Saturday, August 1, 2009

Down Come the Trees!

Here is the progress thus far! The first tree is little more than a pile of logs. It wasn't very large.

The lumberjacks taking a water break. I asked them to let me take a photo and they were very pleased by it. The guy in the center. Lew, is our friend who is heading up the operation. The other two gentlemen are also tree men who work for other companies during the week. The guy in red says there is good money in this work.

I warned them I was putting it on the blog and they were fine with it.

This limb that is about to come down worried me. It was directly over the house and almost touching the evens. Lew had been up on that roof cutting things back so it wouldn't damage the room but it was still large. They are holding a rope tied to it so they can pull it away from the house.

Here they begin to pull hard as the other man begins to cut into the tree. I was holding my breath!

TIMBER! It falls away just as they planned. They made it look so easy.

And it is now ready to chop in peices and be hauled away. You can see how bare my back yard is going to be without my lovely mimosa.

More later!

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