Sunday, November 25, 2007

Health Warning

Someone sent me an email today with a health warning. When I get such warnings I always check the story out before I even think about forwarding it. This story states that eating soy products causes a number of health issues, the most serious being thyroid cancer.

Now, I am not into health foods and don't believe I use many things with soy in it. So, I wouldn't normally worry but my granddaughter is unable to drink regular milk because of lactose intolerance. Some people have suggested we get soy milk but we just bought DairyEase, regular milk with no lactose for people with this disorder. So, in part, because of the potential for her to be put on soy milk by well-meaning physicians, I thought it wise to research the story.

So, I have done the research on the web to find any mention of this and was shocked that I did. Soy is such a largely used product in the food industry it is impossible that there would be any harm in it, particularly when it is touted as a heart health food.

I am not going to relate every symptom here but I am providing the links to the sites where the information is. There appears to be a smoke from this fire. So, if you or someone you know uses soy products, READ THESE CAREFULLY and do your own research. These sites all have additional links. You can do a search on or Google for "soy and cancer". In this instance, the more information you have the longer you might live.

I'll be checking my pantry.

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