Thursday, April 3, 2008

Patriots Still Exist

You know, this illegal immigrant thing is not getting the kind of outcry from citizens that it should be getting. We've been very passive in our actions and reactions. The criminals have been very vocal and completely unchallenged by the citizens of this country. Well, we're nice people and allow everyone free speech.

However, recent activity by foreign criminals has shown exactly what this passivity on our part has resulted in. This is becoming more and more common as we remain passive. I think now it the time to stop and I think the gentleman in this film is the clarion for that.

It is illegal to fly a foreign flag above an American flag on American soil. Yet, this is going on unchallenged. These people believe that the American citizens have no power to challenge their "rights" to squat in this country and flout our laws while dining on our largess. I'm sick of it. And I am sick of those people who disrespect my country but take money out of my pocket while breaking laws I have to follow. And crying prejudice and discrimination while doing it.

So, I urge you to forward this to every American citizen you know. I urge you to contact every congressman, senator and state legislator you possibly can. Flood their offices with calls, letters and email about this outrage. Demand that the immigration bill now proposed is stopped. We don't need this bunch of criminals here. If you don't want to become a loyal American citizen, GO HOME! We don't need your kind here.

If we remain quiet much longer, America will no longer exist and your rights as citizens will disappear. This has already begun. We've become fat and lazy because we've never had to fight to survive. Our parents and grandparents and great grandparents did that. You, this current generation are going to completely lose your identity. It is going to be subordinated to a foreign, criminal element. The actions of these people are telling you, "WE, illegal immigrants, are going to run this country."

Remain silent and passive and your children will be required to learn a foreign language and fly an foreign flag. If you can't open the attachment, watch it at the link above. To prove my point, they are now saying this man may be charged with a crime!

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