Sunday, August 30, 2009

Oh My Aching. . .

Pick one. Anyone will do. I think it was the fibro kicking in but maybe not. The clock woke me at 7:30 and my legs were hurting. My back was hurting. My neck was hurting and my hands. I think I got chilled. I'm not sure. I seem to be more cold natured than I used to be. Some nights I get cold and my air is not set very low. I think 74 degrees. For some reason about 4 in the morning the house seems much cooler or I am much cooler.

I went back to sleep and slept until 10:30... too late for church. Sarah is sick this morning too. She's caught Mike's cold. She didn't see him that much but I suspect it is just going around. Better she catch things from us since we seem to catch less nasty bugs than some folks.

Well, I'm going now. I've been lying around, chatting with my friend Alice and that is always fun. She's a very funny person and I usually end up in stitches talking to her. I need all the laughs I can get.

Maybe I'll pop back in later today. Don't know. If the aches are not too bad I will.

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