Saturday, July 16, 2011

Saturday - What do I do?

I got up and dressed around 8:30 and looked around to see what I needed to do. Um... nothing. It was a very odd feeling. Everything is clean, dusted, folded, put away, and tidy. I can sew or read or shop.

I'm on my way out to do some errands for my sister, pick up Sarah and Becca and go buy shoes for Sarah, and paint to finish the porch and the shed. Becca's dad painted the porch yesterday while Sue cleaned the house.

I am so relieved by Sue's efforts. I am not really too messy, actually but I have so many weekends where I'm having mobility issues that it builds up. Today I do one room. Next week I part of another or a the whole room, then another until weeks later I'm back at the original room and it is a disaster. In the mean time dust accumulates and cobwebs. I get frustrated by all of it. I used to clean my whole house on Saturday. Now, I'm lucky if I get one room done.

So, today, I'll have the running to do and then, work on my skirt tutorial. If the insurance crisis had not hit me I would have had a perfect day, as perfect as this back will allow. It is acting up this morning. I've managed to read the blogs and comment on a few. I'm on my way out now. So everyone enjoy your day! I'll return with stories.

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