Thursday, April 17, 2008

Up The Garden Path. . . to the Church

Three words, obtained from Writing Fix:
An apple
A church
A beggar

This is where they led me. It isn't finished as you will see. The begger has not made an entrance. This is actually part of something else but I thought I share. For the true writers, take the three words and see what they lead you.

Pastor Whitmore put his lunch on the desk beside his Bible. Martha packed his lunch every day, in the same kind of brown paper bag and folded the top down the three times. He knew exactly what was in the bag -- a sandwich of whole wheat bread with some kind of meat, a small bag of his favorite chips, and a bright, red apple. She provided a Stanley Thermos with ice, cold tea. Never failed. He was as certain of it as he was of his name. And tonight, when he got home, he would hand her the neatly folded bag and tell her what a wonderful lunch she had given him.

He sat down in the stuffed leather chair behind his desk. As he sat down, he echoed the long, tired sigh that only old chairs can produce. He put his head back and closed his eyes. Anyone looking in would think he was in prayer, with his elbows on the arms of his chair and his hands clasped under his chin. He knew they would because the church secretary, Kate Winsome, had thought just that when she had come into the office unexpectedly last week.

“Oh, Pastor, I didn’t mean to interrupt. I was just putting away the books. Please go on with your devotions and I’ll come back later.” She had turned on her heel and pulled the door shut with a quiet but firm snick.

For a moment he had been amused and thought about telling her he was only resting his eyes. And then the idea came to him. He could rest quietly in his chair and if anyone did pop in, they would never know he wasn’t praying. Of course, he seldom rested anyway and that is why he always needed to take these catnaps. He had not slept well in years. And after this last one, it had only gotten worse.

They had discovered the body of the missing woman yesterday. She had not been given a name. Of course, they would not be able to identify her for some time. But it didn’t matter. He would still not be able to sleep. Oh, he went to bed every night at the same time, just like the experts advised. He didn’t eat a big meal after six o’clock. He got up at the same time every day. His whole life was on a schedule right down to the number of times he went to the bathroom. He put his clothes on every day in exactly the same order. Pants first, then socks, then shirt, then shoes, then his tie and coat. Yes, everything was scheduled, everything but sleep.

He had tried all the sleep aids he had ever heard of, warm milk, over the counter pills designed to cause drowsiness, melatonin, and exercise. Yet, he was always tired. He had begun to crave rest the way an alcoholic craves a drink. It still evaded him, slipping off into the darkness that devoured his soul.

Portentous idnit'? Now, what next? Actually, I already know.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Getting To Know You... uh Me!

Welcome to the 2008 edition of getting to know your Friends. Change all the answers so they apply to you, and then send this to your friends including the person who sent it to you. The theory is that you will learn a lot of little things about your friends that you might not have known!

1. What time did you get up this morning?
Get up every mornin' at 6:45 a.m. except Sat. & Sun. I don't usually go to bed until after midnight.

2. Diamonds or pearls?
Diamonds. I've learned as I get older they really are a girl's best friend.

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
This must be British in origin. We don't do cinema... we go to the picture show... well, down south we do. Some go to the movies. The movies... hmmm, can't remember the last one. I don't do a lot of movies or television.

4. What is your favorite TV show?
See #3 but I like really good mysteries and a few sci-fi. And I like (gasp) Medium. Also, CSI, House, Star Gate (all varieties) If they all came on the same channel the same night, I'd watch t.v. once a week.

5. What do you usually have for breakfast?
Whatever I can fix in 15 minutes or my husband has already fixed. Grits, biscuits and gravy, sausage buscuit, cereal. I get up at 6:45 and have to be at work at 8.

6. What is your middle name?
I never tell that. My grandmother and I shared our middle names. She was beautiful but I am not really fond of the name.
7. What food do you dislike?
Not many . Southerners are taught to eat what is set before you and not complain. So, I like pretty much all food... except squash.

8. What is your favorite CD at moment?
Don't know the name but it is a Jackson Mass Choir cd of my son's. I love putting it in the car and cranking up the volumn. Church on wheels! He has another I like that I absolutly covet in a godly way; Alvin Slaughter!

9. What kind of car do you drive?
I drive what runs. At the moment it is a white Chevy Lumina that is about to die. I call it the Imminent Corpse.

10. Favorite sandwich?
See #7 I really love a good sandwich and am partial to ham and cheese. No sandwich is complete without French's Mustard. There is NO other mustard.

11. What characteristic do you despise?
Liars, bar none.

12. Favorite item of clothing?
Actually, probably this pair of sweats I am wearing. I get so cold and it hurts when I get cold. So, I wear them virtually all the time when I am home in the winter.

13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go?
Tahiti, my dream vacation. I keep asking God to bless me with a free trip and accomodations. I presume he is having difficulty with the travel arrangements.

14. Favorite brand of clothing?
Something that fits and makes me feel very sleek and together. I dont' care if it is Wal-mart chic or Saks class... as long as it is on sale.

15. Where would you retire to?
See #13. But that isn't exactly true, although nice to think about. I think I still want the cabin in the mountains or the cottage on the deserted beach. I'm trying to decide. Again, I' ve talked to God about it and I think he's having trouble deciding, too.

16. What was your most recent memorable birthday?
I don't have one... wait, my 6th. Uh, that wasn't recent but it is the only memorable one I have. I had a real party and I got a set of "luggage". Three little cases that nested. They were powder blue and had poodles on the top. I also got a gold bracelet from my father, whom I had not seen in over a year. At least, my grandmother said it was from him. I've since lost the bracelet in a move. I remember lots of children there but I have an impression I was "alone". Must be loads of meaning in that.

17. Favorite sport to watch?
Braves Baseball when they are actually playing Braves Baseball! Didn't watch a single game last year.

18. Farthest place you are sending this?
Have no idea. I don't ask where anyone is from. My family are all in the southern U.S. I will post it on the blog so I suspect world wide.

19. Person you expect to send it back first?
I place on expectations on anyone. I don't presume that if they don't respond they aren't friends

20. When is your birthday?
October 28

21. Are you a morning person or a night person?
Didn't you already ask me this? On, no different question. I am a nightowl. I hate getting up in the a.m.

22. What is your shoe size?
Size 8

23. Pets?
None since Sandy died. Don't want to think about another.

24. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us?
I'm breathing?

26. How are you today?
Rotten day . Woke with a migraine that turned into a nightmare. Took two Imitrex before I kicked it. Got so bad I thought I was going to vomt.

27. What is your favorite candy?
Peanut Butter Cups

28. What is your favorite flower?
All of them.

29. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to?
Tomorrow - I figure it is always a blessing to see tomorrow.

30. What is your full name?
Now why would I need to give that out? Cynthia is my first name.

31. What are you listening to right NOW?
The clicking of the keyboard. The hum of the computer.

32. What was the last thing you ate?
Potted Meat sandwich. Poor man's pate'. Did you ever read what's in that stuff? Don't or you won't be able to eat it.

33. Do you wish on stars?
No, I just stare for hours at them when I can. I live in the city and stars are rarely seen.

34. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
Midnight blue

36. Last person you spoke to on the phone?
Becca, the daughter-in-law that God blessed me with. I talk to her about a dozen times a day... she calls me.

37. Favorite soft drink?
Diet 7up or Diet Coke. Homemade lemonade

38. Favorite restaurant?
Anywhere someone else is buying.

39. Hair color?
Brownish-blondish whose blond has turned more and more to gray and left the dirty brown.

40. What was your favorite toy as a child?

41. Summer or winter?
Summer on the Gulf in Alabama

42. Hugs or kisses?
Why chose one?

43. Chocolate or Vanilla?

44. Coffee or tea?
iced tea or hazelnut coffee

45. Do you want your friends to e-mail you back?
If they have time and want to

46. When was the last time you cried?
Seems like all the time but that can't be right

47. What is under your bed?
I think a body. But I don't know if they are coming or going. (dust thou are and to dust thou returnest)

48. What did you do last night?
Slept as much as possible.

49. What are you afraid of?
Not making it to heaven

50. How many years at your current job ?

51. Favorite day of the week?
Friday - I get out of Hell for two days!

52. How many towns have you lived in?
We aren' t even going to count those!

53. How many people will you send this too?
No idea

54. How many will respond?
Maybe none.

What A Mess

I hate politics and I despise politicians. I don't like even one of our candidates, even a little bit. As far as I can tell, they are all pretty much alike. They lie. They double-talk. They say one thing in New York and another in New Jersey and another in New Mexico.

What would happen if we had a political candidate who told the truth... all the time? He wouldn't get elected. Americans focus on their wants. I want to pay less taxes so I'll vote for this one. I want my closet full of guns, so I'll vote for this one. I want to marry my same sex partner so I'll vote for this one. I want to have an abortion when I'm 5 months pregnant so I'll vote for this one. I want free this and free that, I'll vote for that one. We vote for the person who we think will give us what we want, regardless of their ethics, morality, world view, or predjudices. We so misuse the greatest weapon on the planet. Probably because we are just as corrupt.

I hear people who do the same job as I do say they would lie and steal if they were the person across the desk! How can I believe you are trustworthy and ethical if you tell me that? NO WONDER WE GET IDIOTS FOR ELECTED OFFICIALS. LOOK WHOSE VOTING!

I don't even want to vote for the current crop! But as a citizen I will vote. It boils down to picking the lesser of three evils. If Obama is the candidate, I'll probably vote for McCain. If Hillary is, I might consider her and I don't even like the woman a little bit.

I was actually leaning toward Obama a bit but after the exposure of his religious affiliation, I can emphatically say "Not a chance." Any person who can sit under a racist pastor and not bat an eye or speak out against it WHEN IT IS HAPPENING rather than when he wants my vote would not be someone I can trust. His values are skewed. If a white political candidate were associated with such a person, they would be vilified and hounded to the ends of the earth. Their political career would be over. He may try and renounce it now but what was he doing on Sunday mornings when it was happening?

I am not naive enough to think my single vote will matter but I won't ever be accused of supporting that kind of person. Ethics are already lacking in much of America. If we truly believe we are all equal, there can be no association with people or organizations who spout racist propaganda. If you want me to treat you equally, you better maintain the standards of someone who actually supports and believes in equality. Attending racist sermons of bigots won't do it. Paying tithes to support the ministry of such a person tells me you are a dues paying member of the club. And I don't give a flying flip what color you are!

Caeser's wife had to be above reproach because her associations and actions reflected on Caeser. The associations of these candidates is NOT above reproach. The rest of the world may have forgotten White Water but I remember. The bottom line was -- they lied.

Am I a demoncrat or a reprobate? Neither, I am a Bible believing Christian who is disgusted by people who don't put the right principles first. I can't fix it but I don't have to like it.

I'll be praying about my vote. Praying for the courage to actually cast it!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Old Glory and the Pledge of Allegiance

Alice O posted this under a previous blog "Social Statements vs Military Actions". I am posting it here because I feel it would be wise for every American, every legal resident and even the illegal residents to hear it. I don't presume they will all visit my blog but every person on American soil should understand exactly what it means to be an American. Until you do, you don't belong here.

This video is almost as old as me and it states in eloquent words what a loyal and dedicated American feels about our flag and our country.

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all."

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Saturday In the Park. . . Not

Another Saturday has rolled around and I have more to do than the day will allow. I have my sister's taxes, my bank statments, my house to clean, and some junk that needs to go! I was planning on going to church tonight because Becca wanted to go. There is a visiting minister that she knows and wants to see. That means everying has to be done by 5:00 and I have to be ready for church by 6:00 and there by 7:00. It is now noon. I don't think everything is going to get done.

I'm really tired of never completing a task. I hate unfinished cleaning jobs, junk sitting in the floor that needing to be moved, bills piled up waiting for me to write the check, my desk is cluttered and laundry piled up.

You may ask why I have to do all this by myself. Because my husband, who works from 10-6 Thursday through Sunday can't seem to do any thing around the house when he is off. He manages to wash a load of dishes if I bitch loud enough. I don't own a dishwasher. See, my problem is I was a stay at home mom until 1989. After that, I managed to juggle all the housework, two small boys, and a full college class load. Once I went to work, I was able to juggle teenagers and work and housework. My husband has never felt I couldn't do it all and still thinks we have elves that could come out at night if we just wait long enough and keep quiet. I ask him to do something and he palms it off on my son who won't do anything he ask him. I can get my son to do certain things. It is all in the delivery. I have no idea why they can't stand each other. I told them both that if they can't get along down here they are going to have a real problem when they get to hell. Yes, I did.

I've realized I'm angry. It isn't fair that I do all the work, pay 75% of the bills, and manage the finances while he works less hours and sits asleep in a chair in front of the television. I am aware of his health issues but none of them involve chronic pain and limited mobility or an inabilty to sweep, wash dishes, make beds, or dust. He can't pee without a cathater and he has a problem with three fingers on one hand that are stiff because he dislocated them three years ago. But since he wouldn't do physical therapy, who cares.

My oldest son will be moving out. . . I hope, in two or three months. My sister's tenant abandoned the unit and Mike is coming up very soon for housing assistance. He can rent from her and be on his own. I don't want to take care of all these people anymore. I've told Mike he better keep this job, even if he had to scrub toilets. No more gas money after this month and no more car insurance from me. He needs both to work but I figure two months is plenty of backup until he gets started.

O.k. I never intended to make this a gripe session. It is what it is. I have things to do. I don't hear much from anyone anymore so I doubt many will even see this any way. I can limit access but it goes to Blogger anyway, so it doesn't matter.

The weather is cold again. So frustrating. A little sunshine, a little warm so we can wear cotton and then, it turns cold enough for a coat. I want to go home. I hate cold weather.

So, I'm off for lunch with Becca and Cheyenne. My treat, of course. Hope you all have a better Saturday and that I haven't spread too much gloom.