Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Mid-Week Update

The day started with milky sun but has progressed to a nice clabbered grey. There appears to be rain heading our way... again. I truly hate this weather.

I didn't have a great day yesterday. I guess if you read the blog you could tell. I tend to let things people say gnaw at me. A friend sort of pulled me up by my boot straps and I think I'm less depressed about it. At least my outlook isn't so dark. 

My neck and shoulder, however, are miserable. I don't know what to do about it. I'm having trouble sleeping. I'm tired because it wakes me up. I know that the tired can become a problem. I took an ice pack to bed last night. Yes, under the electric blanket. Helped for a bit. I've not been online as much this week because sitting at the computer is a problem. I've mostly just laid around and watched t.v. and tried to read. Even reading is a bit of a problem. Putting any strain on this neck just keeps it going.

I'm really annoyed in some ways. This isn't intended to be gross but if you have a problem with it, just skip to the next paragraph or post. I probably need a breast reduction. They mentioned it before when I had that cervical block to my neck and on the follow-up. I'm blessed, endowed, burdened whatever you want to call it but carrying this around is not good. If they took me back to what I was when I came here, 20 yrs ago, I'd lose at least 10 lbs and a dress size! The benefit would be less stress on my neck and shoulders. Don't know how Dolly does it. She's petite and has small feet. I'm 5'5" and as a teenager what they always termed "big boned". I figured out when I became an adult that is what they called females who were "early bloomers". What stupid things we use to describe people!  So my sand was where it was supposed to be. I think the drain is plugged at my waist and the sand at the top won't shift.. maybe a good thing in some respects. Not in others.

I'm glad most of my readers are women.

I'm looking forward to starting my writing plan. I am frustrated by the neck issues at the moment. It will only make it worse and I have to get that resolved. I had a whole two months of no pain! That's is what is so depressing. When you hurt so much, so long and you get these spates of no pain and you see what you're missing, and then it comes back. It becomes such a ... I don't have a word for it.

I was running late this morning because I slept late. I didn't eat breakfast and I'm starved. We will probably go to Captain D's for lunch.  In fact, it is after 11 so I can go NOW! 

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