Sunday, April 24, 2011

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Rain, pouring rain all weekend long and no end in sight! I have to shop for a car in the pouring rain! This is just dreadful.

No, we did not hunt eggs. We could float them but didn't. I'm not sorry and Sarah doesn't know she missed a thing. They had bags of candy filled eggs for the children this morning so she was fine with it. Although, we do not let her sit and eat candy.

I came home and worked on the sweater this afternoon. My aunt and uncle are on their way here. I expect them around seven but we will be at church. I've left them a way into the house so they won't have to sit in the car for two hours. I'm on my way out now, into the downpour and will return later.

Ahoy there, maties! Heave to and hoist the mainsail!

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