Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Oh My Aching.....

Just got in from work and am relaxing on my sofa in the living room. So nice to be unfettered by the desk. It is a bit chilly in here but I have a snuggly if it gets too cool.

I am supposed to go to the Y tonight but my lower back is really killing me. I think it is because I have spent the last several days tied to my desk at work and not getting up and down as much. I've had this kind of flare up before when we had intensive data entry. It is not good for me.Sciatica flares up if I'm not careful. My leg is already feeling a bit of burn down one side.

I'm so tired I really just want to get a hot shower and relax. Of course the pool is warm but not a whole lot. So, still not sure what I'm going to do.

I'm going now and decided what I will do. Maybe if I just lie down for a bit it will stop hurting. Don't know if I'll be back this evening. Depends on how many aches I have by the time I'm done. LOL.

Hump Day Blues

If the early bird gets the worm what does the late bird get? TO SLEEP IN! And I'm just fine with that. That's why they made McDonald's, so you wouldn't have to grubbing for worms.

Yes folks, it is Wednesday. We're half way TO the weekend or we're half way from the weekend. Whatever you choose. It is freezing wherever you are.

I'm on my way out. Supposed to to go the Y tonight but I truly and honestly need to go to bed early. I watched a couple of shows last night from my bed. LOL, and I listened to another chapter of The Graveyard Book. This is a really good book. I'd say adolescence's book but still listening to the author, Neil Gaiman read it, is just wonderful. Lovely British accent and he does the voices really well. If you haven't read this or heard it, you should visit. I listen to a chapter here and there. Listening to two chapters is why I'm tired. I could get the book from the library and read it but as I said, his voice is just made for reading aloud. I suspect he is a very funny man. Here is the link. The Graveyard Book

Simon is quiet, by the way. I've been getting small flashes of stuff but I really need to get on and brainstorm with Kat. It helps tremendously. I think the back story is complete and now I need to move forward.

So, off to work now. I have physical therapy this afternoon. I don't like the person I got on Monday and I will probably have her all week. Next week I shall schedule early again. Just easier that way.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

From My Bed to Your Head

Yipee! Dave got the router going and guess what? I'm writing this from my bed! Yes, I am.

Now, I have a back ache. LOL! I"ll be looking for ways to arrange my pillows for maximal comfort. But, I was able to also watch Castle online ... sitting in bed. Ah, I'm content now. I can leave the study once in awhile.

I probably won't sit up so late now either because I can relax and watch movies if I want instead of sitting in a desk chair.

Ok, enough about my laziness.

I'm tired tonight and have to go to bed soon. Actually, I'm feeling better today. But then, we had sun today. When I got to work, I parked facing the sun... well, I do every day but you can't usually see it! Anyway, I sat there with my eyes closed and let it soak into my face for a few minutes. It was so lovely. I am praying for sunshine through Monday. You might toss in your prayers with me.

I'm going now. I should consider turning out the light.

Snow Dust

If Monday dawned darkly, Tuesday has dawned white. I awoke to a layer of snow on the ground and it is bitter cold, 26 degrees. The mercury dropped like lead yesterday and has pushed farther today. It is a biting cold that pinches your extremities.

Went to the Y last night and am a bit sore in some places but not as sore as I usually am from the other things! I was exhausted last night but still got to bed late. I am not so depressed this minutes and if we could get some sun it might help. I do not have much hope there.

Back to work today to try to learn to use this software. We are getting so backed up and it is so overwhelming. I have all these people coming at me for software questions and I can't answer them. LOL, kind of nice to say you'll have to do what I am doing... learn it as you go. They won't. There are about three of us that will be experts in a year but the rest will rely on those three.

I've asked the kids to come over tonight for pizza so I can see Sarah and so Dave can help me connect my router. I really want to be able to sit in bed and surf the internet or sit in the living room. I love my study but I am staying in this room every minute when I am here either watching television or writing or web surfing. If I can vary that a bit it would be nice.

I have not been able to write the last few nights other than getting the back story down for Simon. That fictional fellow has become much quieter since I began to fill in the background. But I want to go back to the story itself. Kat was asking me last night but I seem to be at a . . . well, call it a pause. I had to clarify somethings in my head.

Anyway, headed for work today. Must leave a bit earlier because of the roads. These folks do NOT know how to drive in this and they tend to be reckless. Snow plows? LOL, the city may have two of them. I've never seen them down here and the few times I've seen any on the road they weren't plowing. It isn't that deep, I don't think. The grass, dead though it is, is visible. But I suspect it isn't going anywhere as long at it is this cold. High is expected to be near 30 today.... brrrrrrr!

Toodle Loo!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Into the Dark

Monday dawns darkly. Very phonetic and so true it hurts your eyes. I can't see a way out of this. I've had brief snatches of diversion over the weekend, thank you Doug and Sharon for Sunday afternoon. You've no idea how very much it helped. And Mike for Saturday. And Sarah got in touch with me last night to check on me. Kat chatted with me a bit, too. All people who have given me so much support. All I can do for them is pray God's blessings on them. My thanks is inadequate but sincere.

But at this point it feels very much like a free-fall. Praying doesn't actually help much. Probably not God's fault.

All very a pretty way to I'm in a pit from which I can't get out. I try and think positive. It will pass. It will get better. All those things that Job's comforters said. I don't actually believe it. I feel absolutely sick right down into my soul. And I'm just tired, not so much physically tired but the kind of tired that caves in on you and pushes you into the floor. I don't know how to explain it. Atlas beneath the world. Bigfoot on your back. Mountains falling on you.

But I have to go out into the dark.

So, I'm dressed for work and the clicking of my keyboard are the only sounds in the house. Darkness swallows up everything else.