Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Oh My Aching. . .

I've had a lousy week so far. I missed church on Sunday because I just felt bad. I stayed inside on sofa until bedtime. I missed work on Monday because I was not feeling well. I stayed on the sofa until bedtime. I had the beginning of a headache but hoped it would go away. I woke up with a terrible headache and I've had it and a pain from my neck down my back along my shoulder blade all day. If I reach or turn certain ways it hurts more. The headache won't quit. I'm in bed now. Don't look for me for a few days if this continues.

Hope to fine a comfortable position in the bed tonight. I think the back and neck pain if from too little good sleep. Very hard to get it lately.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

It's Saturday!

I was sitting here looking as Wendy's blog for Friday. It has a quiz on it and one question was "When did you start blogging?" I went to my blogger site since that is the one I started with. I started blogging in November 2005. Amazing! I hadn't a clue back then where it would lead me.

I stayed there a year or so and then started on the now defunct Yahoo 360. There I met several wonderful friends. When that began to fall apart, I followed Jilly to Multiply and some of my friends followed me here. Some of those have fallen away but I made new friends! I'm glad I came.

I started this blog at 9 this morning and had to get off. I spent the morning taking care of Sarah until after lunch. Dave and Becca had something to do and then we had lunch together. I cleaned house while Sarah played this morning. After we had lunch, they hung around until around probably until around two. They decided not to do the zoo today. Too hot and Sarah was tied from being up so long without a nap.

Mike and Rachael are not getting married. At least not for now. They've decided to wait a bit and see if they still want to later. I'm relieved in one way. Both of them have way too much baggage to start with and I was really concerned. They don't know one another well enough to get married.

I did another challenge earlier. Nina tried #1 and her story is good, too. I'm impressed with the way they have worked for everyone. It is encouraging. I'm on to something here. Of course, it always worked for me. Don't think mine was very good but it was late, I was tired, and I wasn't really into it. The second one I did seemed a lot better to me. Don't know if I'll do another soon. I have something I want to try and taking a challenge will distract me.

I hope you have all had a good weekend. I'm going now. It is after 6 and I'd like a hot shower, some comfy clothes and a nice glass of something cold... tea or diet Dr. Pepper would be good.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Friday Afternoon Spiral

You know it is Friday when everything seems to be slipping downhill and you can't seem to plod another step. I have four September files on my desk and I simply can't bring myself to finish them up! Four left for September!

I've emailed the boss and asked if we could shut down at 4:30 but I don't think he'll respond. If he doesn't, I'll make an executive decision. LOL! We will shutdown.

I want to just go home and sit on my couch again. If I'm lucky it would storm, too. I'm so bored I can't even begin to make this interesting. Jilly's repeated invitation has gnawed at me and I wish I could catch a plan in a few weeks and fly away. It chafes that I can't.

Days when there is virtually no pain are a bit frustrating because I want them to last longer and I know they won't so I'm hesitant to start anything long term. Today could be a really good day if I was home. Tomorrow I will be and who knows what it will be like when I wake up. So, I'll sit up tonight a bit longer than usual to squeeze every drop from the day and hope I have a good one tomorrow. I am supposed to keep Sarah for a bit in the morning. That might be fun.

I'm stopping for now. Hope I'll have something later. I'm in super-post mode at the moment. Can't stop posting blogs!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Storm Before the Calm

I've sat here since I got home and listened to the thunder boom and lightening sizzle and the rain pour in buckets. Well, I did get a bath before I started. But then I sat down to do one of the challenge writings. I always love writing with the rain. It just is so energizing. And I think it went well. I liked what I wrote and may eventually use it somewhere.

The house is quiet and I have candles burning here in the living room where I am sitting on the sofa. Every light is off except for a lamp on the desk in the study. Since I got my laptop I spend less and less time at that desk. It has freed me up considerably and I think that is a good thing. Although the plan was originally so I could take it away from home with me. I haven't done that much since the first month or so. I can't leave it in the car and it is heavy to lug around. Tonight is a good evening. I'd like tomorrow to be a free day but I have to work. I am also "in charge" while the boss is out. Really it means nothing. Well, it means if anything goes wrong I'm responsible for it. But that's all.

I went to the company picnic. Carolyn and I sat and played Uno for over an hour after lunch and then a bunch of the girls joined us and we sat and talked the rest of the time. We left at 3:50 for home. I was ready for it. Boring day other than the cards. I got an hour off. I have four hours of work behind now so it is a poor trade.

I have been posting the challenges to Multiply and Dixiegirl's Writing Challenge on Blogger but I think I may just put them on the blogger blog only. It was what I designed the blog for and I like it that way. My personal blog isn't really a writing blog and non-writers won't be interested in them anyway.The challenges are unique so I want them separated. They will be deleted from Multiply eventually but the link to the blog will be in my links section. Anyone who wants to play them is welcome to do so. They are to intended as exercises, like sit ups, to get ideas flowing. I don't expect the stories to amount to anything but if someone finds themselves with a story, I'd say run with it.

I'm hungry for a real vacation, away from everything and everyone. I'd love to go somewhere and sit by a pool for a week. It would be so nice. Mike will be married soon and she can deal with his problems. Dave and Becca are fine although Becca likes to talk to me every day. . . several times a day. I'd have my phone so she could. LOL.

I think I'll go get me a glass of iced tea now. I'm getting tired and it is nearly nine o'clock. I have to get up tomorrow early. But first, a chat with Kat!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tuesday Night Crash

I came home from work and showered, had a bowl of Cherrios multi-grain with banana and went straight to bed. I'm sitting here now watching an old Sherlock Holmes show. I will be turning in early, I think. I'm still very tired.

It was a typical "Monday" in that it was the first working day of the week and everyone had to have something, every problem had to arise, and every thing was important. I hate Mondays... even on Tuesday!

So, I'm done for the night. I've still not recovered from the weekend. Hope everyone else is doing all right. Seems the writers are having fun with the challenges. I'm looking forward to reading the stories that come out of them.

Tomorrow is HUMP day! Yay!