Wednesday, January 26, 2011

One Day

One day ..... I've spent years thinking that way about all kinds of things. One day we'll visit Europe and see castles. One day we'll own our own home. One day we'll have children. One day we'll get the house fixed. One day we'll go on a nice vacation and sit by the pool all week. One day we'll buy a new car. One day. . . . I've done those things and more besides.

But I never said, "One day I'll be a widow and live alone." The thought never crossed my mind. It was beyond the scope of my imagination. It just isn't something for which you plan or dream.

One day.... so much crammed into that phrase. We say it with so little regard to the impact it actually has on our life.

I restate something I said long ago in one of the early grief blogs. Why is so little known about an event that has or will affect every human being on the planet? Is it because we hide so much of our grief from those around us? Or is it because no one really wants to talk about it? Or is it because most of the world lives in denial that it will ever happen to them? One day.

In one day a global event happens to you personally and only those closest to you even notice. They will forget just as quickly. You will relive that one day for years.

One day can change your life and last forever.

One day. It wasn't supposed to be a bad day.

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