Saturday, January 2, 2010

To The Pain

That's what Wesley says in The Princess Bride when he challenges the Prince to duel. Not to the death, but to the pain. Then he recites all the horrible things that will result from this. Before he is done, you figure death is preferable.

I woke up in agony. Seriously. I could barely use my arm. My shoulder and neck hurt. Both calves. My hand felt crushed in a vice. I do not remember this much pain in forever. I am supposed to see my rheumatologist Feb 2. but you watch. Pain will be minor by then. She can't help me anyway.

I've had a cup of coffee. I've been checking out your blogs. Nancy PM'd me about that woman who is posting her photo all over the place. She wanted to know how to delete it. I told her. Then, I remembered seeing that on one of my posts and had to find it.

The sun is again shining. But it is so cold, 12 degrees, that I wouldn't dare go out there. Or maybe. . . {looks toward the window in her study} nah, I don't think so.

I'm going to sit here and write. I'm thinking about working on Hidden in the Mist. I haven't heard from Alice in ages she hasn't responded to my messages. Kind of worried there.

Or if I do go out, it will be to see Sherlock Holmes. That's the ticket. . . well, I have to purchase it. . . this isn't going well. Need more coffee and food.

Everyone raise you glass or cup. Now, TO THE PAIN!

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