Saturday, December 10, 2011

End of the Day

I have spent the evening watching t.v. shows online. I am about to go to bed and hope to goodness I can get up in the morning and go to church. 

All things considered my weekend has been a positive one, despite that nagging headache that still plagues me. I really think it is my neck. I may need to get an ice pack and put on it but it is so cold outside and I get cold so easy. 

I don't know if I mentioned I bought a Kindle yesterday. My Christmas present to myself. I bought it and began using it immediately. I actually thought about wrapping it. I know, stupid, isn't it. Buying gifts for myself is not fun. So I don't. Not really. I usually have something from some family member so it's fine. But its the missing things that get to you. It isn't the number under the tree or at your birthday. It's the ones that aren't there that remind you. Probably why my anniversary is so hard. So, while buying something for myself for Christmas was nice and was just what I wanted... it loses some of the luster  of a gift from someone special. You can't get that back. Nothing is special anymore. 

I'm not going into a depressing drone so cheer up. I'm only stating the facts. I can't help how it sounds. I can't change how it feels. It is what it is, what it is.

Anyway, I have to buy everyone's gifts this week. We are supposed to try and put the tree up next weekend. I asked the kids to come over and we'll have dinner and do it then. I don't think I want to do it alone so if they don't come, I won't put it up. I'm simply not going to deal with it. I'll be sorry but I think not as sorry as I'd be if I have to do it alone. 

Still not sure what I'll do with the holiday. I think I'll be cooking.... but I got to get busy if I'm doing dressing. I hate doing it all on that day. Monster preparing dressing the way I do it.. old fashioned stuff that takes a couple of days prep work. So.. must get my act together. 

Haven't written much. The headache makes it difficult. But I'm reading a free writing e-book I got called Hooked. I like it. Only on the second chapter but he's already given me some insights to some things I need to address. I think I posted this link on one of the blogs. Might be on the Asylum blog. There was a link to five free e-books on writing. 

I'm off. I'm really ready to call it a night. 


The TGIO get together was a lovely success. I had my super college students Kai and his girlfriend, Rachael and his sister Erin, all came and they are just the sweetest kids! They came to a lot of the write-ins and were just wonderful supports. Another Wrimo, DeWayne, who works and had been unable to come to the write-ins came by. His daughter was supposed to come but she was ill. He too was very nice and I got to chat with everyone. 

I truly had a good time as the ML this year and I hope next year I'll have a bit more time to get things organized. The site remodel kind of delayed supplies so I didn't really know what to do or how. Pantsing is not what you want to do as ML. Writing that way is one thing but not organizing meetings.

Dave & Becca came by for a little while and they just left. All together, I've had a rather nice day. Even with a mild headache. I'm going to get a nice hot shower and relax. I have to take Mike home shortly.  He helped me get things set up. I'll be back later

Finally Nearly Over

You know that feeling when NaNo is over and you feel a huge weight lifted? Well, as ML I have discovered that you don't actually get that right away.... No. You have a TGIO to plan and then you sweat and wonder if anyone will show up! Maybe they will, maybe they won't. 

This isn't a very active region for NaNo participants but could be because they've not had an ML in ages. People sign up but who know. I had six RSVPs and that's what I prepared for and gave the directions to. I'm glad it was a small group! But... now I'm sitting here the last 45 minutes and wondering if they will show up. And I'll be really embarrassed if only one or two do... well, I mean... when you say TGIO party you think crowd.. right? LOL. I do.

That's why I purposely termed it a "get together". Cause I didn't expect anyone to even come. But then, I didn't for the Meet and Greet either... and 18 did. 

I hate waiting. But once this is done... I'll be glad truly able to say TGIO!

I'll be back to let you all know how it went. So far every person I've met through NaNo has just been really nice. I know three of those supposed to be here today. I'm sure the other three are, too.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Friday Free?

Took the day off! I have things I really want to do and a Saturday just isn't enough time.

I suppose if you asked me directly how things were... I'd say life, in general, isn't much fun. I've discovered that there are brief moments when you can totally drown out the voices or the movies that run continually in your head. But to do that all the time is impossible and would be so exhausting that you couldn't survive. I don't have the capacity to do it as much as I need. Not sure if anyone would. I sort of just do what I can. I'm pretty sure it is why I've decided on an aggressive writing plan. I was insanely busy for November and managed to drown out everything. People around me hated it because they couldn't get through. Now, that's done, I need to stop that bitch in my brain from her infernal prattling and screaming. I don't want to think. Or if I do, I don't want to think about my life or lack of. I'll make one up and solve someone else's problems.

There is the very real instinct to run. All right, that makes no sense but it's true. There is, and has been for a while, this instinct to run, find a cave, and simply stay there and avoid prying eyes and questions and... all of it. Impossible, I know. I hate the empty house and my vacant life. For those of you who think children are a comfort to widows, you're full of crap. They aren't. They weren't ever meant to be and that's another example of stupid assumptions. They don't know how to do anything about it. They try but when they see it doesn't work they give up. I adore my family but this kind of just destroyed it. We have a hard time doing the things we did before because there's always this empty chair and no one wants to face it. So we don't. I don't ever to expect to have any of that back. I'm not even pursuing it because it is too much effort.

I have not decided if I'll put up my tree or not. I would like to but it is also too much effort and absolutely no fun at all for me anymore. I've done it all my life but it has suddenly became unimportant. I can remember helping Mama decorate the tree. Then I can remember when she told me I could do it all by myself. She would sit and watch me. I remember decorating it with Jerry. He'd help string the lights, put the hooks in and hand me things and I'd decorate the tree. I remember the boys learning to decorate the tree and then I remember coming home from work and David had the tree up and was waiting for me to get the lights sorted out so he could put the decorations on while I supervised him. Next, I remember coming in from work and he had it nearly done. I remember Sarah's first Christmas where she really noticed the lights and toddled around oohing and ahhing over them and all the little things I had near the bottom of the tree. My tree is always child friendly with decorations that appeal to children and tend to be a bit funny, like Santa with his feet in a tub of hot water and a hot water bottle on his head and wrapped in a blanket, or the cat hanging from a wreath.

I don't remember if I put it up after Jerry died. I don't think I did....I have a couple of times since but this year.. don't know. Anyway, I've made no move to bring any of it in. I even have a Christmas village.. haven't put that up in years because I had no room to do so.

I have running to do today and Sue has not come to clean. Not sure why so may have to call her. I don't want to be here while she cleans. It bugs me because I feel unsettled and as if I should be cleaning, too. She doesn't need the distraction of me hovering. I'd hate it.

I have plans to get Sarah today. That will be a bit hectic but at least I will be occupied with other things. So, I have nothing else to complain about I'm off to do my errands.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Beginning

A couple of the girls I work with and I were talking about some things at work and I ended up telling them how I met Jerry. Don't know if I ever told that here. But here's the tale. 

November 27, 1973 the town of Andalusia, Alabama held its annual Christmas Parade. I was 17. It is a small town and your typical All American but Southern town cheering for the Crimson Tide during football season and their own Bulldogs and celebrating the 4th of July with hot dogs and watermelon. The parade would not be long. 

It had rained all day and I did not want to go to the parade. It wasn't my thing. But my brother, Billy wanted to go. Since there was no one else to take him, Mama asked me to do it. I moaned a bit but she said please and I'd do just about anything to please Mama. So I took him. 

We found a parking place and then staked out a spot on the town square right at the street side. I had quit school in the spring and was taking correspondence classes at home. One of my school friends saw me and ran over and asked me to come to the courthouse steps. When I attended school I sang in the chorus and they were going to sing on the steps that night. Nearly a dozen of them were friends and were standing in a circle waiting for it to start. My friend told me everyone wanted to see me. So I went. Jerry's sister, Sandra was there. She was a year ahead of me but we had been friendly. I said hello to each one and Sandra turned and said, "Oh, Cindy, this is my brother, Jerry." 

I said, "Hi, nice to meet you." And went back to talking to my friends. 

When I was done, I started back across the street and Jerry stepped up and said, "Can I walk with you?"

I said, "It's a free street. You can walk where you want."

He tagged along and when we got to the place where we were watching the parade he said, "You mind if I watch with you?"

I said, "No, you can stay if you like."

He did. 

I don't remember if we talked. I'm sure we must have a bit but I simply don't remember. He would have if I could ask him. When the parade was over, Bill and I started back to the car. I don't even remember Bill being there but he was the only reason I was there, so I know he was. Jerry followed and said, "I'd like to come and see you some time if that's all right."

I shrugged and said, "I'm not doing anything Friday night."

He said, "I'm going to Montgomery Friday to a ball game but would Saturday night be all right?"

"I'm babysitting Saturday night but if you want to come over and sit around with me you can."

He agreed. And he did come by and stayed until ten o'clock. After that we saw each other every weekend . . . until January 11, 1974 when I married him.

After the wedding, Sandra said, "After he came home from the parade that night I ask him what he thought about you."

I asked her, "What did he say?"

"He said, "I just met the girl I'm going to marry."

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Perks of A Government Job

It is gray. It is cold. But it isn't raining. Silver lining. But who'd notice a silver lining on a gray day?

I am slowing gaining on the work load. . . operative word: slowly. But a gain is a gain, right? A moment ago I prayed for there to be no interim changes for the next two weeks. By then they will have all got and lost a job three times so it will all even out. I will only have to do the work once, rather than three times.

How does that work? Client got a job. Reported job in 10 days on last of ten days or day they quit. Worked a week. Quit job. Reported quit job on first of 10 days. Got new job. Reported on last of 10 days and before verification of old job has come in. I have to send the verification every time they file one. Must hold all verifications until they come in and I can process in order. They call every week, "What's my rent?" I wait. I finally get the changes back and done. They quit new job because rent is too high ($50? $200? whatever). I start over.

And this is how the day will go.. well, there's more but if that bored you, well, you don't want to know. Or maybe you do? Have I ever told you about the woman with the cows? No? Well, that's how she gets her milk. No! She doesn't milk them! She's hooked up to the cows and .... yes. 

How about the woman that people always steal her bed? They also crawl into her attic and send poison in her house, too. She once appeared at the door to pay her rent to one landlord... stark naked. She's a large woman. He said he'd never rent to her again unless he could be sure she was on her meds. 

Or the guy who kicked the bathroom sink off the wall? There is the woman who is about 78 and her boyfriend is a 30 yr old paranoid schizophrenic (remember the sink) and the Landlord was doing an inspection and found . . . wait for it. . . handcuffs under her bed.

Did I mention the one who said, "It wasn't my drugs! My friend offered me a lift. I didn't know he was going to fire a gun out the window. Then the cops pulled him over." Do tell? Um... the drugs were in her purse. "But they weren't my drugs!"

No, I am not making this up!

Then there was the mother daughter combo sitting in a meeting and I though they were ill and about to faint. Turns out they were stoned. Daughter was taking Mom's cancer pain killers. (shakes head)

How about this one. She: "I need an extra bedroom." Me: "You don't qualify for an extra bedroom." She: "I got to have one. Sometime I need my pleasure and can't be doing that with my kids around." Unfortunately... or maybe fortunately, we don't subsidize that activity... oh, wait... yes, we do! 

A different she: "Can I get assistance if I marry a felon?" Me: Raised brows. "Probably not." AND WHY WOULD YOU? Fortunately these things usually come by way of phone calls so my facial expressions are not visible. 

Yes. This is what I deal with on a daily basis. And let me tell you that I earn every stinking tax dollar you pay cause I'm the one listening to these people. Now you begin to see. This is a government job. Still want one?

Today I feel if my day is no worse than yesterday, I'll be ahead. One can only hope. 

I have to go. The phone is ringing.

Monday, December 5, 2011

A Lovely Shade of . . . Gray?

I would love to report that it is a wonderful day, filled with copious amounts of sunshine, warm breezes, and promise. I can report none of those things. Not even one.

There is no sun. I have no idea where it went or who took it but it isn't here. I have my suspicions and will investigate. There are no warm breezes. In fact, at right at this very moment it is 41F and for me, that's cold. I admit there are some hardy souls who will say that's cool. Fine, you just misspelled it. It is C-O-L-D. And it is, I'm sure, going to get colder. It is just the pits to have to pull up the garage door, back out, get out.. in the rain... and pull it down. 

Yes, I know I need an automatic opener. As soon as you send me the $300-$400 it cost, I'll get right on that.

As for promise... most days won't hold any. Too many holes.

I feeling fairly well I suppose. I have some mild pain issues. Shoulder, hip, and neck. I had some pretty severe shooting pain in the leg until I got up. If it were possible to sleep standing up I might have that licked.

But my mood is fine. I found myself laughing a lot in November and as a result, I felt really good. I'm sure some of that is carry over. I'm still talking to the people who make me laugh and so that too helps. I complain too much. I have been working on it but it is hard to see much positive when the world explodes in your face. First thing to go is your vision. 

I have my TGIO scheduled for Saturday and I am expecting no more than 10. Half that have given me positive responses so I'll be fine. Any food left over will be eaten by my horde... which includes two healthy males, as you have seen. 

I'm still writing. Started something last night.. no idea what it is or what I'm going to do with it. I'm really considering another blog but I haven't nailed down the format. I thought about one that is co-authored but two problems presented itself. Need multiple authors who are interested in doing a long running fictional blog and what if I or other supposed authors get tired of it. I supposed I could set a time limit and say, I'm doing this for x months. Of course, I could go solo and if I got tired, I just close it down. And not sure what kind of story I want to write for it. So, more thinking.

Really need something that pays.... 

It is raining. Did I say that? It is. Hasn't stopped in more than 24 hours. 

~\O  8<3

Friday, December 2, 2011

Matter Over Mind

If you are easily disturbed or depressed or just sick of me do not read the blog today.This will not make one bit of sense to anyone. I don't care. It doesn't to me either but better here (points to blog) than in here (taps head). 

I don't get the "mind over matter" thing at all. It means that if we want something bad enough, if we believe or try hard enough, we can obtain the goal, item, or desired outcome. If we don't like thinking something we just change our thinking! There is an old joke "if I don't mind, it doesn't  matter". And the last is probably closer to truth than the other.

I can't change one thing by believing or hoping it will change. Really. It doesn't work. I don't know what the magic words are that institute change. Today is. It is not going to be yesterday or last week or last year. It is. Fact - sun came up today. Done. I know. I've spent years wishing to go back in time.

My problem is I mind. I mind every flipping bit of it. Most of the time I try to think that it doesn't matter but it's a lie. I mind. So it does matter. 

I suddenly realized in the last few days, maybe a week, that I do not like who I am. I don't know if this is who I always was or if I changed at 21 or when my children were born, or when I turned 30 or 40 or when Jerry died. But I really do not like the person who took my place. 

I look in the mirror and I see a stranger. That person is not someone I like being around. She's not any fun at all. She's always out there, the one that people see and talk to. She's very good at camouflage, pretense. She smiles and laughs when she knows people are watching. She says all the right things at the right time. She takes care of business, keeps things together, slipping once in a while because I interfere but mostly ruling with an iron hand. The facade seldom slips and never in front of anyone who would notice or care. 

I see her without the facade. Maybe she feels the mask isn't necessary around me. I can't stand her. She's frightening. I try very hard to figure out if she's the miserable one or if it is me. She says I over think everything. That I need to accept things with a smile and stay positive and just get over myself. I need to simply accept that everything is as it must be and I need to stop rejecting it. Embrace my life, accept it, and move on. Stop minding about stuff. It doesn't matter. 

But I mind. So, it matters.  

I often wonder where everything goes. If it disappears into the ether forever or if it is floating around out there somewhere to be grasped and pulled back. I'm not talking souls here. I'm talking about what makes us who we are while we are still breathing. And I wonder if, when who we are slips away from us, we can reach out and catch something of what we were and pull it back. Can we slip into it like a comfortable old coat. I'm afraid we can't. I'm afraid that who I was is gone, disappeared forever. That if I strip away the other one, there will be nothing there. I'm afraid that everything that has been left will be gone, too. And that the truth is I don't exist anymore. I. . . believe that it is true.

And I mind. So, it really does matter.

I don't expect anyone will be able to define this. I don't want metaphysical interpretations or psycho-babel about identity or grief mumbo-jumbo. I'm not crazy. Truthfully, losing who you are is painful. Think of tying your arm to the back of a train while the rest of you is tied to the track. Yes, exactly like that. And even more truthfully, you're never quite right again. Maybe that's why I see her more clearly than I see me.

If I didn't mind, it really wouldn't matter.

But I do. And it does.

A Change in Everything

No idea what's going on today. Leg pain has disturbed my sleep for two nights now. It's terrible today and there's is just no relief for it except get up. At least that worked before. Now, it isn't helping. It isn't helped by the fact that my gait is affected. I walk different because it hurts and I suspect it hurts more because I walk different! ~~:(

Obviously the mad rush of NaNo is over... so I have more time to contemplate. I realized last night I better find something to keep my mind occupied completely or it isn't going to be a bearable holiday. Not sure it will anyway but no sense raining on everyone's parade. My blogs are likely to be real bad trips for anyone who reads them. 

I dont' look for the day to get better. I'm sitting with mounds of paper around me and all I really want to do is find a place to take a nap. The leg interferes with sleep, so, I tend to be sleepy. Lack of sleep causes me to become "foggy" which in turn makes it hard to focus, which makes it hard to work, or write, or even carry on conversations and remember things. 

Might have to issue warning labels if I think they are too depressing. Anyone but me get tired of my whining?

Now that that is  out of the way....

It is brilliantly sunny with clear skies. It is 35F. I'm praying for a southwest wind to blow in. That would give us another 10 degrees. I could live with that. Hmmm, just a second while I check something. Ah..a front between two high pressure systems rolled in yesterday and is currently sitting right on top of us! There are a bunch of Highs across the mid-west to the Rocky Mountains. Maybe tomorrow will be a bit better. Unless the lows.. nix that southwest wind. There's  a low sitting right over the Southwest and one rolling in from the S. Pacific. Looks like rain might be in store for the S.W. or even snow in the higher elevations. 

This has been your morning weather for S. W. Indiana. Have a great day. And be careful out there!

Check and see if I'm right. LOL, my new job... weather girl. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

So it Ends.....

At midnight tonight the bell tolls on another NaNoWriMo year. And as always, once it ends there is this sense that something is missing or that I've lost something important. In a way maybe I do. 

The removal of the pressure of having to write every single day is the first thing you notice. You kind of sit in a mental fugue where your mind feels like it is supposed to be somewhere else but isn't and is confused by it. You notice that people you were in contact with nearly every day  seem to kind of fade away, not disappear completely but mostly. You don't get those 'You can do it!' emails that get you through the next 1667 words and beyond. You begin to feel bereft. 

For me there is the added loss of write-ins. While only a few meetings had a half dozen attendees, it is kind of nice to sit down and write with like minded people. A common goal that links you to another human being. And you get a good dose of laughter and conversation with it. It's a good feeling. I'll miss those.

Overall, it is the sense of community that pulls one along during the month and it is this sense of community I find myself missing the most every year. Visiting the forums on the last day is very sad in some ways. You really probably won't be back until next year. But things happen and you might not be able to come back. Or something may happen to some of them and they won't be back. You think about it all that last day. And for the month of December, you feel it. 

There is the sense of success in the knowledge that I've written 50,000 words of a novel. But there is an impending sense that if I don't do something with it I'll lose something else. 

I don't know what the magic of NaNoWriMo really is. I don't what pulls us back to it every year. All I know is that for me, it is a place that comes around only once a year where I can do things I might not have done otherwise. I can go places in my mind that are only limited by my imagination. I can meet people I might never have met. I can laugh more than I have ever laughed. 

Then, in 30 days, its gone. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Oh Snow, Oh Me Oh!

I know, corny title but I was in a hurry and I'm saving my really witty stuff for the NaNo Novel.

It is snowing.... has been for about an hour. No accumulation to speak of but snow all the same. The sky is terribly overcast and it is cold, 34F. Just warm enough to melt the snow when it hits the ground. I used to love snow. Not so much now.

You've all seen the number. You know I am closing in on the 50K. Some of you are so very confident in me! I had no idea I was so capable. Thank you for all the encouragement and support. And for all your little ideas sent to help me through the blocks. They were actually very good and I'm probably going to use some of those tonight and if necessary tomorrow! My poor Simon is going to be fit to be tied. 

I'm getting ready to go to lunch with Carolyn. No idea what is on the menu today. I need something really good. I had chili last night. Prepared it and wrote while it cooked and ate while I wrote. It was a chili night. I still have some and I'm not sure it isn't a chili night tonight. Maybe a simple salad for lunch. It was really good chili with sharp cheddar cheese. I love cheddar cheese. 

I'm in a very up and down mood lately. I've felt a million times better this month, clear headed, less pain, really just good over all. But I can't shake the sadness, the loneliness, the totally abandoned feeling. It feels as if I'm on some outlying planet and sometimes travelers stop by and visit me but then they leave and I'm stranded here again, by myself. It is a hideous feeling that at times has me climbing the walls. 

I don't know if anyone will understand this unless they write. The other night I had bee writing for hours, living in the make believe world of secret agencies, operatives, and eek, Simon who's hotter that a jalapeno in July. I had to stop and take a break and when I got up and walked away from the computer, it was as if I was in a strange place. I mean I was disoriented and felt very odd, as if I'd been somewhere else, a place I belonged, and now I was suddenly whisked into an alien environment. That doesn't happen often, in fact, it hasn't happened to me quite like this for a very long time. It was so odd but so cool. I used to do that kind of thing when I was writing fiction a lot. It is a lot like a mini vacation and you have the same feelings of let-down that you get when you come home!

All right, I think lunch is in order. The flakes are much smaller now and I need to just step away from the work for a bit.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Top of the Morning

That's right. The very top.

I went to bed around midnight. I've not slept since. I lay in the bed four hours and nothing happened except I kept telling myself to go to sleep. I would have done better to sit up. I'm sitting here at 5:54 a.m. wide awake.

Those who've been here awhile know that this is not beneficial to me. Sleep is the only thing I've found that actually keeps my pain levels way down. I'm concerned that by noon I'll be ready to drop. My plan was to spend the afternoon with Becca and Sarah and Sarah could spend the night. Now, I'm concerned that I won't even be able to sit up by noon. And if I go to bed too early, I'll be back up before dawn on Sunday.

Appears that one can't win at this game.

I decided if I can't sleep I might as well write. Um.... I might want to get coffee first... Maybe a lot of it.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Start Your Engines.......

Well, I was able to jump start my story and finally got to just over 37K before midnight. The story really took off and I don't really want to stop. However, tomorrow I have a lot of things I'd like to do but I MUST get the next 4500 words down tomorrow just to be caught up. Seriously. If you think how long it took today to get 4000 words.... I worked all afternoon and all evening. About 9 hours.

Now, I'm headed for bed, very psyched up. I hope I can sleep! Be terrible to be lying there, awake for hours with all this enthusiasm. I'm so well... never mind. I've said before, for me writing is a cheap high.

Hope everyone's holiday has gone well. If you didn't have a holiday, please have a great weekend.

Just do not call me before 9 a.m. please!

Another Day, Another 5K

I'm finally up but didn't really sleep well at all. Just dozing. Not sure what that is about.

You know, I love my family. I have a wonderful aunt, as you all know. I do not know what I'd do with her. She read my blog sometime this morning. Bless her heart, she called about 11:00.

"I saw your blog this morning and I wanted to be see if you were getting any sleep.

I said, "I'm trying."

She said, "Turn the phone off so no one can bother you."

I agreed and hung up.

My sister called ten minutes later. "Are you asleep?"

Admittedly, it was nearly noon. And she had no way of knowing about my long night.

Sigh. Aren't family just lovely?

I'm on my way to the word mine. Someone keep the coffee warm.