Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Coming Home Late

This story originally appeared in The Haven Times newsletter and is posted on my website, I am posting it here because the message hasn't changed and today is the Lord's Day. Permission is not granted to repost on any other site. You may forward the web address to this site if you want to share it.

Mama let me date him because he was a “church boy”, meaning he went to our church. She also knew his mother and so it was all right. To my 14-year-old eyes, he was wonderful. He was 16 and had a car. He was tall and played the guitar. And I was the new girl in town.

It was a small church and I was one of three teenaged girls. One of them already had a boyfriend outside the church. Her sister, Debbie, and I were the same age and immediately at odds with one another. We all know about green pastures and he saw a break in the fence.

We dated through the summer and into the school year. During one of the first football games of the season, we were on a date and he was supposed to pick up his brother after the game, truly the cuter of the two but with no car.

My curfew was always 10:00 p.m., no matter what. I seldom rebelled on any rule Mama set but then, it never occurred to me that I could. Nevertheless, we rode around the parking lot looking for his brother and the clock kept ticking. He finally said he better get me home. Suddenly, I knew Mama wouldn’t mind if we were a bit late. After all, his brother was my age and was standing around somewhere waiting for his ride. We couldn’t leave him here. The stadium would be empty soon. He would have to stand around in the dark, alone, waiting for his ride that was not there because it was taking me home.

At 11:00 p.m. we pulled up into my yard, without the brother. And as my young man walked me to the front door, Mama got up from her rocker and, in a quiet voice, said, “Do you know what time it is?” Well, of course, we did, but I don’t remember thinking that she was asking for the time.

We both said, “Yes, m’am.” She proceeded to tell me who I was and what I was supposed to know. During the course of her speech she managed to politely tell him how much she thought of him and how she expected him to have me home when he said he would. I, of course, tried to explain about his poor brother standing somewhere at the school waiting for a ride that still had not appeared. Mama was sympathetic but unmoved. I had come home late.

It was a short romance and only lasted about three more weeks. We never dated again. He discovered his old school girlfriend, who happened to be one of my classmates. I don’t know if she had a curfew but my guess is she didn’t have my Mama. She tried to be nice to me and I liked her but I could never really hit is off with her. She wasn’t a church girl and she took my boyfriend.

I am a beast about punctuality and it is no wonder. My life has always been about keeping appointments and knowing where I was supposed to be and when. When I was 17 and dating my husband, he was always careful to get me home on time. Whenever Jerry brought me home my great-grandmother’s mantle clock was striking the hour. I didn’t have to tell him, he had a Mama, too. One night as we walked into the house Mama jokingly commented, “I believe you two sit around the corner and wait for that clock to strike.” We all laughed but Mama’s eyes twinkled at me. I had never come home late but once.

I have been re-evaluating many things that have evolved in my life and that only now I think I understand. I feel as if I have come home late and that Mama is sitting on the porch, in the dark waiting for me to roll in. I hear that quiet voice is saying, “Do you know what time it is?”

I have raised two sons and they now have wives of their own. I feel I did the best I could under the circumstances of our life but as I watch their foolishness, I doubt myself. I see the waste, the unconcern, and the lack of dedication. I feel like Mama sitting on the porch, in the dark saying, “Do you know what time it is?”

It is not just in my children that I see it. It is in a whole generation. There is time to spend hours living in a small box where a world of make-believe people live and fantasy events happen. There is time to spend hours at an amusement park, a ball park, the beach. There is time to cruise hour after hour along whatever street is cool and be seen by countless others just cruising through life along the same street. And I hear Mama, sitting on the porch in the dark, asking in a quiet voice, “Do you know what time it is?”

There is no time to spend in church. There is no time for prayer. There is no time for any pursuit that enriches minds or hearts. A thousand excuses overflow to fill the time.

“Do you know what time it is?” Never before have I heard that voice so clearly. It cuts me to the quick because all the excuses have been mine. At the time all of the reasons seemed, well, reasonable. And yet, “Do you know what time it is?

I look at all the days of my life and wonder. If life was like a carousal where I could capture brass rings of time as I sailed by, I would reach out and pull the ring of time that let me spend wonderful laughing hours with Mama. I would pull the rings of my children’s lives and never let go of any of them. I would grab the rings that let me relive the most precious moments I have ever known; putting my head in mama’s lap, my marriage, the birth of my children, my sons’ baptisms, every minute of their childhood, my children in my lap, my family reunions, my sons’ weddings. I would grab every ring of opportunity to pray more and truly converse with my creator, to read my Bible. I would grab rings to relive every exciting service I ever attended and re-listen to every riveting sermon I ever heard. I'd grab every laugh, every sigh, every heartache, every tear and I'd hang on to them.

I cannot recapture one moment of time.

Brass rings of time.

“Do you know what time it is?”

I only came home late one time. It took 30 years for me to realize what it meant.

Saturday, October 20, 2007


234 magnify
"I walked a mile with Pleasure,
She chattered all the way;
But left me none the wiser
For all she had to say.

"I walked a mile with Sorrow,
And ne'er a word said she;
But, oh, the things I learned from her
When sorrow walked with me."
This poem is the ending to the devotional for September 19 in a devotional book of mine by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman. I'll tell you the name of the book shortly. This is my second copy of the book. The first was bought sometime between 1984-1988. I bought the original at a second hand shop. It had a devotional for every day of the year. Little did I know when I bought the book that it would be a lifeline for me for three years.
You see, when I bought the first copy, I was in a desert. I had no church to go to of my faith. Oh, there was one where I was but I had to leave for reasons I won't go into here. Let's just say it was a lot like David's situation with Saul. He ran for his life. I ran for my soul.
What is interesting is that the original copyright of this book is 1925. I didn't know one thing about her. I didn't know where she lived, who her family was, where she came from, if she was still alive, nor what religion she professed. All I knew then was that Mrs. Cowman wrote a book in 1925 that ended up on a table in a second hand book store in a very small town in South Carolina in the late 1980's. It was waiting for me.
For nearly three years Mrs. Cowman's stories and poems contained answers to tormenting questions. Innumerable times I found comfort when I became overwhelmed. I can remember times when I would read the day's devotion and weep because it was exactly what I needed at that moment. It soothed a parched spirit as well as any sermon I have ever heard although each day's reading is only one page.
You see, I was alone in a desert place. I had no church family to call, my spouse was not living for God, my children were small. I had not one single Christian friend in that city or state. Every person dear to me aside from my husband and two children were hundreds of miles away in Georgia, Alabama and Florida. A desert place, oh, you have no idea what a desert place. There came a point in time that I began to hear preaching in my sleep. I actually wrote a couple of the sermons down! Even I was shocked by that.
I can't tell you everything about that time because it is far too painful. I can tell you I came out of that desert a very different woman than the one who went in, partly because of Mrs. Cowman. God used an odd devotional by an unknown author to tell me he heard me and was in the desert, right next to me, every minute of every day. In the midst of the heartache, whether I was lonely, or hungry, or thirsty, in a dry and barren land, he was there.
Oh, the name of the book? "Streams in the Desert"

Fireworks on the Riverfront

Fireworks on the Ohio, July 4, 2007
.. I am so tickled at these shots. This is the photos I took when we spent the evening on the Ohio River on July 4, 2007. I've never been sucessful when I tried this in the past but I had a roll of film and it was Sarah's first 4th celebration, so I took a "shot" well, 24 shots and these are the ones that came out. They were taken with a Canon AE1 and I used the bulb setting and just held the apeture open for different counts. I believe some were as little as 10 seconds and the longest time was 30 seconds. Some are not that great but I am very pleased with the overall results. I'll be interested in what Art Guy has to say about these. He inspired me. (This blog previously posted on Yahoo 360)

Friday, October 19, 2007

Rarin' to Go

Well, I've managed to get things up and running here at Multiply. Now, we'll see how it runs. I really like my 360 page but I see problems ahead and I am not going to get caught in that mess. I now have four blogs on Blogger, one on 360 and this one. How stupid is that? Of course, one of the Blogger sites is defunct, another is by invitation only, and one is going to be just for NaNoWriMo where I can post my writing for my friends. It will be limited to my blog friends and contacts only.

Today I am going to have lunch with my friend who is leaving town. I mention him in the post called Honor Where Honor is Due. I doubt I'll get to see him again so this will be a bit sad. I've truly enjoyed his friendship over the last 17 years. It is hard when friends leave. I don't have a lot of close friends to start with and so losing one has been very sad for me.

I am supposed to work tomorrow but I don't really want to. The weather is turning cool again and I don't know what effect that will have on me. Also, I don't have but one day a week that is truly completely mine and that is Saturday. Even that is often shared with other people wanting something. I just want to be alone and quiet and do the things I need to do at home. So, when I get up in the morning, I'll decide how I feel. If my pain level is up I won't be in.

I must say here that November will be a slow month for me. NaNoWriMo begins Nov. 1 and I plan to participate again this year. I have written about it a bit in my 360 blog. For those who are game, join me there as a writing buddy and write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days! I reached over 30,000 last year but I've done some planning this year and I want to reach the goal. My ID is Dixiegirl.

Now back to work. I took a few minutes to update. Nice thing is that this post will be cross-posted to my other blog, A Dixie Girl's Ramblings.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A 360 Wanderer

I just started this Multiply thing and I think it may be just what I wanted! I've transfered some post from one of my other blogs, A Dixiegirl's Ramblings at Blogger to kind of give you an idea of what interest me.

There is another blog I have on Yahoo 360. In fact, it is why I am trying this out. They are about to change things on 360 and my experience so far is that they mess up something everytime they change things. A lot of us love 360 but I'm just tired of the hassel and lack of response. I've backed up my blog there and probably will be posting some of it here.

Now if I can talk my friends there into joining me here, I'll have every thing I want in my blog and my friends too!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Rules of Respect

I was cleaning a file today and ran across something I wrote when my sons were entering those troublesome teen years. For several years it was posted on my refrigerator and every time they got in trouble they had to read it aloud to me and review the one that applied to their situation.

Rules of Respect

  1. Show courtesy to everyone. Please, Thank you, Sir, M’am, You’re welcome, and excuse me, are all keys that open doors. Everyone likes respect. You get what you give.
  2. Ask first. Do not take something that is not yours. If you “borrow” without asking, it is stealing. Get permission
  3. Wait your turn. Do not interrupt others when they are talking. Or, if you are not part of the conversation and need to speak to someone, “excuse me” is an appropriate way to get their attention if you have waited for several minutes.
  4. Know who’s in charge. If you see a need or problem, do not give orders – find the person in charge and politely mention the problem. If you have not been put specifically in charge, allow the person in charge to give the orders.
  5. Refuse to argue. Ask if you can quietly discuss the problem. The Bible says “a soft answer turneth away wrath.” Usually, it is hard to yell at someone who won’t yell back. After a while they get tired. Remember, sometimes it doesn’t work, especially if you have wrecked the car or broken curfew.
  6. Allow the other person to be right. No one is right all the time but neither are they always wrong. YOU could be wrong. It is more embarrassing to loudly declare you’re right and be proven wrong than it is to keep your mouth shut and let others loudly declare when you are right.
  7. Offer help. If someone is ill, physically unable to do a chore, or simply needs an extra pair of hands, offer to help. Do not wait to be asked. Offer kindly. If your help is refused, say nothing and allow them to do it themselves. If asked -- give your help to the best of your ability.
  8. Respect other’s privacy. Do not ask questions about someone’s personal life unless it will affect you personally. For example: You do not need to know about someone’s sex life unless you plan to have sex with them. Do not tell secrets you have been told unless there is a danger involved or a crime. Do not listen in on others’ conversations uninvited. Do not tell something you have overheard in a private conversation. Would you want someone to tell your secrets?
  9. Do unto others. If you want kindness, give it. If you want love, give it. If you want help, give it. If you want friendship, give it. If you want understanding, give it. If you want fairness, give it. If you want truth, give it. If you want joy, give it. If you want peace, give it. If you don’t want any of this, do nothing and you’ll get nothing.
  10. Overlook the jerks. There will ALWAYS be someone who defies all of the above. And because of it, no matter what you do, it will never be enough or it will always be wrong – to them. Walk away and smile. If you have done your best and followed the rules, you have won anyway. Always, always, always let them go before you. When the axe falls, it will be their head that rolls.

You have been taught a set of values. If you choose to abandon these, we will not avert the consequences of your actions. If you get arrested, we will not bail you out; if you catch a disease, we cannot cure you or even get expensive medical care. Adult behavior requires adult responsibility. You are on your own when you set your own values and rules of behavior. If they conflict with our moral code, you must move out and support yourselves. We will still love you but we made our choices before you were born. We have not changed our minds since then and will not do so now. As a result, we may lose you but if we give in, not only will we lose you but we will also lose ourselves.

Today, when I found them and read them again, I realized that all the self-doubts I’ve had lately were foolish. I did do something right. I didn’t neglect the important things. They may not have stuck but I did the right thing. I can’t understand why the sons I raised became who and what they became but it is not my fault.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Down in the Dumps

Things are not good right now. There is this sense of hurtling toward something unseen. I've felt very down for a couple of days. There has been some family stress from several sides. I keep trying to back off and let it just move on without me but it simply follows me.

I went and joined the YMCA last night. My plan is to start working out again 3 days a week. That's the plan. I may go tomorrow and Monday and Tuesday since I am off until Wednesday. That might be good. I might feel better getting some exercise.

I think the problem is that I didn't have my pain meds for two days. I've been having more pain since yesterday and last night I was really depressed. Tonight I just feel tired.

Let's face it. I don't really know what the problem is and I'm just grasping. I'm going to get a hot bath, get some comfortable clothes on and I may just go to bed.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Fireworks On The Ohio

Originally uploaded by Dixiegirl2007
This is just one of my 4th of July Fireworks photos taken on the river front. We had a wonderful time.

It was Sarah's first celebration of our Independance. I hope someday she will be celebrating the same event with her children, if not on the Ohio, then somewhere nice.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Honor Where Honor is Due

I have a dear friend who contacted me Saturday night to say that he has a medical problem and is retiring from his teaching position and moving back to his home state. I am truly devastated.

He was my writing teacher and he became one of my dearest friends. I met him in 1990 when Daddy died and I went to take an Anthropology test I had missed. It was my second year of college. He stood out in the hallway and evesdropped on my conversation because I was talking about writing. He was waiting to get something for his wife, who also took the Anthro class. He stepped brazenly into the room and told me to take his 400 level editorial writing class. I wasn't even a junior and didn't have any of the prerequisits. Yet, he followed me out of the building and dared me to take it anyway. I did and it changed me forever.

He isn't a Christian. I don't actually know if he is even a believer. He's never said so outright but my impression has always been he'd like to think there is nothing to faith or religion. But maybe he was really wanting to find a reason to believe. I don't really know. The few times I discussed religion or faith with him, he would want to debate the issue. This, as you all know from this blog, is not a debatable subject for me. So dealing with questions whose answers are entirely based on my faith was not something I wanted because ultimately it would come between our friendship. I had always felt that God had put this person in my path but there were many times I didn't have a clue as to why. He wasn't going to listen to me on the subject of faith.

So, I avoided that discussion. Only occassionally did some topic of religion come up and we would briefly discuss it but nothing in depth. He knows what I am. He told me the last time we had lunch, "I can't figure you out. How can a woman as intelligent as you be such a fanatic?" I think I just smiled. My opinion is that they are not mutually exclusive. You can be intelligent and believe in a loving Saviour and creator of the world.

He is a hard person to like. Gaining his friendship is one of the hardest things I've ever done. He would hate and deny this but when I first met him he had all these preconceived ideas of "religious nuts". I was immediately a "fanatic". He would make comments in class and watch for my reaction. Only once did he ever offend me and when I told him, he apologized. Since then, I've spent the better part of 17 years trying to shatter every one of those preconceptions. The friendship that has grown has been a blessing to me because it has taught me about me. I've learned to look beyond the surface. I found honesty, integrity, and sincerity in someone I'd not normally spend more than a few minutes on.

I know a little about his personal life here. He set these barriers and boundaries with his students that only a few could breach. I was priviledged to have scaled the wall. On occassion, there would be this glimpse of a funny, relaxed man who wanted to be liked. He hid behind the tough as nails newspaper man. Since I graduated nearly 10 years ago, we've met for lunch off and on and I would listen to what was going on with the students, his latest writing project, what was in his head. I don't think I actually did a lot of talking. It doesn't seem like it. Sometimes he would joke about religion in an attempt to bait me. I didn't usually bite and he would know to move to another subject.

And oh, what a teacher! I loved his writing classes. That funny outgoing man held sway in the classroom and most of his students adored him. Yet, he is a person who will tell you if your work is good or if it stinks. There will be no sugar coated words or sparing of your feelings. Just the Facts, m'am. And that is why he has a hard time with faith. It requires accepting as fact what one can't see.

It is because of him I truly began to write again, to believe that I could write. He told me I could. He told me I was the best writer to ever grace his classes. And because of his words, his honesty, an open wound that I had not realized was there was healed. He couldn't have known then about the emotional damage to a young girl by another thoughtless, stupid teacher many years ago that sent the young writer into hiding. My friend is a Teacher.

Now he is leaving. I realized, when I heard the words, that I would ultimately be friendless here in this city and because we come from opposite ends of the country, I will probably never see him again. It is so painful, that even now I cringe from the reality. Oh, I have "friends" and I love my church family but there is a place that this friend has carved in my heart that will be empty when he leaves. There are conversations and ideas that no one else will understand.

Saturday night I told him that God places people in our paths that we will need in our futures. I said it regarding someone who has helped him during this time but I meant it about me, too. God put this wonderful, stubborn person in my path because of what I needed. I hope I have impacted his life as much as he has mine. I have said many prayers for him - to find peace, to find God, to find faith. I don't know if he ever will. I will just keep praying.

I will miss you, my friend. I won't forget you because I have carved you in the palms of my hands. (Isa. 49:15)

Monday, September 10, 2007

Grandmother's Brag Blog

Well, a year has come and gone. Sarah Cheyenne was 1 year old on September 2, 2007. She is the sweetest little thing and such a joy to be around. I know all grandmothers say such things but other people tell us the same thing so I don't feel I am exaggerating.

She is so smart she scares me a bit. I've never seen a baby her age do some of the things she can do. Neither of the boys were as smart as she seems to be, nor as attentive to details. She will watch you do something until she figures it out. In a few hours she learned to turn on a toy she got for her birthday. She has to push down on the head to make it go.

She apparently hides her pacifiers all over the house and no one can find them. Her mother will tell her to go get it and Sarah will come back with one in her hand. She puts them in cabinets, drawers, shoes, and boxes. It is nightmare to try and locate them. So we don't anymore. If Sarah can't find one she comes back in the room and raise her hands in a gesture that says, "I don't know."

Today, the cordless phone was on the floor and Becca said, "Sarah, go get the phone and give it to mommie." Sarah got down off the couch and walked across the room and got the phone and brought it back to her mother. She's 12 months old!

I'd be interested in anyone else who has seen children this young follow such detailed instructions. It has me stunned.

Her mother reads to her but sometimes Sarah takes books and sits down and turns the pages and makes talking sounds! (I have heard of this. My grandmother and aunt said I did that as a toddler.)

I'm a bit depressed as well. Not sure why. My birthday is next month. . . 51. Joy, joy, joy. Officially over the hill. I feel very old and useless tonight. I am homesick again but not so much for home as for some relief from the city congestion and the frustrations of a ridged schedule of work, clean, sleep. My life had become a circle of drudgery. I hate having to be somewhere at a certain time to do the same things every day, seeing the same faces, hearing the same whinning voices. I am missing the travel and excitement of moving to new places to make a new start in new surroundings and finding new interest.

I'm going to bed now because I have work tomorrow. I have bragged and whinned enough. Maybe tomorrow I can do some real writing. I have sort of let this blog falter and I want to get back into it. I like the My Yahoo 360 page with all my friends but lately it has become a burden. I think everything has for some reason.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Poetic Justice from the Throne Room

There are times when I am listening to the Sunday School lesson that a verse jumps out at me or something the teacher says connects to something I have read in my Bible. The following resulted from a single verse heard in the adult Bible class on a Sunday morning. My revelation had absolutely nothing to do with the lesson that morning.

To understand you have to read Lev. 27:1-34, which I have copied below for your convenience. Basically, the verses relate how the priest were to establish the value of a person, animal, or possession in order to redeem them.

1. And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, 

2. Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When a man shall make a 
singular vow, the persons shall be for the Lord by thy estimation. 

3. And thy estimation shall be of the male from twenty years old even unto sixty years old, even thy estimation shall be fifty shekels of silver, after the shekel of the sanctuary. 

4. And if it be a female, then thy estimation shall be thirty shekels. 

5. And if it be from five years old even unto twenty years old, then thy estimation shall be of the male twenty shekels, and for the female ten shekels. 

6. And if it be from a month old even unto five years old, then thy estimation shall be of the male five shekels of silver, and for the female thy estimation shall be three shekels of silver. 

7. And if it be from sixty years old and above; if it be a male, then thy estimation shall be fifteen shekels, and for the female ten shekels. 

8. But if he be poorer than thy estimation, then he shall present himself before the priest, and the priest shall value him; according to his ability that vowed shall the priest value him. 

9. And if it be a beast, whereof men bring an offering unto the Lord, all that any man giveth of such unto the Lord shall be holy. 

10. He shall not alter it, nor change it, a good for a bad, or a bad for a good: and if he shall at all change beast for beast, then it and the exchange thereof shall be holy. 

11. And if it be any unclean beast, of which they do not offer a sacrifice unto the Lord, then he shall present the beast before the priest: 

12. And the priest shall value it, whether it be good or bad: as thou valuest it, who art the priest, so shall it be. 

13. But if he will at all redeem it, then he shall add a fifth part thereof unto thy estimation. 

14. And when a man shall sanctify his house to be holy unto the Lord, then the priest shall estimate it, whether it be good or bad: as the priest shall estimate it, so shall it stand. 

15. And if he that sanctified it will redeem his house, then he shall add the fifth part of the money of thy estimation unto it, and it shall be his. 

16. And if a man shall sanctify unto the Lord some part of a field of his possession, then thy estimation shall be according to the seed thereof: an homer of barley seed shall be valued at fifty shekels of silver. 

17. If he sanctify his field from the year of jubilee, according to thy estimation it shall stand. 

18. But if he sanctify his field after the jubilee, then the priest shall reckon unto him the money according to the years that remain, even unto the year of the jubilee, and it shall be abated from thy estimation. 

19. And if he that sanctified the field will in any wise redeem it, then he shall add the fifth part of the money of thy estimation unto it, and it shall be assured to him. 

20. And if he will not redeem the field, or if he have sold the field to another man, it shall not be redeemed any more. 

21. But the field, when it goeth out in the jubilee, shall be holy unto the Lord, as a field devoted; the possession thereof shall be the priest's. 

22. And if a man sanctify unto the Lord a field which he hath bought, which is not of the fields of his possession; 

23. Then the priest shall reckon unto him the worth of thy estimation, even unto the year of the jubilee: and he shall give thine estimation in that day, as a holy thing unto the Lord. 

24. In the year of the jubilee the field shall return unto him of whom it was bought, even to him to whom the possession of the land did belong. 

25. And all thy estimations shall be according to the shekel of the sanctuary: twenty gerahs shall be the shekel. 

26. Only the firstling of the beasts, which should be the Lord's firstling, no man shall sanctify it; whether it be ox, or sheep: it is the Lord's. 

27. And if it be of an unclean beast, then he shall redeem it according to thine estimation, and shall add a fifth part of it thereto: or if it be not redeemed, then it shall be sold according to thy estimation. 

28. Notwithstanding no devoted thing, that a man shall devote unto the Lord of all that he hath, both of man and beast, and of the field of his possession, shall be sold or redeemed: every devoted thing is most holy unto the Lord. 

29. None devoted, which shall be devoted of men, shall be redeemed; but shall surely be put to death. 

30. And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the Lord's: it is holy unto the Lord. 

31. And if a man will at all redeem ought of his tithes, he shall add thereto the fifth part thereof. 

32. And concerning the tithe of the herd, or of the flock, even of whatsoever passeth under the rod, the tenth shall be holy unto the Lord. 

33. He shall not search whether it be good or bad, neither shall he change it: and if he change it at all, then both it and the change thereof shall be holy; it shall not be redeemed. 

34. These are the commandments, which the Lord commanded Moses for the children of Israel in mount Sinai.

One must remember that the Bible is filled with connections which at first glance do not appear related at all. For example, it is interesting to note here that the price paid to Judas for betrayal was the redemption price of a woman between the ages of 20 and 60. This is symbolically an insult to Jesus. The high priest would not even pay the price of a man.

My revelation came at verse 28: Anything set apart by the Lord was considered Holy. A person specially set aside by God to be destroyed CAN'T be redeemed --> They MUST be put to death. Jesus was set apart by God to be destroyed. According to Levitical Law he was Holy and could not be redeemed. He had to bear the sins of the world; nothing could change his destiny.

But here is an irony. Judas went to the priest and HE set a value for Jesus life. By doing this a betrayer symbolically stepped into the office of the priest. What is even more shocking is that the Priest actually PAID the redemption price set by Judas and by doing so, they symbolically redeemed Jesus! Something the Law said they could not do! They became, again symbolically, the redeemers of the Savior and transgressors of the Law of Moses.

Poetic Justice from the Throne.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

So Busy I Can't Think!

This blog has fallen by the way a bit. I've been spending an inordinate amount of time on the 360 blog. It is easier to post where you know people are reading! And I like my friends list there.

I've been working on my novel for fun "Hidden in the Mist". It is now over 38,000 words! I thought it would have died a painful death long ago. But I have decided to follow it to the end. I have closed it to the public and it is only by invitation now. I am considering doing my next project the same way. This is a good way to get input on my draft. Other eyes see what I miss!

I am also gearing up for the National November Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). This is where you write a novel of 50,000 in 30 days. The only prize is the satisfaction of doing it. I tried last year and reached about 35,000 words. I was frustrated I didn't make it but I am looking forward to trying again. I did get a good start to a new story so even though I didn't reach the stated goal; I reached a goal of sorts.

I will have a writing buddy this year, I think. Chris from my 360 blog says she wants to try it. It will be nice to have someone to commiserate with! If you are into personal challenges, please look at the the NaNoWriMo site.

Michael had an MRI and EEG this past Tuesday. If you check the 360 blog you will find a post explain why this occurred. He had some kind of seizure a few weeks ago and we don't exactly know what caused it or if it will happen again. The test this week looked ok they said but they want another in 3 months.

I'm not closing this blog down. I just haven't had the time to do two at once. There are still things I like about it, but it needs a few tweaks. I'd like to put up my own wallpaper but don't know how.

Monday, July 2, 2007

One Minute of Your Life

I don't usually forward many items because I know   a lot of people hate to get forwards. I received the item at the end of this from an email friend and felt it had potential. I do not know if the information is true. However, if it isn't, it should be.

I believe we are at a pivotal time in history. The potential for anything to happen is very real. If you feel no concern, you should. But to feel concern without courageous and honorable action, is a waste of time. To be complacent and put your faith in politics and weapons of war, is foolishness. I am not a preacher and I am not an evangelist seeking converts. I am telling people that unless we wake up as a nation, as a single people unified under a banner of truth and righteousness, we are in trouble.

I put no faith in the abilities of any human being to resolve the problems facing us today. But I do know AND believe that as the prophet said, " If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." 2 Chro. 7:14.

There is an Almighty God waiting to hear from people who want to call Him "Lord". He will answer the prayer of those people if we simply pray with the right attitude. Please note that there are several key contingencies to this prayer: we must humble ourselves - we aren't special or deserving of favor, we must seek his face - actively looking for him, sincerely desiring his favor, pray and THEN turn from our wicked ways - repent our foolish attitudes, behavior, and ideals and let go of the things that    weigh us down, that ensnare us and degrade us as people.

I can't describe what we have become in my lifetime. As a nation we have abandoned the values that made this a place that every person on earth wanted to live. They respected our values and envied our lifestyles. Now, they envy our wealth and despise us. What a change in   perspective that is. There are more broken homes, broken people, more abused children, and more perverted values than ever before and we still believe we are just fine. We are not. And now, we stand poised over an abyss.

But perhaps there is hope. If we can reach Heaven, if one voice as many waters can be heard, something will happen. I believe it. If you would be a voice, join this call to prayer. It is one minute of your life that may change your world and mine.

           In WWII, there was an advisor to Churchill who organized a group of people who dropped what they were doing every night at a prescribed hour for one minute    to collectively pray for the safety of England, its people and peace.  This had an amazing effect as bombing stopped.
           There is now a group of people organizing the same thing here in America.  If    you would like to participate: each evening at 9:00 PM Eastern Time (8:00 PM Central, 7:00 PM Mountain, 6:00 PM Pacific), stop whatever you are doing and spend one minute praying for the safety of the United States, our troops, our citizens and for peace in the world.
           If you know anyone who would like to participate, please pass this along.   Someone said if people really understood the full extent of the power we have available through prayer, we might be speechless.  Our prayers are the most powerful asset we have.
 Thank You.   Please pass this on to anyone who you think will participate.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Trying to Keep It Together

It has been a trying month. For more info here check the 360 site. Suffice it to say it has caught up with me. I am exhausted and depressed. The two usually do go hand in hand where I am concerned. When I get tired, I get depressed. I am going to try and get some real rest tonight.

David and Becca moved into their apartment. I hope everything will go well for them now. If he will just get that GED so he can get better jobs. He now thinks he wants to join the Coast Guard but they won't take GED's. I told him get the GED and take a college math and college English class. That will effectively get people to look past the GED. Who knows, he may find he likes education.


I'm not going to have a bowl of ice cream and go to bed.

Happy 4th of July, America! I love you.

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By dixiegirl at 2007-07-01

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Passing Through on the Way to the Shower

I wandered in again and decided to post something. I have finally managed to get the house refinanced. This will save me thousands in interest and eliminate two payments totaling $275 a month. It will only raise my house payment by about $60. But even it it was more, the interest on the second mortgage and on my credit card were over 100 a month. I feel I can breath a bit now.

Of course, the middle east will get a hefty cut of my pay as gas has not hit the $3.00 mark in Southern Indiana. How stupid that our country can't find an alternative fuel source. We would not need their oil. Of course, when politicians have their fingers in the oil pie, we don't dare bake another pie.

I'm headed for the shower after which I hope to clean my desk and sit down for me time. It hasn't been a good day off. Well, there is Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday to make up for it. We shall see.

Tomorrow we have bi-lingual service at church. We have some hispanic families coming and some of them speak no English. They are very nice. I've been trying to brush up on the Spanish from my college days. . . 10 years ago! Actually, I know a lot of words but stringing them together in a coherent sentence needs lots of work.

Back again soon. The shower beckons.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Just Another Thursday

I have been overwhelmed of late. Trying to keep up with things at home, posting to the other blog, bloging the draft of my story, and working full time. Now, I have started another pet project -- brushing up on my Spanish. To read the details of this follow the link to My Yahoo 360

I am behind in working on my story Hidden in the Mist and will probably get farther behind. I have company coming this weekend. My aunt and uncle from Atlanta will be here. It is always a pleasure to see them. They are the only relatives I have who actually visit me. You know who loves ya, baby.

My baby doll is over 7 months old now. She is growing and changing so much but she is still petite. Small feet and just now getting into clothes for 6 month olds. She had a bit of temper, we are discovering. I'm not sure, I don't recall the boys being exceptionally mean. I don't think they had a bad temper. David was a passive baby but he could go into a fit once in awhile. I will have to look at the baby book. I kept lots notes on them.

I have probably gained 10 pounds. I'm eating far too much junk food. Must stop that immediately! I am stressed and that is when I do that.

I've been trying to get the house refinanced and one bank refused because it was zoned incorrectly. It would cost over $900 to rezone it unless I could get the neighbors involved. I doubt I could. So, I called a mortgage broker and it appears to be going just fine, regardless of the zoning. Nearly finished with the application paperwork and I have sent all the required verifications of employment, banks, benefits etc.

I am not doing so good today. Had a fight with Mike off the bat. I told him to get out of the house by five pm today. He had tried to contact me via IM indicating he was not to blame, he's sorry, he had no place to go, etc. I told him before I left there are shelters. His job is terrible, he sits up all night, talks on the phone with bimbos all night and then won't get up and then is late for work all the time. So, I'd rather have him in a shelter than sponging off me.

So, I will now get to work and get my desk cleared off. It is just another Thursday in the rat race. Friday is in sight but still a long way off.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Updating the Mist

Just spent several minutes updating the draft of Hidden in the Mist I have posted. It is a bit of a chore but I quite like this idea of putting it out here. I suppose I could limit access a bit and may eventually do that to those who request it. Have to think about it.

Today is a gloomy day. The sky is overcast and the wind has a bit of a chill. Not cold, just a bit cool. I am sure it is somewhere in the 60's. The pollen, on the other hand, is horrendous. I have a sore throat, stuffy nose, and my skin feels tight, probably because of a coating of pollen. I dislike the mid-west, particularly this pothole where I live. No real clean air, the water is really nasty, and I've been sick ever since I came here.

Believe me, if I was financially able to leave, I would. I crave an ocean breeze so badly I can almost smell it. And to see a sky that is not tinged with the gray of motor exhaust would be heaven indeed.

Well, enough of that. I am out of here for a bit. Got loads of stuff I want to do today. I have felt back all day with the allergy symptoms and I can't take a lot of stuff because it knocks me out.

Have a good day all. Drop by Hidden In the Mist and take a coffee break.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Bring You Up-To-Date

I just finished updating my "novel" blog, Hidden in the Mist . It is finally up-to-date with my Yahoo 360 blog. This will make it easier for new readers to get caught up quicker and stay on track.

The trick now will be just keeping it current. It is very difficult to keep two blogs going and I have tended to move toward the 360 blog. However, offeres some fun and unique ideas and ways to tweak it that Yahoo doesn't offer. So, I have kept both.

I am also going to to start thinking about the November NaNoWriMo contest again. I think I should get a plan this time and work with that. The starting cold turkey seemed to be a hinderance. And they say that an outline is acceptable. I do so hate outlines!

That's all for tonight. I hope you will visit all my sites. Have a great weekend. I am off to work on Chapter X.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

When the Wind Blows...

I was looking at the ticker at the top of the page and got a graphic of how quickly time has flown. My baby girl is half a year old! I won't go in to the sappy grandmama stuff but she is such a doll.

Sarah Cheyenne, December 2006

She is still small, only weighs a bit over 13 lbs. She doesn't care much for baby food and sometimes she doesn't drink a full 8 ozs of formula. She has little fat feet and fat legs and her hands are a bit plump but she isn't really fat, like some babies. I worry but we give her vitamins in her formula so she at least gets enough of those. She is a happy smiley baby who loves music. During church I hold her facing front and seated on my arm with my other arm around her. Today, during the singing her little legs were kicking and her arms flapping around and she was having the best time. Becca and I laughed and both of us agree, once she is on her feet, watch out, cause Miss Cheyenne has her shouting shoes on. This is one Pentecostal baby.

I am sitting in my study enjoying the peace and quiet. Mike is working, Dave and Becca are out and Jerry is napping in his chair. There is NO SOUND but the computer, heat flow, and the ticking of my clock. You know there is a scripture that says there will be 30 minutes of silence in heaven when God is presented with the prayers of the Saints. I suspect it will be my favorite time if I am honored to be there. I am awed by Him now and the sound of that kind of silence must be overwhelming to the spirit. Not even the ticking of a clock because time will be no more. Not the breath of a breeze because nature will cease her restless turmoil.


Visit my Yahoo 360 page. Dixiegirl

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Touching Base, Catching up, Etc.

Oh Lord! How long has it been. The other blogs have kept me busy. I have too much going on. Still have a houseful of people but David does have a job now at Chick-Fil-et. Is that how they spell it? I don't know when he starts.

In about two months they should come up to the top of the list for housing. Hope he keeps this job.

Mike's job is not scheduling him at all so I suspect they want him to quit so they don't have to fire him. He has been home for nearly a week and has worked one day.

There is more on Mike but way too much to recount here. He's met another internet bimbo but this one is in Miss. He went down and stayed two weeks visiting her. I don't know her, what kind of person she is or anything, except she is a bit more attractive than the last one but that doesn't take much. She is thinner that the last one, and that doesn't take much either. My concern is if she is in church. She has four kids by different men so I am not encouraged by her lifestyle.

You know, I came out of a small southern town. We do not have to perpetuate the common perception of women from small southern towns. Those who do, do so by choice. Education, culture, poise, and plain old class are all things within our control. To blame location, parentage, education, economics or anything else on what we become is simply a cop out for the lazy.

Of course he is in LOVE and wants to marry her after one meeting. How stupid can people get? Let me tell you.....

No, I won't go there. I am finished fixing everyone's problems. They will do what they want anyway and from now on they all better be prepared to take care of themselves. I have nearly lost everthing I own to take care of other people. I'm finished.

I am gearing up for the weekend. Can't wait. Check out the yahoo 36 blog for more detail on what is happening. Also, check out the Hidden In the Mist blog. It is listed in the profile.

Hope you all have a great day!

Monday, January 22, 2007

That's The Way It Is

I was watching the news this morning and found that things must be really good. All they could come up with was a story of two young men who had been on American Idol. The "news" was that Simon had been exceptionally mean to them. Tell me, when did this stuff get to be "news"? Who cares? Simon is generally nasty. He is overcompensating for something he lacks in his life. That or he is just a nasty person in general. But really, do I care? Is that important enough to discuss for 15 minutes? I understand that during the second hour of the morning news show they were going to have the guys back on to answer questions from those who emailed or called in questions. I guess from people who really care about American Idol. Are those people really up at 7 a.m.?

So, if it is not news, what is it? Human interest? They didn't lose a body part. No one died. They weren't kidnapped. They weren't robbed. They were not physically attacked. They got their feelings hurt.

O.k. someone needs to pat these nice boys on the head and reassure them that that for the next 50 years someone will hurt their feelings about once a week. . . at least. They are in for a rude awakening. People are generally nasty to anyone who looks different, dresses differently, acts differently, speaks differently, and smells differently from what the masses think is normal. That pretty much means that the minority will always beat up on the majority. They think they are special.

Their experience must not have been very traumatic. They were on a hugely popular television show smiling and telling Simon what a naughty boy he had been. And they were planning their next "gig" on the View. They don't actually have it yet but they are optimistic. They have agents.

So, this is news?

Walter Cronkite, I miss you.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Sick, Ticked, and Crazy

It is cold and I am sick. The three day weekend became a five day weekend because I am sick with a horrible cold. I finally went to the doctor yesterday and got meds only to find my doctor is no longer with the group. Now I have to find a new doctor and my insurance comes up for renewal/change in June which means I may have to find a new doctor!

They need to come up with something in this country whereby insurance companies and doctors cannot refuse patients. You should be able to see a licensed physican without having to get approval from the insurance company. Perhaps the government should come up with a cost sheet that restricts all doctors to the same basic charges and insurances companies as well.

This crap of having to change doctors every time your company changes insurances companies is stupid. I have had three doctors in 8 years, two of those in the last 4. It stinks. And now, none of the doctors I had are on my plan. So I have to start over and in June, if we change insurance companies, I will probably have to change again.

Obviously, when I am sick is not the time to discuss this stuff.

I started a fourth blog! How crazy does that make me. Of course, this one and one of the other's, Dark Mountain, have languished a bit. I keep the Yahoo 360 pretty busy but I started this forth one, Hidden in the Mist. It is a book that I started last year as some flash writing. I just started writing what came to mind. Got about 20 pages in and stopped. I don't really care for the story but suddenly, in the last month, more of it started pouring in and I started posting in on the 360 site. Next, I found a way to post a novel on blogspot that I kind of like. So, I am doing it.

Just cause.

Why don't I send my writing off to publish? Mainly because nothing is finished yet. If I get some good feedback maybe I will. I have actually got three things started. I have one with nearly 50,000 words and another with 33,000. And I am getting better at just doing it. I feel better about it. I think the NaNoWriMo thingy helped me get focused on the writing. I realized a lot of things about how and why I write. And I learned that I procrastinate when I get stumpped instead of pushing on. I have received some positive feedback on 360 with the current work but it isn't done yet and even when it is, it will require re-writing and editing. And I still don't actually like the story. That is crazy to me. But you know, I am actually felling good about the writing and just doing it is such a good feeling. Publish. . . whatever.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Lipstick, Lies, And Letters

I got another one today. You know, one of those warning letters from your friends, family and foes who want to see you die. It was warning me about the dangers of lead in lipstick. Apparently, lead in lipsticks causes cancer.

I truly appreciate the consideration of those who send me these emails. They are concerned for my welfare and safety. Except for the foes, they have other reasons. But honestly, I just wish they'd check out these things first, before forwarding it to me. It would save us both a lot of trouble. I will give you links further on that you can check if you don't believe me.

Let me just put the concerns to rest first. This is one of those false reports. It has a teensy bit of truth that is blown into a epidemic.

I will also alleviate any concern for my specific welfare. I don't wear lipstick. Constantly wearing lipstick actually makes your lips become paler. It acts as a sunblock. Sunlight is what puts the color in you skin and lips are skin. Of course, you should wear protection on your mouth to prevent windburn and sunburn if you will be out for extended periods of time but if it is ruby red lips you want, light is what you need. And it doesn't wash off.

Other things can also drain color from the skin. Extended prison stays will wash out the complexion and probably lips as well. I think they do give you an hour a day in the yard but I don't know if that is enough to make a difference. If any of you have this information I might actually like to know this. It would make a lot more interesting blog entry. Perhaps someone can weigh in on prison makeup tips.

Of course, if this little story were true, not wearing lipstick may have been the smartest thing I've ever done! Lead is not known to cause cancer but lead poisoning actually causes severe mental retardation in children and can cause other serious health issues in adults and children. But lipstick, well I suspect you'd have to consume tons to get a blip on the screening.

You can find it out for yourself, of course. I am including the link where you can verifiy this and all other urban ledgens and internet myths. or Please pass these links along to your friends. I am sure they are sick of these chain letter as well. I also did a search myself and came up with this result page . I found several interesting comments on this but ultimately, it is false.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Happy Holidays!

I've been very busy on the My Yahoo 360. Posting nearly every day and the traffic is up. I am off for a four day weekend and then I work three days and am off for another four day weekend. Yipee!

Drop over to My360 page for a visit. The link is at left.

Hope you all have a merry christmas!

Monday, December 4, 2006

NaNoWriMo of 2006 Ends

November was a busy month. Holidays and novel writing and family crisises all in one month make for some interesting times.

As you can see from the previous post, the National Novel Writing Month has ended. I did not make the 50,000 words in 30 days. But I came close. It was a lot of work and you can read my blog at if you want to get the full account of the trials and tribulations of a writer living life and trying to write. There is of course another shot at it next year. And I think I do want to try again.

I did get a lot of good material for a novel so it was not a loss in any way. I learned a lot about writing and about me. So, drop over to My 360 and read up on how it went. You can also read an excerpt from what I wrote at the NaNoWriMo website. That link is here:

Honestly, I love the format of Blogger but I like the traffic potential of 360 a lot better. Since May of 2006 I have had as many hits to my 360 blog as I have had in a full year of Blogger. So, I don't put as much on here as I do on the Yahoo 360. You are welcome to drop in over there. I am keeping this going for a bit longer but writing two blogs is just nuts if they are basically the same.

I haven't done much about the second blog. Too busy to deal with it at the moment but the NaNoWriMo has be a little more excited about my work. I am trying again to get organized. Need space and quiet and with six people in the house, that is not happening soon. Hope they can all get their own place soon.

Well, my break is over and I have to get back to work. More later.

Sunday, December 3, 2006

How to Install a Faucet

Oh, the plans of mice and men... and women. I missed church this morning. We were up until after midnight trying to install sink/new faucet. My toothbrush was lying in a chair somewhere in the living room when I had to go find it to brush my teeth!

There is a story here, you know, that answer all the questions and puzzled looks you all have on your face right now.

Why so late putting in a faucet? Why a sink for a faucet? Why in a chair?

You see, somewhere in a mid-sized town in Indiana lives a family who do a lot of their own repair and remodeling on their house. There lives a man, and woman and two sons, one daughter-in-law and one adorable grandchild (photos are in albums)  in this modest ranch on a wedged- shaped lot near the railroad. Usually, it is the woman who leads on repairs with a whip at hand.

In this house, there are a bath and a half. Everyone bathes in the full bath. But the half bath belongs to the woman and she uses the full bath to . . . well, bathe. The sons also use the half bath for brushing teeth and other personal business.

For some time now the faucet has had a drip. The woman has commented on this and on the inching up of the water bill. In recent weeks, an attempt was made to replace the washer but apparently washers for this particular, relatively inexpensive Wal-mart faucet don't exist. (This is from the man of the house, you understand and may have no basis in fact.) So, it was reasoned that a new faucet was in order.

But it didn't happen.

For weeks.

Suddenly, the woman notices that, with the attempted repair, the drip is now a trickle and as this is the hot water side the water bill is now expected to become a six figure digit. The woman becomes more vocal but still doesn't use the whip. She does, however, point out how much this is going to actually cost the males in the house in the long run.

Numerous attempts were made to shut off the water at the valves under the sink. The woman and man have installed shut off valves all over the house with each plumbing job because when they moved in there were NONE! However, time has worked its vicious way with the knobs on said valves. In addition, the cabinet under this sink is small and they are in the back corner of the cabinet and difficult to reach so that a wrench can't be used. So, the water had to stay on.

And so it ran.

A plan was made to fix this issue with a brand new faucet on December 2, 2006. The day arrived. The woman even took the spouse, one son, her daughter-in-law and grandchild to lunch at their favorite Mexican restaurant. She went and bought a faucet but at Lowe's this time. However, it was nearly 6 by the time all the necessary running of Saturday was done. But that was plenty of time to install a simple faucet, right?

The sink in this bathroom was installed in the countertop from the bottom with clamps holding it level with the counter top. This is a most inefficient method to install a cast iron porcelain covered sink, by the way. They are very heavy, although this particular sink was very small, say a gallon and a half capacity. The area under it was extremely small and the bathroom itself is about the size of a 4x4 closet. However, the family actually has that special wrench to remove faucets from tight places.

The project begins. . . at 8:00 p.m.

The spouse begins to remove the clamps. Wife ask why? Obviously, spouse says, so I can put in the faucet. Wife says, "If you remove the clamps before you remove the plumbing, the sink will fall and you won't be able to do anything." After much arguing and waving of the whip, spouse relents. Wife points out that all plumbing work on this sink in the last 20 years has required removal of counter top with the sink attached. Spouse then relents amid vocal protest but with eyes on the whip.

Wife and spouse remove counter/sink. . . after he has shut off all water and disconnected all water lines and drains. Wife says, "I'm sick of that stupid sink. Every time we have to do anything in here we have to take the whole thing out." Faucet was replaced in the past, twice. And the weight of the sink, with the weight of the counter, is that of spouse. Or thereabouts. And this couple is not getting younger or stronger.

She eyes the cabinet and uses her personal measuring tape. She says, "Get the sink that is on the shelf in the garage." Remember, this is a family who does their own remodeling. They never discard any item that is still useful and may potentially be needed. There are two perfectly good bathroom sinks in the garage. One was purchased with a used cabinet and since it is an iron porcelain covered sink in great condition, it was kept. The other is a ceramic sink that doesn't need a counter and that was removed when a new cabinet was needed in the full bath and the old sink would not fit the cabinet. Fortunately, a lovely PLASTIC sink came with the new cabinet! We will not go over that particular repair project. Wife was NOT happy replacing a lovely ceramic sink with a plastic sink. However, she always has her eye on a bargain and saw the day when she would put the lovely ceramic sink in her bathroom and remove the ugly PINK mutation installed in her bathroom by some misguided soul in the past life of the house. So, it went to a safe place in the garage.

The lovely sink was brought out and cleaned up and set on the cabinet. The fit is just a little tight but by knocking out two back braces it dropped in. Yes, there is still support for the ratty old cabinet. We know what we are doing. Sink is removed and faucet put on and the flexible waterlines put on (another touch we have added everywhere). Then ceramic sink is placed in the cabinet. It is now after 11:00 p.m.

Spouse begins to connect water lines and a sound is heard from the nether regions. It sounds like, "Hoses are too short."

I hate it when that happens.

The ceramic sink is thicker than the counter top and bigger than the other sink so the water lines are about two inches too short. A conference is held.

Lowe's is closed. As are all plumbing stores. Spouse says, "I will have to go to Wal-mart."

Wife looks at daughter-in-law and says, "This is how every project goes in this house. Now you know why we hate starting them."

It was noted that spouse will take an inordinate amount of time to search for needed waterline and the family had not had a meal since 2 p.m. Number 2 son (#1 has been out for the evening) is convinced to go with spouse. He will drive spouse to Wal-mart and drop him off. #2 will then go purchase sustenance for the family at Sonic and then pick up spouse on the way back. It actually went smoothly. Food was not stone cold.

Unfortunately, Walmart did not have longer hoses.

It is now midnight. Family are fed but there is no water to bathe. They can't turn the water back on because they can't cap off the supply lines and the hot and cold valves don't work. Hot water valve knob is broken and post is rounded off. And you can't get a wrench back to it. Spouse goes back to Wal-mart to get something to cap the lines. He comes back with two plain brass faucets. There are no caps at Wal-mart. Wife doesn't think it occurred to him to buy valves to replace the old ones. She doesn't mention it because by now, she is not feeling very good and to do so would simply make everyone grumpy.

Spouse connects water lines to brass fixtures and water is shut off. However, wife's toothbrush is sitting in a chair in the living room along with everything else that was on the counter before it's demise. Ceramic sink is sitting in the living room floor with a new faucet attached. And then it was noted that the cold water hose was leaking. A bucket was located and place with hose hanging in it for the night.

Every toilet in the house has been without water for over four hours. . .two toilets, five people. You can do the math here. The family manages to get all the bathrooms functional and take their baths.

It is now approximately 3:00 a.m. and wife finally heads to bed. Just before she turn in she checks the leaking cold water hose. She studies the bucket, and check behind the drain. She sees the cold water shut off valve still has a knob. It is located directly behind the drain pipe and is nearly impossible to reach with a sink installed. Wife reaches down and turns the knob. The water shuts off. Leak fixed. She slept well.

Sunday morning dawned but no one saw it. Spouse is on his way to Lowe's for a longer hose.

I hate it when that happens.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Monday, October 23, 2006

The Shelter of the Ignorant

I have to share this. I do it because I probably have nothing better to write about today!
I have been pondering a statement made about me recently by someone who could not answer some questions I ask them. Actually, what happened was that I read something someone wrote and I wanted to know what they based their opinions on. Since I am intensely curious and nosey about everything, I asked.

Researcher that I am, I presented information to them that appeared to disagree with their opinion and asked them to explain how they got around it. Mind you, it was not MY opinion but documentation that directly conflicted with their opinion that I quoted. Their response was to make a statement about my "limited education". At first I got a bit irked because I was genuinely interested in their answers. I wanted to know where they were coming from and how they got there. Their “intelligent” response was that they became rude and resorted to name-calling.

I thought about it and, yes, I even prayed about it. I do not deliberately try and offend anyone and always feel it necessary to apologize. I try and present my beliefs and/or opinions with supporting facts and without personal attacks. I will usually answer every question truthfully, if I know. If I don't, I will say so.

Further thought let me to conclude that the truly intelligent person investigates and ask questions and when asked the how and why questions, will attempt to present their answers in a rational manner, even if they disagree with the questioner. But, if you don't actually have any answers, what do you do?

That was my answer. I would be tempted to retreat to the shelter of the ignorant.

I realized that when a person responds to questions with rudness and insults, it is ALWAYS because that person doesn't have the answers or they know they are wrong. They will either lie or they don't know and rather than tell the truth or show their ignorance, they retreat to the shelter of the ignorant -- denigration. Their gut reaction when unable to defend their position is to insult and belittle the challenger. It is an attempt to demoralize the individual and make them go away. This is how wars are started.
So, I thought some more. (You see how this works for me.)

The lack of a patch of parchment on the wall doesn't mean that the person asking the questions is "limited in education". Just because someone has a higher degree, say a PHD compared to a BA, means absolutely nothing in terms of intelligence or education. Crazy, huh?

You see, college is designed for a person who wishes to limit their education to one field, maybe two if you have nothing to do. The higher the degree, the more narrow and limited the knowledge. Yes, you get a general overview of other fields, but the focus of college education is the chosen vocation. College graduates are limited in their knowledge to the area they intend to focus on to make their living.

I know this because I have a college education. Frequently, I find that many college graduates can't carry on a conversation in anything but their specialty. They have moderate knowledge of mythology, history, literature, ancient cultures, anthropology, world religions, and major social movements. They are smart in one or two areas because they want to be. (Please no letters. I know you are all very smart and spent a lot of money on your degree. But that was a choice because the information you got is actually free at the library.)

Many self-educated people are brilliant and never attended college. Some of the greatest statesmen in American history were totally lacking in more than rudimentary education by today's standards, but they were readers. They read Blackstone's law, the Greek philosophers, the Bible, and any other book that passed their way. They could survive in the wilderness with no assistance. They built ships, houses, and roads. And they knew all about building nations. Yet they lacked a parchment. Their equivalent today is nowhere to be found.

Conclusion: "Schooling" doesn't necessarily equate with intelligence. The movers and shakers in history have not been social workers or doctors of anything. Yes, I know you serve a purpose but it is pretty limited in scope and people have to be sick to need you. How depressing. However, I’m sure we are all eternally grateful. Good job and all that.

I'm serious.

Back to ME. In light of all this thinking I was doing, I realized that I felt smart. (I didn't always feel that way.) I graduated with honors with a BA in history. I was invited to participate in an honors symposium of the college's brightest. I belong to the highest scholarship society in the country and their plaques are on the wall. I won awards in history and anthropology - their money paid my tuition. I was encouraged to go after a Master's degree.

However, why would I? Since I had always read everything from encyclopedias to references books for entertainment why would I want to spend +$60,000 for something I could get free? I only went to college in the first place because the current job market requires a person with a degree and I would hate working at Wal-Mart even more that I hate shopping there! And I actually hate working! I’d rather be reading something or learning something or writing something.

My only regret is that I didn't get my teaching certification because I love teaching children. But that meant two years of even more narrow education and that would bore me to tears. There is too much to learn to focus on one thing for 30 years.

Oh, you want to get rich? Ah.

So, what did my ratiocination reveal? I have to admit I considered responding to the brilliantly rude mind but after my thinking session a little voice in my ear said, "Why? Their reaction to your questions proved your point. You should be satisfied because.... you were right."

I smiled.

Oh wow, I love it when I'm right.

Note: Education is good, very, very good. But all the education in the world won't make you a nice person.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Weekend Update

I have been so busy that this blog has sort of fallen by the wayside. My Yahoo 360 blog, on the other hand, is what has kept me so busy. Well, in addition to my family. The new baby is adorable and sweet but one forgets how much work and how much noise they make!

This weekend, Sunday, we have her dedication service. My aunt & uncle are supposed to drive in from Georgia for the weekend and be there will us. It appears it will be Becca's mom and dad, me, Jerry, and Mike, Dave, Becca, my sister, my aunt & uncle. I don't think anyone else is coming but that is a a lot.

I am trying to get my house cleaned. Becca's mom is cleaning for me today. I will pay her to do it and she is really good at cleaning. She did it for me once before and it was so nice.

The weekend will be busy and noisy I suspect. We are awfully crowded because of Dave & Becca moving back in but we are managing. I had a new door put up in the den into the garage. The old one was in bad shape and wouldn't lock. Now all I need is a door on the den into the kitchen to give that room some privacy. We are going to put a new door on my bedroom and the one that is there is a good door (just doesn't match the ones I had to change out because they were shot). I am going to try and put the old door up in that den/kitchen entry. It will be just fine in there if it works.

My mother got out of the nursing home. She had been there a couple of months because she broke her leg. Shis 70 yrs old and has diabetes and a calcium deficiency in her bones. The leg broke in 5 places while they were trying to put pins in it so she was put in a nursing home to heal. They say she is fine.

Mike is doing well and is at the stage that he feels very angry with the ex-wife and says he is glad he is not married to her anymore. He says he realized it was the biggest mistake he ever made. I suspect it is the normal cycle of loss that most people feel. He is a very loyal person and very dedicated, even in the midst of his problems he remains loyal to those he loves.

I think what bothers him most is the manner in which she behaved. Sly, sneaky, and without any honest in her dealings. I reminded him when he said as much that I had told him BEFORE he married her that she was a liar and he wouldn't listen. He said he remembered and that he wished he has listened. Then he said, "I'm never going to do that again." But he probably will because he never sees anything bad in anyone until they nearly destroy him.

Well, gotta get busy now. Duty calls. Check out my 360 blog. The link it on the left.