Monday, October 15, 2012

The Minds of Children

If the world can survive until this young lady becomes an adult, the world will see an amazing leader in Canada! 
And if there are other adolescents with this kind of concern for their nations who will make the effort to change it, the nations might just survive. 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

How I Spent My Weekend

It was an insane Saturday. I was up at 7 a.m. and went to the hospital. I the ultrasound on my gall bladder, x-rays of my hands and feet, and they drew about 8 vials of blood. Then I dashed back across to the east side of town to take care of a bill. It was around 8:30 or  9. I stopped at Sonic for breakfast. My blood work and ultrasound had to be fasting so I was getting hungry. I turned around and went back to the west side, stopping at the house to pick up NaNo signs and continued on, picked up my first son so he could help me get some furniture I had seen beside the road for sale and bought. I headed back to the east side, stopping briefly to drop off said signs for a patron, before continuing to the far east side to pick up second son.

The three of us went north to Menards to rent the truck. We went west to my house to get the furniture (dresser, chest, and bunk beds for Sarah's room). We followed the owner to a second house on the south side to get the second bunk. He'd originally planned on keeping it but the room was just too small for a bed and sewing machine. On the way the mirror flew off and shattered on the road. Yes. We got the bed and went back to second son's house on the east side to unload truck.

We went back to my house to get my car, unload the mirror frame. I'm going next week to have the mirror that is sitting against a wall in my study installed in the frame. We once again headed north to turn in the truck, drop second son off on the east side, and first son and I came back to my house. He did several errands for me and then it was 6 p.m. when I took him home.

Second son, wife and Sarah came by around 8 to do up laundry in prep for his trip to Indianapolis for job training. He'll be there a week. I am praying this will be a good job for him and lead to other things. Pray for him with me please. He really needs a job that will allow him to provide for his family.

I got daughter-in-law to help in preparing my NaNo gift bags. I'm getting there but the minutia is just so tedious.

My feet have been hurting for about a week now, particularly the right foot. Previously, the left one acted up. It got better but it too is a bit sore. So far no one has offered a solution which makes me think there isn't one. This is not good. At its worst I can barely walk. If it gets worse, I'm in serious trouble. I live alone and I have to work. My house is not set up for wheelchairs or crutches. I couldn't do crutches anyway. I have too much shoulder and neck problems.

I sat up late after the kids left last night. I don't feel I've had a relaxing weekend at all. I overslept as a result and woke with a headache. The weather is gloomy but actually warm. I'm praying that the headache goes away.

I was unable to get the Imitrex because when the doctor rewrote the prescription she didn't say, "No generic". This hasn't been a problem before but I was under a different insurance. Anthem wants you to get generics only. I only get to non-generic medicines. This was a trial and error decision on my part. One is a patch that stays on a week. In the generic patches they don't stick. They won't replace a patch if you run short because it came off and you had to replace them. In the Imitrex, I did try a generic. I don't know what was different but I got really sick with it. This is a dangerous medicine and I don't feel like playing roulette with it. I'll call my doctor on Monday and ask her to resend the script. If she does, great. If she doesn't, that'd be bad. I'm not getting migraines as frequently but I still get them. The reduction is because I've been treating the neck and shoulder differently, making them the focus rather than the headache. I think I've proven the headache is a symptom rather than a cause.

Now it is Sunday and I overslept. I was looking forward last night to going to church this morning. I feel doubly bad because Mike misses when I do.

I'm supposed to got to David's to eat later. Becca called and asked me. I'm going to lie down again I think later and put up my foot.

I've got to actually start planning something to write in the event pantsing doesn't work. I actually like starting blank because my mind is forced to go in some direction of its own choosing. Those are the times when the story can get very intense and the characters start talking. Maybe it is because the want to talk and with no restraints they can do so more freely. I don't put expectations on them. I let them go where they want and say what they want and do pretty much what they want. Sounds like fun.

I'm going now. I've killed enough time. I've had my coffee, eaten breakfast, and read a bit. Now I can sit and listen to the clocks tick.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Are We There Yet?

The weekend looms... but in the distance. Tomorrow stands between me and Saturday. That's not a good place to be. I have so much to do both at the office an at home. I've spent the last several evenings getting some things together for my National Novel Writing Month regional kick off. If you don't know what that is... you haven't been reading this blog very long.

Every year, hundreds of thousands of people around the world, sign up to write a 50,000 word novel in the 30 days in November. This is my 7th NaNoWriMo and my second year as my region's Municipal Liaison. I still have to write a novel but I'm now coordinator for write-ins and general cheerleading.  You can read all about NaNoWriMo at I dare you to try it. You'll have a blast, meet some wonderful people and you might end up with a good book.

Today I didn't go to work. My right foot felt broken. Usually it is my left foot. That's the arthritis and there's nothing they can do about it. I put some medicine I have on it but it is only slightly better since I got up. It hurts to walk. That's not why I stayed home. I'm supposed to have my foot x-rayed this week. I have to have blood work, too.

I also has a doctor's appointment because I think I'm having a gallbladder problem. I had some discomfort yesterday that followed some nausea on Tuesday. After my younger sister's horrible experience with a gallbladder that went critical, I'm not about to delay. I'm scheduled for an MRI on Saturday morning. I'm going to get all those other test done at the same time.

What I really want is to retire. The weekend is closer than my retirement.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

An Exciting Life

I've never called my life exciting. Really. From my perspective it is totally boring. You all have been reading me for a while and know it. If you're new, skip back a couple of years, oh, say January 2009 and you'll understand a lot better. There's ups and downs, the latter often far outnumbering the former, but totally boring.

I actually dreamed of a simple life with normal family and friends and a job I loved and a husband to rub my back now and then or to rock on the porch with as the sun sets. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. Dream on.

 I went to bed at 9:30 last night! Unreal but I simply couldn't hold my head up. Does that  sound exciting? No. Of course not. I had a writer's meeting at 6:30 and was done by 8:30 and in bed by 9:30. How exciting is that. Don't get me wrong. I have the best writing group. They're all a hoot. We all have a good time in our G+ hangout. But I was about to fall over by the time we were done.

There was the weekend, of course. I spent it making little boxes to go in my gift bags for the NaNo kick-off on the 26th. I killed my printer. Not on purpose. But I broke it somehow. Paper jam I think but who knows. I discovered it tonight when I was going to work on . . . something else. I thought, great one more thing. I couldn't remember when I bought it but I did remember I bought an extended warrenty on it. At least I was pretty sure. I couldn't remember where I bought it, though.

So, I dug around in a box of papers. I found it. Yep. It came with a 1 yr warranty and I had bought an additional year. I bought it December 24, 2010. What in the world was I doing in Sam's Club on December 24? Apparently buying a printer.

I loaded up the printer, after asking Sam's Club what to do and being told they weren't sure, and carried it to the store. A little blond welcomed me and said, "You got here fast." Three clerks later, and one who thought the extended warranty expired and my statement that they did not run concurrent and if so that was a rip off, I walked out with a printer that cost me....$10.39.

Buy the extended warranties, buy them for a couple of years if possible. I've replaced four printers this way. They wear out if you use them a lot. Or if you kill them. Office Depot has the best ones for electronics. And they price match. The original printer was one cent more than this new one. It is virtually the same printer but a newer model. I saved a penny. Well, not really. The warranty cost a couple of dollars more. But hey... I'm good with it.

I have the warranty. The new one is not as good as the other one. I have to call in, report it is broken, and they mail me a gift card. So, what would I do while I wait for that to arrive?

I'm going to try really hard not to kill  this printer.

Darn it. I left the paper in the dead printer.

Monday, October 8, 2012

In the Numbers

I love looking at interesting stats. Interesting in that it concerns me. NaNoWriMo is coming and for the month of November I'll be watching the stats regarding my word count and cheering on my local group and some online friends as I watch their counts.

I also watch the stats on this blog. I have always found it interesting the way Google tracks things. It has been both confusing and interesting over the years. Mind you, I have never marked it much or said much about it. However, since the advent of G+ I've watched with increasing interest.

On December 12, 2011 this blog was at just over 7500 hits. I posted about it. This could be bots, intentional visit by people and unintentional visit by people. I wasn't impressed because I've been here since 2005. That's pretty pathetic. What did impress me at that point was that it had jumped from 4500 to 7500 in two months. The only change at that time was that I posted the link in my NaNo profile and I linked my blog with G+. I also began posting a link on my Facebook page. It's private but shares would account for an increase in traffic from that portal. See, if you look at the referring URLs you can see where the traffic originates. Those are people clicking on the links. There's a lot of y'all!

Most educated folks know about correlations and one can't argue that there is one. Still, I wasn't terribly impressed. But I find it interesting enough to start paying a bit more attention.

A few weeks ago I think I mentioned in a blog I'd topped 15,000. Today I was looking at the count page where it shows the most viewed posts. I do this pretty frequently. If people are reading, I'd like to know what interest them most. Cause you want to write about that.

Today, the count stands at 17, 619. {gulp} In 2011 I was slightly impressed at 2000 in a couple of months. I've doubled in less than a year. In about a week, if the trend continues I'll top 18,000. I think I'm now at the surprised phase and a bit more impressed.

No, for those who would like to throw cold water on me or deflate my ego or tear down my euphoria, move along. For those who think it's needy and tacky and all those other big words you use, move along.

I think this is cool. And for those real people out there, thanks for dropping by!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Busy Weekend

I've felt pretty good most of this weekend. Not a lot of pain most days. One day my hip had a catch in it but it seemed to pass off by the end of the day.

I've been hustling around getting things together for the NaNoWriMo Kick Off. I hesitate to call it a party since we really just use it to meet up and get acquainted with all the local participants. This year I do have some goody bags to give out... well, I'm working on them. I've put out feelers to see if everyone wants to bring goodies to share. We'll see. I have the date and time but the location is a problem still.

I don't actually have an idea of anything to write. I'm had a couple of thoughts but can't call them ideas at all. I suppose it will come.. or not. I hope it will!

Dave and Becca have decided they are going to try and work things out and they've spent the weekend getting her and Sarah settled back in. She's stayed with me for a week. I'm glad they're doing this. They get along so well and it would really be a shame to throw away seven years.

Sarah is learning to read. She's so excited about it. We tease her and tell her that now she can read stories to us. I can't wait until I make her read the same story three times. She loves books and stories.

I've not had time for much of anything so I'm probably behind reading my friends blogs. I'm behind in doing a lot. Did I already say that?

Tomorrow is a new work week and the boss is out for six days! I will get so much done if all goes well and people will not call me.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Countdown Begins!

T-30 and counting! National Novel Writing Month is just around the corner. The 2012 NaNoWriMo begins on November 1. They've updated the site and added some new features and today it officially opened to everyone.

As ML I was able to get in and see the site the day before and it was so exciting. Everything is just looks really nice. They got rid of all that red ink!  The don't have the forums up yet but I suspect in the next few weeks other things will come online.

The web badges are posted and they are just so cool. Every year you get a new one to show you're participating, another when you win. I'll be adding this one to the bottom of my  page where all the others reside. I hope to get a winner's badge by the end of November.

I love doing NaNo and since becoming an Municipal Liaison, it has been even more exciting. I get to add my second ML badge to my wall. I have to say that I like my first badge best. That being said, there is a lot to do. I have to plan my Kick off meeting and get the NaNo calendar set up with write-ins. That's a juggling act.

From this point on, the blog will probably reflect a flurry of activity and ultimate chaos. Come November 1 it will be insanity.

Note: To see all my NaNo badges, check at the bottom of the home page.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday Facts

People are always doing these Wednesday and Thursday thingys. I never do them. I don't have ten things interesting enough to me to pass on to someone else. If you do, you're fortunate. I do read them. Buried in the blog are some posts about eliminating certain days of the week and I think those two days are on the list. I'm still of the opinion that should happen. Maybe that's why I don't do them. That's be 104 post I'd have to hunt and eliminate.

Today, I'm introducing Friday Facts. No, this is not a new feature of my blog. It's just for today and if you miss it you're just out of luck.

1. The sky is gray. A nice compliment to my mood. . .which is black.

2. I should be glad it's Friday. I'm just relieved.

3. I have wonderful friends. They're all in other states.

4. A week's vacation sounds wonderful. Reality starts the following Monday. It bites.

5. I have no plans for the weekend because the people around me are so screwed up they can't decide what they're going to do. 

6. I would like to just get in my car and drive away without saying a word to anyone. Seriously.  

7.  I can't because I hate being alone but taking them with me would solve nothing. Leaving probably wouldn't either.

8.  I took photos of the Moonflower vine at 10 last night. I have no idea why. They smelled good and were pretty. 

9.  I almost sat on the porch behind the vine. The chairs had water in them. No, it was too much work.

10.  Somewhere the sun is shining, people are laughing, and joy fills the air. You got off the bus at the wrong stop.

11.  I'm tired, depressed, and stressed. But you got that, didn't you? 

Thursday, September 27, 2012


They still have not fixed the menu link issue. I don't understand why it works on my other blogs and not this one! Fix it already.

Watched a show called Revolution tonight. All about the world without electricity. Not much better than it is with electricity from what I could see. Bit scary because I actually think it will happen. Yeah, yeah, I'm nuts. Takes one....

I'm doing this F2K thingy... writing course. Free. Not sure what good it is. But hey, free!

I'm trying to decide if people, present company excepted, are really as stupid as the media portrays them? I mean, I see the stuff on several papers, international and domestic. Do you really not see this mess we're in? And you can only blame other people for so long. At some point a responsible person stands up and said, "I MADE THIS!" We're broke. We're catering to dangerous people. We're talking about spending more! We're turning our back on people who've stood by us in dangerous times. I'm watching people get closer and closer to the brink and I suddenly realized that this is exactly what is intended. To break us until all that is necessary is to put on the boots and walk over us like last weeks garbage.

And if you aren't afraid yet, you should be. Along about here you should start saying your prayers. You're going to need all the God you can find.

Anyone read the Georgia Guidestones? You should. How about Revelations? Even better. 

Don't mind me. Just keep walking. And book mark this page. I want you to read it again... afterward. You know after what.

Did I mention that this week they told us that as of October our housing program will be broke. Yes, I said broke. Yes, it means exactly what you think it does. NO MORE MONEY. What that means it we have to find money. Have you seen any? No, didn't think so. Of course, we can pump billions into other countries to build homes.... We can spend billions to fly this president to all sorts of events in his campaign. What.. you didn't see this coming... with all the free stuff he gives away?  It isn't free either. We're paying the tab. An American is going to be homeless or jobless but God forbid that politicians should have to pay their own way.

All of this is why I stopped watching television news and rarely read the paper.

So,what happens when housing agencies run out of money? Well..... when a housing program runs out of money, if they can't come up with funding, they must send 30 day notices out to people and say, "We are sorry to inform you but in 30 days we will no longer be able to assist you in your housing needs due to funding shortfall." You don't get to pick who is dropped. It is a lottery system. Granny will have to pay her $500 a month rent on that $698 income. No, they haven't said we would be doing this. That's just how it is done... if someone doesn't turn over a rock and find some money... Seen any lying around?

I don't want people to know where I live if that happens.

On top of all this, personal events have me stressed beyond endurance and when that happens, I don't fare well emotionally, mentally, or intellectually. Hence this stupid post. I'm going to find a little white pill in a minute and see if I can shut down for several hours. I don't do that usually but I've just reached my limit, I think.

I keep asking what I'm doing in this hell hole and how I got here.  Only thing I can figure is I got on the wrong bus.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A Little Closer to the Weekend

Wednesday is the downhill run to Friday. The problem with this idea is that all the stuff I'm behind on is, in theory, following along behind me. So when I start down that hill.... well, it is a lot of stuff. And you know what happens to stuff on a hill. Yeah, it follows you to the bottom where you end up in a pile of...  well, stuff.

I wasn't any more productive today than yesterday but I've got the stuff sorted, which for me, is a blessing because it is the chaos of all these files and all that paper piled on my desk that drives me to distraction. And distraction is not good when you are crunching numbers.

In six weeks I processed 133 changes on my caseload. This doesn't include phone calls, face to face meetings, mailings, presentations, interruptions, lunch, or bathroom breaks. This is 133 individual files of paperwork processed, some containing dozens of documents. Entered into the system and submitted to HUD and signed off by the super and then notices mailed out. Yes. It is an insane amount for that time period.

We had a very short rain storm here moments ago. I worked on a short video but now I don't know why. Waste of time. I'm sort of photo'd out. My slide shows do look good, however, and I'm glad I went that route. For those who are going to ask how, I used Windows Live Movie Maker (free at Microsoft) and added my photos, captions, and titles, etc. I uploaded via the link in the program to my YouTube channel. Then, I can add music there. They have other features in YouTube that I haven't used but the music is the nicest one. You can't use copyrighted material on YouTube so I've had to find "free" music clips. In some of my vids you'll here the same music used more than once. This is because there isn't much appropriate background music for free usage. I have added music from the Movie Maker but rarely.

I'm still having problems with the menu bar on this blog. All the others work but not this one! It is a known issue with Blogger at the moment. I'm rather annoyed by it. Just when I discover the feature it starts acting up. I know they'll get it fixed but not sure how long. I check out several friends and they don't seem to be having a problem. Wonder what I did wrong?

If  you one of my blog friends, or even if you aren't I'd appreciate it if you stopped by my friend, Jilly's blog. She's just started with Blogger recently when Multiply closed to bloggers. We had several friends in common there and we were both Yahoo 360'ers. We've had to start over but I've been on blogger longer. Drop over and give her a wave. She has several pages on her site that you'll find interesting. Jilly is a very busy crafter and she has some scrumptious receipts up, too.

I am going to read I think. I am reading a book on my Kindle that I got free. Savage Bay. The girls won't care for it I think. I didn't think I would but there is a lot going on and I want to see how it ends. It is very military and sci-fi but I like it. So, I'll get me a drink and find a comfy spot.

The evening is never long enough.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Cade's Cove

Smoke & Mirrors

I'm feeling very down tonight. Coming home to an empty house is hard, even after I've been doing it for so long. I was going to go get Sarah but it isn't David's day and so I have to wait. That's is probably the hardest thing of all, not being able to see her when I want to see her.

I thought today about what I'm going to do with this house and this big yard. I do that once in awhile but the last couple of years it has become a bigger issue. This week I am more serious about it. It is a yard meant for children to run in with dogs. I never look out there that I don't see little blond boys and a brown terrier running all over, giggling and barking echoing against the house. Even Sarah doesn't play there anymore. It is lonely and filled with ghost.

Smoke and mirrors.

I remember when David planted that tree of his out there. It was not as tall as he was at 8. Today, it is a couple of hundred feet high. When we planted it we were planting the future. He was excited and watered it faithfully. Every year we watched it grow taller and taller. We forgot it for a bit and one day we realized it towered over the yard. The tree grew but the future didn't.

Smoke and mirrors.

I often wonder what dreams are actually made of and how they come about.  I've stopped making plans for any kind of future and dreams are for children who don't know any better. The truth is that fairy tales are the result of someones dreams.

Smoke and mirrors.

Perhaps it all sounds melodramatic but I've lived this life. Sometime, maybe I should put up the real story my life instead of the supposed one. Blow the smoke away, break the mirrors. Sometimes I'm sure I sound as if I came from a very normal background. I remember at 12 praying, no, really, for a normal life.

Smoke and mirrors.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Week in the Smokeys, Day 4

A Week in the Smokeys: Day 3

I'm reposting this because I got things out of sequence and I left out a lot of photos! So, here's how it really happened.

Sunday Night Recover

I went to church this morning with Sarah and Mike but I've had cramps in my feet and legs this afternoon. I'm wishing for the hot tub, big time. I go back to work tomorrow. I am not looking forward to it at all.

I am also having to rework some of the videos and post I made. I got ahead of myself on some of them and posted out of sequence and with missing stuff. There are a lot of photos. But I like this slide feature. Saves space and time. And I can make it look pretty nice. I use Windows Live Movie Maker. There are other things you can use, even YouTube has features to let you dress up a video.

I'm going to end this here and get a hot shower and then get to bed. I have run out of steam.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

An Annoying Interruption

I'm working on posting photos and videos of my trip. I discovered in the process that the tabs on this blog, and this one only, were not working. I don't know why, they just aren't. The ones on all the other blogs was just fine. Nothing has changed since I left. I just discovered it by accident. I can't figure out what may be causing it.

So, I've deleted the menu bar at the top. I'll reinsert it later when I have time to figure it out. In the mean time, I'm going to put up a link gadget with links to all the other blogs.

It has been a long stressful day and I'm going to get a hot shower. I'm missing that hot tub terribly tonight. Really, really, really terribly.

Apparently, there have been issues this week with blogger. For my friends who are new to Blogger, you can keep track of issues here:

My problem is at the top of the list. But no explanation as to why all other blogs I have are unaffected.

A Week in the Smokeys, Day 2: The Pool Sharks

WARNING: LONG VIDEO but highly amusing.

A Week in the Smokeys, Day 1

Friday, September 21, 2012

Smoky Mountain Melody

2:13 ET, Tuesday September 18, 2012

I'm sitting on the deck of the cabin in the Smoky Mountains listing to the rushing of a creek somewhere below me. The woods are thick just below us and off up the mountain to the right. To the left are rolling hills with green pastures and trees.

We got here on Sunday evening and it began to rain that evening and has not stopped until a few hours ago.  The cabin is very nice and rustic on the inside and while it doesn't have a “mountain view” I'm quite content with the quiet green of the woods that we have.

My uncle and I have played pool almost continuously. I've never played except video pool and so it is a lot of fun to actually play the real game. I wouldn't mind a pool table at home. I've read and gotten in the hot tub, too. It really feels good to get in that hot water. I wouldn't mind one of those either.

Tonight we are supposed to go to the Dixie Stampede, a dinner show. I think tomorrow we're going to the Old Mill Village and walk around. The weather is supposed to clear off in the next few hours.

I have a very bad night last night. My back flared up and I had awful pain. It woke me up at 3 a.m. And I've had very little sleep.  I forgot to bring my Flector patches that help keep the inflammation under control. I called my home pharmacy and they told me I could go to the CVS here and get my prescription. I thought I was getting one pack of the patches but it was my usual prescription. But I'm good with it. I'll have them for tonight. I can wear on during the day and one at night. I can already tell it is a bit better. Honestly, the nights are the worse. I simply can't lie down. I still forgot to get ice packs. Ice helps, too. Fortunately the emergency med kit in the cabin had a pack in it and I put it in the freezer. I was able to get it out after a few hours and use it but the night was nearly over so it wasn't a tremendous help that way.

I haven't written any so far. I've just played pool, read very little, played games on my computer and done the hot tub. The nice thing is that the deck is covered and I can sit out here. Someone with kids took the cabin next door and they've become loud so not sure how long the peace and quiet will last.

I have a some writing I'm going to try and do so I'll stop this entry here. I plan to publish these to the blog once I get back.

September 19, 2012

We went to a dinner theater last night. The Dixie Stampede and it was hilarious and the food was absolutely wonderful. Most wonderful cream of vegetable soup, small roasted game hen, ham, herbed baked potato, corn on the cob, and a biscuit that was to die for, unsweetened iced tea and an apple turnover for dessert. We couldn't eat it all!

This morning, the rains stopped so we left the cabin and headed Pigeon Forge, shopping in the Old Town and lunch at The Old Mill. Again, absolutely wonderful food and great atmosphere in an old restored mill. An elderly man was on the porch of the Mill store, picking a guitar and singing old hymns. He had the most wonderful voice and we sat down to listen to him. We did some shopping and took more photos.

After our shopping trip we headed for Clingman's Dome. We passed through Gatlinburg. Just before I left for this trip, Mike said, “Mom, you're going to be near Cooter's place.” I told him I didn't know who Cooter was and he said, “Dukes of Hazzard?” I told him I didn't know the guy and that I doubt he'd be interested in seeing me. As we passed through Gatlinburg, I yelled, “There's Cooter's Place! I have to get a picture!” Photo taken, we moved on.

The mountains are simply breathtaking. My aunt asked if we'd ever seen mountains this tall. My sister had not but I've walked in the Alps and they're a good bit bigger. Still, there is something very mystical about the Smoky Mtns. The drive up was just really wonderful. We took lots of photos, which will be posted on Youtube later. I'll come back and put a link in here.

Once you reach the end of the road for Clingman's Dome, you are at roughly 5,000 feet. There is still a half mile walk to the top, and the incline is probably 45 degrees  at which point you have to climb another couple of hundred feet to reach the observation point. You do this by way of a circular bridge that ends at a round covered deck. All this is constructed of cement and I'm sure is quite secure. However... if you've read my blogs for a long time you know …. I.... don't.... do..... bridges. Of any kind. On the ground I'm o.k. but even looking at a bridge suspended over anything simply paralyzes me. This one nearly did me in. However, from the base of the tower, you can't see anything but trees.

So, I climbed it, walking behind my aunt and watching her feet, one foot in front of the other. Once on the deck I was able to look out at the amazing view. It is worth the huge effort it takes to get there. My aunt and uncle made this walk, barely breaking a sweat or breathing heavy. My sister and I had to stop at every park provided bench and then some. You think your going do die of a heart attack. If you have a heart condition it isn't the walk for you. If you're overweight... probably not the walk for you. My sister and I are both overweight, she more than I, and this was rough on us. Still, we made it and coming down isn't hard at all. But it is a mile round trip so not a little jaunt.

We stopped in Gatlinburg on our return trip to really visit Cooter's Place. It is a shop with items associated with the television show. Ben Jones is apparently the sponsor or owner. I'm not sure but there was everything Dukes of Hazzard right down to the General Lee. Another photo shoot, some purchases for Mike's birthday on the 22nd and we headed off.

September 20, 2012

We take our time in the mornings. We get up around 8 a.m and have breakfast. I was, by now, having a bad time with the back and leg. The prescription I was able to get from CVS and the ice packs I bought helped but not nearly enough. Walking was not a problem. Sleeping was.

Today we headed for a ride into the Smoky Mtn National Park. We stopped at a trail head that lead to Laural Falls. 1.3 miles up the trail is a lovely waterfall. Yes, up. 1.3 miles. It is heavily wooded and there were flowers along the way, lots of tilted stones that were totally unsuitable for seating and no Park provided benches. This was roughing it. We walked. We rested. We walked some more. A mile on a level fields is not a long walk. A mile on another angle is not a piece of cake. Oddly, enough, I didn't find it nearly as hard as Clingman's. Maybe it wasn't as steep but it was twice the distance. You reach a point where you begin to wonder if you're ever going to get there. Everyone you mean says, “You're almost there. It's worth it.” And it is. And on the way back you find yourself repeating the same phrase. Because it was.

We continued our journey through the Park, stopping at a small cafe to eat lunch. Another really good lunch. From there we went to Cades Cove. This is an historical community with log cabins and churches from two centuries ago. It was my kind of sight to see and took us all afternoon. I could have spent longer but the day was nearly over. We headed back to the cabin for time in the hot tub and a game or three of pool. I'm improving.

I took a last look around the dark woods and the sky that always seems to have clouds wreathing the mountains. I'd miss it.

September 21, 2012

Phyllis and I said good by to our aunt and uncle and headed back to Evansville today. It is a six hour drive and I would normally have driven it with no trouble. I'm simply exhausted. I had some upsetting news last night and didn't sleep much. The real world intruded and reminded me I have to come back.

We stopped somewhere east of Nashville and just had a drink, used the WiFi for an hour and continued. We lunched at Taco Bell just outside of Clarksville, TN and from there, we came on to Evansville, about a two hour drive. We were thrilled to be home. She took her stuff and left me.

Dave came by and I had Sarah for a few hours. She was in fine form, entertaining me and acting silly. She is changing so much. I'm amazed and frightened by it.  Tomorrow is Mike's birthday and we are all going to lunch to celebrate with him. I have gifts for everyone.

Saturday, September 15, 2012


I have to admit that it feels as if my vacation has already started. I don't want to do a thing, not even pack... and I have to pack or I can't go anywhere.

I spent the morning messing with blogs. Yes, yes, yes. Blogs. Mine. I got all my old site posts exported over as I said and stored in a backup blog that is closed to everyone. They're not even published really. Just in a storage mode. Nice.

What I have been doing is sorting out of that mess, my "writings" that aren't actually like my usual, boring posts about the craziness of my life. No, these are something much loftier.... so... I titled the blog Sudden Inspirations. It contains writings that were done spontaneously and tend to be of a introspective bent and generally spiritual in nature. There are also pieces of fiction and some autobiographical stories. I may add to it but who knows.

The link to Sudden Inspirations is in the menu bar above.

It is now right at 10 p.m. and I'm planning on pulling out around 9 a.m. in the morning. I've still got stuff to pack up. I was going to travel light but honestly, I realized I don't have a lot of casual clothes. Most of my stuff is office wear. So, I've got to go reevaluate my packing.

Once I loved traveling and even the prep time was a bit exciting. I've done quite a bit since Jerry died and no matter what I do, I still don't feel excited about traveling. I like the thought but honestly, I feel like I just want to stay home where I want really be happy either.

I'm headed off to bed anyway. Nothing happening here either.