Sunday, May 3, 2009

What's Marked in My Bible, #2

Genesis 6:2 & 11

2. That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

I've often found this verse fascinating! So much so that I've done several researches regarding it and the Nephilim, the beings referred to in this passage above. This intermarriage is not mentioned again but there is another scripture that refers to the descendants of Anak who were giants and residing in the Promised land before the Hebrews came. They are said to be the Nephilim. There is much debate about this verse among scholars of the Bible and about the Nephilim specifically. I won't go into it but if you Google them you will see what I mean. Some of it is way out there. But once you begin to read the more reasonable information, it is interesting.

Verse 4 indicates the children of the union between women and heavenly beings became mighty beings. I read a paper by Derek Prince, a minister whose work I like reading, who made the claim that the Nephilim are very possibly the beings referred to in Greek and Roman mythology. We know these are legends but in every legend there is a grain of truth. Having read these myths as a child, I realized that it made more sense for these to have been the people mentioned in Verse 2 and 4 of Genesis. Separating the facts from fiction is more complicated because of the time span. But it is fun to think about these mysteries.

11. The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.

I always found this verse very interesting because it is so current. I marked it many years ago.

What's Marked in My Bible, #1

Genesis 4:20-22
20. And Adah bare Jabal: he was the father of such as dwell in tents, and of such as have cattle.
21. And his brother's name was Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ.
22. And Zillah, she also bare Tubalcain, an instructer of every artificer in brass and iron:

This was marked many, many years ago, in that first "real" Bible I mentioned in the last post. Jabal and Jubal and Zillah were the parents of all cattle farmers, musicians, and iron workers.

I don't remember if there are other such statements in the Bible but I found this one interesting as a young girl. You see, talents are generally inherited through a bloodline. Those who have musical talent with stringed instruments are a descendant of Zillah. If they are skilled in working with metals, the are a descendant of Jubal. And remember all the wandering cattle farmers around the world who have made fortunes? Wow!

Sunday Morning Pains

I didn't go to church this morning. Today, physical pain is the issue. I overslept and felt as if someone had run over me. I'm a mess. It gets better over the course of the day once I am up and if I take it easy, but it always destroys the last hour or so of rest, which is always one of the most beneficial.

You know, church is the hardest for me? I can hardly bear to go. I look for the spot my husband would stand during praise service or where he sat during preaching (we always sat on the third pew but if I'm behind that pew I keep looking at the third one.) He isn't there and it is terrible. He so loved church and I always did, too, but now, I can't bear to be there. But I want to go so I am ripped up every time I leave.

And I have no idea what else will set me off. I will feel great but hear a song from my earlier married life and feel as if I'm dying. Or I see photo of someplace we've been. Couples holding hands, laughing, talking, at lunch together.

Even m walking through a store he loved to shop at last night was horrendous. I went to The Family Christian Bookstore to purchase a new Bible cover and tried to shop. I went to the bookshelves to look at books and felt I couldn't breath then went to the back where the Bibles and covers are. I looked for maybe 30 minutes but found nothing and just had this depression set in.

I left when I couldn't find what I wanted. Then, I went to The Vineyard, another Bible store down the street a few blocks. I found a pretty cover and bought it but the experience was not enjoyable. He loved shopping at these stores and at both I have memories of our going there. I bought him gifts for Birthday's and Christmas there, on occasion. He liked the ties and coffee mugs.

I found a Bible I asked them to put on hold for me. I hate buying a new Bible. I know where everything is in my old one. Jerry bought me this one, too. He'd bought several over the years so one isn't really more special in that sense but this would be the first one I've bought on my own in many, many years. They will hold it for several days. Since I have a new cover I may just keep my old one. The cover is wearing at the spine. I suppose that is a good thing, to wear out a cover. The spine is worn off at the top and bottom. I always get Bonded Leather and Jerry would fuss about it. "Leather is better. It won't do that," he'd say. "Yes, I know but it cost twice as much." I'd argue.

That's probably why I've worn out three in about 40 years. I still have the first "real" Bible I ever got. I won it for bringing the most people to Sunday School. The whole front cover is off it. I used it until after I married. Jerry bought me another in 1980 and that cover wore out, too. I'm on the third now. I can't remember when he bought it because he didn't date it but it was after we moved into this house in 1990.

I have many passages marked in my Bible and always have to transfer them to the new one. They are things I go back and read often. I think I may start a posting theme called What's Marked in My Bible. That might be interesting.

I am going now to find something to occupy me. When my mind dwells on Jerry too much the day grows very dark, no matter how good the memory. At this point, no memory is very good for me. They are all knives stabbed into my chest.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Cheryl asked me if I had any Saturday plans. It feels as if this is one of those days where I can't function. I can't find a thing I want to do except sit. I know I will get moving soon but at the moment, everything takes too much effort. I have coffee cups for three days in the sink. Can't figure out why there are not dinner plates. Did I eat out? I guess I did.

I don't seems to cook anymore. A sandwich or cereal or whatever I can find to get me by. I hate eating out alone so I have probably been taking one of the kids. I think... no, yesterday I had a burger alone in the car while shopping.

I had planned to do some yard work but everything here is wet. Grass is getting tall and I can't cut it wet. Such an aggravation.

The house is not terribly dirty but there are things I need to do. I'm wanting to throw things out and slim down the contents. I did find a lovely sofa yesterday that I may buy later in the summer. Not too large and not too small.

I realized a minute ago that the furniture I am buying now will probably be the last I ever buy. I have no children at home to wear it out. Sarah behaves very well. One person won't even make a dent in the furniture over the course of several years. So, I better buy something I truly love because I'm stuck with it forever.

It is just that none of this is even remotely interesting to me. I always loved doing this stuff but I usually had Jerry helping in some capacity. We both loved working on the house. Now, I don't really care if it is ever fixed, or painted, or decorated. I can't do most of the work alone and it is just too much effort to figure it out.

The scene of Scarlett at the bottom of the stairs makes a lot of sense. "I'll think about it tomorrow."

Rhett's makes even more sense. "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."

No, I have no plans.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Where Has My Mind Gone?

I went to Value City Furniture and ordered the dresser and nightstand that matches my bed. It will arrive on Tuesday. Jerry and I had planned on buying the matching pieces of this bedroom suite when we bought the bed three years ago but it was just so expensive we couldn't afford anything except the bed. We kept planning to buy a dresser or armoire every year but at nearly $1000 for the dresser it was insane. The armoire was about $700. That isn't a bad deal since this is all wood... none of that particle stuff covered in wood look contact paper or plastic wood. Real wood with dovetailed drawers.

It is a small bedroom, and we knew we could only buy one piece, not both. But we never did. We never had the money.

Today, I decided to go and buy one of the pieces. As I walked through the store I was afraid they no longer carried it but I finally found it and the sales person who assisted me was someone I knew. She pointed out a smaller dresser of the same design and color that was half the price! It will be a perfect match and I was able to buy a nightstand, too! Both were less that the larger dresser. I am so thrilled but so sorry Jerry and I could never afford it. And they will take up much less room than the current dresser and nightstand.

There is much I do not talk about here. There are so many things to regret. So very, very many. I try and not think about them. But it is difficult when faced with the quanity. I think the best I can do is tell you to spend it now. Do it now. Go there now. Whatever dreams you have together, make them right now. Because when one of you is gone, the other will suffer terrible regret, regret so deep and so painful that you can't sleep at night, you can't eat, you can't think of anything but what might have been, what is lost.

I can spend every penny I have doing all the things we wanted to do. Completing all the plans we made. But there is little joy in the thought and little joy in the doing.

Normally, I'd say watch your pennies, pay your bills, secure you future. But never mind. Instead, lose you mind now. Tomorrow won't be filled with regrets for what you missed or lost. You'll have warm foolish memories to fill the hollow places and let you smile through the tears.