Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Day of Nothing

I've had a whole day of nothing. I paid bills first thing and then I took off and went to eat lunch at Burger King. Stopped at Office Depot to look for something and bought Mike's birthday present. It is September 22nd. I also bought me another one of those $4 flashlights. It has about 9 LED bulbs and is sooo bright. I now have one for my night table (hot pink) and the new one for my car (gold). They are about three inches long. Perfect to carry around in your hand bag. And believe me, you never know when you'll need one.

I also went and paid Sue for the splendificent cleaning job she did. It is why I've had very little to do today.

Next, I went to Big Lots and bought Becca a lovely lime green dish towel and two matching oven mitts. Their new apartment has lots of dark wood cabinets, brown carpet, oak table, and dark furniture so she needs lots of color to brighten it up. It really is a nice apartment and an amazing amount of storage. I delivered them.

I came home after that and wandered around in the house. I have no idea what to do with myself when I'm alone. I finished Doug's challenge.. to allow the church ladies to find a body. I'm not happy with it but it is what it is. I'll post it for my contact to read. I feel like I could have done better. I think the problem is there was only one church lady present.

I got very tired and lay down for about 30 minutes but woke up freezing. Yes, the air is working. It is only 79 outside but the humidity makes it feel 83. Still not terribly hot. I'm posting this now and will have to find something to do afterward.

And now I need to break out the crochet. I think my problem is that I've gotten off track with some things. A constant horde for weeks at a time have simple sent me off the rails and I can't seem to figure out what I'm supposed to do.

I'm going now.

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