Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Week in the Smokeys: Day 3

I'm reposting this because I got things out of sequence and I left out a lot of photos! So, here's how it really happened.

Sunday Night Recover

I went to church this morning with Sarah and Mike but I've had cramps in my feet and legs this afternoon. I'm wishing for the hot tub, big time. I go back to work tomorrow. I am not looking forward to it at all.

I am also having to rework some of the videos and post I made. I got ahead of myself on some of them and posted out of sequence and with missing stuff. There are a lot of photos. But I like this slide feature. Saves space and time. And I can make it look pretty nice. I use Windows Live Movie Maker. There are other things you can use, even YouTube has features to let you dress up a video.

I'm going to end this here and get a hot shower and then get to bed. I have run out of steam.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

An Annoying Interruption

I'm working on posting photos and videos of my trip. I discovered in the process that the tabs on this blog, and this one only, were not working. I don't know why, they just aren't. The ones on all the other blogs was just fine. Nothing has changed since I left. I just discovered it by accident. I can't figure out what may be causing it.

So, I've deleted the menu bar at the top. I'll reinsert it later when I have time to figure it out. In the mean time, I'm going to put up a link gadget with links to all the other blogs.

It has been a long stressful day and I'm going to get a hot shower. I'm missing that hot tub terribly tonight. Really, really, really terribly.

Apparently, there have been issues this week with blogger. For my friends who are new to Blogger, you can keep track of issues here:

My problem is at the top of the list. But no explanation as to why all other blogs I have are unaffected.

A Week in the Smokeys, Day 2: The Pool Sharks

WARNING: LONG VIDEO but highly amusing.

A Week in the Smokeys, Day 1