Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Recount

I'm pretty pleased with the way this is going. I'm on target with the numbers so that is really good. Last night I met a new character that I think I might like. He's a bit rough around the edges but we'll see if he softens up. I have yet to post anymore to the blogger site but I will in the next day or so you you can take a peek if you like. Just give me until Friday! The conference next week is going to really crunch me on time. We shall soldier on, anyway.I think I will probably close it no later than Monday. I do this only because of copyright issues and the fact that published on a blog equals published and can affect a sale.... should I have the good fortune to get such a thing. Good heavens! That's be super. Actually, I think the previous two year's work is better. Alice thinks Mist is good. I'm going to be trying to get way ahead on the word count so I can get some work done on that, too. If I don't she might be coming to visit me. Did I tell you Alice is a die hard gun advocate? LOL! Not to worry. She likes me.Back to work now. Just wanted to post the numbers for those keeping score.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

In My Humble Opinion

I was going to answer a comment on the last post but decided that it was so long it should be blog post.

I was disappointed about the election but not depressed.I'm a conservative but I also know in whom I have my hope. So, it was not a surprise to me that Obama won. I didn't even watch the returns on television. I was working on NaNo.

I saw this coming long before I even knew who would be the candidate. I always go back to historical records of such elections. Review terms when a party held office for 8 years. You will find that the trend is that the election following the 8 year rule will be won by the opposing party regardless of who runs. FDR being the only exception, and they fixed that.

People get bored and frustrated because the President is not as powerful as they thought he was when elected. So, they vote for a new superman. Unfortunately, the President can't do anything the Congress doesn't want him/her to do. If the Congress that is is elected during the presidential election happens to be predominately the same party as the new President, then he has more power and that alliance makes him appear as a savior.

But any President that doesn't have majority support of Congress will be ineffective in getting his agenda through. You've just seen the last 4 years of that kind of government. Now, you will see 4 years of increased taxes and liberal policies that benefit those in office. Never fails. This president will have a majority in both houses. Just wait. It is going to cost us bundles more than anyone dreamed. If you thought the 700 billion couldn't be any worse, wait 24 months.

The good news it that it usually only takes 4 years for this kind of winner to screw up. Mid-term congressional elections will tell the tale. If this guy doesn't deliver on his "change" promises in two years, and if the public doesn't perceive that he is "help" them, at the mid-term elections he's going to lose some of the support he has in the Congress. People will change their senators and congressmen.

If his changes result in a negative impact to those who have the money in this country, he'll lose that support faster than the Titanic sank. Money equals power in every government, I don't care what he says. Money controls every country. Lots of money and a glittering generalization called "change" won this election, not race. Read the press on how much was spent. Obama could not win with black voters alone. He had to have vast numbers of whites and other minorities.

So, by the end of four years, if he still hasn't delivered, he'll be out of there. Americans only vote for superheros that are successful and if they have enough money to sway voters it is in their best interest to deliver on promises.

Just my humble opinion.

Americans Have Spoken

The American people have spoken.

I will render unto Caesar the things that belong to Caesar.


But I will not diminish giving to God the things that belong to God.


America has given me many things.

Freedom of religion.

Freedom of speech.

The opportunity to live in (middle of the road) lifestyle.







I will continue to love my neighbor as a Christian should.

I will continue to reach to the black man to be my brother. BUT I’M GONNA REACH TO THE RED MAN TOO.

I will not allow my mind to be distracted from my purpose.



As generations and centuries of Christians have gone on before,

some lived quiet peaceable lives,

others tortured daily until finally ravished in death.

Still the standard is before us. And we must remind ourselves daily;

we are Christians before we are Americans.




Phil Wagoner, Assistant Pastor

Haven Pentecostal Church,

Henderson, KY

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Memorable Halloweens

We don't do Halloween anymore but I thought I'd share two of the most memorable ones with my readers.

Here is the first most memorable Halloween.

The boys loved Halloween as children but after my 12 year old son was attacked with a baseball bat by a candy bandit one year we called it quits. Fortunately, he was not hurt severely. David, 12, and Mike 16, were riding their bikes, around our quiet neighborhood. Mike was acting as caregiver since he was old enough and knew dozens of people in the four street area. They stopped at a house and Mike was chatting and Dave rode off and was waiting at the stop sign at the end of the street for Mike when a car of young adults, two males and two females, pulled up. One male demanded out the window that David give him his candy. He had quite a lot by this time. David refused and the guy got out with an aluminum bat. He swung it at him. David lay down over the handlebars and the bat glanced off his back and missed his head. He then rode madly away. The criminals did, too, when the neighbor and Mike ran over. The neighbor called the police and Mike gave chase. The cops caught the girls, one a minor, in the car not far away but the male had disappeared.

They caught him several weeks later. The wife of the detective working the case worked in the neighboring town as hightschool teacher. Someone was going around the school bragging about what had happened. They questioned her and got the name. The guy was arrested.

Incidentally, his mother somehow got my phone number contacted me (she was prohibited by law from doing that) to plead with us not to press charges and send her "baby" to jail. He was a "good boy" and just made a mistake.I wasn't rude to her because I could imagine what she was going through but I was furious that she'd think me stupid enough to feel sorry for him! I informed her that my son was a good boy too and that if her son had managed to get a direct hit, my son would likely have been dead or brain injured. The guy was sent to jail for two years.

The second memorable Halloween was after this. Dave no longer went around to places but he still really enjoyed dressing up so he would dress up and hand out candy to other children who did come around. I live on a dead end street and it is very dark down here so after dark, people don't usually walk down, particularly children. In the 20 years we've lived here, I don't think we've had more than 20 people in all that time on a halloween evening.

Oddly enough, about four years there were more than usual around dusk. David dressed up in black sweats and put on a glow in the dark ski mask, and held a rubber machete. He sat very still in a lawn chair beneath our motion sensor light. As the adults and kids walked up the light would pop on and David would just up and yell. They'd all run like mad but then laugh their heads off. And no, he did not do this when there were very small children. He would take the mask off to show them it was just a game. The mail was very late that day because our normal carrier was off and it was just dark when the fill-in guy came by. This carrier looked a little like Fabio, with his long blond hair and he had a beard.

My sister and I were sitting in a chair in the living room where we could see all the antics. When the mail carrier came up the light came on and my son jumped up waving his machete and yelling. The postman must have jumped two feet in the air, screamed like a girl and ran around the corner of the house where he proceeded to double over and laugh uproariously. I could see him through another window and he about died laughing and so did we.

We all went out, still laughing, and apologized but he was fine with it. When our usual carrier returned the next week, I told him about it. He knew exactly who I was talking about when I mentioned the Fabio resemblance! He couldn't wait to get back and spread the story around to the other carriers.

So, that's my worst and best Halloween stories. We did not take Sarah out last night. She stayed with me while Mom and Dad went to a Harvest Party with their church. We came home and played a bit and then both took a short nap. When she woke up she was wide awake.

Jerry got off work and we both played with her until after 1 a.m. when her mom and dad got home. She loves playing chase. Jerry was in the living room and I was in the study. She would come running into the study to me and say, "He's gone get you." Meaning Pawpaw was after her. Then, she'd squeal and climb almost on top of my shoulders. He'd come tickle her and then go back. She'd run down there and do it all over again.

Well, I'm cleaning house today and have Sarah again for about two hours. So, I will be off now. Everyone have a great weekend. This has been one of the best weeks I've had in a while! Keep praying for me! It must be working.