Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Cleaning Day

My day did not start well. I'm fighting this depression and I'm not sure who is winning. I don't think it is me. I've started back on the St. John's Wort. I was off it about a month but I was fine. I realized on Saturday that tomorrow is Jerry's birthday and it has just pulled me down.

I think cutting that last tree was more difficult, too. The yard so very bare and it is like an alien landscape. I pull in the drive and the sense of something off kilter or out of place is terrible.It is similar to what I would feel coming home from work when Jerry died. I go in and sit on the computer until I'm so tired I can't see and then go to bed and pray I go to sleep. I am sleeping, but I wake up in the mornings in this very depressed state. I am nearly sick over breakfast every morning.

Anyway, I'm having my teeth cleaned today and probably will schedule to have a tooth filled. I have a filling that needs it and they talked about putting in an implant where I had a tooth pulled about 40 years ago! That's a lot of money to fork out but I have to get it fixed to prevent any further drifting of the adjacent teeth.

I may be back later.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Bad Day's End

I'm had a very bad morning and did not go to work. My feet were hurting but frankly, I was in meltdown. Not sure what to do about it.

I was having crazy dreams and as you may recall, dreams upset me so when I woke I was very depressed. The dreams made no sense but they made me sad. I called in and then cried for a couple of hours.

After that I played with my hair to see how hard it was going to be to fix it and posted the results in the albums. And when the tree guy got here, I watched the last of the trees fall.

I'm going to bed soon. Neck bothered me all day.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

OH! My Aching Back

I was awakened at 4:45 a.m. with a pain in my lower back. My sciatic nerve chose just that time the deliver a searing kick right to my left lower back. I reached around and found a knot that felt the size of a thumb and extended from the left of my spinal cord to my hip bone.

I shifted positions but finally had to get up and get a hot pack and put on it. It didn't help a lot. At 8:00 a.m. I got out of bed after several hours of restless sleep. I would have given a lot to have someone rub it until the know went down. I been movingaround and even sat on the edge of a chair for a bit. I found sitting at the dinning table and reading was a bit better because of the hard chair but after a while that becomes hard on you bottom.

For a bit my left leg felt like it might go but that seems to have eased off a bit. I hate it when the leg goes out. There is no one here to help me if that happens. It is nearly 11:00 a.m. now and I still have some pain but not as much.

I didn't do anything much yesterday. I worked on cleaning the garage again and I trimmed my crepe myrtle bushes. They have something that looks like baby powder on them that is killing the blooms. I'm concerned about so many things dying in the yard. I need to call the lawn people and ask what they are putting out that could cause this.

Oh, I did hold Sarah outside and she fell asleep while I was standing holding her. I rocked her from side to side, twisting at my waist. Last time I did that I had a flare up of this. So, now I know not to do that. Oddly, my neck and shoulder don't hurt as much from holding her! So, the stretches have helped a lot.

She isn't really that heavy. Doesn't weigh 25 lbs soaking wet! LOL! She's a tiny mite with boundless energy. Yesterday I introduced her to the tree guy and she said, "Hi I'm Sarah. And this is Mawmaw." We all laughed. Very proper she has become, too. Later she and I were discussing something and I told her she was a princess and she said "I'm just Sarah." No airs, apparently. Then, when I told her I was a girl, she said, "No, you're Mawmaw."

Well, I'm going to log off for a bit. I need to do some financial stuff. Makes my head hurt to even think of it.

Oh, and I would appreciate it if you would all welcome a new member of my contact list, Cassandra. She asked very nicely to join me about a week ago. She says she has been wading through the posts trying to get to know me. All I can say is that will keep her busy for a while! LOL. So, welcome Cassandra!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

A Vacant Lot, A Princess, and Grapes of Joy!

I'm really sad to see all my trees go but go they have. Even the hedges at the back that were over grown are cut right to the ground. They will come back up next year I think but they were way beyond my ability to deal with so they had to go. And he did that for no extra charge.

After lunch I went to get Sarah. Her mother and dad took her to a little fair a church was having and when she got tired, I picked her up so they could have time for themselves. I'm so nice! But we had a great time. She is such a funny little thing and just such a joy to watch. There is nothing quite like the sparkling blue eyes of a princess. And did you ever see a princess make dinner for you? They are poetry in motion. And did you know that grapes are pure joy? They are! Just watch.

Down Come the Trees!

Here is the progress thus far! The first tree is little more than a pile of logs. It wasn't very large.

The lumberjacks taking a water break. I asked them to let me take a photo and they were very pleased by it. The guy in the center. Lew, is our friend who is heading up the operation. The other two gentlemen are also tree men who work for other companies during the week. The guy in red says there is good money in this work.

I warned them I was putting it on the blog and they were fine with it.

This limb that is about to come down worried me. It was directly over the house and almost touching the evens. Lew had been up on that roof cutting things back so it wouldn't damage the room but it was still large. They are holding a rope tied to it so they can pull it away from the house.

Here they begin to pull hard as the other man begins to cut into the tree. I was holding my breath!

TIMBER! It falls away just as they planned. They made it look so easy.

And it is now ready to chop in peices and be hauled away. You can see how bare my back yard is going to be without my lovely mimosa.

More later!