Monday, February 7, 2011

Gone are the Gossamer Skies

Another Monday dawned and I was confronted by leaden skies and a falling mist of snow that seemed to melt on contact. The temps have been fluctuating around freezing with no consistence. I am a mass of aches and pains and depression. Truly I do not wish to be in this place.

It was another day of having the PTB yell for me across the hall to fix a problem. I explained the issue half a dozen times and he still didn't get it. Ultimately what he wanted was me to just say "Give it to me and I'll take care of it." I didn't. Neither did anyone else.

It defies reason for anyone to have a job that pays roughly $50,000 a year and be unable to understand it, answer questions about it, or even solve a problem.

I have decided to go on a sugar fast. For those who know me, this is not easy. I watch my sugar intake most of the time but when I am like I am now, I make no attempts to control it. Stress, depression, frustration, aggravation all take a toll. Still, I have to do something to attempt some kind of effect on this inflammation that keeps me in pain. So, I have to get rid of all my goodies but there aren't many and there is the writer's meeting on Thursday night. That will help and it will be a nice break in the week.

I did go to church last night with Sarah. I told my aunt tonight that "Aunt Kate" is in my back seat all the way to and from church. Aunt Kate was my great aunt, sister to my grandfather ( he and my grandmother raised me). Aunt Kate was a very large woman. She was tall, like most of the Browder clan. But she was large. Best cook you can imagine. And she could belt out a song that could be hear a block away. Mind you, it was good singing. Every church meeting I ever went to where she was in attendance, someone would get up and say, "Sister Kate, will you sing for us?" Of course she would. She loved to sing.

Sister Sarah gets in the car and says, "Put the Jesus CD on Mawmaw." I do. That little 24 pound tot can belt out a song, let me tell you. She sings to the top of her lungs. And she does pretty good. There are 30 songs on that particular "Jesus CD" and she knows a lot of them and if she doesn't know all the words to each one, she fakes it and carries on. It is highly amusing and quite joyful. Before long, Mawmaw is singing, too. Mike won't sing, although he can and pretty good but he won't. I thought last night I wished that the video camera would work in the dark. I may record it anyway next time because you could probably hear her.

I'm headed off now. I have to write my 300 a night. I missed last night because I was really not well. Tonight, if time permits I may try and catch up but I'm not forcing it.

I'm in a funk. Starting Monday's the way this one did is not an auspicious beginning to the week. I'm hoping that this is the bottom of the hill and it is all up hill from here. My luck, I'll pull a calf muscle climbing.

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