Thursday, August 21, 2008

And Ill Wind

We all know the cliche but it is true. On top of family problems, I've been sick with a bad cold all week. I think it has turned into a sinus infection. There is one more day this week. If I can get through that, I may be able to take a rest Saturday. That is doubtful but one can hope.

I have to thank all of you again for your prayers. They have been felt! I have seen some changes in some things in the last couple of days. The problem is not solved but I can see prayers at work. My husband called our pastor on Monday afternoon and within an hour there was a sense of peace that swept over me and I was able to gain a sense of calm. I wasn't "over" it. I just felt that something had "changed". Maybe just me.

Tonight, I sit here listening to the music on my site in another window. I do that often when browsing your sites or just cruising the web. I find there is a sense of calm I get from listening to it that comforts me after a hectic or difficult day. I don't preach here often to people although I don't hide what I am. Tonight, I feel a need to say that if you are not a believer, I will be praying for you. I can assure you that I know prayer works. I know that God is watching and he does care when we are wounded and need comfort. I know beyond doubt that MY Redeemer is alive and he is my compass and guide. Storms may roll in and rage against me but he shelters me and when the storm is over I may be bruised and battered by the onslaught. But when it passes, when the clouds have blown away, when the sun breaks through and I feel it on my face I know that he has never once left my side. God is great and words can't begin to convey the magnitude of his greatness.

For those of you who doubt miracles, let me just say that I am evidence of miracles so I know nothing is impossible with God. Someday, maybe I can tell you about my miracle. Let me just finish this post by saying, He is real. He does exist. I have absolutely no doubt, even in the worst times, no, especially in the worst times, I am positive.

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