Showing posts with label 2023. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2023. Show all posts

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Dream Big & Make It Happen

This post will probably be short. I've spent the weekend taking care of my sister, Phyllis. She has minor surgery on Friday and stayed with me until today. She went home a few hours go. It's always nice to have some company. I only have company from the Amazon delivery person, my son, Mike, and his girlfriend, Amanda. My sister comes by once in a while, but she still works and is pretty tired by 5 p.m. 

If you have a friend who spends a lot of time alone, you will notice when you are with them they talk a tremendous amount. This is because they're starved for human interaction. If you aren't suffering from this malady, please be kind to that person. We are by nature social creatures and when you're forced to be alone constantly, human interaction is like candy to a 5-year-old. It goes straight to the brain. I'm always exhausted after these social events. I'm an introvert, so I require solitude to recharge from social interactions. That doesn't mean I enjoy being alone constantly.

 Next Monday we begin the last quarter of 2023. I can't believe we've gone almost a year now. It's so crazy and with all the crazy stuff happening is unbelievable. 

Tonight, I'm feeling better than I have in a while. I think I've been resting better and getting more sleep. I still have to take a nap sometimes in the afternoon, but if it helps, I'm fine with it. The B1 seems to have helped me with the fibro symptoms far beyond what I expected. And the 10 lb weight loss was unexpected, too. I think it is something to do with B1's effect on sugar metabolism. 

My to-do list has not gotten shorter in the last week, well, sort of. I have accomplished a few things and marked them off. However, I just added other items to it. Still, it helps to see that the list changes. I don't feel I've totally wasted time.

I need to let anyone who is uses subscription to this and the other blog feeds that the feed has changed. FeedBurner isn't doing feeds anymore, at least, I don't think so. There were problems with it, so I switched to There is an icon on the home page. 

Tonight I watched videos of Sarah, my granddaughter. If you've been around this blog for a while, you know Sarah. I had a bunch of them on YouTube but took them down, preparatory to moving them to another site. However, I'm nervous of this with so many pedophiles cruising the web for images of children. It is a disappoint that you can't even share the joys of your life without demonic creepers sticking their horns in your business. I could make them where only subscribers could access but that won't fix the problem. 

Plans tomorrow: 

  • Put up the second bird's house. 
  • Take down the non-working solar lights, put up the new one. 
  • Spray herbicide on the fence line, since the moron who owns it won't clean it out. 
  • Clean up the garage and get rid of some junk (I can dream) 
And before anyone goes off the deep end from a trigger, I'm not able to cut out the vines and 20 foot tall poison ivy vine that takes up 10 foot of that privacy fence. It isn't MY fence. It is on the other guy's property. However, after I've done this, I suspect not much will grow on that line. At least I can hope. The people behind me put up a new fence a couple of years ago. They tore my fence down without telling me. "It was a cattle fence!" she said. But it was MY cattle fence. I didn't reply. 

Anyway, they too are letting stuff come up in their fence. I will not clear it. If they want it destroyed by bushes, that's fine with me. Or I may also run the poison along that fence too. I do hope they have nothing important planted near it. 

I am TIRED of lazy junkyard neighbors that bring down the property values.

For now, I'll stop. I hope, dear reader, that the coming week is a blessing for you and yours. Be kind, be generous, and be safe. 

Thursday, January 5, 2023

First Post of 2023! Happy New Year!

 And here we are! A new year, 2023! My 2022 ended on a pleasant note. 

For months I've been battling a deadly fatigue. In November, on a return trip from Ohio to visit my son and family, I fell asleep at the wheel. I woke before disaster struck, but it terrified me. I didn't understand why I was so tired. On my trip there, I was so sleepyI could hardly stay awake but thought it was my allergy pill. It wasn't.

I kept thinking the sleepiness problem resulted from a new medication my doctor gave me and so kept moving meds around trying to find a solution. Nothing worked. When I say I was sleepy, I was falling asleep on my feet on some days. More than once I've had to tell my son, Mike, that I had to go to bed immediately and left the room. Once in bed, I pass out. So, after falling asleep at the wheel, I contacted my doctor. 

As of December, I knew I'd be going back to Ohio for a week and had to get to the bottom of it. I contacted my sleep apnea doctor, and they told me my "numbers" showed that my mask was leaking badly and since they recalled it, I needed to come in and get fitted for a new sleep mask. 

I did. After three days, I was no longer getting sleepy and was more alert. A trip to my Primary care doctors days later and she restructured my medication doses to night. Within a week, I felt amazing and could do things I could not do for months because I couldn't stay awake. I could even write the narrative for my church's Christmas program and record it so they could play it in the program. I couldn't believe the change.

December 26, I drove to Columbus, Ohio to spend a week there with Sarah, my granddaughter. We had a wonderful time visiting thrift stores, eating out, going to a movie and visiting the Conservatory there. She is amazing and such fun. It was like old times, when she lived with me. I didn't get to spend as much time with the rest of the family because they were in Florida on a vacation. (It's a long story, but Sarah was supposed to be somewhere else and it fell through and couldn't be added to the trip at the last minute. I was "babysitting".) 

When I drove home this past Tuesday, I left at 5 a.m. and the weather was horrendous. Pitch black and pouring rain. Traffic was difficult, but since it wasn't rush hour, not too bad. My biggest problem occurred because the lines on the highway were so worn I couldn't see them in the storm. Terrifying since there are no street lights on highways anymore. However, I took my time driving 60 mph. When I got to Cincinnati, traffic had worsened, but the rain was getting better and the sky lighter. I pulled off for breakfast around 7:30, just past Cincy. 

My next stop was about 80 miles from home. I stopped at Loves Truck Stop for a break and to get a drink. After that, I didn't stop again until I parked in my garage. It was around noon. 

The rest of this week has been a slower pace. I've cleaned a little each day. While I was away, Mike came and babysat my cats. I have three, in case you didn't know. He did a good job of keeping things tidy. However, dust and cat hair still rule when I'm not here. So, I've been cleaning one room at a time and washing rugs and vacuuming floors. Tomorrow, the living room and my bedroom are the last I have to do. 

So, here we are. A new year. I pray it will be a good one, but I hold little hope for the world. I trust in God to see me through. May He watch over you as well.