Monday, August 25, 2014

A Handle on Time

Things are just rather strange these days. I don't know what day it is most of the time. It seems that my life was geared to a clock in a way I never noticed. My day started at 7 a.m. and ended around 6 p.m. I only say six because that's about when I finished up any evening meal I would have after work and after that I was pretty much useless.

Now that I'm retired, I get up and don't know what day it is. I still have my alarm set for 7 a.m. but I may get up at 7 or 8 or 9. A few times I got up at 6 a.m. and didn't know what time it was because the clock hadn't gone off. The sky was very light so I just thought it was time to get up. When I realized the time I was annoyed. Of course I didn't go back to bed because what would be the point. I was up and awake.

Anyway, days of the week are the most difficult. I really can't seem to keep track. I've missed a couple of appointments because of this disorientation. I probably should get a calendar and put it up. The clock photos shows an astrological clock and it provides not only time, but the months with the astrological signs, not that I care, and I think day of the week. That's what I need on the wall in the living room. And it is rather pretty.

I haven't needed a calendar at home for a long time. I live alone and I used my work calendar since that is where most of my time was managed. I use Google Calendar to schedule personal appointments but that means I have to be on my computer or have my phone in my hand. When I worked I knew the weekends because there were only two days, never enough time, and I was exhausted. No one had to tell me it was Saturday.

This week I'm trying to turn over a new leaf... not really.. I just want to attempt to structure my time better. I want to spend less time on the computer wasting time and more time writing. I also have to clean up and dispose of a lot of stuff that is lying around. I have to do some wall patching, painting, and just clean out the storage areas to get rid of stuff I haven't touched in years. Cleaning my house was something I used to relish. Now, I can't seem to let go of anything. Still, I want to try. I'd like to get back to crochet and sewing but of course I have to get those areas cleaned out. They're just cluttered and not very useful at the moment. I'm not a full fledged hoarder... yet, but I can see how easily I could become one.

So, today is Monday. I have an appointment this morning and Sarah will come after school today. I have to finish the laundry. I worked on that a couple of days ago and am almost done with it. I hate folding sheets. A lot. But it has to be done. Once the laundry is done. I have to start looking patching the damage to the ceiling and sanding the area already patched in that room from some repairs done... a while ago. It is hard and dusty work. I figure if I take it slow I'll be fine.

If I'm lucky, I might have enough stuff to get rid of that I could actually set it out for a small yard sale. I'm not optimistic but one can only hope. If I made $10 I'd be ahead.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Bad Habits

I was wracking my brain about ideas for a post today and finally succumbed to my trusty list of sites that have ideas for blog posts. Somehow that always seems like cheating. I read through several on one list before finding one. I don't know why it was so hard. Honestly, the suggestions were not that complicated. Here's one. What is the one thing you're most ashamed of and why? Actually, the questions was to list my bad  habits or addictions and if and how I've tried to get rid of them.

Seriously. I'm in a quandary over it. My bad habits are not really something I'd go around telling anyone about. Would you? Admittedly, I don't have a tremendous amount of bad habits. I'm obsessive about certain things. I like order and structure. Clutter agitates me. No really, it does. I get very stressed when things are cluttered. I have two rooms right now that I avoid looking in because I've got to go in there and straightened things up. I finished the living room except for rehanging pictures and getting a couple of wall lamps. My plan is to take a room a week and work on it,  clearing out the stuff that needs to be disposed of or put away.

I suppose my worst habit is putting things off. I've gotten worse at this in the last few years. I know something needs doing and I drag my heels. I don't know why and I don't know how to fix it. But is this really a bad habit or just laziness?

No, I can't put my finger on a really bad habit. Sometimes I go to bed without showering. Not often but I've had a few days where I was so exhausted and felt so bad that I really didn't care. I usually change the sheets the next day and get a shower as soon as I get up.

Oh, and sometimes I forget to brush my teeth. This really is a terrible thing. Of course, I always go and brush them as soon as I remember... unless I'm at the doctor's office. . . or something like that.

I eat things I know are terrible for me,  like ice cream. Of course, that's made with milk and women need extra calcium so I think this isn't a very bad habit at all.

In more recent months, I've neglected to put away the laundry. . . for up to three weeks. I know! I know! Terrible! But I just pull out what I need and leave the rest. I do hang up my street clothes... most of the time.

Oh.. wait... sometimes... I forget to ... really this is just terrible.... I forget to take the garbage to the street, sometimes for two weeks in a row! They've given us these huge dumpsters on wheels that we just roll down but I just forget. I generally leave it at the street so I have to carry the garbage to the street and dump it in the container.

I'm sure there's probably more bad habits I have but I have to think about it. I think these might be the worst.

Oh, and I have, once or twice, belched in public. But I always say excuse me.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

A Tasty Dinner

Mike and I had supper tonight together. I'm trying to show him some easy recipes that he can make for himself and freeze some of it for later. Tonight it is a family favorite:

 Chili Rice Dinner

This is a delicious pan meal that I fed my family of four with for years. It works well with cheesy bread and side dishes are up to you. We rarely needed them, but a salad is a pleasant contrast.

My substitute items are for my convenience only. I've made it either way. If you're a cook, you may have all this stuff to hand. I'm all about shortcuts. You can also prepare this in the microwave if you like. Instructions follow the main recipe.

Ingredients you'll need:
  1. Ground Beef
  2. Onion
  3. Chili Powder
  4. Dry Mustard seasoning (and some Southwestern Seasoning for more bite)
  5. Whole kernel corn
  6. Bell pepper
  7. Tomato sauce
  8. Water
  9. Minute Rice
  10. Cheese
Instructions and Measurements:

Brown in a skillet over medium heat:

  • 1 lb of ground beef (I always buy 80/20 but the higher fat content probably will work just as well)
  • 1/3 cup chopped onion (I substitute dehydrated minced or chopped onions 1/4 cup soaked in hot water for about 20 minutes.)
  • Drain fat if necessary. (this may not be necessary with low fat meats.)
Add following ingredients and bring to FULL boil, stirring occasionally.
  • 1 Tbl chili power (I've also added things to make it a bit more spicy. If you like spicy foods, add your spice of choice. I've used Mexican seasoning and creole seasoning.)
  • 1/2 tsp dry mustard
  • 1 package whole corn 10 oz (I use a can of sweet corn drained)
  • 1 cup diced bell pepper (I buy the multi-color peppers, chop them up and freeze them to have on hand anytime.)
  • 1 15oz can tomato sauce
Stir in:
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • 1 cup of Minute Rice
  • Turn head low and simmer for 5 minutes. Turn heat off.
Top with:  
  • 1/2 cup of shredded cheeses ( If I don't have cheese to shred I use slices of American cheese.)
  • Once cheese melts, serve.

Microwave instruction:

Remember microwaves differ. Please err on the side of caution and reduce the times until you know what works best. If something isn't done, add a minute more until you reach desired result.
  • Break up beef in small chuncks in a 2 qt non-metal baking dish. Add onion, cook high power 4 minutes. Drain any fat.
  • Stir in spices, corn, pepper & tomato sauce. Omit water. Cover and cook 4 minutes.
  • Stir in rice, cover and cook 4 minutes longer.
  • Sprinkle with cheese and cook 1 minute to melt.


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

It All Adds Up

Sarah is being difficult with her math at school. She simply refuses to do it, saying, "It isn't my thing." Yes, I'm sure she's heard someone make that statement. It isn't the first time she's done this sort of thing. I'm worried because how do you get a 7 year old to see that she must learn this stuff, like it or not. She's far better at passive resistance than anyone I've ever seen. Even her father...and he excelled at it.

Math is really important and even I, for whom math isn't "my thing" either, know that it is a necessary skill. People always joke that I know where every dime goes. My husband would get annoyed because I was furious when the bank statement didn't balance to the penny. It drives me crazy. So, I've been worrying over Sarah's lack of incentive. I decided I have good reason.

During my shopping on Tuesday morning (mentioned in yesterday's post) I decided I wanted a Hershey Pie(TM). I haven't had one in a while and it just sounded good. So, since I had to pass within a dozen yards of a Burger King, I decided to splurge. I pulled up to the drive-thru and ordered.

The disembodied, tinny voice drifted into my car. "That'll be $1.72."

They're a bit pricey but well worth the it. "Thank you."

I pulled around to the second window and pulled my wallet out. I had a pocket full of change in there. Large amounts of change in a handbag is useful for two things: as an effective assault weapon and for upper body workouts. It is terrible if you have neck and shoulder problems. I decided to pay with cash... uh... change. I counted out $1.77 in quarters and pennies and waited until she opened the window.

She smiled at me. "That'll be $1.72."

I handed her the money with a nice smile in return. "I'm giving you $1.77. That way you won't have to give me a bunch of pennies."

A look passed over her face and the smile sort of retracted a bit and froze. Her eyes became glassy. "But it's $1.72."

A thousand replies shot through my brain, like confetti during a Macy's parade. They fell with equal impact as I forcibly held the smile on my face and struggled to maintain a calm expression.

"Just give me a nickle back."

She never blinked. She just accepted that I knew what I was talking about and handed me a nickle and my pie. The smile had all but disappeared.

I drove away with a lighter handbag and a heavy heart.  I suppose Sarah will probably be able to get a job at Burger King someday.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

It Actually Sucks!

I was out and about this morning shopping for a vacuum cleaner. It is not fun. I've been doing my research, shopping different brands and types. I always read the reviews for each one. I'm no longer optimistic that I'll find an affordable, reliable vacuum. They are oxymorons.

What happened to American workmanship, quality, and reasonable price? You want me to buy American but you want me to pay three times the price for a machine that doesn't work as well as the Chinese brand? Really? And those are just junk, too.

Anyway... I had considered a Hoover bagless machine until I visited my son's house and used the one they have ... exactly like what I was planning to buy. She's had it for a year and says it is awful. It is hard to get the trash out of the plastic container. It spits trash all over the floor and won't suck it up. She told me she's had to work on it several times, thinking that it was something stuck in the machine. It wasn't. I didn't know any of that until I used it. It is awful. So, won't be buying one of those.

The reviews on all of them are equally dismal. All of them. Very negative reviews. Defective belts. Defective casings. Defective dust cups. Defective cords. Heavy. Unwieldy. Seriously. Lots of the folks writing this had to return the original machines to the store or factory for repair or exchanges.

Do your research. I was able to see about three reviews via consumer reports on one but reviews at Walmart and Amazon for the same machine were just terrible.

Next, I researched for bagged machines. They have better reviews. Unfortunately.. the stores don't carry them. I have to order it. I did find an American made machine at a local store. Looked good. Four year warranty, easy to use, bit heavy. $400! Right but that warranty sounded good. About what you'd pay yearly for one of the crappy ones. I researched it. Terrible reviews.

The only thing I can positively say I got out of this is that shopping for a vacuum is the only thing that actually sucks.