Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Good News for a Change

My daughter-in-law got called in for the temp job this afternoon. It is not an easy job. It is in a factory and she said it is very hot and it is from 4 p.m. until 1 a.m. She is very upset that she won't have as much time with Sarah. I don't like that either. Unfortunately, she has to do this. I am just thankful that they called. I have been so worried I was nearly beside myself. I'm still worried but if she can work to get ahead on the utilities, they might make it until something better comes along.

I believe that your prayers have contributed to this and I appreciate all of you who have kept us in prayers. We are praying for her to get this job with the day care. It would be such a relief on her and so much better for this little tot who loves to spend time with her Mommy. And Becca is trying to finish her schooling so this will put a hindrance in her way.

More good news - my back is better. Still very touchy and I must be very careful how I move or lift something. I can feel it when I do the wrong thing. And it gets very tired and begins to ache all across my lower back. There is a knot over the area where it hurts so I know it is inflamed. But overall, it is a lot better.

I was going to add a gripe here but decided I've had enough negative junk here for a while. I need, for myself it nothing else, to speak some positive things.

It is Thursday in about 30 minutes, so the week is nearly over. I am hoping to get some serious work done tomorrow so I don't get behind again. I've managed to get current at work and I handle that much better. One of the program assistants helped me two weeks ago and that has really put me where I should be.

I hope all of you have a great day. Thanks so much for all the encouragement and concern you have expressed. And thanks again for all the prayers. Truly, I am blessed.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Night Business

The 37th chapter of Hidden in the Mist is posted. I'm kind of at a stand still for the moment. The last two weeks have been difficult and my back problem has left me very tired in the evenings. So. it is a short one, Alice, without much action. But even Samantha has to sleep sometimes.

I promise to start on the next chapter. Things simply must come to a head soon. There are rumblings that have begun. Things will begin to shake, I think but I don't know from which direction destruction will come.

For all those puzzling over this, don't. Hidden is the Mist is a novel I've been working on for a while now (has it been two years online, Alice!!). At least another two off line! Anyway, it has some private readers, most of which have fallen away. But Alice remains faithful. She can fill you in if you like. I haven't opened it to other readers. If you are on my contact list, and interested, I will consider giving you a 30 day invite if you seem to care about reading it. I no longer post it for the public. Alice convinced me it was risky. She seems to think it a best seller. I have no confidence but it is an interesting story... I guess. She keeps coming back so there is something that draws people.

Night Everyone! Back seems to be better tonigh. Mostly. Have moments of pain but not like it last week. Thanks so much for the prayers. Continue to say a prayer for my son and his wife. They really must find jobs soon. A call came today from a temp service by my daughter-in-law was at my house and it was after five. She couldn't get in touch with the girl but will call in the early morning. There is another job she has applied for with the pre-school Sarah starts at in August. It would be the best job she could have. It is around the corner from my work, Sarah will be in a class there, and her hours would match mine. Transportation, job and child care all in one place. So, for those of you who will, keep praying for them.

Hairy Business

My son came over last night and I got him to work on my back. I had to warn him to take it easy. The boy doesn't know his own strength at times. Upper back popped in two places! It was probably out of whack because of the over compensation I've been doing with the lower back. My lower back was sensitive so he was easy on it. However, I noticed a little difference once he was done. Very little pain the rest of the evening and I slept well. This morning, it felt almost as good as new, well, as new at 51 can feel, when I got up. However, I had to put my hair up and by the time it was done, my lower back was aching again.

I have very long hair, just below my waist. I wear it up a lot for work because it gets into everything. Sometimes I wear it down but the top pulled back out of my face. Sometimes I french braid it. Some times I make a knot and pin this up into a bun or I use a hair thing I have that helps roll it into a bun. This is two thin metal strips covered in velvet that you snap when the roll is completed and it forms a round loop. Instant bun. But getting the roll right is tricky. Putting it up with the hair thing requires that I bend over and roll it onto the thingy and once it is positioned correctly, you snap it and spread the hair out to smooth it in place. Sounds simple and for the most part, it is. But sometimes getting it rolled where you can shape it is difficult. Bending at the waist seems to be very bad in this instance. So, I guess I'll have to stop that for a few days if it doesn't go up the first time.

I don't know yet what the doctor is going to suggest but I guess we will see. I would like a specialist to take a look at it to give me as many options as possible.

I do want to ask those of you who pray to pray for my son and his wife. They are both out of work and if they don't get something soon, they will lose their housing. I am very worried because I don't have any way to help and no place to put them. Please put them on any prayer list you can. I am getting calls ever day from people who can't pay their electirc bills and are on the brink of homelessness. It is very stressful when it is not your family but when it is, it is terrible.

Everyone have a great week. Tomorrow is hump day and nearly the end of the month. So, I hope August is better.

I'll be back.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Back to Work

The results of the MRI are in. Some minor arthritis in my lower back (I already knew this). Some minor bulging of a couple of disc but nothing that appears to be causing a problem. Everything else looks fine.

So, they want me to go to pain management. Which means a shot of a steroid. Waste of time since it is only a patch and not a fix.

They "may" need to refer me to orthopaedics? Ok. What's with the may?

So, what have we learned? Nothing new.
What have we accomplished? Nothing.

Moving on. . . but slowly. . .

I'm looking for input here: A woman takes a walk every afternoon. She walks the same route. But one afternoon, as she passes a house, she sees something. What does she see?

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Back Out

All right, so all this back problems I've been having and have gone on about ad naseum has finally come to a head. The back went out yesterday afternoon. It left me in the laundry room.

I was doing laundry and picked up a basket of dry towels. Anyone ever pick up dry towels? Sarah weighs more . In fact, the basket was so light, I could lift it with one hand. As I turned and started to carry them to the living room to fold it happened. It felt as if someone stabbed me in the lower back with a very sharp knife.

I staggered to the living room and had to sit down. No easy feat, let me tell you. Pain with a capital P. I had trouble moving the rest of the day. Later that evening, I found a pain patch the doctor had given me for the pain in my leg. . . that had no effect whatsoever on my leg. I put that on the spot that was hurting at bed time and took 800 mg of skelaxin (muscle relaxant). I usually take 400 mg so that tells you how bad it was. I never, ever take the maximum dose of anything if I can avoid it.

This morning, pain is only slightly better and I can't move in some directions. Sitting hurts. Standing hurts after a few minutes. Walking is a bit iffy. I might be able to navigate in a strait line as long as I make no sudden moves in any other direction or put my foot down wrong. NO bending at the waist. Squat if you must, but do not bend.

So, now we know what all the build up was about.

I don't know if any of you remember but I had a similar incident last year. I even went to the ER. They sent me home with a smile and instructions to call my doctor the next day. Which I did. She gave me a shot in the back and I was better in a couple of days.

I have not wasted my time or co-pay on the ER this time. I will just call my doctor tomorrow. I am hoping the MRI results is in and she will tell me to come see her. We will see.