Monday, March 3, 2025

A Beautiful Day in My Neighborhood

 What a lovely day it has been! I got to spend the whole day with my Sarah and we had a grand time. We had breakfast together, and she wanted to shower and wash her hair. Then, for a couple of hours, we just sat around and talked. She was on her new phone and I was on my laptop. It was lovely to just visit and browse. We went to lunch around one and then we went to Ollie's to shop. 

I had a reason. I wanted to look at the patio umbrellas. Last few years, I haven't been able to keep one because weather destroyed them. However, I must have been early because they didn't have them out, despite their flyer saying they were out. So, will have to wait or order one online. But their prices were so reasonable I really wanted to get it there. 

However, I found some other things I know I needed. New shower curtain, some bath towels, large to take to the gym, and some hand towels that were too adorable not to buy. I got four large hand towels for $10. And I bought a light for my garage to put over the freezer. It's so dark where it stands that you can't see what's in there at night. As soon as I can get up the ladder, I'll find out. A 4 foot led shop light for $10 should be plenty of light for the space. And I could get more to link up to this one if I wanted. My garage is rather dark. 

After shopping, we came home and chilled out. We were both tired out from all the back and forth and I took her home around six. Now, I've had a hot shower and am ready for bed. I can't remember a nicer day. 


Friday, February 7, 2025

You'll Be Fine

 Do you ever feel uninspired? It's like you're listening for something and no one is talking. This has been happening for a bit and it has become very frustrating. 

To be fair to myself, I haven't been well. I've had a lot of pain and my sleep pattern became a roulette game. I'd sleep for four hrs and wake up. Then, I'd try to fall back asleep but couldn't. Or I'd get up and be up for a couple of hours and have to go back to bed. One day I slept for 12 hours! I was still tired. It was awful and the sleep disorder probably contributed to my pain levels, for which I had no solution.

I prayed, read my Bible, and sat in my chair watching videos for days because I was too tired to do anything else. Well, one day I did wash clothes and put them in the spare room. Yeah, some are still there. Another day, I vacuumed the den. Another day, I swept the kitchen. 

So, I emailed my doctor, and she told me to come in. 

We talked and finagled with my meds a bit, and I have an ultrasound on the 12th to see if my gall bladder needs to be taken out. I suspect it does because I've been having some unusual pain for over a year that no one could explain. About a month ago, I finally looked it up, and it sounded like gall bladder problems. The doctor sent me for lab work. 

I got a note to say the lab work all looked normal. However, I'm not one to take things at face value. Four or five tests were out of the normal range. I always research my blood work if something is out of the normal range. What does it test and what does the number signify? Turns out they could show a gall bladder problem or kidney problem. There were long explanations, but I won't go into all that. I understood the assignment. It required further study. Apparently, both organs can affect one another. More interesting was that a gallbladder problem can cause fatty liver.  

That's interesting because a couple of years ago they found I have fatty liver disease. That shocked the technician because at the last scan, my liver was fine. They told me whatever caused it was sudden, not something that happens with fatty liver.


No, I'm not a doctor or a nurse. I just read ridiculous amounts of material and research everything. I learned the hard way that I have to do this with my medical issues. Believe it or not, doctors can't know everything and even if they do, they can't recall it all. They can also overlook the obvious. So, I just save them the trouble. If I see a concern, I call their attention to it. They don't argue with me, either. 

I told my doctor about my suspicions when I saw her and why. My mother, aunt, both my sisters, and a brother all had their gallbladder removed. The doctor said that sometimes this happens in families. 

"I don't want to have my gallbladder removed. I have enough going on without adding something else."

She said, "It doesn't take long, and it's only a few days' recovery time." 


I didn't say it. But I'm immunosuppressed and will need to be off meds for at least two weeks. The lack of medication will cause a higher level of unmanageable pain. I can't take opioids. Oh well. 


Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Back Alley Trolls

I write this blog for myself and to share with friends and family and pretty much anyone else who wants to read it. It covers years of my life, a lot of traumatic events, and some joyous ones. Sometimes I share the amusement I derive from my family or from myself. I also share grief and despair. There's nothing important, and I don't share details anyone cares about. Except those looking for trouble. 

Alas, today we have many such creatures who hang out in the alleys of the internet waiting for what they think is a juice tidbit. I call them gossip whores, but the internet calls them trolls. 

Trolls originate from Norse folklore, and were reportedly brutish, stupid, dangerous, and hostile to humans. They lived in isolated dark places, such as caves, mountains, and forest. Fairytales also depict them under bridges because that's where all the filth and garbage from the world drains. The word may actually derive from Norwegian words for witch and witchcraft. Easy to believe when you bump into them these days. 

We know the internet version is quite similar to the folklore version. They behave in the same manner and dwell in dark places with all the garbage they can gather. Their purpose is to torment people by provoking emotional responses and disrupt dialogue. They insert conflict and negative energy into everything they touch. Their activity generates hate and creates a toxic environment. Kind of like demonic imps. 

I have such a troll. I've shared its image above and suggest you keep an eye opened for similar beings around you. 

They'll tell you they are spying on you. They know people you know. The goal is to give the impression they're looking in your windows and over your shoulder. Just like Satan. In fact, it's all smoke and mirrors. They roam around in the alleys and sewers of life and make a lot of noise to frighten or intimidate us. 

Here's the thing. I'm not afraid of trolls. But they should be afraid of me. Since trolls are emissaries of the Devil, I take authority over their actions and bind them. I pray a specific prayer over them and hand them over to God. I can't say what happens to trolls after that, but I wouldn't want to be one. 

Stay tuned. I'll let you know when it happens. 

Friday, January 10, 2025

Snow Days, Slow Days

Another snowy weekend began sometime before dawn this morning. The city was already blanketed from last week's snow and ice. Trees and power lines were down all over the county and surrounding counties. Sources reported 60,000 Center Point customers were without power. The city population is just over 100,000 people.

Yesterday, the power company notified us they had finally restored power to everyone. It's taken the whole week and assistance from a number of outside sources to get it all back on. I am so thankful that I didn't lose power and neither did my sons. God is so good to me. 

 I've been extremely lazy for weeks now. I've been running around taking people to appointments, going to my own appointments, and trying to stay on top of the housework. Although, I use the one at a time method for cleaning. I clean one room and if I can, I move to the next. If not, it has to wait on my back pain to decline. I've been taking care of the cats. Lately, that's been difficult. With Sarah moved out, things are more difficult. She did help with several difficult chores, mopping, cleaning the bathrooms, and vacuuming. Those are then things that really hit me hard. 

 David got his apartment and moved out last weekend also. So the house is very quite. Not since Jerry died has the house felt so void. I'm ok but there seem to be moments when it is overwhelming. I have no outside contact other than my family and I've not been doing Facebook much, so things have been ... difficult. 

I've given up on people for the most part. My experiences have given me some interesting insights on Biblical teachings. We Christians are in for some rude shocks, I think. Mama liked the scripture that says, "The little foxes spoil the vine." I believe it is in Judges because it was said in the story of Sampson. The little foxes will be our downfall. 

Depressing when you think about it. You live this "Godly, Holy, dedicated life" and a little fox devours your efforts. Neglect of the small things is a serious thing. I pray that I don't neglect the small things, that I trap the little foxes and be more attuned to the needs of other people. 

 I'm so disorganized that I begin to think I need some ADHD medication. I am all over the place and have been for a long time. It is the time of year again when Jerry's death is nearly a daily memory. The weather doesn't help that. One cold, snowy day the world turned over and everything fell out of place. I've never been able to restore order to my life or mind. Frustration doesn't begin to describe it. I'm about to pull the vacuum out and try to get the den cleaned. I need to dust so bad. 

I needed to sleep longer today but for some reason the universe demands I be out of bed by 8 a.m. and it has contracted with my cat to ensure that I comply. Also, I believe Mike is also on the payroll. If Jet doesn't succeed, Mike will. I'm very tired and need to go back to sleep for about 4 hours. Please have a safe and warm weekend.