Sunday, January 24, 2010

Five Blinking O'Clock!?

What is THAT about? I woke up. I do not know what woke me. But I woke up. I'm sitting here at seven a.m. getting the directions to Doug's house before I start to get ready for church. I've been working on the back story for Simon since probably 5:30 or 6! My neck doesn't like any of this.

I did try and go back to sleep but it just didn't work. I went to bed probably around 11:30. Can't really remember. I know that at 10:33 p.m. I copied a file to my laptop. I had taken it to bed with me to try and work on these notes but got so sleepy I finally had to stop. And that was probably around 11:30. I'm pretty sure I went to sleep very quickly. I don't have trouble normally falling asleep once I lie down. Just sleeping well and staying that way.

Anyway, I'm going to go in a short while and get my dress on and get this mop of hair up.

Really this is just beyond me. Do you have any idea how very tired I'll be by 6 p.m.?

Mike and I went to lunch yesterday around 12:30 and then to Wal-mart. I had not done any really heavy work that morning. I had simply paid bills and read a bit. During our shopping trip I suddenly felt terrible. I was so tired all of the sudden and I was dizzy. I have no idea why. It came on slowly... I think the dizziness first. I finally had to tell Mike that I had to go home. I just felt so exhausted and unwell. We got the stuff in and sat around for about an hour and watched HULU and then, I took him home and came home myself and got a hot shower. I didn't do anything but read and watch television. Kat came on line at some point, back from her trip. We chatted a bit and then I went to bed.

Still don't know what came over me. It wasn't pleasant but I know if I had been able to lie down I would have gone straight to sleep. I do not know if it may have been something related to the fibromyalgia or something else entirely.

Ok,enough of this. I have to get back to my writing. Hope you all have a good Sunday. They aren't usually very good for me.

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