Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sailing with Sarah

I'm sitting on the patio at the moment. When I got home Dave and Becca were cutting my yard. It looks very nice now with the grass cut and green. Sarah was pretending the patio is a ship and she was the crew. We were the passengers. Now she has found her way to the sandbox and is playing.

There is a cool breeze blowing and the sun has now begun to set. I will soon go inside and get ready for bed. I like my back yard and this time of year is always my favorite. I wish I didn't have to work. I'd be back here all day.

The Cardinals are back and chirping up a storm. The bright red is clearly visible in the new foliage of the trees. I saw two males earlier. They'll find a lady to fight over and soon there will be a pair and the lone male will have to find a new territory.

I will close this now and get something to eat.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wednesday Nite Visit

Sarah came over tonight because she had cabin fever and had overwhelmed her parents. She's been just fine. Played in the sandbox, watched a move, got a bath and played till Dave picked her up at 9. I think she was in a good mood and but was suffering cabin fever. She sees the same people all the time and gets bored.

I am going to bed. My medicine is working. I've been sleeping hard and fast and so I'm going to keep doing it. We canceled the writer's meeting tomorrow night. I have nothing written. I was sick for a couple of weeks and this last week I've been exhausted. The doxepin makes me sleep really good but I have to get enough hours or I'm tired the next day. I haven't got it balanced yet.

So, off to bed I go. TTFN

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I have always loved language and particularly the English language. We
speakers of English, both the pure English and those who bastardize
it, have found strange and often amusing expressions to describe what
we think and feel. One source of a great number of our expressions
comes from the Bible. I said once I'd post some of them.

Today I ran across one that reminded me.

Take "He's half-baked." That's in the Bible. Hosea 7:8 says: "Ephraim,
he hath mixed himself among the people; Ephraim is a cake not turned.
" Ephraim is half-baked.

Another is "I escaped by the skin of my teeth." Job 19:20 says: My
bone cleaveth to my skin and to my flesh, and I am escaped with the
skin of my teeth.

I'll drop these in as I run across them.

Solar Roads?

The wave of the future? And an absolutely brilliant idea!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

And Back to Saturday Again

I am finishing off my coffee and getting ready to take a hot shower so I can sit and pay bills. I went to bed a bit later than I intended but not as late as usual. I spent my evening watching t.v. shows on HULU and crocheting the shawl.

Last Saturday as I was getting in my sister's car the car door fell on me and as I wasn't in the car, it hit the side of my head just over the lobe of my left ear and my head was slammed into the roof of the car on the right side. Basically, my head was smacked on both sides. It hurt so bad I sat in the car and cried for about five minutes. And I knew it was going to be very painful before it was over. I have had pain all week in the left side of my neck and back. A migraine resulted on Friday and I had to take a pill for that. The pain simply grew worse each day until yesterday. There wasn't much I could do to prevent it.

Care for a rehash of the last month? Feb 27 car totaled. First two weeks of March spend wrestling with no car, insurance and stress resulting for both. Third week, dizzy spell from fluid behind the ears resulting in hours spent in ER and a week where I felt horrible all week. Fourth week, smack on the head and pain all week with headache and dizziness.

I am glad March is over.

The writer's meeting went well last Thursday. I think I mentioned it but maybe not. You can see above that the whole month has been pretty rotten. Even the weather didn't cooperate much. I can only say the dizzy spells have improved with my taking the antihistamine. I had a follow up doctor's appointment yesterday and he is sending me to physical therapy to see if the last of the dizziness can be dealt with that way. If you look up vertigo treatments you will find that PT is used as treatment for some cases.

I need to go find eye glasses but again, I'm needing transportation to do so. I think I really need them because my eyes have just bothered me a lot more recently. Of course the dizziness may be a culprit.

This afternoon I am going to the Home Show with Carolyn. She got free tickets and invited me. This is basically a huge vendor show at the stadium where you can look at things to improve your home and buy services and things you want. I don't know that I want anything but it can be interesting. On thinking about it this morning, I'm not sure it was a good idea. The walking isn't fun on concrete floors and my neck doesn't like being turned a lot.

The above was written at 8:41 a.m. this morning. It is now 1:20 and I'm eating lunch after doing some laundry, cleaning and arranging my bedroom back the way it was when Jerry died. The dust was terrible. I still have several loads of laundry and more dusting to do. My allergies are really bad and so I have to get this under control.

I got all the bills paid. Then, I got a note from the state in the mail saying Mike was cut off his food stamp assistance because he quit his job for no reason. So, now I have to find a way to feed him. I've filed an appeal. He didn't quit the job. He went in to get his form completed for the food stamp program and the guy told him he had quit. We had no way to do anything about it. I'm hoping that the job he had a Clark Security will fix it but no clue.

I now have to go get dressed to go to the Home Show. Carolyn will be here in 30 minutes.