Monday, April 7, 2008

Social Statements VS Military Actions

It appears that the issue of the illegal flying of the Mexican flag above the American flag is not dead. Here is a comment from the video page I found quite interesting.

ginger1 wrote today at 12:24 PM
It is wrong to fly a mexican flag on top of the United States Flag. BUT what do you say when the americans have toppled Saddam Hussein, and the american soldier put an AMERICAN FLAG on the Iraqi soil ? The iraqi people were outrage and have KINDLY asked the american soldier to remove the american flag. Simply because the american soldier DID NOT KNOW that he is doing wrong. I won't be surprised if somebody would have told this mexican guy what he is doing is wrong. He would have put that flag down. Instead of humiliating him like that.

I always try and address such statements. In respect to the writer, I have quoted her exactly. My response follows:

I strongly suggest anyone questioning this do a thorough review of history. A conquering force flying their flag on conquered soil is very well documented in numerous wars throughout history. There are photos and paintings of it happening in many nations during wars.

During the American Revolution, Civil War and other military actions of other nations the conquering force removes the flag of the conquered force and replaces it with their own. It is common practice of military forces. Soldiers of ALL nations, typically place their flags on conquered soil. Review the tapes of other war actions and you will see the conquering force waving their flag over territory they have taken. When embassies are taken in combat or altercation, the conquering force hauls down the flag of that country and puts up their own. It is a statement that they have taken that ground in a fight. It is not unusual behavior at all. Just because someone whines about it doesn't mean their troops wouldn't do the same thing in a similar situation. They would. They have.

Whether it is right or wrong or illegal is unknown to me and since my position is not in regards to a war action, has no real interest for me. Suffice it to say, it is not isolated to American troops; it is common practice of every military organization on the planet.

Only America gets criticized for anything we do, until someone wants in our wallet, then we're best friends. However, citizens of any country have the right to complain about any action taken in their countries. Although their own governments might not be so liberal. I've no doubt that the Geneva Convention, the United Nations and NATO have clear guidelines of war time behavior and actions. The situations are not similar because my issue is not a war situation. Like it or not, Iraq is a war zone.

What is happening in the United States is not a conquering force taking ground in a military action, is it? Unless since I went to bed the illegals have declared war.

These people are not soldiers conquering a country.They are squatters and illegal residents breaking the laws of this country by being here and insulting the citizens and legal residents by such behavior. This is a social statement from criminals. If this person happens to be a legal resident, he is doubly insulting this nation. Since he feels such loyalty to his homeland, he should go back. We don't need him here.

What I find surprising is those who support illegal behavior. They often are the ones who yell the loudest when their civil rights are violated. The beauty of this country is that as long as you do it legally, you can say pretty much whatever you want . . .unless you are a WASP. There are legal, civil ways to express your gripe. Had it been only a Mexican flag flying over his restaurant, no one would have said a word. But he subordinated the emblem of the country that so graciously allowed him to have business here.

Incidentally, one should remember that several statements are indicated by these flag issues. The first being that they are going to take America away from its citizens. In the first instance I saw was an upside down American flag topped by an Mexican flag. The American flag flown upside down is a distress call. Ironic, isn't it? The second is that they hold no honor, respect, or loyalty to this country. They don't want to be Americans, they want to be Mexicans allowed to reap the benefits legal residents and citizens work for.

It is fortunate that as a result, any possible sympathy that any loyal Americans may have felt for the criminals is being quickly eroded by these actions.

I respect and welcome those who have struggled and come to this country honestly to make a better life for themselves and their families. They understand the value of being a legal citizen. I know several families personally and they are a credit to America. They take great pride in their citizenship status and they identify as an American but are still able to retain their ethnic identity. That is not who these people are and their actions prove that.

I hope to God there are more patriots.

And finally, the old childhood argument that "He did it first so I should be able to do it too!" is just silly. If the war time action were wrong, and we know this is common practice, it still would not make this issue right. As Mama said, "Two wrongs don't make a right."

I point out that when you are a guest in someone's home, you follow THEIR rules of behavior, regardless of what other people do. I may have a pig in my parlor but I certainly would behave better in theirs.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Week Begins

Spent the morning at church and then the afternoon with Sarah and Becca. Lovely weather meant we had to go "side". Sarah loves to walk! I hate walking! LOL! But we walked around and she ran. She then threw a hissy fit when we came back in.

Then she was down for a nap. We all overslept and had to rush to get to church. We were 30 minutes late but we only missed some singing and Bro. Nally's ordination. We got to hear some more singing and some wonderful preaching from Bro. Troy Johnson from Princeton. He is a Haven boy and came home for a visit to preach. It was truly a good message and one I needed to hear.

God has been sending me these little notices for about a week or so now and I've needed them. I've been asking for some direction and some answers. I've had an email and a blog say virtually the same things that this message said tonight. God has brought me to this place. It is only for a "hour". Bro Johnson used the text where Jesus told the mob who were arresting him that "this is your hour". Meaning that they were being allowed to do this but their power over him was not going to be long. He also talked about Jesus telling Judus to "do quickly" what he had to do. He said that this was again, Jesus warning those "powers" that their time was limited. I feel as if God has given me a few explanations and that is always a comfort.

As a side note, Bro Johnson was diagnosed with cancer last summer. Imagine how powerful this message was coming from someone battling such a great trial. I was astounded because I think I would be a basket case in his shoes.

So, thus ends my Sunday. am getting ready for bed. I hope all of you have a great week!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Sunny Saturday

Today was a nice day over all. My pain was minimal and I had Sarah most of the day. My sister and I went to get her around 11:00 and we went to lunch together. Then Phyllis went to work and Sarah and I spent the afternoon together. We were out side for a bit and came in where upon she had a temper fit because she wanted to stay outside. She took a nap after about half an hour of fuss.

After a two hour quiet we picked up mom and brought her over. The rest of the afternoon, we spent in the yard and inside cleaning. Then, we took a supper break. I took them home at 9:30 and picked David up from work on the way.

I just talked to Becca and Miss Sarah crashed when she got home. She's down for the night.

I am on my way, too! Church tomorrow.

I've posted a set of photos from just before Easter until today.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Who Said That?

Friday has rolled around at last and I couldn't be happier. I got off 30 minutes early today and have only just managed to sit down to try an jot a few things on the blog. I've been rather silent lately. Too much going on, too little sleep, too much to much.

I've been popping in to those where I see some one has posted something but it would seem that everyone is rather silent at the moment. I wonder if weather elsewhere is better than here and you are all out frolicking in the sunshine. We don't have sunshine in S. Indiana at the moment.

In fact, we have far more water than we need. Flooding was a concern last night for some. I am, thankfully, on high ground but if those on the other side get flooded I'm trapped on a dead end street.

I've run out of ideas lately too. Usually, I have no problem finding some soapbox to jump on but lately, there is so much wrong that I find myself not wanting to talk about any of it. It is sort of like sensory overload.

I've been praying for God to make me nicer. I've become quite jaded in my world view and I never wanted to be that kind of person. I find myself annoyed at people's stupidity and I spend a lot of time talking to God when I am alone. The conversation goes something like this.

"I can't believe they did that. It is just too stupid!" I said.

God remains silent.

"How is it possible?"

Still no answer.

"Look I just want to know, was I ever that stupid? I mean, I never did anything like that. By the time I was their age, I was running my own household. Very well, too."

There is a rustling of white robes and a clearing of the throat.

"Well, yes, I remember that but it can't compare to this! Even I wouldn't be this stupid."

More silence.

Finally, I throw up my hands. "I'm just amazed at the amount of stupidity there is on the planet! I mean, if it could be packaged, we'd be able to make anything grow in the desert! We'd have bumper crops everywhere on the planet!"

"Yes, well, you're pretty good at shoveling the stuff."

I look around. Who said that?

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Patriots Still Exist

You know, this illegal immigrant thing is not getting the kind of outcry from citizens that it should be getting. We've been very passive in our actions and reactions. The criminals have been very vocal and completely unchallenged by the citizens of this country. Well, we're nice people and allow everyone free speech.

However, recent activity by foreign criminals has shown exactly what this passivity on our part has resulted in. This is becoming more and more common as we remain passive. I think now it the time to stop and I think the gentleman in this film is the clarion for that.

It is illegal to fly a foreign flag above an American flag on American soil. Yet, this is going on unchallenged. These people believe that the American citizens have no power to challenge their "rights" to squat in this country and flout our laws while dining on our largess. I'm sick of it. And I am sick of those people who disrespect my country but take money out of my pocket while breaking laws I have to follow. And crying prejudice and discrimination while doing it.

So, I urge you to forward this to every American citizen you know. I urge you to contact every congressman, senator and state legislator you possibly can. Flood their offices with calls, letters and email about this outrage. Demand that the immigration bill now proposed is stopped. We don't need this bunch of criminals here. If you don't want to become a loyal American citizen, GO HOME! We don't need your kind here.

If we remain quiet much longer, America will no longer exist and your rights as citizens will disappear. This has already begun. We've become fat and lazy because we've never had to fight to survive. Our parents and grandparents and great grandparents did that. You, this current generation are going to completely lose your identity. It is going to be subordinated to a foreign, criminal element. The actions of these people are telling you, "WE, illegal immigrants, are going to run this country."

Remain silent and passive and your children will be required to learn a foreign language and fly an foreign flag. If you can't open the attachment, watch it at the link above. To prove my point, they are now saying this man may be charged with a crime!