Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Abortion Doctor in Philadelphia Charged With Murder -


So, is it murder? Or is it not?

This is a monstrous article and I can't stomach it but it is amazing how values have become so distorted. Disagree if you like, I do not care. This IS A MORAL ISSUE. It is NOT a political one. I do not care what your politics are and I do not care if you came from Pluto on a comet tail. Human beings deliberately deprived of life at the hands of another is murder.You can't have it both ways. Either it is murder or it isn't. And if it isn't then there is no such thing as murder in any form.

A society who refuses to recognize the value of life in all forms ceases to be civil or sane. Hitler's solution was to exterminate what was in his view valueless sub-humans. Jews, mentally handicapped, all non-white races - the list goes on. It is a small step to follow that path. It is coming. We talk about it already... euthanasia, abortion, who decides who dies and when, assisted suicide - the list goes on.

Monsters, such as mentioned in this story, are the ones who should be shipped off the planet. Plant them somewhere they can build their own world.... say the moon. I've not doubt they do not need oxygen to survive... they are aliens.

Of course, he will get a fair trial. And if I were in his position I'd be saying that the law has already set a precedent because it has legalized a woman's right to abort her unborn child. Were I him, I would be saying that age of the unborn should not matter. It is a matter of choice. You watch for it.

I'm willing to bet there will be people who agree with him. Obviously, the women who were going to him thought so.

Should they be charged?

To the moon.

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