Saturday, November 24, 2007

Slow Day

My week off is coming to a close and I am not looking forward to it. My pain levels have plummeted in the last week to the point that I am virtually pain free. So, what does that sound like? Doesn't matter. Back to work Monday. I was taking that day off too but there is really no reason to do that now.

I've been working hard on the NaNoWriMo competition and I am pleased with the progress. I am pusshing to get the required 1667 a day in. It is difficult because I got off track so far that the story is pretty much stalled. Yesterday, I went over that outline I had and went back to fill in the gaps. That got me yesterday's word count. Today is another day. I remember that last year by this time I was ready for it to be over. I am ready today. When things start dragging I do to.

I've done nothing really constructive this week. Just goofed around and wrote. Not much cleaning, a little laundry, some cooking but the house needs a thorough cleaning. I just don't want to spend what little time I have left doing it.

So, I am here, thinking about what I am going to do to progress the plot of the story.

I.... have... no ... idea.

What I am going to do right now is try and get a skirt made for work. I have an old jumper that my sister handed to me to give to someone. We don't wear the same sized clothes but the fabric is in excellent condition and I can get a skirt out of it. So, that is where I'm going.

Friday, November 23, 2007

A House of Worship

So, it is the day after the bit "T" day and all of you are out participating in the consumer holiday "Black Friday". Personally, and my family will attest to this, I despise shopping, particularly today.

Today, you will worship at the altars of Walmart or Target or Kohl's or some other pagan shrine. You will gladly pay your tithes to the gods of marketing. You will go without sleep to do this, rising before the sun, even if you went to bed at midnight! You will go into the highways and byways to bring as many people as possible with you to the houses of marketing to worship with you.

You will push and shove to make your way to the mark down altars where you will pray for the blessing of cheap merchandise so that you can give someone a cheap blessing. When you find you have received a bargain, you will dance before the altar and rejoice with a loud voice and you will pay with gladness and joy for the blessing.

You will dine on leftovers at home or you will drive beneath golden arches or kneel before the King of burger and partake of a holy communion of levened bread and colas. You will do this with hundreds of other worshipers of your faith.

You will be horrified that anyone would NOT participate in the worship on this, the most holiest of all shopping days. Should anyone criticize your worship, they will be regarded as ignorant, self-righteous, infidels, or just plain crazy because they do not worship your god. You will laugh at them because they have missed the blessings of the god of marketing and have not drunk from the fountain of the king of burgers nor rested beneath golden arches.

You will return to your dwellings, sated with worship and bad food. You will laugh and dance over the riches you have found in your temples and brought home with you.

Sunday will dawn and you will roll over, to tired to brush your teeth so your breath won't reveal your mouth to be an open grave. You will be sore and achy and your feet will hurt from your Friday worship. You have given your all on the altar of commerce.

There is nothing left for the One who created you.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanks Giving

I wanted to write something positive about this holiday but I realized during my processes, that in this age of political correctness no matter what I say, it will be construed as capitalistic, imperialistic, chauvanistic, racist, self-righteous, ignorant, uninformed, uneducated, terroristic, hedonistic, sacreligious and unAmerican. I can't win so I might as well say what I please.

If you are a citizen of the United States of America, you owe a great debt to American soldiers for the last 200+ years for your right to be here and reap the benefits of that residence. You owe God thanks for the direction of events that lead to the creation of this nation and for at least 200 years, a nation that was PROUD to call itself CHRISTIAN.

If you are a legal resident, you owe the American people a debt of thanks for allowing you the gift of legal residence. And you owe God thanks for the direction of events that led to the creation of this nation and for at least 200 years, a nation that was PROUD to call itself CHRISTIAN and espoused Christian charity that allowed us to grant you that gift.

If you are an illegal resident, you owe the American people even greater thanks because you have no right to be here and you reap benefits you have no right to, paid for by people who are not allowed those same benefits but who have fought and sacrificed for those benefits in the hope that their children would have an inheritance but which is no being used up to support you criminals. The only thing you have to look forward to is a bankrupt nation brought to bankruptcy by the expense of supporting a population of criminals. God doesn't approve of criminal actions so I don't think thanking Him will help you much. He is into droughts, however, and when the money dries up, you might try something else.

I am thankful for my family, my nation, and my salvation. Life without any one of those things would be meaningless. Thank God someone set sail for the shores of a primitive land because they sought a fresh start in a land of promise. Some came with hope, some with greed, some with need. Some lived justly and some unjustly. But thank God they came and built a hope for many nations.

It is said that when a nation abandons the very things that made it great, the fall of that nations can't be far behind. When you remove the foundation of any building, it can't stand.

2 Chronicles 7:14 (King James Version)

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Calling Prayer Warriors

I have repeatedly ask those of you who pray to pray for my friend Nancy. I am asking again this weekend. I was just visiting the blog that her sister and my friend, Alice has made for her. Alice has posted an update in the comment section and it must be horrible for her to even have to post it. It is not for the squemish.

After reading the post, I feel it is a very critical time for Nancy. It is very difficult in these situations to know how to pray and I don't think I am the only one to feel this way. I began by praying for complete healing but when things get as bad as they are right now, it is hard to know what to pray, for me anyway. I don't know God's mind or plans. I just know He is able to do all that we ask. But He works according to His will, not ours. And at times, we are not happy with that.

Emotionally, I am horrified at what Nancy is going through right now. I have been praying for her for weeks now and I know others have too. If what Alice says is true, she has very little time left and that time appears to be beyond anything I can imagine anyone having to endure.

So, I have begun praying for God to ease all her pain, calm any fear she may have during this time, and give her peace in her soul. I am praying for the comfort her family needs now and the peace they will need later. This has been so swift and so terrible that this family will be in shock for a while before they can even realize what has happened!

I don't know if the blog is open to everyone but here it is if you want read the post: If it is not open, let me know and I will see if Alice can post it on her blog for everyone.


Check out the word meter on the home page! I am CURRENT! For the first time in two weeks I am current. Tonight before midnight, I have to write 1667 words. That will bring me up to today's total. Thank God for those polar bears! (You'll have to go read the exerpt of this section at Nanowrimo. >> ) I posted this part because it was what saved my bacon this week.

{Sighs loudly}

Now, if I can maintain that level for the next 9 days I will finish this thing with my 50,000 words! Oh my goodness, I can't believe it. I am current! that is just so exciting. This time last year, I knew I was not going to make it. I was days behind and could not get caught up. I finished with about the same number of words I have right now! In fact, the 2006 final word count was 33834, just a little ahead of where I am right now.

I might just make it, guys and gals!

Whooo hoooo!