I just heard a small pop and fizzle and then the clippers stopped. Nice clean cut they make, too.

But those cords are expensive. Jerry had bought two 80 feet cords so I could do the hedges and they just barely reached the last hedge on the far side of the yard. He can fix the one I cut but at the time, I had hedges to finish and he was asleep. I bought one 100 feet long.

So, I have 180 feet of heavy duty electrical cord and 80 feet of a cut cord. The 180 feet will reach easily from the back corner of my house to the back fence. I might actually have 10 to 20 feet to spare. Yes, that's a big yard. Believe me, every time I cut the grass I realize just how big it is. I suspect all three would reach from the street in front to my back property line. Since my yard is wedge shaped in back, I have no doubt that I could find a place where any one of them would reach from one side to the other.

The leg? Well, that's another story and I don't know why it hurts. The muscle in my calf just feels absolutely terrible. Sunday night night I lay in pain half the night. I finally got up and got a pain patch that my mother sent me and put it on my calf. It helped a bit I think but in no way has it stopped. I can't lay on either side because then it hurts from my hip to my foot. I am just so tired of this.

Tonight, I am really tired, possibly because of two nights of bad sleep. I could have lain down and gone to sleep as soon as I got home at five. But I didn't because I knew if I did I'd be up at midnight and unable to get back to sleep the rest of the night.

I've sat on the sofa all evening or in my desk chair writing. I do find that sitting for too long is making this worse so I try and get up here and there. But walking hurts, too. Pshaw! Can't win for losing!

I've been visiting the blogs that are updated. I always like reading Jilly's blog. She just makes you feel as if you've had a nice visit with her and heard all the news from home. And she has such a NORMAL family! It is quite refreshing.

Jilly is actually the one from whom I found out about Multiply! We were both on Yahoo 360 and when all the ruckus started, I decided to try this. I'm glad I did. And I'm glad she added me here.

Lately, it seems as if I've just been such a little ray of gloom. Every post seems to be a whine and dance session about my aches and pains or my gripes about my family. Although, I do try and keep my complaints about them to a minimum. I think I'm just so exhausted that everything is blown out of porportion and I focus on the bad side of things.

A lady who I've worked with for the last 10 years retired this past week. She is just such a nice woman and I really liked her. Her last day was to be Monday but her mother died during the early hours of that morning so she didn't work. Today she dropped by and I was asking her about how she was doing. She said she was very happy with the retirement. She said the first thing she did was take the clock out of her bedroom! And she said it was the best thing she ever did. Listening to her talk about it one would almost wish to be retirement age! I am quite looking forward to it now. Well, in 10 years. Although, I think Martha is older now than I will be in 10 years. I just hope I last that long.

It is time to stop, children, so I can get my raggedy self to bed. I am just worn out. Have a good week. I only have to work three more days this week! Thank goodness!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Late NIght with Dixie

As you can see from the time on this post, it is reeeeeally late. I've just finished posting to a NEW blog! Yes, a new blog. The Most Dangerous Kind of Madness. Well, actually, this is just another paper I had sitting on my computer gathering digital dust. I won't be making any new entries to it. I just posted it as a paper and opened it to the public. You will find the link in my Links section.

Although, I've posted a few of my college writings here, this is a rather long research paper that took an entire semester to research and write. It is a rather detailed analysis of three communal socities in America. I like to say it is three of the sickest individuals in American history. One is known as the largest mass murderer in America.

So, if you like social history, or just history in general this will probably interest you. If you like tales of madness, murder, and misconduct this will definately interest you. If you just like reading about sick Americans, you'll love it.

I must warn you, some of the information is disturbing. During the research for this particular paper, I would get terribly depressed and overwhelmed by what I was reading. There were days I actually had to walk away from the research and leave my house. I can remember one really beautiful Saturday morning, I simply got up and walked out and got in my car and drove away. I stayed gone for hours. You can't read some of the reference material without feeling a bit filthy afterward. At least, I couldn't. I was glad when it ended.

Part of my problem was I had some personal issues I had to face during the research phase. One of the references is a book called "When Good Enough is Never Enough" by Steven Hendlin. This is an excellent book about the concept of perfectionism. It and writing the paper was my Waterloo. I can't give you details here but let's just say all perfectionist are pretty much alike. So, when you are studying the men I was studying and you realize you share some of their traits, you can become a bit distraught. It was frightening, emotionally devastating, and exhausting. I was happy it was my last semester of college.

I can only say it taught me some important lessons. I hope you'll read the paper.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Saturday at Home. . . or Somewhere

We went to the riverfront last night and watch the fireworks. We sat in the same area we usually sit, up on the Levee. As soon as we got there we realized it was very windy and cold! At least 10 degrees cooler than my front yard and I'm only 10 minutes from the river! We had to call Mike, who had decided not to go, and ask him to bring us a jacket for Becca, a blanket and a sweatsuit for Sarah. He forgot the jacket and Becca insisted I use the blanket. I tried to share but it was a small one and our legs would freeze but she wouldn't do it. It did warm up a bit about halfway through.

Sarah seems to have a good time. We walked a bit before and she people watched while it was still light. Once it got dark, she watched the fireworks but I think after 30 minutes she was getting tired of it and wanted to walk again.

I took photos but I don't think they will be very good this year. The humidity in the air kept the smoke hanging close to the ground so some of the display was not very good. You couldn't see it through the smoke. They also had the barge in a different location so they were father away. Usually they are close to the outside bend of the river, (Indiana side) and pointed upriver. This year, they were more into the center of the channel and pointed toward the bank. The river is wide at that point.

I have to say it is always pretty to see the river on the Fourth. There are hundreds of small boats all along the Kentucky shore and they will have dim lights that for the most part go out when the show starts. But until then, they are lit up and sparkle in the water. As darkness falls, the city lights show up and it becomes even prettier. We really do have a nice little riverfront. I took photos and will try and get them up this week. I really ought to invest in a digital but I truly do enjoy my Canon film camera. I am afraid the facility of digital may stop me from using film and that would be a shame. My camera repair guy, Henry, says film is here to stay but one never knows.

Today, I am supposed to do some other stuff at my sister's place. So much for a weekend off. I have told them all that tomorrow is God's and Monday is MINE. I have to get my yard mowed and get some bug poison down. We have chiggers terribly. I've been overrun twice with them and now Sarah has a case. I was miserable so I know she has been. Her mother has been using Calamine lotion with a antihistimine in it and I've told her to wash her in a salt bath. For some reason, salt stops itching. Really. If you get a mosquito bite, wet it and rub a bit of salt on it. The itching stops immediately. I figured this was a remedy to try on chigger bites. She also gave her Benedryl but anyone who has taken that knows you can't take it often.

We've lived here 20 years and the boys and I have spent hours in this yard and in the grass. We've never had chiggers before. Now, suddenly, this is their vacation spot. They are all over. I've hesitated putting out poison because I have lots of rabbits and birds and squirrels but we can't even sit in a chair in the yard now because of the chiggers. So, now, we have to do something. I found some granules of stuff to spread and I am hoping it will be effective on the chiggers and not cause a lot of damage to the ecology. I will have to keep Sarah out of it for a week, but as things are now, she can't go out anyway. She loves the yard and I just have to fix it so she can play.

Well, that's it for now. I have to get busy and do something that looks productive. I hope you will all have a nice weekend and those for whom it is winding down, have a great week!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Late Again

As usual, it is late, nearly eleven. I have had a hectic evening and I am annoyed by that. More crisis and who gets called to solve it.

I'm not going to go over it. It is just too aggrivating and I am tired.

After work, Jerry and I went to Wal-mart where I bought a new keyboard. My new computer came with a keyboard but it is cheap. The letters are already wearing off. Jerry suggest I call and get them to replace it and I probalby will but I bought a Microsoft keyboard for $20 and it is much nicer with more features that the Dell crap. I don't know why they've started sending out this tiny keyboards that just wear out. Mike's did, too. He bough an HP keyboard but the letters are wearing off that as well. How silly. What kind of stuff did they use on the old keyboards that the letter NEVER wore off. You wore the machine out before the keyboard was worn out.

Anyway, I think I am going to quite like this one. It has a curved key pad. It will take a bit of getting used to but actually, it is easier to type. I found myself trying to pull my wrist into line as if I was using the old keyboard and it was hurting! This feel much more natural and I like it. I don't make as many errors either! Wish I could get one at work. Well, I cold if I would pay for it. I may do that at some point and put my name on it in case they give me the boot.

Friday is the 4th of July, American Independence Day. And our Executifve Director gave the whole agency Monday off so it is a four day weekend for us. She also gave everyone their birthday off this year. If you already had a birthday you can take another day but mine is in October so I am taking it in November for a conference I want to attend. She did this as a reward for the agency raising our scores to High performer. This is HUD jargon to say we are doing what we are supposed to be doing. You are rated on whether you get your reports in on time, process records on time, spend your money on tiem, etc. High Performer is a coveted title and you must have your scores above 94 I believe. I'm just glad for the two extra days off.

I am on my way to bed now. Everyone have a great day tomorrow and I will catch you later.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Messing Around

Miss Sarah was here tonight and we just got to messing around with the webcam and took a few photos. I'm sharing because it was such fun and she is just too adorable. I must warn you, we both agreed her hair was a mess!

She saw the webcam and you can see that she became interested.

The tug to discover was just too great!

Then, she saw herself on the screen. Oh, will you look at that, Mawmaw.

She was captivated by seeing herself on screen. A star is born!

Is that ME!

So, then we had to sing the ABC song! To celebrate, you know.

I don't have a microphone right now but I am going to get one. We did a couple of videos without sound.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Winding Down

Ah well, the weekend is winding down and so am I. I am rather tired tonight. Haven't really felt well today. I had lots of plans but got up feeling unrested and uncomfortable, not exactly terrible pain but just difficult to move well. My right calf has really been bawling all day and simply didn't want to walk at all. Very stubborn and would be better named a mule.

Sorry about my little attempt at humor. I didn't even get up until nearly 9 and sat on the couch reading for about two hours. I spent the next couple of hours working out Jerry's nightmare of a bank account. He had three statement that had to be balanced and I simply let the software do it. No wonder he was overdrawn! I can't handle his account and mine! He never puts things in the register and then when he runs short he doesn't know why. We've had more arguments about this and I've told him I am not going to do his statements anymore. So, he just left them and got overdrawn last month and it cost ME $200! It is our joint account but about three or four years ago I opened a personal account when we kept having over drafts. He kept saying it wasn't his fault but I have no problems since I did that but he keeps having them. I never touch the joint account so we both know now that it isn't me. But since I am on the joint account, I could be placed in Check Systems if he doesn't get the overdraft corrected. I think my next step is to withdraw from the joint account and let him figure it out. Honestly, I think he is just so tired he can't keep up with it. He is not using the machine to keep him from snoring anymore and he is constantly sleepy.

This bank business has been a problem for 33 years. He simply can't handle the bank accounts. A long time ago, after much trouble, he handed the finances over to me and we did well. In 1988 we were debt free and had perfect credit. In the last five or six years, he has suddenly started messing with the accounts and we keep having these problems. I'm too tired to deal with it anymore. So, I suspect we are in for a rousing storm at some point.

We still have perfect credit and are nearly free of all the credit debts. Living expenses are sky rocketing. We just have the house, car, and computer and my student loans. The computer will be done in six months unless that accursed car breaks down again. The student loans and car paid off in about two years. The house. . . well 14 years unless I come into a windfall that allows me to pay it off sooner. Not gonna happen.

We have been so financially strapped and he has had such catastrophic illnesses that the house has gone downhill quite a bit. I am probably going to try and put in a floor in the kitchen in the fall if I can save for it. I have cabinets in the garage to refinish and put up if they haven't rotted! But it takes more energy than I have at the moment to consider it. I will have to take at least a week off if I have it. Dave said he'd give me a hand ripping out the floor once we get to it. It will be a nightmare job because there are three floors down there. The there are countertops to figure out. That is something I haven't done. Wonder how that will work?

Tonight, I have taken my muscle relaxant. I didn't last night and we see where that got me. I had hoped to be able to work on my story, Mist, but I've just been so tired. I have been round catching up on reading new post by several people. Jilly is posting photos of her new grandbaby and he is so sweet. I had little boys and they are just so cute in their little pants and shirts. I don't know what her security level is but pop around and take a look at her little man. Babies are just so wonderful.

I've had a fun time with Sarah today, too. That little minx is talking up a storm! She is talking in sentences and it seems she doesn't stop. Mike was with her online tonight at her favorite website, and he had gone into where you can teach them to read. He was playing the story for her and in the story the dog was telling the cat to go away because he did not what her there. The cat asked, "Why not?" Sarah answer, "Because." Mike nearly flipped out. He called everyone down the hall and reran that section of the story and she did it again. It was so funny because he was just flabbergasted. But she does that all the time.

In the car today she pointed to the driver's seat. Her Daddy was driving and she said, "That's daddy's seat." Then to the passenger seat and said, "That's mommie's seat." Then she pointed to me and said, "That's Mawmaw's seat." We all just cracked up. Last week I told her hair was a mess and she repeated it. Now, when her hair is all in her face after a nap or when she gets up in the morning, she pushes it back with both hands and says, "Hair's a mess!" We never know what is going to come out of her mouth.

Well, I've done the grandma thing until I am sure you are all sick of it so I'll go. I have another book to read and I may just lie in bed for a bit and start it. Everyone have a lovely Sunday or if it is already Monday, have a great week ahead.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Things I've Done

I picked this up on my friend, Riete's blog. It looked interesting but let me tell you, I've had a difficult time with it! I'm really rather average!

Here's how it works. First, post 3 things you've done in your lifetime that you don't think anybody on your friends list has done. Then, see if anybody else responds with "I've done that. Finally, have your friends cut & paste this onto their page to see what unique things they've done in their life.

My three things are:

1. Climbed on top of the neighbor's house when I was three years old. (Got a spanking for that.)

2. Nearly jumped off a mountain in Bavaria. It was a lovely green hillside and I wanted to run up it. I decided I'd look foolish and decided to walk. Just at the top of the rise I stopped and found myself looking out into a valley. I looked over the edge. It was a long way down to a rocky ravine. Had to sit down for a bit. I was just 21.

3. Lived in two European countries and five American states in 15 years.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Reflections of My Father's Love

I always like to post things that are uplifting and encouraging. We live in such a darkening world, where the negative things are blared at us continually, from every media source. To find something positive takes a lot of effort.

This video was sent to me by my church's assistant pastor. It so eloquently defines the depth of a father's love for his son that I was stunned. And the clarity I felt as I relized that God loves us just this much. There is nothing He will not do to help us reach our potential. As you watch this father's efforts to complete this race, remember, you're in the chair and that's your heavenly Father behind you.

I can't post this in the video section because it is not hosted at one of the sites that Multiply has listed. You can read about this father and son team by following the second link.

Team Hoyt Story

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Everyone pop over and wish my friend, Jilly congrats. She is a grandma again for the second time! A little boy.

Best wishes to your family, Jilly and God's blessings on Evan!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Weekend End

Here is is a rainy, cloudy Sunday afternoon. I have spent the morning in church. Jerry and I went to lunch and since I've been home, I've been on the phone with my Aunt. My mother is in the hospital again. Has been since Friday I believe. Seems her body became toxic and from her heart medicine. Never heard of this but they put her in with a heart rate of 20. It was 50 yesterday, after they took her off all meds to detox her. She is a diabetic as well and they started her on insulin to manage it until she could start taking her other medicine again.

I thought I'd drop by and read up on a few blogs.

Yesteray afternoon, Becca and I took Sarah to the park. She climbed the play ground quipment to slide down the spiral slide. That thing is about 10 feet tall! She peeped through the bars at the top of the platform and grinned at me and said, "Here I comes!" And she did, giggling all the way. Then climbed right back up.

She had never been in a sand box and the equipment is in this huge sandbox. She got interested in the texure and eventually, she got it in her hair and on her clothes. She likes to go barefoot so she tried digging her feet into it and found it fascinating that they disappear in the sand. When we got her home and in a bath, she had sand in her diaper.

We put her on the swing and she liked that, too. She also found it very funny that Maw Maw and Mama could both swing. To tell you the truth, I found it unpleasant! I always loved swinging as a child and a young mother. I could swing so high and I loved it. Not anymore. I got so dizzy and couldn't look at the ground at all. What a sissy! I don't love it less but it apparently doesn't like me. Still, only a few minutes was enough to impress Sarah.

The swings were stationed in a big box too but oddly, this one filled with tiny rounded pebbles! They were miserable to walk on with shoes and without, at least for me and Becca. Sarah acted like they were nothing. I told Becca it was probably because Sarah is light as a feather and probably floats on top of the things.She only weighs 20 lbs.

She had a great time at the park. After we went home and got her cleaned up, we all went to supper where she had center stage at Bob Evans. They brough our drinks and I order iced tea with lemon. (I forgot about the lemon video warning I have posted in the videos!) Becca took a slice of lemon and let Sarah taste it. She had the funniest look on her face. At first it was that look that says SOUR, but then, she had this funny puzzled look that said, "What in the world is that?" She began pointing and saying , "Pickle, pickle!" She loves pickles and they finally brought her some. But I am telling you, she would have eaten the lemon. Honestly, I love lemons, too. I sprinkle sugar on them and suck the juice out.

So that was my weekend. I'm very tired this afternoon and I really need to take a nap before church. I have a pot roast in the slow cooker that I put on last night. Becca said she will come over after church and fix some vegetables and we can eat a late supper. I had planned to eat it for lunch today but no one went to church but Jerry and I and we had half off coupons on our each of our meals so, I decided I could skip kitchen duty this afternoon. It was nice because some other folks from church asked us to join them and we had a good time.

So, here I am, looking outside at the gloomy day but the breeze blowing in the windows is absolutely wonderful. Thank God, I have not had to use the air conditioner for over a week now. I've been praying for the weather to stay mild so I could save on my energy cost and well, think what you want. I've managed nearly half the month with no air at all. Right now it is 76 F. on an overcast day with a breeze. I have two fans going and all windows up. It was storming when we came home after our lunch but that has stopped.

I am going to close for now. I want to lie down and relax before I have to go again. All of you take care and have a great week.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Worry, Worry, Worry

I wish I had a tonic or a charm that would just make all worry disappear. Really. I worry so much over every little thing and I know when I am doing it that it is not helping or fixing the problem. I just don't know how to stop it.

Despite the fact that I have used LESS energy this month, my bill is ridiculous. Gas for the car is costing me about $75 a week. I do not know how, once winter gets here, I am going to be able to keep cost down if the utility is getting a 50% rate hike. This is insane. It's natural gas, for heaven's sake. We don't import it! We have virutally an unlimited supply in this country because we take it right out of the ground! And the gas company vehicles are fueled by NATURAL GAS! They don't have to pay to ship it!

At this point, I'm about to get rid of the dryer. I can't afford it any longer. I'll just have to hang laundry out at night and take it in when I get home the next day. I turned off the air conditioner for most of the last month. So how is my bill higher? How could I possibly have used MORE electricity? I've changed all my light bulbs to florescent bulbs. I have virtually no incandesent lighting.

And if I'm going under, what's going to happen to my kids? I live in a small house and we can't all fit here but I can see it coming if something doesn't happen soon.

O.k., I know everyone has problems. I am sure everyone else is suffering, too. No wonder the Bible said that in the last days that men's hearts would stop because of fear. I can't imagine what the elderly, handicapped and low income families are going to do.

Maybe that isn't my problem. But I can't imagine my Sarah without heat in the winter or being too hot in the summer, or without lights or water.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


For those who have seen the Indiana Jones movie, here are a couple of sites that shows the scope of the falls in the movie.

Iguazu Falls
Iguazu National Park

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Welcome Back!

I have been kind of worried about one of my contacts and today, she popped back online. I am so glad she is back. Seems she was very ill for a while. She is one of my old Yahoo contacts who left before the ship began sinking and we kept in contact here and there. I was so glad when she showed up on Multiply. And I am really relieved she is all right.

So, welcome back, Annie!

Drop by and welcome Annie back at Grandmother's Home

Monday, June 9, 2008

This Place Looks Familiar. . . Oh, Right, Monday!

Yep. All day. Tomorrow is my "speech" day. Someone keep their fingers and toes crossed and say several prayers. I don't have a clue what to say to 100 people I don't know.

What a busy day I've had, too. I am so far behind on paperwork that I can't think straight! I stayed over an hour after work just to get 60 minutes of uninterrupted work done. I will take it off at the end of the week if all goes well. They won't pay me overtime and that's fine. A bit longer lunch hour or getting off a bit early is fine with me. I just need to get my work done.

I am really tired. I had plans tonight but the kids showed up and only just left 10 minutes ago. I really wish they wouldn't do that. I do enjoy having them around but I'm so tired I just wanted to relax and then go to bed. Now, I'll go to bed but it is late and I didnt' have any down time.

Storms are heading this way. I've shut off the air and opened windows with fans on each end of the house. We have to save whenever we can on the utility. Sarah found her one ring pool in the den and said "Cool, my cool." We took it in the back yard, poured about 8 gallons of warm water in it and she had a late night swim. Loved it. Sprinkle were falling but not enough to worry about. the air was a bit cooler but still warm. Thirty minutes in the "cool" then a dry off. I took photos but these are with my film camera and will need developing. I only have 10 rolls! I've decided to put them on disks so I can save on developing and utilize them in my albums. Far too many to get developed but this way I can pick the ones I like best and get them developed.

Well, bedtime is here. Hope you all have a great day, when it arrives in your part of the world. Remember at 9 a.m. central daylight time, I will be standing in front of 100 stranger to give a speech.

I'm pumped!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

This was very alarming to me.

This  was sent to me by an online aquaintence. It is frightening. It is not a joke. Watch. And warn.


A New Chapter of Mist

Alice, you will be happy to know that I put up the chapter tonight. You can go read it and smile. I was closer than I thought to being done with it. See, I did work on it while I was on vacation. I must have done more than even I realized on it. I don't actually remember writing it.

For those not in the know, Mist is a novel I've been writing. . . well, for a while. Alice and her sister, Nancy were reading it online. I have it posted in a private blog on Blogger. Nancy passed away last year but Alice has stuck with me. I've been otherwise occupied or else in too much pain to write for several months. Summer is here though and my pain seems to have become much more bearable. Anyway, I posted a chapter tonight.

You may find post on this blog talking about Mist. I believe there is a tag regarding it. Sorry, but the blog is private and by invitation only. I have limited it, at Alice's urging last year, due to copyright concerns. My original reader were 10 people on 360. Most of them no longer read it and are no longer even contacts. My dear Alice is no fair weather friend and she has stuck with me, prodding me every step of the way, as Nancy did. I miss Nancy and I know Alice does, too.

I would like to bring Mist to a close and I think I am almost there. I'm beginning to see throught the mist to the other side. In a perfect world, I'd be done before the next NaNoWriMo. If you aren't clear on that, please look for the tag regarding it. I believe I go on, ad nasuem about it somewhere in here. The tags for this post will bring up others.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Another Blown Saturday

I woke with a terrible headache this mornning. I took an Imitrex and waited for it to work. I ran over to Dave & Becca's and we went to get something to eat around two. We thought about a picnic in the park but it was so hot! It got up to the 90's today and this just the first week of June! I shudder to think of July and August. Afterward, I kept Sarah for several hours. I was so sick though, that I couldn't really enjoy her much. She played until she got tired and went off to sleep. I hope she sleeps tonight.

To top that off, we heard yesterday, that the power company is going give rate hike of 50% to consumers! The reason? A pay raise for their employees of $1 an hour. How nice for them! Power bills are running $300 and $400 for some families in 2 & 3 bedroom units! That means they will pay $450 & $600 after the hike! My God, these people are criminal! That is higher than the rent on some of their apartments.

We have people who can't pay the power bills and get their power shut off. For people on the housing assistance program, if that happens, the regulations say we must take their housing assistance away! I don't have a choice in the matter. But I can't imagine taking housing away from families and the elderly and disabled. They are on such small income, smaller than their power bills. I am so upset over the thought of it. Never mind how I will pay mine! I worry about David and Becca and Sarah. They have so little as it is and it is frightening. I can't continue to support everyone with the expenses getting so bad. And fuel for the car is just as bad. It is almost to expensive to go to work.

And still the oil companies reported profits in the billions, three digit in the billions! Greed. Raping of the poor.

Has no one at the top thought of what is going to happen when you wipe out the middle class? Who pays most of the taxes that support the government? Who provides stability to the economy? The instability we have is because those who used to spend, no longer have it to spend because we are giving it to the oil executives. Anyone reading history knows that these are conditions that have led to revolutions throughout time. You can't continue to make the rich richer and increase the number of poor.

Of course, Mr Obama is going to save us all and make us rich. Right.He's making the same promises that every democrate in history has made. Just wait for the tax hike to hit.

Ok, that's enough. I can't fix any of it.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Friendly Reminders

In light of the fact that I've been getting a lot of mail on Multiply, I feel it only fair to refer those sending invitations to the related posts. I do so merely as a convenience to me since I find repetition boring and time consuming.

I suggest reading them in the following order:

I hope no one is terribly offended afterward. Those on my list got here because of their quality or because I am related to them. Those who have left, I haven't missed.

And those who have been rejected were rejected because you simply didn't meet my criteria. It isn't personal. How could it be? I don't know you.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Good Night, Ladies and Any Sweet Princes

Sarah just left and she was not happy to go home. Maw maw is such a nice playmate, it seems. But she is so tired. Becca said I had huge circles under my eyes. Well. I usually do have circles under my eyes. Some kind of genetic thing I inherited but when I am this tired, I acquire the racoon look that was so popular in the 60's.

I'm off to bed and to work in the a.m. For those of you who pray, I'd be sincerely grateful for your prayers. I am really not rested enough but I do have to go back to work. I love the kind of work I've done this week but it is the work I go to tomorrow that draines me the most. So your prayers will be very much appreciated.

I am going to play catch-up this week on other blogs. Some of you have been mysteriously silent and have forced me to reconnoiter and see what has happened to you.

Sunday, Sunday...Comes Monday

O.k., it is all done. Vacation is over, building projects are over, and children have moved all their "stuff". I kept Sarah last night. We stayed up until about 11:30 and finally, we were just give out so, I got her to sleep and Jerry came in and I had him sit by her while I got my shower. She and I both went to bed.

Around 1 a.m., Jerry said Becca called and was going to pick Sarah up but he told her she might not want to do that since we had both crashed and were sound asleep. She told him no, she'd just get her sometime today. I called her around 11:00 and she said they had finally gone to bed about 8 a.m. this morning after having put all the kitchen stuff away.

We went to lunch but I'm so tired that I just wasn't very hungry. I am NOT doing anything else this afternoon. I'll be paying for this week for at least another week. The one good thing I came away with is I am confident that now I can refloor my kitchen and any other room I want. I now have the skills to work in complete home remodeling... I just don't have the energy!

How does one get one of those home makeovers they keep showing on these stupid shows?

Everyone have a great week and I hope to be back in form after I get a good rest. Tonight I'll have my bed all to myself... well, Jerry will be there but as tired as I am I doubt I'll notice so much.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Walking the Floor

Well, here it is, at last. The new floor I've been putting down on my vacation. What do you think? I have to say we've had several service people in and when they see it the all say it is beautiful. I, of course, think the same thing but I am predjudiced, I guess.
Here you can see Sarah is really impressed!
The following shots are similar to the previous floor post but now the floor covering is down.

This is a simple peal and stick tile. Previously, I've put down a roll of vinal floor covering in two bathrooms with glue but not this. I can't say it is easier folks. This is a bit labor intensive.

Every tile had to be positioned and we actually had to reposition two because we got off the required "pryamid" method. You don't lay this in a straight line from the corner. You start from the center point and work outward in pyramids. Believe me, if you deviate, it messes things up.

I figure if the adhesive comes loose we can always use a different adhesive. I've told Becca to just use a slightly damp mop to clean it and avoid a having liquids in her bedroom.

We also painted the ceiling in the kitchen and living room and the walls in the living room had to be touched up.

Sarah apparently likes the apartment but I hope they aren't going to be too cramped. It is a small one bedroom with a full basement.

I've posted some new photos of Sarah in the albums for those interested. We took her to the mall to the play area where a little boy seemed to just fall in love with her. He played big brother the whole time we were there. They were so cute together. He had a 9 month old baby sister of his own but she has Down Syndrome. He was just wonderful with Sarah so I know he will be a wonderful big brother.

Monday is back to work day and frankly, every vacation I have to go back to work to get any rest. This will be no different! I kept Sarah overnight on Thursday night and she was so sweet. Had one bout of crying at bedtime for her Mama but she crawled onto my chest and lay down and cried about twice and was then sound asleep. Becca says she does that every night. She fights her sleep and wants her mother when it is bed time. But over all she was an angel both days. They said last night she went right to bed in the new place and never fussed.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Hump Day - All Down Hill

Finally, the floor is DONE! I am soooo tired, you have no idea. I am going to try and get photos tomorrow to post. It is beautiful, folks! Really. I am ready now to do it in my house.

My poor hands are so sore and I cut my thumb. I think it is slightly infected because it hurts like the dickens. I've doctored it and perhaps by morning it will be better. I am going to take tomorrow off. Ha, ha! No work on anyone's house but mine. And I'd like to site somewhere nice and relax.

I hope everyone else is havin a great week. I think Jilly may not be since the rains have set in in England. . . again! But she is about to be grandma again so perhaps she won't notice so much. Congratulations, Jilly and hope all goes well with your daughter and the little one.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Nearly There

Needless to say, I didn't nothing to day except go to church and take a loooooog nap. I will be going back to church soon for the evening service in about an hour but wanted to upload some new photos of Sarah for everyone to see. She is such a pixie and I have to share.

Also, here are some photos of the work on the floor nearing completion. Of course, we forgot to take before photos but you can see what I've been doing for the last week. Tomorrow, I hope to finish it for good.

Here you can see the built in chest and shelves where we had to piece the plywood for the small areas. If you squint at the left side of the photo, you may be able to see where the air vent is set into the wood.

There will be a window seat on top of the chest that is padded. I see Sarah up there on rainy days.
The lines are where we sealed the seams. That is what we have to sand tomorrow. I am hoping my daughter-in-law will do this. It is terrible on my knees. If not, I will have to get a pad to kneel on.

You can see from looking at the wood grain why we hated to cover up the plywood. It is really some lovely wood. I am not sure but I think you could build cabinets out of this stuff!
This is taken from inside that built-closet and toward the hallway. You can see where the plywood sheet ended and we had to cut another strip to fill in to the wall.
Finally, the final corner. You can see my little helper here surveying the work. Size is difficult to gage in photos. That is a 4x8 sheet of plywood. The room took three and a half sheets total.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Vacations and Building Projects

Vacation has begun! I am so glad! Friday afternoon was a breeze because I knew I was going to be off for 10 days! The director allowed the agency to close at 4 p.m. so that was an added bonus. I am waiting for my ride to go over and finish the apartment. We have one or two things left to do and then we are finito!

As I have worked on this floor I am feeling better now about my impending kitchen remodel. I have to replace the whole floor and I want new cabinets. Now that I know what I am doing, the counter tops are going to be the biggest expense I fear. Anyone with ideas on quick, easy and lovely countertops, feel free to advise!

I am really sore in my hands and back but it is just one of those things, I think that happens from exertion rather than the unending mess I deal with regularly. Actually, that has been better as the weather has cleared somewhat. The neck and shoulder are still a problem and Thursday my calves, particularly that left one, was bad.

Oddly, I've learned the difference in the fibro pain and other kinds. I wonder if the pain from overworked muscles is not connected to the same part of the brain as frbro pain. Over work does make the pain worse but this week, the pain has been different because the fibro pain appears to have eased up. So recovery seems faster and the pain less severe! Crazy.

I'm leaving for now. Back soon and hopefully, I'll have some photos of the work near completion. Should have taken some before and after but we forgot. The litter box discovery was shocking and all we wanted to do was get rid of it and get the thing fixed. Toodles!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I spent my evening flooring the bedroom of my sister's rental unit. As I mentioned in a previous post, the previous tenant ruined the carpet by allowing her animals to urinate on it... repeatedly. the floor underneath was hardwood but in terrible condition and stained by the animals. We ripped the carpet out last weekend and tonight and tomorrow night we are installing a underlayment in preparation for a new floor covering. It will probably be a vinal of some sort if she can afford it. Right now we just need to get a floor down so the new tenants can move in!

And no, I don't get paid for this. Tomorrow I will probably pay the piper. Hauling around 4x8 ft. sheets of half inch luane plywood is not an easy task. I am a perfectionist so ever piece is fitted in carefully. We even cut out the hole for the air conditioning vent. It was a perfect fit with no excess space. After the floor is done, we have to seal the cracks with wood filler to give a smooth surface so the floor covering won't crack in those areas. I've done this twice before on bathroom floors but this is the largest floor project I've had to this point. I must say, I am quite pleased with the results but I am not anxious to do it again, thank you very much.

So, I am going to bed now and hope I am able to crawl out tomorrow. Vacation is two days away! I have to have this done by Saturday. I have NO intention of spending my vacation doing work for someone else.

Night yall.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Who Am I, Really?

Your Career Personality: Brainy, Logical, and Efficient
Your Ideal Careers:

Book editor
Business manager
Civil engineer
You Are From Pluto
You are a dark, mysterious soul, full of magic and the secrets of the universe.
You can get the scoop on anything, but you keep your own secrets locked in your heart.
You love change and you use it to your advantage, whether by choice or chance.
You don't like to compromise, to the point of being self-destructive with your stubborness.
Live life with love, and your deep powers will open the world to you.
You Don't Need Extra Attention
You're perfectly happy with who you are, and you don't need attention to feel good about yourself.
You prefer to let your actions and accomplishments speak for themselves.
Working hard to get people to like you is your idea of a nightmare.
You've got a lot going on, and anyone with half a brain will notice that on their own!

You come across as: Confident and serious

People may wrongly think you're: Stuck up and shy
You Are 77% Creative
You are beyond creative. You are a true artist - even if it's not in the conventional sense of the word.
You love creating for its own sake, and you find yourself quite inspired at times.
You Are Fairly Normal
You scored 50% normal on this quiz

Like most people you are normal in some ways...
But you aren't a completely normal person. You're a little weird too!

Why You Are Normal:

You'd rather have rats than cockroaches in your home

You prefer fiction to non fiction

You think glasses can make someone more attractive

You rather be screwed over than screw someone else over

If you had to, you rather live without music and still have laughter

Why You Aren't Normal:

You prefer your family to your friends

You prefer the moon to the sun

You prefer a good nap to a good meal

You would rather be a movie star than an astronaut

You would rather be tan than pale
You Have Your PhD in Men
You understand men almost better than anyone.
You accept that guys are very different, and you read signals well.
Work what you know about men, and your relationships will be blissful.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

To Die for...

The day is georgeous- sunny, breeze, and comfortable, although the desktop says it is 80 degrees. It doesn't feel like 80. I really need to be cutting my yard but I've been trying to help Becca clean the new apartment to get it ready to move in by the 30th.

It is my sister's property and her tenant abandoned the unit a couple of months ago. Dave and Becca want to rent it now, although it is a one bedroom and small. Sarah won't sleep in her own bed anyway so it doesn't matter much. It will save them money for a year, if they are careful and save. Right.

We ripped the carpet up in the bedroom. The previous tenant had a cat and a dog and I swear she kept them locked in there when she went to work. It smelled of cat and when we pulled up the carpet, the smell of urine was horrible. The woman was a pig..My sister will have to put new flooring down. The hardwood floor below would require too much work at the moment. She can't afford it. So, we'll have to clean it and find some tile to put on it until later. Anyone have a fast, easy way to clean a floor that has glue and dirt on it? It is a shame because structurally, the floor is good. Refinished it would be a hardwood beauty.

I am not getting things done, you know. I just have no motivation and I think it is because someone always needs something and I'm the sap who says, "I'll help."

I am off the last week of the month and I am hoping I can do NOTHING! Yes, nothing but what I want to do. We will see. Dave and Becca will be moving that week and I will probably have Sarah a lot but that is a small thing. What I really need is to go somewhere. Of course one needs transportation for that and I have none.

I am going now. The sun is calling.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

A Rose By Any Other Name

I find these things rather interesting and usually not even close to the mark. This one, however, is weirdly accurate. My friend, Sheila, posted her's on her blog and I found it so interesting I tried my own name.

What you read here is actually true about me, even the negative parts!
Here is the result. I have deliberately not posted my name. The site address is at the bottom of the page.

My Name Means:

There are 16 letters in your name.
Those 16 letters total to 83
There are 5 vowels and 11 consonants in your name.

What your first name means:

GreekFemaleOf Cynthus (Mount Cynthus on the island of Delos). Famous bearer: Cynthia was one of the names of the mythological moon goddess Artemis, referring to her birth on Mount Cynthus.

Your number is: 11

The characteristics of #11 are: High spiritual plane, intuitive, illumination, idealist, a dreamer.

The expression or destiny for #11:
Your Expression number is 11. The number 11 is the first of the master numbers. It is associated with idealistic concepts and rather spiritual issues. Accordingly, it is a number with potentials that are somewhat more difficult to live up to. You have the capacity to be inspirational, and the ability to lead merely by your own example. An inborn inner strength and awareness can make you an excellent teacher, social worker, philosopher, or advisor. No matter what area of work you pursue, you are very aware and sensitive to the highest sense of your environment. Your intuition is very strong; in fact, many psychic people and those involved in occult studies have the number 11 expression. You possess a good mind with keen analytical ability. Because of this you can probably succeed in most lines of work, however, you will do better and be happier outside of the business world. Oddly enough, even here you generally succeed, owing to your often original and unusual approach. Nonetheless, you are more content working with your ideals, rather than dollars and cents.

The positive aspect of the number 11 expression is an always idealistic attitude. Your thinking is long term, and you are able to grasp the far-reaching effects of actions and plans. You are disappointed by the shortsighted views of many of your contemporaries. You are deeply concerned and supportive of art, music, or of beauty in any form.

The negative attitudes associated with the number 11 expression include a continuous sense of nervous tension; you may be too sensitive and temperamental. You tend to dream a lot and may be more of a dreamer than a doer. Fantasy and reality sometimes become intermingled and you are sometimes very impractical. You tend to want to spread the illumination of your knowledge to others irrespective of their desire or need.

Your Soul Urge number is: 7

A Soul Urge number of 7 means:
With a number 7 Soul Urge you are very fond of reading, and retreating to periods of being alone and away from the disruptions of the outer world. You like to dream and develop you idealistic understandings, to study and analyze, to gain knowledge and wisdom. You may be too laid back and withdrawn to really succeed in the business world, and you will be much more comfortable in circumstances that are tolerant of your reserve, your analytical approach, and your desire to use your mind rather than your physical being.

You are very timid around people that you don't know very well, so much so at times that casual conversation and social situations can be strained. You tend to repress your emotions to the extend that some people have a good bit of difficult understanding you. You tend to be very selective with friends and you don't easily adapt to new environments or to new people very quickly.

The negative traits of the 7 include becoming too much the introvert and isolated from others.

Your Inner Dream number is: 4

An Inner Dream number of 4 means:
You dream of being a very solid citizen that people can depend upon. You strive for organization and predictable order. You want to be recognized as a person with a plan and the discipline to make that plan work like clockwork.

Copyright © 2006 Paul R. Sadowski (

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I found the following article interesting. Fewer Latino Immigrants Send Money Home. Could it be that pulling in the welcome mat, tougher stance on immigration enforcement, and loud Citizen voices are making an impact? I certainly hope so.

What I suspect, however, is that the problems with our economy IS only just beginning and the illegals, like the citizens are feeling the impact. I didn't mention it before because I had to think about it, but if, in fact, Congress decided to legalize the several million illegals you can watch for the following to happen.

Welfare rolls for food stamps and aid to dependent children will balloon
Medicaid rolls will explode
Government housing rolls will explode.
Violent crime will escalate in response to critical shortages.

There will be more spent on these items than is being spent right now. And it is an unending cycle. Anyone who thinks this is a good idea, well, be prepared for astronomical tax hikes to the middle class. Expect more homeless legal Americans citizens. Those currently on these rolls will be pushed off over time and replaced by the "new illegal citizens".

Please understand me when I say I have no complaint with those who come to this country legally and make the effort to gain their citizenship. I do think we have a policy that is far to liberal because we can no longer support those who live here. But if you legally arrived on our shores, I respect your honesty and wish you the best in attaining your goal of becoming a citizen.

You should be aware that you will join the millions of American citizens who will pay for the expenses of the illegal immigrants.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mothers' Day

Happy Mother's Day to the all the woman in this most nobel profession. I hope you all have the a day filled with happiness with those who appreciate all your sacrifices.

I'll try and write more later. I have my aunt, uncle and youngest sister visiting this weekend and so I have been busy visiting.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


I don't usually post directly to this blog. It is basically a mirror of my Multiply blog and serves as an emergency backup in case of something failing. So sometimes, things I say about people on my list in this blog are actually contacts on that blog.

Multiply has the capacity to allow you to post to a Multiply blog and simultaneously post to Blogger. Multiply also allows cross posting to Wordpress and a few other blogging sites. It is a nice feature.

I have a Yahoo 360 blog but it is being phased out because Yahoo is no longer providing customer service to 360. There are glitches that result in lost posts, readers are unable to access a blog to read it or comment on it, comments are lost or post multiple times. Not sure how many are members of 360 but I know there are a lot fewer.

At any rate, if something is confusing in a post, more than likely, it is something that is on Multiply. There is a link to that site if you want to visit. I have a lot of other things on that site. Videos, photos, stories, essays, and a blog. Drop by and take a look.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Rain and the End of a Day

Rain has once again kept the day dark and gloomy. I have been miserable all day. I can barely talk, I am so hoarse. My cold is not as bad but I can't get the hoarseness to go away. And I am tired. I am going to bed early tonight. I have to get more sleep. It is just that there is so much to do and I don't ever seem to get a moment to relax except when I am online.

I saw that Ms. Clinton won Indiana and Mr. Obama won N. C. Not surprising in either instance. Indiana was a Clinton state when Bill ran. I don't think that with the current crop of candidates that it will be a win for the nation, no mater which one is elected.

We, as a nation, are reaching critical mass economically, morally, and socially. We have opened too many doors, spent too much money on worthless causes, ungrateful countries, and enemies and we've failed to invest in the country and our own people. My opinion is that it is too late. An injured body can bleed only so long before it lapses into a coma. We're there. If it continues to bleed, the body dies. Someone should pick the flowers. Our enemies will rejoice. Our leches will mourn but they'll also starve to death because they can't make it on their own. Our friends abandoned us long ago so they could hedge their bets.

Frankly, I don't think we ever had many friends. A friend with their hand is out is no friend at all. The most common emotion toward America is jealousy and resentment. No nation should be allow to be so successful, so wealthy, so self sufficient. Makes people mad. And we're arrogant about it too. Well, if you have it, you have it and if you don't you hate those who do. We've been generous to the needy and to the jerks.. A lot of people fought and died to insure this nation and secure it for us citizens. And we've blown it in less than 100 years.

Now, wasn't that a very negative message? So, I've not optimistic.

Ok, I think that is dark enough for today.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A Day Off

As you can see from my welcome box, I am listed on the Million Blog List. You should check it out and list your blog. It is a Wiki to see how long it will take to list a milliion blogs. Interesing, if nothing else.

I have spent the entire day working in the yard and cleaning house. I have company coming this weekend for my sister's graduation from college. I had my son's mother-in-law come and clean the house for me while I did other things. My house is sooooo clean. The woman is absolutely amazing with a few cleaning items! Everything smells clean!

Becca cut the lawn and I played with Sarah, did laundry and cleaned the study - my personal sanctuary. I put away my winter clothes and have several things still to do but it will have to be done when I come in from work the rest of this week.

My car is on the fritz so I'm stranded at the moment. Not sure what is happening. I hope to have it fixed tomorrow.

My cold is better but Mike now has it and Sarah is still recovering. I am still hoarse and cough a bit but much better than I was a day or so ago. Nasty bug this one.

It is late and I am dog tired. I hurt all over and am dreading getting up in the morning. I never know how it will affect me! Will I have minimal pain? Will I be in unbearable pain? Will I be bad but get better or will I be good and get worse? Makes my head hurt juist thinking about it.

But my house is so clean!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Praise Break

I went to church last night and it was a wonderful service. Amazing how refreshed you feel after you have bathed in a pool of worship. The visiting missionary was Bro & Sis. Turner ( I can't remember their first names). They are on their way back to Ireland. His message was Take a Praise Break. He said the studies revealed that employees who are given two coffee breaks a day, actually produce more. He said next time, take a praise break!

He also said something profound that I never thought of before. In answer to the question, Why would God want us to worship him? He said that only an inferior being can give worship. God can't worship himself so he created humans. We, our souls, worship God because the soul is aware of his majesty.

In light of that, the Rev. Oprah's new religion makes sense for those seeking to hide their evil deeds by eliminating God. It demotes God and removes his majesty. When a soul is corrupt, it looks for a place to hide from the eye of God. This new fad makes man the deity and removes the need to worship anyone but self. It convinces the human heart (seat of evil) that the all seeing eye is now closed. Sin is gone because there is no one to judge it. And since there is no sin in this religion, absolutely nothing you do is wrong. You can be a child molester and you're just fine? Wonder how she is going to reconcile all the evil in the world? Because if you don't have a judge and there is no law there is NO WRONG DOING. Yeah, that sounds like a place I want to live and have my granddaughter grow up in! NOT. Incidentally, this is not a religion, folks. Religion is based on the concept of a deity. This is based on self-actualization. It is not a religion. It is a club. I gotta wonder what the eternal perks are.

Well, I'm taking my praise break now. Glory and honor and power be to the most high God. No weapon formed against Him shall prosper. Bless the Lord and let His name be known to the far corners of the world. May all who hear His name desire to seek His face.

King David always says it better than me:

Psalms 18
31 For who is God, except the LORD?
And who is a rock, except our God?
32 It is God who arms me with strength,
And makes my way perfect.
33 He makes my feet like the feet of deer,
And sets me on my high places.
46 The LORD lives!
Blessed be my Rock!
Let the God of my salvation be exalted.
Psalms 63
3 Because Your lovingkindness is better than life,
My lips shall praise You.
Psalms 86
8 Among the gods there is none like You, O Lord;
Nor are there any works like Your works.
9 All nations whom You have made
Shall come and worship before You, O Lord,
And shall glorify Your name.
10 For You are great, and do wondrous things;
You alone are God.

Break's over. Amen

Friday, May 2, 2008

Week End!

It has been a busy week and actually, a fairly good one. The weather had been nice and I've been relatively pain free. Work was very busy and hectic all week and I came home tired most night but there is no rest for the weary. I had company nearly ever evening until nearly 10. Last night was the first night this week I could call my own. I ate supper and read a bit but I still was midnight getting to bed. Just can't seem to break that cycle.

Tonight, I am hoping for a repeat!

Alice emailed me wondering where I was and saying she was suffering withdrawal because I had not posted anything lately. I tell you, I've just been so tired I couldn't think of anything at all. This post is apt to be so boring you'll fall asleep in about 10 words.

It has rained all day here and I suspect that means that the yard work for tomorrow is a no go. I still have a couple of hedges to clear and the grass will need another mowing. But with all this wet, it will be impossible. Typical.

I am going to try and finish a chapter of Mist, Alice. I began working on it this week, actually. I know you have missed it. I seem to have fallen into a slump for several months now and it has been difficult to break out. But I am putting an extra effort into it.

Well, the pizza has arrived and I am going to pop it in the oven. Store bought, not delivery. I'll be back later, I am sure.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Off To Work I Go!

The weather turned cold overnight last night and I had to close the windows. Tonight, I've had to close the windows and turn on the heat. The wind is out of the north and quite chilly. It is 53 degrees. I just got home from church, got my bath and while my hair is drying, I am writing this post.

The weekend has come to a close and I am exhausted and having problems with pain. I did too much, I fear. I worked yesterday in my yard, raking the grass and bagging it, and cutting the overgrown hedges down and dragging it to the street to be hauled away.

I still have three hedges left and a truck load of cuttings but I did as much as I could. Some of the limbs had grown to a three inches in diameter because I was not able to cut them last year. My oldest son came out to help when my daughter-in-law shamed him into it. Little Sarah helped with bagging the grass and her mommie helped and hauled them to the street too. My yard looks so much better so I can deal with the side effects. My younger son says he will come and haul out the rest tomorrow after work. He worked Saturday so could not be here to help.

I do love working in my yard. I don't have flower beds and such but it is a large yard. Sarah, as small as she is, can play in that great big yard for hours and probably not walk the same area twice. We bought this house because of the big yard, in 1990, when the youngest was 7. We bought a trampoline, a basketball goal, a children's pool, and some sand. They played out there all the time. A few times we considered selling out and leaving but I truly love my home, delipated though it has become, and my yard is so private that I doubt I'd be happier somewhere else.

I do hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I am not feeling great but I it was a lovely weekend and worth the price.

Friday, April 25, 2008

High Alert!

It is the WEEKEND! Now get out there and enjoy it!

I am on my way to Sam's Club to get a couple of rotisserie chickens for supper, pick up Becca and Sarah and sit on the patio and watch her play.

Hope you all have a sunny, dry, cool weekend! I may blog more later but maybe not. . .

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

545 People - A Political Statement

I got this in my email today. I have no idea if this is, in fact, written by Charlie Reese. I don't know if the statement at the end is true. If Charlie Reese didn't write it, I apologize to the author and ask that you let me know who you are so I can give you the highest credit. This is the best political statement I've ever read!

This is the simplest, most understandable and truest explanation of the woes of the nation and who caused them, as well as how to cure them. This should be sent to every person in the U.S., including the "545".

"545 People"
by Charlie Reese:

Politicians are the only people in the world who create problems and then campaign against them.

Have you ever wondered why, if both the Democrats and the Republicans are against deficits, we have deficits?

Have you ever wondered why, if all the politicians are against inflation and high taxes, we have inflation and high taxes?

You and I don't propose a federal budget. The president does.

You and I don't have the Constitutional authority to vote on appropriations. The House of Representatives does.

You and I don't write the tax code, Congress does.

You and I don't set fiscal policy, Congress does.

You and I don't control monetary policy, The Federal Reserve Bank does.

One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one president and nine Supreme Court justices - 545 human beings out of the 300 million - are directly, legally, morally and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country.

In 1913, Congress delegated its Constitutional duty to provide a sound currency to a federally chartered but private central bank.

Those 545 human beings spend much of their energy convincing you that what they did is not their fault. They cooperate in this common con regardless of party.

What separates a politician from a normal human being is an excessive amount of gall.

No normal human being would have the gall of a Speaker, who stood up and criticized the President for creating deficits.

The president can only propose a budget.

He cannot force the Congress to accept it.

The Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, gives sole responsibility to the House of Representatives for originating and approving appropriations and taxes.

Who is the speaker of the House?

She is the leader of the majority party.

She and fellow House members, not the president, can approve any budget they want.

If the president vetoes it, they can pass it over his veto if they agree to.

It seems inconceivable to me that a nation of 300 million can not replace 545 people who stand convicted -- by present facts - of incompetence and irresponsibility.

I can't think of a single domestic problem that is not traceable directly to those 545 people.

When you fully grasp the plain truth that 545 people exercise the power of the federal government, then it must follow that what exists is what they want to exist.

If the tax code is unfair, it's because they want it unfair.

If the budget is in the red, it's because they want it in the red.

If the Marines are in IRAQ, it's because they want them in IRAQ.

If gas is high, it's because they won't drill off Florida or in Alaska.

If they do not receive social security but are on an elite retirement plan not available to the people, it's because they want it that way.

There are no insoluble government problems.

Do not let these 545 people shift the blame to bureaucrats, whom they hire and whose jobs they can abolish; to lobbyists, whose gifts and advice they can reject; to regulators, to whom they give the power to regulate and from whom they can take this power.

Above all, do not let them con you into the belief that there exists disembodied mystical forces like 'the economy,' 'inflation' or 'politics' that prevent them from doing what they take an oath to do. Those 545 people, and they alone, are responsible.

They, and they alone, have the power.

They, and they alone, should be held accountable by the people who are their bosses - provided the voters have the gumption to manage their own employees.

We should vote all of them out of office and clean up their mess!

FYI: Charlie Reese is a former columnist of the Orlando Sentinel Newspaper.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Glass Houses and Environmental Garbage

Check out this page learn more about what Mr. Gore is doing to help conserve energy and "go green".
Glass Houses

"People who live in glass houses should not throw stones."
Remember what I said about leaders and followers? If he can't follow his own plan, what makes him an expert?

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Count the Gumballs - Illegal Immigration

I seem to have started a debate with my Patriots video. It has broadened in to the subject of illegal immigration and the pros and cons of illegal immigrants. Incidentally, there is no PRO. in allowing law breakers to become citizens. We have enough criminals as it is and once you allow one law to be broken, you open the door for others. Never mind the simple fact that the American economy can't support the shear volumn of people we are expected to support. Who do you think is going to pay the bill.

Ginger, more people, means LESS food, regardless of who's farming. You are looking at potential famine in a country already struggling to balance its budget and pay its bills. Add a million or two and their children and you have not seen the economic nightmare.

You are talking about more money spent to house, educate, feed, and give medical treatment to for FREE. I work in a government agency that doesn't have enough funds to assist CITIZENS with housing assistance so they won't have to live in shelters. You're telling me we should add a couple of million more low income families to the mix so they can come in and push honest legal citizens into homeless shelters?

Because that is what will happen. THERE IS NO MONEY TO SUPPORT THEM. Low income is low income and the greater the numbers of low income families, the more money that is required from the taxpayer to support them with food, shelter, education and medical. The middle class is paying for free housing, free medical, free food for low income families and believe me when I say we are being forced to cut people off every year because the Federal government can't provide more money. HUD cuts housing assistance ever single year by 10% at least.

So, those of you who think you have nothing to worry about should know the facts. Number speak for themselves. If you are pro illegal immigration you should be aware of what YOU will lose by allowing the numbers to continue. You are going to pay people, never think for one minute that there is anything way at all you will benefit from this. Sorry, Ginger, you better plant a garden cause you aren't going to be able to afford to feed your own family and you will pay for their college while all those illegals get to go tuition free!

And don't think for one minute they will continue to work for those menial wages, hon. Once they become citizens they will form unions, strike for higher wages, better housing, and better working conditions... the things accorded legal citizens. And the owner will continue to hire illegal immigrants because they can't afford to hire citizens! That is where your logic breaks down. You think it will be solved by legalization but if the farm owners wanted legal citizens they'd hire them. They don't want them for the very reason you state the illegals should be made citizens.

Learn to count, folks. Watch the gumballs.