Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Puzzled No More

It is finished. The train can now finish it's journey to whatever mysterious place it is headed for.

I put the last piece in tonight and posted the photos for you to see. It is a beautiful puzzle. I will leave it in place until my aunt and uncle get here on Friday and can see it. I really want to frame it. I can't believe how pretty it looks in the dark.

I want to jump on the train and ride to far away places. I want to watch the forest and mountains fly past in the darkness and hear the wolf cry. I want to watch the sun come up over the valleys and watch the mist rise on the wind. I want to hear the bird singing as the sun rises. I want to smell the scent of the coal mingle with the scent of sun-drenched forest and watch as deer leap along beside the train as it races to its destination.

And I want to do it all with Jerry seated next to me. I want to lay back with the sun on my face and my head on his shoulder and ride forever.

There is no escape.

Reporters Without Borders - Annual Worldwide Press Freedom Index - 2008

Think the US is at the top of the list for Freedom of Speech? Think again. Check out this list of nations who are considered to have the most liberty in freedom of the press. Uh, the US is 36th on the list with several others.

Press Freedom Index 2008

Only peace protects freedoms in post-9/11 world

Monday, March 30, 2009

Slow Day in the Fast Lane

I didn't stop all day. I worked from the time I hit the door until 5:20. I left and went to the bank where I had to sit in the drive through 20 minutes waiting while they helped some old lady. She deposited a fist of checks and then she tried to cash a check but they told her that her account only had $2 in it. She said, "With all the money I just put in there?" He told her because she had deposited checks they wouldn't post until tomorrow. She wasn't happy. I eventually got out after two other people. I got there about 5:30 and left at 5:45!

I came home and Mike was here. He didn't want to go out to eat. I had arranged to take all of them to supper so I could have a real meal where I could sit down with my children. It ended up Dave, Becca, Sarah and I went to dinner while Mike stayed on the computer. He said he had crackers. Probably a whole stack of Ritz. But he and I had lunch and a movie on Saturday together.

We came home and visited while I worked on my puzzle. I have more photos to upload. I am so excited. It is nearly finished. I did a lot tonight, pieces that have been driving me crazy just fell into place as if I had put them there before.

I have a theory about puzzle building. I believe if you look at the puzzle and the pieces scattered around carefully for several minutes before you leave it, when you come back the next time you will actually be able to put in the first several pieces on the first try. I don't know why I think this works but I believe it does. Usually the first dozen pieces are amazingly simple. I can't believe I pick up a piece and know right where it goes. This has happened so frequently that it can't be coincidence. I always scan the puzzle before I leave it for any length of time, particularly parts that are challenging me.

Well, it's my theory and as long as it works I'll keep doing it. I'd be interested in knowing the results if any of you try this sometime. Of course, all you who are wanting to try a puzzle have to go GET one first.

Why do I think this works? Because, putting patterns together is what the brain is good at. The more you put patterns together the easier it gets. My uncle, when they were here the week following the funeral said I don't put puzzles together like everyone else. I didn't know what he meant. Not sure I do yet. I don't think I do. But the whole family was involved in puzzles for over a week and I watched how they did it. It seemed very inefficient to me for some reason I couldn't pinpoint. So, I must be doing something differently but can't figure out what it is.

Anyway, it fascinates me. And soon, my train will be on its way through the snow filled, moonlit valley. Keep watching.

I'm getting ready for bed. I took my pills late tonight and I am concerned I'll wake up late so I'm going to try and turn in on time.

My sister Roselynn's blog has an updated look. And she is not Child of Seven. Give it a look.

Another Reason to Hide Your Profile

I never put my real name on my blog... anywhere. Not even in my profile. Read this article and you'll see why.

People Search Engines

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Evening Falls

A storm blew in and I sat and paid bills. Here are the clouds over the garage. You can see how bad a shape this end of the house is in. Needs pain and gutters up.

And here is a shot from the back door, looking across the yard to where the railroad runs between us and the street. You can see the mess they leave, too. The only saving grace is that in summer it is all green and woodsy so my yard is completely shielded from view.

Here is one from the front door after the rain really began to fall. My little Focus needed a wash. I need a new awing, too. This one leaks a bit and looks terrible but taking it down would mean I'm drenched in every rainfall while I fumble with keys to get inside.

Here is the last shot.
I had the camera set to take a close-up and forgot to set it back. But it worked out well. You can see the raindrops! That was what I wanted but didn't know how to do it with this camera.

Now, for my next trick. I've had wash going, made my bed with clean sheets, and messed around here. I'm ready for real food. The Subway sandwich at lunch is long gone and I've had too much candy for someone with my insulin disorder. Only coffee since we got home from the movie. I want real food but have no idea what I want. I have salad makings and Raspberry vinaigrette dressing and I have spicy chicken strips with ranch dressing to cool them down a bit. Sounds like a plan.

First, however, a nice hot shower and a wash of the mop. May see you all later or may just watch HULU for a bit. Hope you all have a good weekend.