Saturday, January 24, 2009

Cleaning Demons

I need about three of them. Well, I'd rather have cleaning angels if there is such a thing. I've no idea where the term cleaning demon comes from and am too tired to look it up. This cold makes me tired and I've been cleaning since I got up, well, actually, I started after I paid bills. That's exhausting work in and of itself.

Anyway, I took down my curtains in the study and tossed them in the dryer to shake out the dust and I washed the sheers so they would be clean and dust free. I wiped down the window frames, too as the dust had been hiding quite effectively there. I realized at that point exactly what a cleaning demon is and how easy it is to let them get out of control. I had to force myself to stay on track or end up all over the house cleaning in spots that caught my eye.

I had to stop and take Jerry to work, take Mike to the second hand store see if they had a sofa he could buy with his voucher. They didn't so we try again in a week. I went to the bread store and picked up a load of bread. Now, I'm waiting for the second set of curtains to shake out and my small lunch to warm up.

I know this is the absolutely most boring post I have ever read. But I honestly feel my brain is fried. I am going to sit down with food and listen to another episode of my pod-cast The Murder at Avedon Hill, by P. G. Holyfield. This is a free pod-cast of a novel and I am really into it now and enjoying it. I had no idea there were so many free pod-cast out there but there are. This is certainly worth it. I can sit here and do other things like clean shelves or even crochet if I wanted to while it plays. Once I'm done with this I think I will be listening to the old radio shows again until I find something else like this novel.

Now, I'm off for a bit. I think the lack of content is probably due to the amount of time I've been spending on here. And I have really fell off in the constructive writing.

Wake up and get busy now with something more interesting. Hope you are all having a lovely day. The sun is beautiful today but it is 29 degrees and colder than a well digger's ankles.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Bug Season

It's cold. But most of you know that.

I have a cold. Drat! Someone has not been washing their hands and I've touched something, somewhere and picked up the virus. My Sarah has it, too. I suspect one of us passed it to the other.

I don't go anywhere but to work and I try really hard not to handle things without washing my hands. But I work in a agency than handles the paperwork for about 2000 people and let me tell you, there are times when I am not sure what they've been doing with it.

So now, I have caught something from someone.

I watched Fringe the other night. It had these freaky . . . bugs on it that were ingested (fed to the victim in a glass of water) in powder for and then immediately grew and killed their host . When they came out they were as big as rats. No I didn't know that would happen when I watch it! Anyway, later the scientist reveals that the bug was a strain of the common cold. As a side note, Sarah was on my lap watching and we both had the same expression on our faces when the bug first appeared. YUK! I cracked up at her expression because it was such a mirror of my own. But I quickly told her it was a bug before I knew and she was happy with that explanation. But I don't think she'll be watching Fringe with me again. Fringe science is a bit over her head at the moment. However, her mother told me today that Sarah had asked to watch the bug movie with Mawmaw. LOL! So, maybe I'll have a movie buddy after all. No one in the family likes the shows I like and it gets lonely watching them alone.

I started this at work this morning and am finishing it up at home. I think the cold is worse. Stuff nose, sore throat, tired feeling. Yep, it's a bug.

So, I'll go for now. I hope you are all spared any colds for the rest of the winter. I think I've gotten rather far without it and had hoped to miss it altogether. Alas, 'twas not to be.

By y'all.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I stayed home today. RA meds have not caught up to my pain level and I have a migraine starting. Thankfully, I can take that if need be. I've taken all the other things last night and this a.m. so I hope by tomorrow things will be a bit more comfortable. I think my biggest problem is just being off some of the meds so long. Actually, I feel better than expected. This is not a pain I don't understand but one I'm "used" to, if that a term I can apply.

I had a rather good evening sitting listening to a pod-cast of The Murder at Avedon Hill on my computer. I've discovered ITunes has some really neat podcasts. Since I don't have an IPod I can only listen at my computer but that's o.k. It gives me a way to do something else if I like but I didn't.

I must admit to not doing enough writing last night. I wasted several hours that I could have been tying up loose ends in Mist. I won't do that again. I need a good kick in the pants and get back on track. I've been a bit off for the last week. I've spent too much time blogging and answering emails and playing games. I don't usually let that get out of hand but for some reason I did. Sometimes I just don't pay attention and others I get too involved in things that are just a waste of time.

I did get the bookcases sorted out. Now I can start on another project in my path to organization. I'm in a disposal mood and I better make the most of it. It may not last long. I have a lot of computer stuff that needs sorting out. What do I keep and what to get rid of? Cables are probably a good thing to keep at this point. My old web-cam with out a mic? It works fine but I have this one with a built in mic and so I don't need it. {shrug} something will come up.

I feel as if The End of Winter has hit a snag. I'm floundering between the latest chapter and the endings which are basically already written. I am not sure what to do and it is driving me a bit crazy.

I think I'll go get some breakfast now and maybe something will come to me. I have a couple of things I should do while I am home but I need to pet this headache a bit. Catch you all later.

Thanks so much for all your good wishes, prayers and encouragement. It was nice to know you were all out there . . . for me.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Ten Things

I saw on Riete's blog a post about ten things that make her happy. I gather she got the idea from someone who had 100 things that make them happy. I won't attempt to shoot for 100. I don't know if there are that many but I think I can manage 10. I think the ranking is 10 being the highest.

1. Being in the woods. I love taking my tent to the wilds and sleeping under the stars, cooking over a camp fire, and just sitting with my eyes closed listening to the sounds of nature. My dream is to someday live in the woods!

2. The smell of books. I love to smell open books. There is nowhere in the world you can find that smell duplicated. Even old books have a distinctive smell. It is the smell of unknown places, people, and ideas.

3. The smell of Bibles. This is different from other books and I have no explanation for it. Try it if you don't believe me.

4. Writing.

5. Reading.

6. Learning new things.

7. Traveling to new places. My fondest memories are of traveling to other countries and other states.Meeting new and interesting people.

8. Raising boys. My God that was so much fun! Caught up in a whirlwind all the time. You get off windblown, breathless, and exhausted but it is the ride of your life!

9. Sarah. Anything she does is just wonderful. But watching her mind grow is absolute joy.

10. Worship. I've found no greater happiness than in the presence of God.

A Hose Runs Through It?

All done. I remember nothing. I've ordered a barrel of whatever drug they gave me to make me sleep. It was the best sleep I've ever had! I want more. What's more, I passed my test. Clean as a whistle and with all the air they left inside, I'm surprised I didn't get a whistle to boot. Jilly, never fear. The worst part of this procedure is the stuff they make you drink the night before. {shudder}

Doctor did say I need to add more fiber to my diet. I have some "weak" areas called pockets in my colon where things like nuts or seeds can get hung up and they can become infected. That's bad. Particularly since I love nuts and things with seeds. So, he confirmed the diagnosis. Diverticulosus. I told him that meant I was old. He said it usually happens to people about my age! {spit, sputter, huff, puff} People my age? And what age is that? I'm only 52 for heaven's sake. That comment makes it sound like you're ready for a rocker. Why don't they say something like, "Well we begin to see this process around age 45 or 50. Nothing to worry about, just take extra fiber."

I'm ONLY 52! That is not old. Besides, it is a misprint made by one of God's secretaries. I'm actually 25.

For lunch I got the Sonic burger and fries!! And I just had that cup of hazelnut coffee and the Oreo's! Oh, my was it good. I'm ready to continue my nap now. Later I'll put my eyes back on, my support hose on, and my teeth back in...... grrrrrr.

O.k. and I promise Alice that tonight I'll start the next chapter of Mist and try and finish the next one of Winter.