Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Under the Weather

A difficult thing to do at the moment. The weather is pretty rotten. Rain all evening with a bit of thunder and lightening. I like storms but all weekend, I've been having rotten pain, too. I did some yard work Saturday and I have paid dearly for it. My arms and hands hurt and my leg has really been terribly painful for several days.

The arms and hands are because I used the electric hedge clippers. It always makes my arms and hands sore but not as sore as I'd be if I had to use the old fashioned ones. Just as I was working on the very last hedge, I cut my electric cord in two and had to go get another one. Yes, with the clippers. No, I didn't get a shock. The body of the clippers is high density plastic. I just heard a small pop and fizzle and then the clippers stopped. Nice clean cut they make, too.

But those cords are expensive. Jerry had bought two 80 feet cords so I could do the hedges and they just barely reached the last hedge on the far side of the yard. He can fix the one I cut but at the time, I had hedges to finish and he was asleep. I bought one 100 feet long.

So, I have 180 feet of heavy duty electrical cord and 80 feet of a cut cord. The 180 feet will reach easily from the back corner of my house to the back fence. I might actually have 10 to 20 feet to spare. Yes, that's a big yard. Believe me, every time I cut the grass I realize just how big it is. I suspect all three would reach from the street in front to my back property line. Since my yard is wedge shaped in back, I have no doubt that I could find a place where any one of them would reach from one side to the other.

The leg? Well, that's another story and I don't know why it hurts. The muscle in my calf just feels absolutely terrible. Sunday night night I lay in pain half the night. I finally got up and got a pain patch that my mother sent me and put it on my calf. It helped a bit I think but in no way has it stopped. I can't lay on either side because then it hurts from my hip to my foot. I am just so tired of this.

Tonight, I am really tired, possibly because of two nights of bad sleep. I could have lain down and gone to sleep as soon as I got home at five. But I didn't because I knew if I did I'd be up at midnight and unable to get back to sleep the rest of the night.

I've sat on the sofa all evening or in my desk chair writing. I do find that sitting for too long is making this worse so I try and get up here and there. But walking hurts, too. Pshaw! Can't win for losing!

I've been visiting the blogs that are updated. I always like reading Jilly's blog. She just makes you feel as if you've had a nice visit with her and heard all the news from home. And she has such a NORMAL family! It is quite refreshing.

Jilly is actually the one from whom I found out about Multiply! We were both on Yahoo 360 and when all the ruckus started, I decided to try this. I'm glad I did. And I'm glad she added me here.

Lately, it seems as if I've just been such a little ray of gloom. Every post seems to be a whine and dance session about my aches and pains or my gripes about my family. Although, I do try and keep my complaints about them to a minimum. I think I'm just so exhausted that everything is blown out of porportion and I focus on the bad side of things.

A lady who I've worked with for the last 10 years retired this past week. She is just such a nice woman and I really liked her. Her last day was to be Monday but her mother died during the early hours of that morning so she didn't work. Today she dropped by and I was asking her about how she was doing. She said she was very happy with the retirement. She said the first thing she did was take the clock out of her bedroom! And she said it was the best thing she ever did. Listening to her talk about it one would almost wish to be retirement age! I am quite looking forward to it now. Well, in 10 years. Although, I think Martha is older now than I will be in 10 years. I just hope I last that long.

It is time to stop, children, so I can get my raggedy self to bed. I am just worn out. Have a good week. I only have to work three more days this week! Thank goodness!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Late NIght with Dixie

As you can see from the time on this post, it is reeeeeally late. I've just finished posting to a NEW blog! Yes, a new blog. The Most Dangerous Kind of Madness. Well, actually, this is just another paper I had sitting on my computer gathering digital dust. I won't be making any new entries to it. I just posted it as a paper and opened it to the public. You will find the link in my Links section.

Although, I've posted a few of my college writings here, this is a rather long research paper that took an entire semester to research and write. It is a rather detailed analysis of three communal socities in America. I like to say it is three of the sickest individuals in American history. One is known as the largest mass murderer in America.

So, if you like social history, or just history in general this will probably interest you. If you like tales of madness, murder, and misconduct this will definately interest you. If you just like reading about sick Americans, you'll love it.

I must warn you, some of the information is disturbing. During the research for this particular paper, I would get terribly depressed and overwhelmed by what I was reading. There were days I actually had to walk away from the research and leave my house. I can remember one really beautiful Saturday morning, I simply got up and walked out and got in my car and drove away. I stayed gone for hours. You can't read some of the reference material without feeling a bit filthy afterward. At least, I couldn't. I was glad when it ended.

Part of my problem was I had some personal issues I had to face during the research phase. One of the references is a book called "When Good Enough is Never Enough" by Steven Hendlin. This is an excellent book about the concept of perfectionism. It and writing the paper was my Waterloo. I can't give you details here but let's just say all perfectionist are pretty much alike. So, when you are studying the men I was studying and you realize you share some of their traits, you can become a bit distraught. It was frightening, emotionally devastating, and exhausting. I was happy it was my last semester of college.

I can only say it taught me some important lessons. I hope you'll read the paper.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Saturday at Home. . . or Somewhere

We went to the riverfront last night and watch the fireworks. We sat in the same area we usually sit, up on the Levee. As soon as we got there we realized it was very windy and cold! At least 10 degrees cooler than my front yard and I'm only 10 minutes from the river! We had to call Mike, who had decided not to go, and ask him to bring us a jacket for Becca, a blanket and a sweatsuit for Sarah. He forgot the jacket and Becca insisted I use the blanket. I tried to share but it was a small one and our legs would freeze but she wouldn't do it. It did warm up a bit about halfway through.

Sarah seems to have a good time. We walked a bit before and she people watched while it was still light. Once it got dark, she watched the fireworks but I think after 30 minutes she was getting tired of it and wanted to walk again.

I took photos but I don't think they will be very good this year. The humidity in the air kept the smoke hanging close to the ground so some of the display was not very good. You couldn't see it through the smoke. They also had the barge in a different location so they were father away. Usually they are close to the outside bend of the river, (Indiana side) and pointed upriver. This year, they were more into the center of the channel and pointed toward the bank. The river is wide at that point.

I have to say it is always pretty to see the river on the Fourth. There are hundreds of small boats all along the Kentucky shore and they will have dim lights that for the most part go out when the show starts. But until then, they are lit up and sparkle in the water. As darkness falls, the city lights show up and it becomes even prettier. We really do have a nice little riverfront. I took photos and will try and get them up this week. I really ought to invest in a digital but I truly do enjoy my Canon film camera. I am afraid the facility of digital may stop me from using film and that would be a shame. My camera repair guy, Henry, says film is here to stay but one never knows.

Today, I am supposed to do some other stuff at my sister's place. So much for a weekend off. I have told them all that tomorrow is God's and Monday is MINE. I have to get my yard mowed and get some bug poison down. We have chiggers terribly. I've been overrun twice with them and now Sarah has a case. I was miserable so I know she has been. Her mother has been using Calamine lotion with a antihistimine in it and I've told her to wash her in a salt bath. For some reason, salt stops itching. Really. If you get a mosquito bite, wet it and rub a bit of salt on it. The itching stops immediately. I figured this was a remedy to try on chigger bites. She also gave her Benedryl but anyone who has taken that knows you can't take it often.

We've lived here 20 years and the boys and I have spent hours in this yard and in the grass. We've never had chiggers before. Now, suddenly, this is their vacation spot. They are all over. I've hesitated putting out poison because I have lots of rabbits and birds and squirrels but we can't even sit in a chair in the yard now because of the chiggers. So, now, we have to do something. I found some granules of stuff to spread and I am hoping it will be effective on the chiggers and not cause a lot of damage to the ecology. I will have to keep Sarah out of it for a week, but as things are now, she can't go out anyway. She loves the yard and I just have to fix it so she can play.

Well, that's it for now. I have to get busy and do something that looks productive. I hope you will all have a nice weekend and those for whom it is winding down, have a great week!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Late Again

As usual, it is late, nearly eleven. I have had a hectic evening and I am annoyed by that. More crisis and who gets called to solve it.

I'm not going to go over it. It is just too aggrivating and I am tired.

After work, Jerry and I went to Wal-mart where I bought a new keyboard. My new computer came with a keyboard but it is cheap. The letters are already wearing off. Jerry suggest I call and get them to replace it and I probalby will but I bought a Microsoft keyboard for $20 and it is much nicer with more features that the Dell crap. I don't know why they've started sending out this tiny keyboards that just wear out. Mike's did, too. He bough an HP keyboard but the letters are wearing off that as well. How silly. What kind of stuff did they use on the old keyboards that the letter NEVER wore off. You wore the machine out before the keyboard was worn out.

Anyway, I think I am going to quite like this one. It has a curved key pad. It will take a bit of getting used to but actually, it is easier to type. I found myself trying to pull my wrist into line as if I was using the old keyboard and it was hurting! This feel much more natural and I like it. I don't make as many errors either! Wish I could get one at work. Well, I cold if I would pay for it. I may do that at some point and put my name on it in case they give me the boot.

Friday is the 4th of July, American Independence Day. And our Executifve Director gave the whole agency Monday off so it is a four day weekend for us. She also gave everyone their birthday off this year. If you already had a birthday you can take another day but mine is in October so I am taking it in November for a conference I want to attend. She did this as a reward for the agency raising our scores to High performer. This is HUD jargon to say we are doing what we are supposed to be doing. You are rated on whether you get your reports in on time, process records on time, spend your money on tiem, etc. High Performer is a coveted title and you must have your scores above 94 I believe. I'm just glad for the two extra days off.

I am on my way to bed now. Everyone have a great day tomorrow and I will catch you later.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Messing Around

Miss Sarah was here tonight and we just got to messing around with the webcam and took a few photos. I'm sharing because it was such fun and she is just too adorable. I must warn you, we both agreed her hair was a mess!

She saw the webcam and you can see that she became interested.

The tug to discover was just too great!

Then, she saw herself on the screen. Oh, will you look at that, Mawmaw.

She was captivated by seeing herself on screen. A star is born!

Is that ME!

So, then we had to sing the ABC song! To celebrate, you know.

I don't have a microphone right now but I am going to get one. We did a couple of videos without sound.