Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Do You Know What Time It Is?

Can anyone tell me what time it is getting to be? If you guessed NaNoWriMo, you would be a winner!

Yes, my dear friends, you will all be subject once again to my angst and excitement over National November Novel Writing Month. As you devoted readers will remember it is 50,000 words in 30 days beginning 12:01 a.m. November 1 and ending at midnight on November 30.

Despite my lack of focus and my inability to think logically I am going to attempt to invent a story of at least 50,000 words. This year will be my fourth year participating and I hope it will be a third win. I'm give it my best. The fun of the forums awaits as well.

They issued the badges early this year. Perhaps to generate more interest. I would have to say if you are even a little bit of a writer you should try this. It is a lot of fun and you meet some great people. And the writing practice is truly wonderful. Working under such a tight deadline forces you to actually write! LOL, fast!

My friend, Cassandra C. is a friend from NaNo. Please drop by her blog and encourage her and keep her in your thoughts and prayers. I just found that she has been going through some very difficult things this past year. For one thing, they have found a tumor on her optic nerve. I knew about some of the difficulties she'd had but not that particular one. I do not know if she will try NaNo but I wouldn't be surprised. She seems to be one of those who will keep trying. My hat is off to her.

I've been both busy and very tired these last few days and have just not wanted to post anything. I'm going to be buying my ticket for my get-away in September. More on that later.

I'm also going to make myself order that laptop I've had my eye on. I keep putting it off but I think that will be my birthday present to myself this year. October is a little way off but an early present is not a bad thing.

I had a cleaning lady in yesterday. My daughter-in-law's mother absolutely loves to clean. And folks, she is a whiz! If cleaning has a mother, Sue is it! At the moment she is laid off for a few days and I requested her services. After I got home, when I opened my storm door so I could unlock the front door, I could smell my house. When I opened the door it felt like a weight had been lifted. Everything was dusted, swept, vacuumed, mopped, and put away. I was thrilled. Mind you, it wasn't very dirty to start with but I just knew it needed a thorough job of it.

And now I'm going to find a show to watch and then to bed. I've been so tired and I'm taking my medicines a bit earlier so I get sleepy earlier. May have to adjust that if I'm to get anything done.

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