Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Major Paine. . . Oh, That's Pain!

I left work early with a serious migraine. Did not get the med until too late, after lunch. I left at two and came home. Slept all afternoon, off and on. Woke between five and six. Showered and lay on the couch watching videos of Dark Shadows I checked out of the library. Took a second Imitrex around seven or eight.

I've been hurting for two or three days and today it sky rocketed with this headache. On my way to bed now but wanted to stop in to say good night. I HOPE it will be a good night. I took my muscle relaxant. Lots of shoulder joint pain, leg pain and hands.

Just pray for me. The weather is a bitch. Pardon my language but that is about the most truth you'll find on the planet tonight. I say it in sincere honest. And she's killing me.

Night and not good.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

For a Soldier Boy

Please keep my nephew, James Joshua, in your prayers. He is leaving for Afghanistan soon. He has been in Iraq for a while now. He just spent the holidays with his family - my sister, Roselynn - and they are having a very difficult time with this. Pray for a covering of protection over him while he serves there.

Remember to pray for all the sons and daughters who have volunteered to serve in the military services. These people go in with open eyes. They know what they may be called to do and still they go. Some never dreamed this would happen. They just saw those military sign-up bonuses and thought they'd do their three years and be done. Others truly believe that someone must stand on the wall and watch. They knew they may have to lay down their lives in defense. These do not question or argue. They go. So pray for our service men and women.

There are so many of our people serving in this war, in harms way, for an ideal that so many have criticized. We can blame the president, we can blame the congress, we can blame anyone we want. But as a Christian, I am very aware of the forces at work in this present day that would seek to destroy this nation and any nation that refuses to be prisoner to terrorists. Say what you will, if we sit down and do nothing, this monster will destroy us. They know it ,too. They never believed we would do anything to fight. Until 9/11. So, do we wait for another 9/11?

I was wondering exactly what are we willing to give up to stop this war? Shall we sit back while millions in other countries die or become enslaved by these sub-humans? Have you really studied what they do to those who oppose them? There is so much more than what you have see in the news. Do your research and learn what they have done in those countries where they rule. They are intolerant, misogynistic, against any religion but their own, megalomaniac, and believe that the ends justify the means. Whatever they have to do, whoever they have to kill, maim or destroy is just fine as long as the world becomes Islamic. That is what we are fighting. An enemy seeking world domination. They even kill their own people. Look at the factions fighting in Iraq! Saddam was their worst enemy and once he was gone, they turned on one another and began killing each other.

Why do we fight? Because ALL people are created equal. All have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, regardless of their cultural or religious background and no one has the right to infringe on those rights for others. I don't have to agree with you. You don't have to agree with me. But neither of us has the right to enslave the other and enforce compliance.

So, hate the war, hate your leaders, hate the death and destruction. Just remember if we lose, what will you be willing to do when your loved ones head is taken? That's is what they have vowed to do to any who resist their control.

Don't think for one minute I am for this war. I don't want anyone in my family to enlist. I don't want anyone to have to fight. But I look at Sarah and I ask myself if I am willing for her to be forced to live like they make their women live? What would I do to protect her? Would I want my son to become one of them? For Sarah, I would kill whoever got between us. I don't want to die until it is my time. But I don't want to live that way.

So, pray for those who do fight, that God will protect them. Pray for those who don't, that God will protect them. For it the fight is lost, those who failed to fight will suffer even more.

I just know someone is going to rip me a new one.....

Coming Up With Ideas

Sometimes when I sit down here there are just no words and no ideas to put on the screen. My mind is as blank as the page before me. I'm annoyed today. I was going to go to church this morning but we were so late getting to bed that both of us were wiped out. Jerry worked until 9:30 and we took Sarah to see the Festival of Lights. We had to rush because they stop at 10 p.m. Today is the last day of it and we wanted her to see them. Garvin Park is filled with light displays every Christmas for about a month and the proceeds go to the United Way. It $7-$10 per car load depending on the size of the vehicle I guess. You can get a carriage ride too from downtown through the park and back for about $35 but I'm telling you, it is cooooold. I'd like it but not on a rainy or cold night. Anyway, she loved them. Kept saying "Oooooo, it's so pretty."

When we got home we fixed something to eat and played with her but it was midnight before they came and got her. I told him no more. If he wants to visit, he has to get up and go see her before work. I can't keep hours like that and get up early the next day. So, another day of church missed. I'm getting tired of it.

I'm having some pain this morningm too. Oh, who am I kidding! I'm having lots of pain! My hands feel swollen and tight and the joints hurt. My knees hurt and my lower back. My shoulder joints are really painful. Oddly, my neck is only mildly painful from sleeping on my left side. I've tried everything to alleviate that. I wake up when I roll over and get my pillow to support my head but it doesn't really help. It is sleeping on that shoulder that aggravates the pain.

So, I'm a ball of pain. None of it will stop me, of course. I still have to do things. I had a massage yesterday afternoon and felt better for it but it never last. Jerry bought that for me for Christmas. It was at a place I had not been before and I won't go back. The gift was $35 for half hour but I usually schedule an hour and pay the difference where I normally go and an hour is $60 so I just end up paying and extra $25. Well, these people charged me another $35 for a second half hour session! They made an extra $10 off me. When I scheduled it they didn't tell me that or I'd have just gone with the half hour and next time back to my old place.

I stopped here long enough to eat a biscuit and gravy and get a fresh cup of joe. I found some really wonderful gravy mix at Wal-Mart. It makes the breakfast gravy you get at restaurants! Pioneer Brand Country Gravy Mix. It is a very large box and will last a long time for just us but it is a nice change for breakfast. And this stuff is delicious! Scramble up some eggs, fix a bowl of grits and a biscuit and gravy. Heart attack here I come? Well, I won't be eating that every morning, I can assure you. I'd have to get up and fix it! I made some last night and put it in the refrigerator so I know it keeps wel. But unlike my friend Jilly, whose husband fixes and serves her breakfast in bed, I fear my spouse is of the more garden variety. Actually, more of a weed in this respect. He does bring me coffee every morning while I'm getting dressed for work or church. I like that because it saves me time but it also is a nice gesture.

I seem to have solved my idea problem so I'll be going now. I'm going to call up Samantha and Alex (Mist and Winter) and see which of those girls will talk to me. You know, sometimes, they're just down right rude.

Have a wonderful day!

Friday, January 2, 2009


I've got my browser open where I can hear the music on my home page and write my post for today.This play list contains songs from my youth. I love John Denver and particularly that first song. I first heard Sweet Surrender in probably 1975 and I have never forgotten it. I had it on a 45 rpm record and played it over and over. For some reason this is a song that simply speaks to my heart. Denver was like that, wasn't he? I like a lot of his songs but this one song has stuck with me.

Surrender is something we just can't get our heads around. We spend our lives fighting to survive, clutching and clinging to everything we come in contact with. I remember someone pointing out that a baby comes into the world with his tiny fists clenched but a man dies with his hands opened. The infant begins life clinging and clutching at life but at death, man realizes there is nothing left to cling to or grasp and all that he held must now be relinquished. It is as if he has learned too late that surrender is the goal.

I once told of the time I had surgery and they gave me the anesthesia to put me to sleep. I fought that stuff so hard. I hate to be knocked out. I remember the anesthesiologist telling me that I had to stop fighting and go to sleep. I couldn't talk but mentally, I prayed and told God that I was surrendering to him and when I let go it was like falling backward into nothing. Frightening and amazing at the same time.

Remember when you were a kid and you played the game where you and a friend took turns falling backward into the others arms? What, you didn't play that? I did. You had to stand straight and fall straight back. And there were only certain friends that you could do that with and you knew who they were!


What a strange concept. To give oneself up into the power of another. To stop struggling against the tide and allow yourself to be carried away. To float on top of your troubles and let them pass beneath you.

Surrender .... Sweet Surrender, live without care


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year... for real this time!

Well, then... I reckon y'all got depressed by my last post. That or y'all are still in bed after a night of partying! But you know, I gotta call it as I see it. And that's how I saw it yesterday. Oh, and today, too.

The new day has dawned and we have entered a new year. I hope and pray it is a blessed year for you. I've lets birthday wishes for some of you with birthday's coming up because as you know, I go back to work next week and it is going to be a . . . well, lets just say not pretty. I have no idea what my time will be like in the evenings.

At the moment, I've run out of steam on the house cleaning. Yesterday was the day for it, I guess. Now, I just want to sit down and do nothing. Jerry is in there sorting medications. He has about 20 bottles of stuff and some is so old it should have been tossed over a year ago. I told him to get rid of it or I would. His meds are sent from the VA and the seem to send too much at one time or they change a prescription before he is done with the first one.

I'm going to get back to work on the novels today. I would like to get about 10,000 words each on them before Monday. LOL! I'll let you know.

Everyone have a great day with your families! Happy New Year!