Thursday, March 1, 2007

Touching Base, Catching up, Etc.

Oh Lord! How long has it been. The other blogs have kept me busy. I have too much going on. Still have a houseful of people but David does have a job now at Chick-Fil-et. Is that how they spell it? I don't know when he starts.

In about two months they should come up to the top of the list for housing. Hope he keeps this job.

Mike's job is not scheduling him at all so I suspect they want him to quit so they don't have to fire him. He has been home for nearly a week and has worked one day.

There is more on Mike but way too much to recount here. He's met another internet bimbo but this one is in Miss. He went down and stayed two weeks visiting her. I don't know her, what kind of person she is or anything, except she is a bit more attractive than the last one but that doesn't take much. She is thinner that the last one, and that doesn't take much either. My concern is if she is in church. She has four kids by different men so I am not encouraged by her lifestyle.

You know, I came out of a small southern town. We do not have to perpetuate the common perception of women from small southern towns. Those who do, do so by choice. Education, culture, poise, and plain old class are all things within our control. To blame location, parentage, education, economics or anything else on what we become is simply a cop out for the lazy.

Of course he is in LOVE and wants to marry her after one meeting. How stupid can people get? Let me tell you.....

No, I won't go there. I am finished fixing everyone's problems. They will do what they want anyway and from now on they all better be prepared to take care of themselves. I have nearly lost everthing I own to take care of other people. I'm finished.

I am gearing up for the weekend. Can't wait. Check out the yahoo 36 blog for more detail on what is happening. Also, check out the Hidden In the Mist blog. It is listed in the profile.

Hope you all have a great day!


  1. I wonder if the "In like a lion, out like a lamb" saying can apply to our lives? This year, I truly hope so!

  2. I certainly hope so. Truly that would be something to look forward to!


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