Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Wasting Time, Making Stuff, Buying Shoes

I have a doctor's appointment at 12:30 p.m. with my RA doctor. Since I'm having very little pain this week I suspect it will be uneventful. My cold or whatever it was is finally showing signs of improvement. I'm coughing less and my congestion is much better. However, this may be subject to change if it is allergy related.

Earlier this week I started work on flipflops for Sarah. She had two new pair and I crocheted the thong part and yesterday added flowers. This probably cost me a total of $2 added to the cost of the $1 flip flops. Although, I did have to buy the yarn, I discount that because I'll use it for other projects. You could easily do it with leftover yarn from another skein you have in your stash. I messed up the flower for the other shoe and have to repair it. I bought two sets of barrettes at Family Dollar for $2 and took off the clips and hot glued them to the shoe. They are so cute.

I've also been making dishcloths. I have a stash of cotton and I want to get rid of it so I'm making myself something.

I am once again wasting time on Facebook. I've got things to do and I need to shut that down for a while. I am considering putting in on lock down... or maybe they call that inactive. I might lose some folks, but I'd get a lot more accomplished. Of course, that's a cop out of sorts. I mean, I'm a grown woman. I should be able to shut down a computer and get out of the chair, right?

You can get back to me on that.

I've worked on the short story quite a bit the last few days. I don't have nearly enough but hey, it is progressing. I have something happening. I need a reader to tell me it works. I feel like it doesn't but when I read it, it seems fine.

I bought a nice pair of shoes at a local secondhand store, St Vincent De Paul's, yesterday. I paid $5 for this pair of heels, "I love Comfort" brand. I think that is a Sears brand. And let me tell you, they are so comfortable! Those who know me well, know if I say that, it is true. They have never been worn. They had a whole slew of brand new shoes there.

I think I've mentioned somewhere that Mike is returning home this Friday. Sarah will be out of school on the 22nd and going to her Dad's on the 7th. I will have a few months of solitude and I hope to accomplish a lot of stuff. I'm concerned that I won't. I know, it hasn't happened yet. Why worry? That's just who I am.

The day is beautiful, but it was COLD this morning at 57. Sarah has been having breakfast on the front porch this past week and this morning she wanted to do it again. I explained the weather. She stepped out and stood there several minutes.. wearing her shorts and tank top. Once I told her she'd be a popsicle after she had cold milk, she elected to have it inside. Currently, it is 64F and if I wasn't going to the doctor, I'd be on the patio.

I think I may cut the yard when I get back. Or not. The track doesn't need it so it would be easy.

There is a mosquito buzzing around in here and I keep missing him.

That's all the news that is news for now. I hope you've enjoyed our little interlude. Maybe we can do it again soon.

Friday, May 8, 2015


Image courtesy of samuiblue 
I welcome Friday with joy, even though I don't have a "job" because tomorrow I don't have to get up at 6:30 a.m. That's always wonderful. It is a lovely day out there today and I wish I could sit and enjoy it. However, each time I've gone out I've come in ill because of the pollen count. This year is worse than any I've seen.

I'm still coughing up my lungs. I had lunch with the writer girls yesterday and that was fun. I didn't spend the whole meal hacking. I went to bed thinking I was better. This morning I'm rattling and coughing all over the place. I see my RA doc on Wednesday, but I don't expect she'll address this. She'll tell me to go to my regular doctor. My regular doctor is young and I'm not confident in her abilities to do anything. Each time I see her it becomes evident I need someone else.

Last night I finished one of the quiz books I'm working on. It was such a relief. It covers a book called God's Adventurer and is about Hudson Taylor, a missionary to China in the 1800's. The book is not well written, but I suspect it is geared to adolescents. I enjoyed the story and found myself respecting the man immensely. His faith in the unlimited supply of God was astounding and proven.

I have pulled the next book out of the stack. I don't know if they are any good. Two are actual novels: God's Smuggler and Up from Slavery. Those will probably be easier reading. The other three I have my doubts about. Reading them and then developing questions is tedious. So it takes longer. I could have read the Taylor book in a few hours, but it has taken days to create the questions and answers, then type and format the guide.

My yard needs cutting again and I dread a half day spent doing that. I have a couple of errands to run so I'll be in and out with those. There is also a short story to write.

I think I should probably get busy.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Spills & Thrills

The week has whizzed by so fast I am not sure what day it is. I am sure I am exhausted. I had a bad fall when I was helping Becca move on Thursday. I fell down some steps and landed full length on the ground. Nothing broken but bruised my hip and shoulder on the right side and smacked my head, breaking my bear claw hair clip to smithereens.

Fortunately, we've had lots of rain and, as a result, the ground is quite a bit softer than the cement sidewalk I barely missed. I was coming out a door and held it for the person behind me. There are three concrete steps up to that door and when I turned, I overstepped the first step, stumbled around for a second trying to find a place to stand but everything seemed to have just rolled up and I went flying. I had a microwave plate in my hand and a Pyrex baking dish. Somehow the microwave plate lay on the sidewalk, unbroken. The baking dish lay at my feet, unbroken. I lay splayed on the ground groaning. Bruised but thank God, unbroken.

It took several minutes for me to get up. I think I had the wind knocked out of me for a second and I was very disoriented. My hip was bruised and shoulder and trying to get up took a minute. I had help but still it was difficult.

We continued on with the moving. I moved a bit slower. I was sitting in the car a bit later and realized that if I stopped moving long I might not get up for a while. So, I just kept going the rest of the day, coming home to sort things here. I mowed the grass yesterday. Today, I  hurt from my hips up to my neck and I'm pretty sure it is because of the fall.

I'm tired because I have been up since 7 a.m. and the steroid always gives me plenty of energy. I went for a walk on Wednesday at the cemetery. I enjoyed it and hoped to do it a few days this week but under the circumstances, I can't say my body had missed it.

I haven't done any writing at all. Things just sort of snowballed and I've been on the move, rarely on the computer. I logged onto Facebook today to check in and catch up but I'm done now.

I spent the whole day either sitting in the den or on the patio reading. It was a beautiful day and I couldn't find the energy to do anything else.

Now, I'm going to find my bed and see if I can get a comfortable position to rest in.