Showing posts with label Sarah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sarah. Show all posts

Friday, April 6, 2012

A Jumble of Stuff

I have a four day weekend to look forward to. I've spent the last two hours sitting here reading blogs, Facebook, and G+ posts and drinking a cup of coffee. I have no plans for the day. Sue will come soon and clean house for me.

It . . . is . . . COLD in S Indiana! A chilly 46F!  For over a week temps ranged near 80F most days. Now, I need a jacket. I am hoping tomorrow will be a bit more comfortable. I must acknowledge that the day is beautiful through the window. Brilliant sunshine and a lovely blue sky. It is just that the breeze is cold.

Easter is this weekend. Church will be very hectic I suspect. We will probably have a lot of children and that changes the dynamics of the service. So, while I will go I don't know how I'll enjoy it. I have not got eggs to dye yet but I will try to  get them tonight. I don't think Becca even has a basket for Sarah at this point. Must be sure that she gets one. The yard is perfect for egg hunting.

My week has gone swiftly because I was busier than a hive of bees. An increase in files to manage is going to mean I'm constantly running to keep up. This is not a good thing as I've come home totally exhausted and unable to unwind. I'm really tired this morning because I sat up late but I woke at my usual time! I didn't get up until 8:30 or so but still, that seems early. I went to bed around 12:30 last night. I was watching t.v. shows.

Sarah was over for a bit with her parents. She is just growing up so fast. So funny. They went to the store to get us burgers and we watched t.v. We were watching a very old Popeye cartoon. This couple got married and the preacher said "I now pronounce you man and wife." Sarah didn't miss a beat and deadpanned, "Husband and wife" and looked at me. I, of course, agreed.

Play-doh may have to be put up for a while. She makes such a mess but just loves to play with it. I need to try a floor cloth before I do that but the last one I had didn't seem to matter. It is all over this messy carpet. I need to get rid of it.

Will I write this weekend? I hope so. My plan is to do so. I haven't done anything in a month and that is frustrating.

My blogs have become increasingly boring. I think there is just not much going on. I've planned to take off the second week of May to go on a canoe trip with my family in Florida. I also am planning a trip to the beach for a day at least. So, a few weeks and I can have a nice relaxing break... yeah. You all know how those have gone in the past.

Friday, March 2, 2012

True Story

Becca: Mom, today is Dr. Seuss' birthday.

Me: I know it is Dr. Seuss' birthday.

Sarah, incredulous: You didn't celebrate it?

Thursday, February 2, 2012


The doctor called tonight about 6 p.m. to say that Sarah's test results for Cystic Fibrous were negative. She doesn't have it. Thank all of you for your prayers and good thoughts. I know God is good. Becca says if this cough disappears and doesn't come back after this, God healed her.

They will send her next week to be tested for asthma. I suspect if she has anything she has that. There is a lot of asthma in my family and in Becca's.

I also believe there is mold in the apartment building where she lives. The apartment below their apartment is below ground level. It is a nice place, newly remodeled but the person below them smokes and isn't very clean. Ever since they moved in Sarah's clothes smell musty and moldy, like they're stored in a basement, what I call a dirty laundry room smell. As if the clothes stayed too long in the hamper and something has gone bad. Becca is very clean and although her house may get cluttered it isn't nasty. Sarah has this deep cough ever since they moved to the new place.

Going to shower now and see if I can get a restful night's sleep tonight. The last two have not been good.