Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Beauty of the Storm

I am only publishing this today because I found it in my draft box. I had begun it on the 28th of January, the morning after the storm hit. Hours later, the world shifted on its axis.

Last night and this morning we had a serious ice storm, the effects of which are still being felt. No electricity, no heat, no way to get to a safe location are fears many are still facing. During the night, I remembered the words "Let not your flight be in winter." Those are the words of Jesus from the New Testament and he is speaking of the last days when troubles will abound and the world will be in chaos - a storm so to speak. I understood it in a new way last night as I went to bed. I looked out my window and saw the ice falling and that which was already on the ground glistened in the light as if it were a sheet of glass. I prayed for my own power to stay on. So far, that prayer was answered although a few minutes ago I saw the power team across the street.

Life is filled with storms of all types. We are often surrounded and overwhelmed by the torture and frustration that a storm brings. In the middle of the storm we see only the darkness, the raging winds, rain, or the frozen landscape. We are surrounded by dangers and fear eats away at our mind until we feel the need to run as far and as fast as possible. We must escape.

It is difficult to see beauty in a storm. If you've read my post "Out Running the Storm" you know I find storm of any type beautiful. I love them. All that power and me right in the middle of it. Awesome. And dangerous. And foolhardy.

This morning, Jerry went out to try and shovel a path and the drive. While he was out there, I pulled on my snow boots, my coat and gloves and grabbed my camera. I was awestruck at the beautiful yard I now possess. Everything is glazed in ice and frosted with snow. The sun sparkles off every branch, ever wire, every rusty bucket and the world appear created from diamonds. In moments I am nearly blind and I have not sunglasses but I immediately began to take photographs. The world through that small square is a different world. You immediately begin to see what a treasure it is. The hedges are from a fairy tale, branches iced and frosted look like feathers. Just as the sun peeked out I took the shot. The back fence is an interesting puzzle with a tiny snow mound in square of the fence. The yard is a smooth blanket of white, untouched by scars or dirt. Trees that never touch the ground have bowed beneath their weight of ice, as if in homage to the creator talents. For this is where the beauty of the storm lies.


The kids can get the car out and will be coming over here for the day. I still have to get my sister out but I will just have to go get her if necessary. Her house has to be cold because she always turns her heat back when she goes to work and she was out since about one yesterday afternoon and just got home around seven.

I'm not feeling well this morning and I think I am going to lie down. I still have this cold and that coupled with a lack of sleep has left me feeling bad.

I think the roads will be clearer by tonight and maybe power will be restored by tomorrow. I am praying for my power line to have a thaw! That ice is unreal. Looks like about an inch on top of the lines.

Let It Snow... He Did!

I wish I had a digital camera so I could post photos! This is crazy. I may go shoot some film and get it developed this weekend! I have about a foot in my yard and street. My little Focus isn't going anywhere soon. I am snowed in and it is still falling. Under all that snow is about two to three inches of ice. Part of my mimosa tree in the back yard broke about 2 a.m. this morning and woke me. My power line into the house hangs immediately beneath this tree. If the limb over it snaps, both power and phone service will be out. I have a gas heater in the shed that didn't want to work last winter and we took it out to have it serviced but my brilliant spouse failed to get it serviced.... so, we can hook it back up but not sure it would work.

107,000 people are without power in our area and I can't get ahold of my kids. I don't know what their status is. My last word was that the power went out in their area and they have two children with them. They kept a baby for a friend last night because the friend had to take her other child to the hospital. They have cell phones but their service said their towers are down. I still have power and pray it continues. My sister worked all night and arrived at her house to find she has no power. I've been trying to get Becca's mother, who is my sister's tenant, but there cell phone is down. She has a truck and could get in to see about Dave and Becca.

Well, this serves no purpose but to let you all know what is going on. I intend to take the mimosa tree down this summer. This is not the first time I worried about the power like and that tree. It is going to drive me crazy because I can't get out of here easily if the power is out.

Finally word from the kids. The power is out and we are trying to find a way to get them here. My sister got in from work and her power is out too. I will have to get them all over here. AND I have no beds! No carpet! They will be doing the old fashioned pallet sleep tonight unless the roads get cleared and the power back on. The cabs are running but it is a 2 hour delay for priority runs such as this where children are involved. David feels he can get the car out and is going to make a trial run to be sure. He doesn't want to get stranded in the car with the kids.

I'm off for now but will be back later to let you know how things are going. Pray for those with out heat and transportation.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hie Ho, Hie Ho. . . In Rain or Sleet or Snow

Yes, folks. I am at work today. I woke up to about three or four inches of ice, not snow and slid gracefully out of my drive and to work without mishap. Thank you, Lord!

It is cold and nasty. The stuff falling now is neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow but somewhere in the middle. When it hits you it make a kind of plop and then it is cold and wet. I suspect after dark this will make a sort of hard frosting on the ice pellets on the ground. Lovely!

I was so sick all weekend. This is a nasty cold. I finally had to break down this morning and take my last Imitrex. I stopped at the pharmacy on the way to work and had it refilled. I wasn't sure one would do it. I've battled a headache all weekend but it wasn't like a migraine. It was all in my forehead and just pounded when I coughed. Tylenol helped a bit and actually relieved my very sore shoulder joint. LOL! The doctor has me scheduled for physical therapy for that shoulder! It's almost completely pain free now.

I did have sense enough to bring my lunch in today. I've just finished a ham sandwich and a blueberry muffin. I also brought my Bible with me so I could keep up with my readings. I believe I mentioned once before that I am trying to read it through again this year. I always start well but get off track at about three months. So, I'm taking extra steps to prevent any lags.

I do think anyone who says they are educated should read the Bible at least one time. Not just because you are a Christian. Much of the developed world has societies based on the principles and formulas found in the Bible. The King James Version of the Bible is a beautifully written text and the English language takes quotes from it and they are still in use today. Did you know that "by the skin of my teeth" comes from the Bible? Yep, the book of Job. Hmm, maybe I'll do a post sometime of the strange and enduring phrases that we English speaking folks get from the Good Book. If I can remember the all!

It is true that the language is dated and often difficult for many to read but this is only because education had fallen short of teaching the language to begin with. But there are more modern translations that are easier to read. And there are these things called dictionaries that are a tremendous help! Also, there is a great deal of wisdom to be found in the pages of the Bible. My grandmother used to say that if you had a question about life the answer could always be found in the Bible. I've never found that to be untrue. It covers just about every conceivable dysfunction known to man from psychotics to murderous children, to rebellious teenagers and adulterous spouses. And when society was following the ten commandments the world was a safer place.

Now I'll get hate male from weirdos.

O.k. I'm running out of lunch hour now so I have to get off here. Hope you all have a good day free from ice and cold. Well, at least ice!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Always Catching Something

As I said, I've caught a nasty cold. Headache, sore throat, coughing, sneezing, runny nose all the usual. I had an appointment with the R. A. doctor this morning and was going in to work. I didn't make it to work. I came home and went to bed. I've slept about three hours. I don't feel only slightly better with the headache easing a bit but not a whole lot. I MUST go to work tomorrow even if the snow is above the roof tops. I've been hearing it is going to be 5-10 inches! Well, there is a pile of work higher than that on my desk that must be finished this week.

Now, for something positive that I caught. I've posted a review and a link of the podcast I've been listening to. Run over and have a look. I just love the story! If you like mysteries you'll like this. If you like The Lord of the Rings, you'll like this. If you like both, you'll love this! Actually, while there is a LOTR feel with the wizards and magic the mystery is the jewel of the story. I'm up to Chapter 38 and I can't figure out whodunit! That's not usual for me and so I respect anyone who can keep me guessing that long.

Anyway, take a look at the review and visit Holyfield's site. I told him I'd post the link and the review. He kindly sent me a graphic to put with the review. Yes, I emailed him to tell him how much I have enjoyed his book. And he responded almost immediately! Amazing courtesy but he's a southern boy so I expected it. LOL. But it really is good. I'm waiting for the next chapter now and he said it was due out today. I've spent two weeks listening to it. I suspect I'll be buying the book. I do hope he does another using the two main characters. I really like them.

Onward, my friends. I took more meds for the cold and I've just had a cup of hot coffee. My head seems to have eased off slightly so I am going to find something to do. I may have my son take me to the office. I don't want to but two hours is better than none. I've lost 8 hours of vacation time for this! Drat!