Saturday, December 10, 2011

End of the Day

I have spent the evening watching t.v. shows online. I am about to go to bed and hope to goodness I can get up in the morning and go to church. 

All things considered my weekend has been a positive one, despite that nagging headache that still plagues me. I really think it is my neck. I may need to get an ice pack and put on it but it is so cold outside and I get cold so easy. 

I don't know if I mentioned I bought a Kindle yesterday. My Christmas present to myself. I bought it and began using it immediately. I actually thought about wrapping it. I know, stupid, isn't it. Buying gifts for myself is not fun. So I don't. Not really. I usually have something from some family member so it's fine. But its the missing things that get to you. It isn't the number under the tree or at your birthday. It's the ones that aren't there that remind you. Probably why my anniversary is so hard. So, while buying something for myself for Christmas was nice and was just what I wanted... it loses some of the luster  of a gift from someone special. You can't get that back. Nothing is special anymore. 

I'm not going into a depressing drone so cheer up. I'm only stating the facts. I can't help how it sounds. I can't change how it feels. It is what it is, what it is.

Anyway, I have to buy everyone's gifts this week. We are supposed to try and put the tree up next weekend. I asked the kids to come over and we'll have dinner and do it then. I don't think I want to do it alone so if they don't come, I won't put it up. I'm simply not going to deal with it. I'll be sorry but I think not as sorry as I'd be if I have to do it alone. 

Still not sure what I'll do with the holiday. I think I'll be cooking.... but I got to get busy if I'm doing dressing. I hate doing it all on that day. Monster preparing dressing the way I do it.. old fashioned stuff that takes a couple of days prep work. So.. must get my act together. 

Haven't written much. The headache makes it difficult. But I'm reading a free writing e-book I got called Hooked. I like it. Only on the second chapter but he's already given me some insights to some things I need to address. I think I posted this link on one of the blogs. Might be on the Asylum blog. There was a link to five free e-books on writing. 

I'm off. I'm really ready to call it a night. 

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