Monday, July 27, 2009

Women are getting more beautiful - Times Online

I found this article to be quiet an amusing break in a rather stressful day! It is about how scientists have concluded that evolution is making women more beautiful and that these same people have more babies and that they tend to be beautiful girl babies.

I have one thing to say about that... well more than one but the first is: hogwash.

Obviously, these experts in beauty and evolution have not done a extensive study of certain sectors of society. I deal with hundreds of people who prove this is a fallacy. Some of the ugliest people in the world have dozens of children who are also truly ugly AND badly behaved.

Now, I know all God's creatures are beautiful in their own way but as my husband used to say, "They look like they were beat with an ugly stick."

Anyway, I truly doubt the findings of this particular study. Have they researched "ugly" people? What about blondes? Are beautiful blondes producing more blondes? Oh my.

Seriously, if those with great physical beauty are increasing in number, I do hope that they develop a fashion gene while they are at it. Some of these so called beautiful women look like either tramps, bag ladies, or are they are blind! And you can't tell them that the dress that looks like a hefty trash bag is hideous on them.

Of course the trash bag covers everything up! Showing your "stuff" is not attractive (we have nicknames for it in my family that would be amusing but to avoid offending anyone I'll abstain) and may be construed as advertising in some populations.

Also, please develop a style gene while you are evolving! This is the ability to carry yourself well and make what you are wearing look like it cost a million dollars even if you paid $10 for it. Stand up and stop pooching your hips forward and walking like a pigeon-toed chicken! For heaven sakes, you look deformed! And PULEASEEEEE, GET rid of the elastic skirt and the top that is two sizes too small for you, particularly if you have a belly! Lord have mercy, that thing is ugly! Clothes that fit like your skin are just tacky. You look fatter than you are! Style is the ability to hide the flaws with flair. I know you're born with it but I like to think some people can be trained! And if you are over 50, and/or weigh more than you did at 7, please do not go out of your house in a bathing suit. It is frightening and I nearly had to call a wrecker.

Now that I've offended every ugly person and all those pretty women who don't know how to dress.... I'm done.

The only thing I can say is that if you are pretty, none of what I just said will matter. The study suggest that your kind will survive because you are pretty only. You don't have to have a brain at all! Your genes demand survival and so you will have lots of baby who are beautiful.

Serves you right.

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