Yesterday, the power company notified us they had finally restored power to everyone. It's taken the whole week and assistance from a number of outside sources to get it all back on. I am so thankful that I didn't lose power and neither did my sons. God is so good to me.
I've been extremely lazy for weeks now. I've been running around taking people to appointments, going to my own appointments, and trying to stay on top of the housework. Although, I use the one at a time method for cleaning. I clean one room and if I can, I move to the next. If not, it has to wait on my back pain to decline. I've been taking care of the cats. Lately, that's been difficult. With Sarah moved out, things are more difficult. She did help with several difficult chores, mopping, cleaning the bathrooms, and vacuuming. Those are then things that really hit me hard.
David got his apartment and moved out last weekend also. So the house is very quite. Not since Jerry died has the house felt so void. I'm ok but there seem to be moments when it is overwhelming. I have no outside contact other than my family and I've not been doing Facebook much, so things have been ... difficult.
I've given up on people for the most part. My experiences have given me some interesting insights on Biblical teachings. We Christians are in for some rude shocks, I think. Mama liked the scripture that says, "The little foxes spoil the vine." I believe it is in Judges because it was said in the story of Sampson. The little foxes will be our downfall.
Depressing when you think about it. You live this "Godly, Holy, dedicated life" and a little fox devours your efforts. Neglect of the small things is a serious thing. I pray that I don't neglect the small things, that I trap the little foxes and be more attuned to the needs of other people.
I'm so disorganized that I begin to think I need some ADHD medication. I am all over the place and have been for a long time. It is the time of year again when Jerry's death is nearly a daily memory. The weather doesn't help that. One cold, snowy day the world turned over and everything fell out of place. I've never been able to restore order to my life or mind. Frustration doesn't begin to describe it.
I'm about to pull the vacuum out and try to get the den cleaned. I need to dust so bad.
I needed to sleep longer today but for some reason the universe demands I be out of bed by 8 a.m. and it has contracted with my cat to ensure that I comply. Also, I believe Mike is also on the payroll. If Jet doesn't succeed, Mike will. I'm very tired and need to go back to sleep for about 4 hours.
Please have a safe and warm weekend.