Monday, April 29, 2013

Banal Monday

Well, not that that's out of the way. Monday is over for me, well, the hard part of it. It wasn't a great day but it wasn't the worst I've had either. I still have sinus issues. I am almost where I'll call the doctor to ask what to do but I am far better than I was two weeks ago so it seems silly to do that.

I have only minor pain but I am really tired. I sat out side while David cut the yard and I examined what I was feeling. It is a feeling that you've had this huge workout and you need to lie down. I don't want to lie down. I want to do things. I still feel tied but since I'm not focused on the feeling as much at the moment, it is not quite so intense. It is still there, just pushed back.

Remember my saying I was going to think of a way to use this: The Wandering Dragon Inn? Well, I started it. No idea what it is going to be or if what I wrote will remain. I just feel it is something I need to hang onto for now.

I'm going to go crochet on my shawl some more. I'm nearly done with it. I'll post photos when I finish it. I don't know if I like it or not. It isn't as large as I expected it or maybe I'm just bigger than I expected. I suppose I could modify it and make it larger but I'm not sure I want to bother. And I still have several rows so it may turn out all right. We'll see.

I want to start some other projects soon. I am hoping that my physical situation will remain this good. We'll have to wait and see.

Nothing happening at the moment. Eye of the storm comes to mind. Not a good place to be really. I had a feeling a few days ago that I always dread. Like something bad was going to happen. All I can do when I have those is pray. In general, I'm not usually wrong but I so wish I was.

Signing off now to finish cooking supper.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

On the Mend

 The sinus infection seems to be waning. I've just been taking stuff to allow me to breath and using saline nasal spray for days. Seems to be working. I'm not an advocate of running to the doctor for every little issue but had this not shown signs of breaking up, I would probably have had to go. Antibiotics are the reason we are now battling super bugs. The body has defenses to address most infections but our arrogance in thinking our science was better than nature has resulted in our bodies not being able to combat these bugs. It will only get worse. We've actually weakened our immunity to disease by putting antibiotics in our food sources and over prescribing them.

Anyway, that aliens are leaving I think.

No real pain except today my left hip has a catch in it. Usually my right one bothers me but today both of them do. That's about the only pain I have at the moment. Thank God for that huge respite. I'm always so thankful for pain relief.

I had plans to do some things this weekend but with David's return and my half day trip to the airport nothing got done at all except laundry, which needs putting away. I've spent the day keeping up with Sarah and I didn't go to church tonight because I was simply exhausted an in need of some alone time. She's a joy but dynamite comes in small packages. She blows me away.

It is a late night and I'm about to go to bed. This is a wrap now. If I go much longer, I will be really exhausted tomorrow.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Little Green Men and Conquered Mountains

The week started relatively lousy because I seem to have caught a cold on top of my other maladies. The virus I've been battling seems to be getting better but what I thought might be allergies turned into something ugly. I think I now have a sinus infection. I don't know if I can throw it off myself or not. It doesn't seem to be getting worse, is markedly better than initially, but I don't see it improving over the last three days. Seems that now it is just taking up residency in my sinuses and ears. I believe it is alien in nature as all the signs point to little green men. Yeah, I know. Gross.

As you may or may not know, we have to do front desk duty for three hours, one day a week as we only have a part time receptionist. Her last day was today. Now we'll each be doing desk duty two and half hours every day. On Tuesday I was on my rotation and a person came on and wanted to know why she had not received her letter about her name coming to the top of the waiting list. She had been passed because we sent her letters and she didn't respond. She showed me a change of address and stated she had moved. I asked her if she'd turned it in and she said, "I'm giving it to you now." I explained it was too late to do it now. I even called the Admissions office and they told me to tell her to put in a request for a hearing. Knowing that she only missed her time by two days it was a good chance she'd be reinstated and allowed to start the process. As I began to tell her this, she ripped up her paperwork, threw it through the opening in the plexi-glass into my face and told me to keep my @#%@^ mess and walked out. I stopped talking and let her walk out. Gee, that's too bad.

Wednesday was move briefing day and I simply felt lousy. I didn't get a lot done in the afternoon because I was just miserable. However, on Thursday, I decided to turn on my ITunes and see what I could find to listen to. I figured if my mind was occupied then I'd be able to work a bit better. I was right. I listened to podcast of a minister that I listened to years ago on the radio. It was so good and I enjoyed it so much. By the end of the day, I had done a lot more work.

This morning when I got in I put together the folders I completed yesterday and then got to work at my desk. I pulled up ITunes and  found some good preaching podcast by Ravi Zachariahs. I stopped only for lunch and listened to it all afternoon.  I had a really productive day! I did 13 recertifications and that's a boon for me. I returned all my calls on top of that and talked to a couple of crazy people without breaking a tooth. Seriously. Ok, that was unkind. They weren't crazy. Disturbed maybe. 

I was able to finish the week feeling like I was on top of the mound of paperwork rather than it on top of me. Despite the little green men... it was a comfort.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

What a beautiful day it has been, if a bit cool for my liking. Right now at 5:50 p.m. it is 56 degrees and sunny. 
It was, however, perfect weather to do yard work. Mike and I got out and cut the yard with our new riding mower and all I can say is I wish I'd done that years ago. This huge yard is just too much to cut with a push mower. When I was younger, the exercise was good for me. It would still be good for me when I have good days. In recent months there have not been many. And I am saddened at how many times Jerry struggled to do while keeping his bad heart a secret.

Good news: Let me just say I feel about 100% better than I have in the last three months. I don't know what is in those pills but it is amazing. I think I mentioned that she gave me acyclovir, an antiviral med used in the treatment of shingles, herpes viruses, and chickenpox. I have none of those. They think I've had a recurrence of Epstein Barr. Which I never remember having at all! But she wasn't even positive of that. I believe EB is a herpes simplex related virus so I suppose it makes sense to take a med used to treat HS. I have to take it twice a day until I see her in two months. 

She also prescribed DHEA, an over the counter supplement. There are all kinds of information pro and con but my extremely low cortisol count was her reason for having me take it. I'm to take 5-10 mg but all the bottles I found were over 25! That's crazy. So, I'm cutting it in half and will talk to her about getting a smaller dose bottle. 

However, something has been a shot in the arm, at least today. I'm alert, virtually no pain, no anxiety, lots of energy, and well, just really good. If I can have this everyday I'll make it.

Now that that is done, I'm getting off and and working on my new crochet project.  A pineapple patterned shawl that I found online. It is going to be teal in color. I'll have to post it on Ravelry. I don't go there much but I do have a page. If you're a crafty person, it is a good site to meet other people who share your interests. 

Hope the rest of you have a really good weekend! Oh, had a response for  one of the jobs I sent a resume on. It is a local state job. They say they want me to complete some additional information as I appear to be a qualified applicant. {shrug} We'll see.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Results are In

And I'm no more enlightened that I was before. 

Back to the doctor today to review blood work and see what she wanted to do. She gave me an antiviral med - acyclovir.  I take it until it is gone and see how I do. I return in two months.

Although the test indicate I have Epstein Barr, she did not commit to it. She said that I could have has another virus that caused a similar reaction. What's up with that?

My cortisol was low. Indicating my adrenal glands were "getting tired". No, I don't know what that means except I'm under too much stress for my body to recover fast enough. How do you fix it?

Interestingly enough, the RA factor was only mildly elevated and the other RA marker was normal. Again, what does that mean? No idea. Apparently, I have no inflammation. 

Really? Then why are things hurting?

Anyway the acyclovir is to help me recover some of my immune system function. I also have to get DHEA and take that. I forgot it tonight. I got off at noon and didn't get home until six. David's friend arrived and we went to supper. I came home around 8 and have sat here watching shows ever since. I'm exhausted and I had to take an Imitrex. A storm front has moved in and it has been raining most of the evening. 

Now, I'm going to bed. I think I've had enough.