Thursday, May 5, 2011


I have been a bit busy. Went back to work yesterday. I do have something to post regarding my day Tuesday but have not had time to do it. I was tired last night and simply sat down and watched my shows on Hulu.

Today it feels like something is waiting to pounce. I hate that feeling. I have no defenses against it except pray for the day to go well and that no harm fall on those I love. If you've read the blog much you know I get these things now and then, with no good effect. I've begun making a habit of noting when I get these feelings. I have to have a reference point and I have to pay attention. If it is just beans I'd like to know. And I'd not mind it at all. We can all have a laugh. But if it is something else, I kind of want to know how to address it.

All right, off to work now. Hope you all have a good day. The weekend is nearing for some of you. Still a day away for me.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Cheating and God: Study ties willingness to cheat, viewpoint on what God is like -

The telling statement in this article is "The take-home message is not whether you believe in God, but what God you believe in."

Personally, and I'm sure there will be oppositions to it, I believe in a God of love, peace, integrity, and judgment. He doesn't think I can attain perfection, he simply expects me to try my hardest to attain the highest mark I am capable of. We are capable of far more than we believe. Honest, sincere effort in any endeavor is what counts. Failure is understood but just as I expect my children to get back on the horse, so too does the God of my faith expect me to do so. But knowing to do good and not doing it is sin. Just because a person thinks God loves them is not a licenses to cheat, steal or kill.

My mama always said a person who would steal would also kill. A thief was no better than a murder in the end. For her wrong was wrong was wrong.

Ok, this was interesting but they are simply stating what Christians have said for at least 2000 years. It isn't news except to the ignorant.

Armadillos and leprosy: The animals pass the disease to humans, study finds -

Who would have guessed! Thankfully, I've never been tempted to try this "treat".

A Morning Without Rain

That's a good title for a book!

The rain has stopped. I woke up to cloudy skies and the phone ringing around 9 a.m. Immediately I stepped outside to see that the water has again receded back toward the drain but it is by no means gone. There is just too much water in the system for the drains to handle it quickly. All the water here empties into the Ohio River and it is out of its banks. Any drainage areas are already inundated and can't handle run off from the streets.

This is the major problem of building cities along river banks. Water doesn't soak into streets and drives. They acts as sluices and the water rushes along them to the lowest point. What you get is backed up drains.

About half the sewers in Evansville are over 100 yrs old. They've been doing major replacement for about 5 years but it is time consuming to dig up whole streets and lay new drain and put the streets back. Weinbach, one of the streets I have to come down to get to my house, was completely torn up for three years while they replaced the entire system beneath it. It was the biggest mess and a huge inconvenience. And the money for such projects has to be obtained from .... taxpayers.

We do have fewer problem in my neighborhood. This is the 4th time in 20 years I've seen water like this on my street. But the rain we have had this past few weeks exceeds the 1937 flood levels. Our levee held but the water simply backed up or over flowed in areas where there was no levee and spread out across the region and tri-state area. This is where the borders of Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky converge as well as the Wabash and Ohio Rivers, two major rivers. I suspect just slightly further downriver where the Missouri and Mississippi converge it is in a similar state so there is nowhere for the excess from the Ohio-Wabash to go but across land. Land that is already saturated by lots of rain. It is like pouring water over a full sponge.

I'm going to get dressed and see if I can get out of the area for a short time. I'm feeling house bound today. I want to see if I can escape. May take the camera with me if I do.Although, I suspect everyone is sick of the videos by now. And I look terrible! Must do the hair today.

I think I see a bit of watery sunshine! Oh... I do. Ta Ta For Now!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Ariel View of Flooding

If you want to take a bird's eye view of our situation, here it is. You will see the are where Mike and I filmed today. Watch for the circular track or the twin bridges. That is where we crossed the river and filmed. This is truly shocking.